Odr doesn't do anything unique mechanics-wise... Actually, perhaps every 3 Odr should let you re-roll? Yeah, that sounds right to me

Sweet. Okay, That's definitely a reason for 3 Odr, though likely not more IMO, and I've upped the Orthstirr a bit...I dunno if it's enough. I'm reluctant to spend another Reward Die on the answer to that. If someone else does I'll adjust accordingly.
We haven't run into any of the other Norse myth races besides the dwarf people right? Isn't there an ice realm or something like that?

That's where the Jotunn are from. And we've also met a Troll and I think the spirit we met while using the tracking spell was Elf-affiliated, I think?

EDIT: Oh! And we met svartalves under the earth. And the fenriskin. We also saw Troll-Men but they aren't really people. And various magical beasts, of course.
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Would it end the fight? We're marauding vikings, a Good Christian would want to fight us every bit as much as a Satanist would.
It depends on how high up the corruption goes. If Tobias is the secret Infernalist instead of the Priest, then any oaths sworn to him are null and void. Moreover, nobody wants to die in service to someone who sold their soul to the devil. So yeah, in such a case I can definitely see resistance petering out. What's more, said Noble's description mentions three out of the Seven Deadly Sins (Gluttony, Greed, and Pride), so I'd say the odds of him being behind this are pretty solid.
After we cast the demons out of this guy we should bring Wheel-Drifter back to life. Maybe hand out an implausible amount of food and alcohol from our fylgja storage to the audience.
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Hm.... Battle goes well, everything considered.
Not too well though, thankfully, what with the irregularities from our intel and the fack Heima's team has audibly encountered something.
Unfortunately, your felag just suffered its first death. Harold Hugehands was disemboweled by your Kinsman, who then stepped forward and slew one of Farbjorn's men—a man by the name of Tyrgny Fine-Dancer—with a sword-thrust to the neck. Another of Farbjorn's men, Gustav Arisson, was slain by a Thane's ice-wrapped sword.
Huh.... I thought Thanes are pure physical dudes....
Well, guess they have Hugreida equalevents?
The moment you lay eyes on the Squire, it's clear that something is deeply wrong. The way he moves, it's like he's unfamiliar with his own body's limits. When he swings his sword, it's like he expects his reach to be just a little bit longer then it is.
Oh.... That's a abad sign, yeah.
Wait..... It can't be one of those corpse knights IF mentioned early in the thread, right?
A foul stench permeates the air—and not the smell of death. It stinks of dark, damp pits. It tastes of the bleakest cold and the blackest night. It reminds you of an empty world, like Ginnungagap.
Hm..... If it was just a moral effect, our light show would have cut it off....
Thomas seems to have a solid baseline of strength (~50 average rolls), but he can clearly boost himself to greater heights. Ice clings to the bone-white blade of his sword as he advances.
@Imperial Fister can blessed blades have ice coat effects?
Because it's the second time ice wrapped blades come up in enemy descriptions, and the wielders are from different cultion systems but both more on the physical side....

@DeadmanwalkingXI can shatter wrist be put in the plan? I do not like where this is heading....
Huh.... I thought Thanes are pure physical dudes....
Well, guess they have Hugreida equalevents?

Martial Styles can have elemental effects. I'll bet that's what this is. Unless they, too, are possessed which is technically possible.

@DeadmanwalkingXI can shatter wrist be put in the plan? I do not like where this is heading....

That's what Hefty-Halter Chop is supposed to be for. Plus the exorcism...honestly, I predict a round end before we get to the combat part of the plan. That said...I could replace the Contested Movement counterattacks with Shatter Wrist + Firebomb Strike, though, that's probably worthwhile.

EDIT: And done.
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[X] Plan I Think You Need An Exorcism

If this guy is actualy possessed, and other people are too. Then this could start a truce with the defenders until we deal with the Demons at hand and the possible Demonic Cultivator who summoned them.
Greed, a Soviet Cultivation Story (alexthealright)
I meant to get this out the day after my last story but it really fought me sorry for it's short length.

Now then I present to you.


Dmitry didn't think he was a bad man, sure he skipped a bit off the top but if that was the act of an evil man then he'd never met a man who wasn't.

He lounged back in his cushioned chair, his office was almost bare of paperwork the desk nearly bare except for a small box of chocolates, a bottle of vodka, and a picture of his wife.
Behind him hung a painting of Stalin from many years ago, before Dmitry's long beard had turned pale grey.

He took another swig of the vodka, his wife had bought it for him after he'd told her about the new yacht he'd bought and he'd really needed it to get through the day of difficult, dangerous, and expensive meetings behind him.

Sergey had seemed so promising when Dmitry met him those long centuries at that meeting in Stalingrad, they had met a decade after the end of the Great Patriotic War and became fast friends, they had worked together on many important projects over the following two centuries, Sergey had even attended his wedding, and now he was being arrested for embezzlement, selling new armor meant for the troops to fill his own pockets.

