Grief wings shouldn't trigger that since Mami already knows we have it and it's kind of our unique power- any more than Rosso Phantasma gave her insecurity over her lack of illusions. On that note, I do have plans for Mami to feel useful as a mentor figure- and I actually see Mami's personality/senpai complex somewhat differently than that.
Grief wings shouldn't trigger that since Mami already knows we have it and it's kind of our unique power- any more than Rosso Phantasma gave her insecurity over her lack of illusions. On that note, I do have plans for Mami to feel useful as a mentor figure- and I actually see Mami's personality/senpai complex somewhat differently than that. Her driving people away is due to maintaining moral standards that most girls can't or won't meet in favor of stockpiling grief seeds, her senpai complex is due to her seizing onto killing Witches as her purpose for living and being lonely. They mesh for ~trauma, but they're not quite the same.
Mami won't 'chase Sabrina out of town' over her having flashy powers. Quite the opposite; I'd be worried about the effects on Mami herself.
Ehhhh. Sharpshooting seems a bit irrelevant to our current skillset- and I'm in favor of asking Mami for help with diversifying our powerset not just for morale purposes but because Mami is actually some kind of meguca prodigy at that and it's an objectively good idea to get her advice/help with powersets.Maybe we should ask for some training in sharpshooting at some point? We're almost certainly crap at it at this point, it's useful (range is by far the biggest gap in our powerset), and both Mami and Homura's skills are inhumanly brilliant. We demonstrate some incompetence for a change, they find a bit more common ground, we get even better at making things dead?
I still disagree somewhat- while we do need to support her, make her feel valued, and make it feel like she's in the loop, showing off with powers won't trigger that kind of response- and honestly it's a mobility thing that she knows we have. While an argument can be made for focusing on roofhopping more than the wings...I don't understand or agree with the specific argument being made.I meant showing off with them, actually. Yea, she knows we have them, but we've been doing stuff like flying around the city in the middle of the lunch hour with no fucks given. That's a little different from using wings as a combat tool.
I'm not talking about the powers themselves triggering the 'get out' mode, more the total concept of a magical girl stronger, smarter, and overall better than her leading to arguments over staying safe (unneeded), not talking to every magical girl ever because some are dangerous (not going to happen), and antagonizing the only friend she had before Sabrina showed up and helped Homura not be a social reject (fuck QB with a rake). Only way to fix that is to discredit her worldview a piece at a time, which leads closely to the various things we don't want her to know. It wouldn't be an instantaneous thing, it would take some time.
Getting off the ground at all is a sign of intutitive ability with the wings, compare this to how everything with the hoverboard had to be done consciously.
You flick your fingers, and the board rises, under your control, with you carefully balancing on top of it. You easily clear the top of the fence, and float off. The hoverboard is nice, but balancing on it is slightly annoying - one slip and you're in for a rather long fall which might not be fatal, but would be... unfortunate.
Still, this is quite pleasant as compared to the wings of corruption - certainly a lot smoother than the flight with your wings, though you can't help but wonder if that's more because of your inexperience with them.
High above the city, in the clean, clear air, you cruise along, one hand casually slung in your pocket.
Don't be. You were just badwrongfun on the Internet and that just couldn't go un-nitpicked.
Much less utility overall (Come Walpurgis, getting pummeled on that will be fun) and I just dislike the thing on principle.The hoverboard, minus some totally solvable notions re: falling and style, just worked. No awkward take off, no crashing into stuff. Sure, with time using the wings to travel might become this simple, but why spend time working on it when we could be working on something else that just works better.
The hoverboard, minus some totally solvable notions re: falling and style, just worked. No awkward take off, no crashing into stuff. Sure, with time using the wings to travel might become this simple, but why spend time working on it when we could be working on something else that just works better.
Who cares about logic? Magic is loose in the world. What's logical and what works best are not even close to the same thing. In the event that we ever have any serious flying to do, overcoming gravity with the power of our mind sounds like a pretty sweet deal compared to screwing about with lifting and control surfaces, inertia, airflow, the minutiae of pre- and post-stall maneuvering, and all the other issues involved in not undergoing a messy lithobraking mishap....Well I mean, clearly airplanes were stupidly illogical. I mean, we had cars and horses and everything worked *really well*, and every time someone's tried to fly they've crashed and burned. It was definitely unwise for the Wright Brothers to go for a heavier-than-air aircraft, and it's fucking crazy that they actually succeeded. It was probably a one-in-a-million thing.
Clearly, in this quest that does not use dice as the means of determining success, we must obviously take the slightly more efficient if stupid looking means of flight. Despite it having literally no mechanical difference owing to the quest not having mechanics, so there being no downside to the wings mechanically.
You want to play efficiency grief min-maxicus, pick a quest with actual mechanics to min-max in.
Also, the grief wings have formed naturally before, so why not use the method that seems innate to us.
What?...Well I mean, clearly airplanes were stupidly illogical. I mean, we had cars and horses and everything worked *really well*, and every time someone's tried to fly they've crashed and burned. It was definitely unwise for the Wright Brothers to go for a heavier-than-air aircraft, and it's fucking crazy that they actually succeeded. It was probably a one-in-a-million thing.
But where are we going to get enough hay to feed an elephant in Mitakihara?What?
That's not at all what I'm arguing. Not comparing cars and planes. I'm talking about two things that both move through the air. Wings and...
Screw it, I'm going to call the hypothetical mobile Grief construct a "pachyderm" since "hoverboard" has too many negative aesthetic connotations, exactly what we use is nearly meaningless anyways and I like the word "pachyderm".
pachyderms both serve the same purpose of moving us from point A to point B via the air. Both concepts are new to us. The pachyderm worked easily, has no crashes to date and falling that can be solved with straps, while the wings were awkward to control and involved either property damage or crashing during takeoff and landing. Why would we use the second one as a primary means of transport?
We could make Grief hay. Probably a whole circus to keep the pachyderms company too if it wasn't going to give Homura Walmart Night flashbacks.But where are we going to get enough hay to feed an elephant in Mitakihara?![]()
don't forget we can do the "Gates of Babylon" with Grief if we really want to be fancy.