Telling Madoka to go right now is a non-verbal "no". Madoka cannot read our mind. If we want to change this to a "not right now", we will have to use actual words. Maybe we could clear up the miscommunication later, but IMHO it would be better if we didn't reject her help in the first place.
You are assuming a lot. Regardless I don't feel now is the right time to call in Madoka and/or Homura. Debates gone on long enough. So I'm done.
This is an easy fix.

Proposed edits:
[] Telepathy Madoka, Homura and Sayaka. Thank them for their concern, and you do need to explain and ask their support, but the both of you will be alright for now. We'll meet up later.
[] Find a place that's relatively peaceful and private and sit down.
[] "I worry, Mami. But I choose to worry, because you're worth caring about."
-[] Reinforce that idea as the conversation continues.
[] Talk between us about what we're doing this afternoon and evening until Mami's more relaxed. What she wants to do today, or items such as dinner plans, magical practice, possibility of hanging with friends, meeting Megane Ono or rescheduling. Try to normalize things.
[] Once Mami's feeling more composed, telepathy the others with what Mami and you have decided and coordinate plans.

Look ok?
It seems clunkier in this version, and still doesn't have the dialogue from Mura's version as a clause for if Mami doesn't talk.
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All right, implementing the first and not the third.

like so:

[x] Telepathy Madoka, Homura and Sayaka. Thank them for their concern, and you do need to explain and ask their support, but the both of you will be alright for now. We'll meet up later.
[x] Find a place that's relatively peaceful and private and sit down.
[x] "I worry, Mami. But it's because you're worth caring about."
-[x] Reinforce that idea as the conversation continues.
[x] Talk between us about what we're doing this afternoon and evening until Mami's more relaxed. What she wants to do today, or items such as dinner plans, magical practice, possibility of hanging with friends, meeting Megane Ono or rescheduling. Try to normalize things.
[x] Once Mami's feeling more composed, telepathy the others with what Mami and you have decided and coordinate plans.
Our Benefactor pt. 16
Your stomach churns uneasily as you watch Mami. She's practically half draped over you, cuddled into your side as you walk, holding you in a desperately tight grip to reassure herself that you're there. Your own arm is wrapped around her waist, taking her weight and supporting her as you make your way down the path.

"Um... Madoka, Homura? Sayaka?" you send out telepathically. "I... hey. Thanks for the concern. I appreciate it, I really do, and... I guess I owe you an explanation later. But we'll be alright for now. Uh. We'll meet up with you later, OK?"

"OK," Madoka says, mental voice worried. "Um... we'll wait for you, right, Sayaka? Homura?"

"Yeah," Sayaka says, sounding subdued. "Uh. All the best."

Homura just replies with a vaguely affirmative noise.

Mami's grip around your waist tightens for a moment, and you bring your free hand across to brush the hair out of her face. "Hey, Mami?" you say softly. "We'll find somewhere and sit down, OK?" You're peripherally aware of Madoka and Homura drifting away from the two of you.

"I... alright," Mami says, nodding jerkily.

You guide her away from the main path of the park, meandering along a small side path paved with roughly cut flagstones, and eventually find a small stone table and bench with an umbrella above it. The two of you sit down, Mami sliding in beside you and pressing into your side again.

You hug her close. "First thing, Mami," you say softly, murmuring into her hair. "I worry. But it's because you're worth caring about."

"I-I... I'm sorry," she whispers, head buried against you. "I'm sorry for being so..." Mami lets out a choked sound. "I'm t-trying. I'm trying."

You tighten your hug around her for a moment. "I care about you, Mami," you repeat, leaning back slightly. Gently, you tilt her head up so that she meets your eyes, honey-gold against clear blue. Deep seated worry flickers across her face, written in the frown on her brow and the slump of her shoulders. "And you are worth caring about. You are worth caring about, however you are," you say with gentle emphasis.

"Sorr-" Mami chokes off the apology, instead pressing her lips together, looking worried.

"Hey," you say. Blatant subject change time. "What would you like to do this afternoon?"


"I-I..." Mami stutters. She takes a breath, obviously fighting for composure. "I don't know. W-what d-do you think we should d-do?"

"Hmm," you say, easing your hug around Mami. She stays close to you, but leans back just far enough so that she can watch your face. "Well... would you like to just hang out with our friends? Homura, Madoka, Sayaka, and maybe Hitomi, if she can make it?"

Mami shakes her head slightly, before seeming to change her mind. "T-that sounds n-nice," she says hesitantly.

You keep your arms around her. "Mami," you say, keeping your voice soft. Gentle. "You don't have to force yourself if you don't want to, OK? We can do other things, too. Practice with our magic, or maybe a quiet night in, or go for ice cream or something? It's up to you, Mami."

"I... we have an appointment with Miss Ono, d-don't we? And Sayaka's f-friend?" Mami asks, brow furrowing.

You were just thinking about that. "We can reschedule that if you want," you say firmly. "Or we can go ahead and do that if you feel up to it, Mami?"

She shakes her head, hair drills swaying gently with the motion. "A-another time? If t-tha-" she breaks off, biting her lip again.

"That's fine, Mami," you say warmly. "I'll let her -and Sayaka- know later."

"A-alright," Mami says. "I... I hope they're fine with that. Miss Ono... didn't seem the p-patient sort. A-and we promised Sayaka..."

