Enjoys long walks in the woods (Sirrocco)
Dread Bear and Dread Bera
Traveling through forest
Make friends with new neighbors

Frank communication
and healthy exercise
are keys to happy life

It is always good to
share hobbies with your spouse
What a romantic walk.


title: "Enjoys long walks in the woods"

Again, any dice to be spent on the current situation by whichever of the two speaks for it first.
Thinking about it a little, how was them attacking us a distraction?

Like what did they distract us from that we would have sensed all the way in the woods.

This seems less then a distraction and more the enemy being petty after it couldnt kill us.
@Imperial Fister this whole situation has made me realize I have no idea what the average Hamingja score is. Can you tell us what that is?
Probably around 7–8 for a 20-year-old, but that's just a rough guess. I've not done the math on that one.
Oh yeah, @Imperial Fister , are you above bald faced bribery?
the funny part about all of this is that I was intending on getting one of those anyways, as I've got a lot of fun tag ideas to stick in there (and yes, I am taking suggestions… if that's how it works, which I'm pretty sure it is).

I'll give you a trio of reward dice, but don't make a habit of this, yeah? Not just because this was a one-time, first-come, first-serve sort of thing.

I know you mentioned a lack of a job awhile back and I don't want you (or anyone else, for that matter) making poor financial decisions for my sake.


Alright, I'm hitting the sack now. I'll probably miss some reward dice being used so if someone could keep track in my stead that would be helpful.
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Thinking about it a little, how was them attacking us a distraction?

Like what did they distract us from that we would have sensed all the way in the woods.

This seems less then a distraction and more the enemy being petty after it couldnt kill us.

I think it was a serious attempt on our life rather than a real distraction, yes. Even if we'd nuked them immediately and rushed home, we wouldn't have gotten there in time to top this. We fought them for only a short time, after all (honestly, probably less than a minute...fights go quick). Now, a minute can matter with coordination (which they had), so it's still a distraction in a sense...

Probably around 7–8 for a 20-year-old, but that's just a rough guess. I've not done the math on that one.

Huh. Higher than I expected. That probably means that 1 Reward Die is sufficient for most of the adults, though two really seals the deal.

A third might be good on Hallotta though once all the adults have one, as that probably leaves her with the highest chance of death of anyone (Hamingja 1 and two Reward Dice are not quite enough to be as good as Hamingja 7 and a single Reward Die).
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I know you mentioned a lack of a job awhile back and I don't want you (or anyone else, for that matter) making poor financial decisions for my sake.

It's all good, a big pile of money I was owed for a while came in, so I had some wiggle room to afford it. This seemed like a good time for it.

Still, probably best not to encourage this kind of thing, yeah. Still, enjoy the sub! I'll commit those dice to shore things up here, and you can get the total up by referring to my Call to Action post

EDIT: Okay, combined with my bribery induced rigging, we're in a position where the risk is fairly low for each individual. I'll do another pass when I get up myself, but so far, the only ones still potentially in danger are the Giant Twins, Stigmar. Haydis will probably be fine, but Hallotta has the highest chance of death of all the babies on the Farm right now, so a point to rig in her favor wouldn't be amiss.

The first batch of Murderkittens are Safe except for Nat 1s, but if people want to absolutely nail that shit down, it's an option as well. Hallotta is also Probably safe, in that she'll likely be okay as long as she doesn't roll below a 4, but again, the possibility exists for tragedy.
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EDIT: Okay, combined with my bribery induced rigging, we're in a position where the risk is fairly low for each individual. I'll do another pass when I get up myself, but so far, the only ones still potentially in danger are the Giant Twins, Stigmar, and potentially Haydis.

The first batch of Murderkittens are Safe except for Nat 1s, but if people want to absolutely nail that shit down, it's an option as well.

I'd add Hallotta to that rather than her mother. Given that the average 20 year old apparently has Hamingja 7-8, I'd bet good money Haydis is fine, with a Hamingja of at least 5 (even at a 4 she'd be in the same situation as the Murderkittens). Stigmar, the Giant Twins, and Hallotta are all in the same boat at more like 97% except the adults are at, like, 98-99% while Hallotta is at 97-98% (given her likely Hamingja of 1-2).

I'd probably move a die from her dad to her if we don't get any more, as his odds are likely in the 98-99% range even with only one die invested and him dying is both less tragic and less likely to blow back on us than him blaming us for his daughter's death.
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Yeah, the odds for anyone dying are low at this point, but when you're rolling 8 times, the chances of getting the equivilant of a Nat 1 on a D20 are uncomfortably high. That's what I've got marked as Moderate Danger.

