You frown at the girl. You're pretty sure she's the girl who will become the Glass Witch Homura mentioned, but you're... not sure
how, or why she's in the state she is. You're...
You're afraid.
afraid that she's been Witchbombed. That she's going to spread it around.
The only thing you've got is... Oriko, saying that you should bring Mami. But what if she'd done that to sabotage you? Or to
force you to break that lichbomb to Mami? Or...
"Sabrina?" Mami asks, fingers brushing lightly against your elbow.
You force yourself to smile, looking around at Homura and Mami. "I'm sorry," you apologize softly. "I... I guess this girl wasn't... as huge an issue as I'd expected."
Mami shakes her head, smiling faintly. "It's all right, Sabrina," she says.
Homura nods slowly, face a neutral mask. Whether she doesn't care or is hiding her opinions, you don't know. "What will we do now?"
You bite your lip, thinking. You... You want to give the girl a chance. "Homura, Kirika?" you ask. "Would you mind giving us some room? The girl-" you jerk your head at the girl, still locked mid-stumble by Homura's time stop, "-looks like she could use it."
"Sure!" Kirika chirps, taking a step back.
Homura nods again, the motion slow and measured. "Fine," she says, turning to go. A few steps bring her to the edge of the roof, and she leaps away, golden ribbon trailing after her. Kirika grins at you, and follows the time traveller.
You can see Homura give Kirika an undisguised, wary look, and gesture at the far end of the rooftop. Kirika pouts at her, before bouncing over to the far end of the rooftop and plunking herself down on the ledge. Homura watches her go, before pulling out a rifle of some kind from her sheild and resting it on her knees.
You smile at Mami. "Mami, would you like to do the honours?"
"Me?" Mami asks, looking surprised. "I..."
"Yes, Mami," you say, smiling at her. "There's no one better, and no one I'd trust more."
Mami's mouth works, her eyes suddenly wide and vulnerable. "I..." she says. "Thank you, Sabrina."
You pull her into a gentle hug. "Mami, I trust you," you state simply.
Mami holds the hug for a moment, before stepping back, her expression firming resolutely. You smile at her, and she returns it.
You gesture at the girl again. "Just... welcome her to Mitakihara and all that? I... she looks like she needs a strong, friendly face right now. And I'll stay out of the way, OK?" you smile. "But I'll be right over... there," you say, pointing to a corner of the roof.
Mami nods again, her drill hair bouncing. "You... don't have to," she says.
You shake your head. "I think it'll be best if she doesn't feel outnumbered," you explain.
"Y-yes, that's true," Mami agrees.
You give her another quick smile, and move to the corner, seating yourself comfortably. You check on your Grief - marbles in your bag, a huge mass hovering out of sight a block over, and the cloud you'd freed from the girl's Soul Gem. You compress
that into marbles, packing them away into your bag. You peer at it - it's getting a little full, but there's still room enough in there, you think.
Mami raises a hand, and a length of golden ribbons spools forth, winding through her fingers before snaking through the air to touch the girl lightly.
The girl gasps, stumbling to the floor, catching herself on her hands and knees. Mami steps forward boldly, a smile fixed on her face and hand extended.
The girl looks up, eyes widening, and then darting around in confusion before settling on Mami's outstretched hand. "Who, what-" she rocks back on her heels, scrubbing at her eyes.
"Hello," Mami says, welcoming smile firmly affixed to her face. "I'm Tomoe Mami, and this is Sabrina. Welcome to Mitakihara."
The girl lowers her hand, running it through her curly black hair, looking up at you and Mami with sky blue eyes. Her costume, now that you see it more clearly, is a sleek affair, something like a ruffled, modestly cut evening gown that leaves her shoulders bare, done in a glittering sky blue to match her eyes. And high heels. Elegant looking high heels. You're... truth be told, you're not sure how she
moves in them, and the dress, but then again, Homura manages the heels with aplomb.
And then again, if Kirika can have perfectly functional depth perception with just the one eye...
Magic. Which is
such bullshit.
The girl stands slowly to face Mami, the motion smooth and fluid.
You're... hmm. You're not entirely sure, but you think that her face looks... less puffy, her eyes less reddened than before. The tear tracks seem to have been erased in the quick pass of her hands.
Well, if Mami can style her hair with magic...
The girl speaks in a warm contralto, faltering only slightly. "I'm Ono Megane," she says, taking Mami's hand and shaking it. "I-I'm actually a resident here... I didn't know that there were any other m-magical girls here."
Mami smiles warmly. "There are a few of us. May I ask if you're all right?"
"I am," the girl, Megane, answers with a regal looking nod. "Perfectly fine."
Your head tilts slightly as you observe from your corner. A remarkably
quick recovery, for someone who'd been apparently been crying to herself.
Megane looks around, a hint of uneasiness entering her eyes. "Is this... your magic? And-" her eyes settle on you. "-who is
"No, that's my col- my friend's magic," Mami says. "And this is Sabrina, my dear friend."
The girl eyes you for a moment, before turning back to Mami. "I see," she says, apparently discarding you from her mind. "May I leave?"
[] Write-in
What a rude girl.