You shrug. "That's her problem. And Sayaka will understand," you say. "But with that out of the way... what would you like to do, Mami?"

"I... hanging out sounds nice," she says hesitantly. She swallows, before suggesting, "M-maybe we can do something, afterwards? J-just the two of us? Y-you mentioned magic practice."

"OK," you say, nodding. "That sounds good." You have to wonder when Homura'll come by for the 'shopping trip' though. Possibly late at night?

Mami takes a shuddering breath, and makes an effort to sit up a little straighter. She doesn't pull back, though, and gives you a small, wan smile. "T-thank you, Sabrina," she says. One of her hands seek yours, and after a moment's hesitation, closes her hand around it. Her hand is cold, but warms quickly.

"No need, Mami," you say gently, returning both the grip and the smile.

Mami shakes her head. "N-no, I... I know you're... you're doing a lot for me, and I-" she takes a breath, trying to find the right words. "Thank you, Sabrina."

"I... You're welcome," you say, pulling her into a hug again. "And you're worth it. You're worth caring about."

She nods jerkily against your shoulder, and you keep hugging her. You're not very sure what you can do for Mami, truth be told. Then again... the only real concrete advice you've had was from Kirika, wasn't it? Be there for her. And... here you are.

You can only hope you're helping.

"Hey, Madoka? Sayaka, Homura?" you reach out telepathically.

"Ah! Sabrina?" Madoka responds immediately, voice anxious. "How's Mami?"

"Better," you say, hastily amending it a moment later. "-ish. Anyway... would you girls like to hang out today?"

"Um, that's good!" Madoka says. "And yes, I would! Homura? Sayaka?"

"Yeah, I'm up for it," Sayaka says, sounding equally worried.

"Yes," Homura agrees.

"We'll come and find you?" Madoka says.

"Yeah. You know where we are?" you ask.

A soft whisper reaches your ears. "S-Sabrina?" Mami whispers. "I... I think my Soul Gem needs to be cleansed." She pulls back slightly, and holds her hand out. The egg-shaped crystal of her Soul Gem shimmers into view, Grief frothing inside in a dark, filmy layer.

"Of course," you say, reaching out a finger to touch her Soul Gem. An effort of will, and a streamer of Grief follows your hand as you pull it away, the noxious, deep purple cloud trailing out into the air. Another thought starts collapsing the Grief into marbles, drifting through the air to join the primary mass of Grief you've been maintaining - the stuff that went into your Barrier.

Mami relaxes, giving you another wan smile. "Thank you, Sabrina."

"No need," you say.

Her smile strenghtens a little, becoming a little more natural.

You sense them coming long before they round the corner of the park - Madoka, along with Homura and Sayaka walking on opposite sides, heading towards you.

"Mami, Sabrina," Sayaka calls out, voice subdued and worried as they walk over.

"Hey," you call out.

The three walk over, Madoka wringing her hands. Sayaka looks just as worried, and even Homura seems perturbed.

[] Write-in


Looks lile we're more or less back on our regular schedule. Well, healing Kwijibo will have to wait a day or so, for starters. Not sure about Megane, though. We might be able to fit that in if we... umm... I lost my train of thought here.
Putting off healing Kyousuke is fine; he was already pretty happy with the amount of healing that we were able to do yesterday. But I really don't want to stand up Ono.
Ono's still a concern. Sure Mami really needs us now, and we really can't do the orientation today.

But that doesn't equate to avoiding Ono. Can't we meet her up somewhere so we can cleanse her gem and the seed we lent her? Maybe answer a couiple of qurstions she's thought up, or give a few more meguca life tips?

Also: I suggest a movie night one of these days, something funny or cheesy, anything that'll allow Mami to relax and laugh about.
Standing up Ono right now puts her life at risk. Without our intervention, she would have witched out yesterday. And whatever problem was going on in her life that caused that despair has not been fixed. She used the grief seed that we gave her this morning and she doesn't have any spares. At the absolute least we should meet up with her to cleanse her soul gem and to refresh Gwen.

Mami is in an emotionally precarious position right now and she needs us, but Ono is in an even worse position emotionally.
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Do we have another grief seed we can give to Ono instead of meeting her ourselves? It's important to keep Ono from witching out, but our physical presence isn't strictly necessary for that. Our presence is necessary for Mami's wellbeing though.
We could just give Ono some cliff notes over telepathy to tide her over for now. The Lich Bomb is better done in person, but other stuff like territory, safety tips and stuff we could tell her now.
We can invite Megane on our next witch hunt. The seed we lent her should last until then.
The seed she used this morning?

We should ask this.

We don't even know if the newbie knows about witches resurrecting themselves.

Of course, that is on 24-hour timer. So I wonder, can you clean with already filled seed?
She already used the seed once this morning; and it has been some time since then, so she probably used it again. It might theoretically have some capacity left, but we cannot just assume that she is fine.

This whole problem occurred in the first place because the vote let Mami decide whether or not to meet with Ono. From Mami's perspective, Ono appears to be a girl who is fairly well composed (if a bit rude) and we gave a grief seed to her, so she should be fine for a while yet. But Mami does not know about the deadly recursive nature of grief spirals or exactly how bad off Ono was when we met her (i.e. it was the worst corruption that Sabrina has personally witnessed and she would have witched out without our intervention). We shouldn't agree to put off the meeting just because Mami doesn't think that it's necessary right now because Mami lacks the critical information to know why it's so important.