The whole affair filled Dmitry with deep sorrow especially because he had forced himself to testify against Sergey for his many terrible crimes against the state.

But there was nothing for it, after all Sergey had confessed to his face before trying to persuade Dmitry to take part in that horrific corruption.
He still remembered the conversation on that moonlit balcony with perfect clarity, the accusations of treason and embezzlement, the offers of wealth and fortune, the threats of terrible consequences, and of course the final ultimatum.

Of course he had reported it immediately afterwards, he would never take part in that sort of corruption.

He reached into a small box on his desk, pulled out another wonderful little chocolate and popped it into his mouth, closing his eyes as he savored the taste.

Not that it really mattered all that much, the Americans weren't going to invade, and if they did it certainly wouldn't be the infantry that would decide that battle.

And Sergey would probably be arrested tonight, dragged out of his home and tossed in a cell like the fool he was.

Dmitry shrugged to himself, that was what he deserved for threatening to report him and his friends for something so trivial.

Dmitry was not a bad man.
He just skimmed a little off the top.

[X] Plan I Think You Need An Exorcism
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That's what Hefty-Halter Chop is supposed to be for. Plus the exorcism...honestly, I predict a round end before we get to the combat part of the plan. That said...I could replace the Contested Movement counterattacks with Shatter Wrist + Firebomb Strike, though, that's probably worthwhile.
Yeah, I have nothing against HHC, but this seems very much a "surprise, the sword was a distraction!" moment....
I do hope I am mistaken though.
Luckily for us, both trick works out for us, although I am kinda wary of how high his hamr score will be as well.

[X] Plan I Think You Need An Exorcism
Nice! 2 Reward Dice sent your way!

You may want to hold on to them, in case things go horribly wrong in the coming rounds of combat, but that's up to you

@Imperial Fister can blessed blades have ice coat effects?
The Thane's ice ability is not related to the Squire's ice ability. I didn't even realize the fact I'd done it twice until now lmao

Thane's ice is just to show you that Thanes can and do have stuff beyond 'hit hard'
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I mean, I think it's thematically on point, though it could just as easily be a bout a Soviet embezzler in the real world as a Cultivation world.

Yeah, except the mention of a meeting centuries ago. It dosen't feel much like a Cultivation story.

This made me wonder what American and Soviet Cultivation would be like during the Cold War.

If Cultivation is based on cultural traits, what would they be like? Variants of Christian Cultivation shaped by a different cultural context?

The only things i can think at the top of my head: American Cultivation is abaout Christianity, Nationalism, Capitalism and Guns. Soviet Cultivation is mass produced with many weak Cultivators instead of few strong ones.

I can't think of many other distinctive cultural traits for this two countries in this period of history.
Luckily for us, both trick works out for us, although I am kinda wary of how high his hamr score will be as well.

I think we're fine on that given the use of Fight of Our Life. Our average rolls will be 57.5...which is the equal of 23d4. Even assuming this guy gets a +15 (which I'm dubious about) it's still the equivalent of 17d4...even assuming 2d4 per point of Soma this guy would need to be stronger than Gabriel for us to have major issues, which I think is unlikely.

Yeah, except the mention of a meeting centuries ago. It dosen't feel much like a Cultivation story.

This made me wonder what American and Soviet Cultivation would be like during the Cold War.

If Cultivation is based on cultural traits, what would they be like? Variants of Christian Cultivation shaped by a different cultural context?

The only things i can think at the top of my head: American Cultivation is abaout Christianity, Nationalism, Capitalism and Guns. Soviet Cultivation is mass produced with many weak Cultivators instead of few strong ones.

I can't think of many other distinctive cultural traits for this two countries in this period of history.

This has gotten discussed fairly extensively on Discord. Per IF American Cultivation is about pursuing the American Dream which can be basically anything and varies from person to person. Very individual style of Cultivation. So it's only religious for religious people and can support any world view that can be viewed as 'American'. Including people on both sides of the Civil War following it easily.

Soviet Cultivation as discussed there is, theoretically, entirely communal, with only an external resource ala Orthstirr held in common for everyone who only 'borrow' it for use on projects (including raising stats temporarily)...but you can take some permanently to use it as an internal resource for permanent personal stat boosts, and anyone can basically take any amount at any time with no oversight (beyond people knowing you took some...but not what you used it on). So everyone basically embezzles at least a little.
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Christian Land also means Christian Monsters. Possessing demons are a thing, and Hell was thought of as Cold for at least a bit before Dantes Inferno changed popular depictions and conception of Hell in the 1400s, iirc?

Could be the squire fell to a more literal heart demon and got meat suited

Even in Dante's Inferno the lowest layer of Hell is completely frozen as the Devil is completely isolated from God's love which he rejects (so says Dante). So I agree with others that supernatural cold in Christianity means Demons or something bad.