Another reason for the masquerade, which we benefit from, is that it's the girls deciding their wishes.

Magical girls have two kinds of wishes:
  1. Potent, magical things like grief control, the meaning of life, deityhood, or time travel.
  2. Personal things, like helping friends and family, survival, or cake.
Now imagine that adults knew about Wishes. Can you see what they'd pressure (maybe even raise) their daughters to wish for?
  1. Political power.
  2. Career success.
  3. The ability to get away with crimes.
  4. The death of their enemies or competitors.
  5. Etcetera.
Worldly, selfish, and short sighted adults would make wishes to improve their own lives. Adopting a child and training her to Wish for you? Politicians the world over would be doing this. What do you think happens when someone with an IQ of 80 and Neo-Nazi sympathies tricks a girl into wishing him into the presidency? What about the rapist who scares a girl into wishing him free from the legal system? That's not even mentioning the "little" things like mailroom workers becoming CEOs and other cases of people jumping into positions they're not qualified for.

The masquerade is a very good thing. Most likely, the incubators support it because they suspect that breaking results in their grief-farm getting destroyed. The only way we could survive a broken masquerade is if Magical Girls and Incubators cooperate to preserve order and control access to Wishes.

Is it bad that I highlighted that post for invistext?
No, not at all. It increases our chances of survival if we instinctively check every post for invisitext.
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They'd need potential, remember, and that kind of thing'd get stomped on pretty fast, not least by us.

More likely it just makes it easier for the Incubators to set up their little farming schemes if it's a secret.

Also, I assume the current vote has us mentioning that Homura was a vital part of the Oriko hunt?
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They're batshit insane and awful characters to the last meguca, and they all have terrible fashion sense. :p

To be honest I liked their outfits, but people tell me I have terrible fashion sense too so that might be it. I will definitely agree that all of them are insane except for maybe Kazumi, but why do you think they're awful?
Well, they're basically mindraping sociopath eugenicists and they're a very precarious house of cards. I liked that, though. Go big or go home.
Well, they're basically mindraping sociopath eugenicists and they're a very precarious house of cards. I liked that, though. Go big or go home.

I attributed that to the mental instability that comes with being a Magical Girl. I see it as varying from girl to girl. Mami's manifested as a homocidal rampage when she learned that Magical Girls become Witches, Homura became a demon, etc... Sometime it's a little crazy, sometime its a lot crazy. Really, the only reason we never see Madoka go crazy is because she doesn't contract until the end and immediately becomes a goddess right after that.

All that's left is to see how Sabrina will go insane!
Well, even in other timelines when Madoka gets Witchbombed, she stays pretty damn sane.

Meguca's not ENTIRELY an excuse for being a nutcase, and the Pleiades aren't really excused by it considering how statistically rare their means of Crazy goes.
That would necessitate involving ourselves in their giant bundle of crazy. Feel like we've got enough to deal with in Mitakihara.
Adressing Kazumi Magica will probably be necessary for an 100% run, but they have a weird force field around their town. Just WALKING IN THERE makes you forget the existence of Kyubey and shit.
Adressing Kazumi Magica will probably be necessary for an 100% run, but they have a weird force field around their town. Just WALKING IN THERE makes you forget the existence of Kyubey and shit.

Assuming the events of Kazumi Magica didn't take place before Homura's time loops starts, Oriko might be immune due to her pre-cognitive abilities. Her memories might get altered at first, but her visions might help her remember Kyubey. If Kazumi Magica does take place before canon, the force field will be gone and the only members of the Pleaides Saints we'll have to deal with are Kazumi, Umika, and Kaoru. If they haven't already become witches of course.
Yeah we do but we don't now what the full extent of what is coming and despite the fact they ARE out there we might very well need their help because just because the GM will not fuck us over you can't tell what's coming next. Because sometimes you need Godzilla.
I'm not saying we have to deal with them now, but they might be important later. They don't have to be good guys, they can be antagonists.
Let's not lose our chance an excellent Silver End by trying to stick our nose into a fission reactor in pursuit of a Golden End. Not saying we shouldn't try to deal with the Pleiades at some point, but let's deal with the immediate issues first, okay? You know:

  • Curing Witches: We need to try this again, preferably in time stop with Homura there to ground us and cleanse our Gem (using a Seed, however unpleasant that is), if we start spiraling. We still have Hildegard, and we can detect her inside her seed. Using magic made that thing go berserk before, but that might actually be a good sign. It got a response of some sort, after all.
  • Defusing our fellow Meguca: We need to find a way to permently avert Tetris, work Sayaka through her relationship issues without Spiraling, help Kyouko get her idealism back and (hopefully) recover Rosso Phantasma, stop Madoka from contracting at all (if possible), keep Oriko alive and useful, and make sure Kirika doesn't become a crazed murdermachine. Oh, and make sure Homura gets to be with Madoka when this over (friend, girlfriend, whatever suits them). She deserves to finally be happy.
  • Stopping Walpurgis: Not even the biggest threat anymore. Time stop and support from our allies should be enough to forcibly purge Walpurgis. If we've got a cure for Witchdom at that point, we might even be able to double or quadruple our forces from that Witch alone. Probably not, though.
  • Stop Homucifer/Dedolere/Mysterious Wing-Witch: Yeah, this is too mysterious to plot for. Don't Spiral and don't let Homu Spiral.
  • Prevent Gretchen: Don't let Madoka contract. If she does, don't let her Spiral.
  • Here is where we should shove the Pleiades, if they don't cause trouble for us.
  • Set up an international grief cleansing network, or similar.
  • Find a way to automate or copy our powers: We might die someday. The world will need a backup plan.
  • Deal with the incubators as needed. Annihilation is an option, but becoming a Magical Girl is beneficial at this point. Don't let them pull a Rebellion on us, though.
If the Pleiades show up and cause trouble however, well, they move up the list for obvious reasons.
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Grief creates Witches, maybe Hope can change them back into Magical Girls? The question is how to get enough Hope without creating more Witches.

Another question is, do our powers work on regular humans? Magical Girls aren't the only ones who feel Grief. If we're stealthy about it they won't notice.