A Nat 1 on a D100 is much less likely to happen, but probabilities are weird and I do not want to leave anything important to chance.

Anyway, I must settle down for the night myself, I'll update the Call to Action when I get up.
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Our children, employees and friends might be ok, but what about our precious animals, and our money, and our iron reserves, and our work tools? We sank a lot of resources and time into those. Feels bad.
Through the Enemy's Eyes (Sirrocco)
Schemer sits in shadows
Weaving dread designs
Poisoner of Culture
Civilizations End

Girl draws its attention
Fire hair, metal eyes
Fierce in love and battle
Tearing through its secrets

Still it schemes in darkness
Many has it murdered
Many more in future
She will be no different

Traps in cultivation
Traps in local bloodlines
Enemies surround her
Ever is it patient

Its snares fail to entrap
Its minions feed her saga
Its schemes begin to fall
Its patience starts to fray

Finally hit has her!
Caught in trap behind trap
Weakened and woods-wandering
She offers herself up.

Call up the foe-men now
Imperil and test her.
Injure and learn secrets
Perhaps to claim her mate?

Trap-in-trap is working
Now to craft another
In time of distraction
Disaster strikes the home

Foe-men now surround her
Brutal tough and agile
Bear-wife flies a-burning
Flits from hill to hill.

Fire further dances
Takes its toll on foe-men
Losses from their number
Exhaustion saps their strength

Could not hurt the bear-wife
Could not claim her husband
Learned that she... likes fire
Still one trick to play

Disaster seeks her kin
Smites like falling lightning
Somehow does no damage?
What the actual #$@%?


title: Through the Enemy's Eyes

I mean, I gotta figure that it's getting at least a little frustrated by this point.

Again, I'll offer dice to whichever of Deadmanwalking or Alectai will claim them for immediate needs.
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Again, I'll offer dice to whichever of Deadmanwalking or Alectai will claim them for immediate needs.

I'll add it to Hallotta. From there we will probably start securing 100% on the rest of the kids (as we probably already have it on several adults).

Our children, employees and friends might be ok, but what about our precious animals, and our money, and our iron reserves, and our work tools? We sank a lot of resources and time into those. Feels bad.

Our money will be fine. What's the worst that happen, it melts in the explosion? The value is based on weight. The tools will likely be fine as well given their craftsmanship.

The animals might die, but they cost us, like, 200 silver. We can afford to replace them if we need to. It'd suck, but it's not undoable by any means.
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Our children, employees and friends might be ok, but what about our precious animals, and our money, and our iron reserves, and our work tools? We sank a lot of resources and time into those. Feels bad.
Our animals, money, reserves and tools are solidly in the 'oh well, we can just earn/make more' category for me. Plus if we make new tools they'll be better since we can put Odr into them and all.
For Sigurdr (DeadmanwalkingXI)
Wide-roving wanderer
Witness to strange workings
Clever and clear-sighted
Calm when the storms hit

Stoic slayer of foes
Strong-armed and fearless
Friends found no loyaler
For family his strength is

"For Sigurdr" (the title), an aspirational poem for what he might be like as an adult (the 'clear sighted' is more about his fylgja than literal, admittedly, though we will be teaching him the trick to counter his nearsightedness as well). Similar poems for Asgeirr and Eyvor follow in a bit when I think of them.

Reward dice, if granted, go to securing the survival of the appropriate child.
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For Asgeirr (DeadmanwalkingXI)
Warrior's will to be
Wild-eyed and laughing
Foes all fall before him
Fell-handed and smiling

Sharp-nosed swift and silent
Sharp-witted and strong-armed
Wrathful when trifled with
With kin loyalty lies

'For Asgeirr', the second in the series, another aspirational poem of what he might be like as an adult. Again, any Reward Die goes towards his survival.
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For Eyvor (DeadmanwalkingXI)
Strong-armed shieldmaiden's soul
Stands smiling in battle
Bear's blood borne from father
Brings loyalty and will

Calm and crafty with coins
Calls out wrath when unleashed
Bright beauty and bounty
Blessings brought to her kin

'For Eyvor', the third in the series, a third aspirational poem for what she might be like as an adult. And one final time, any Reward Die goes towards her survival. I'll probably add one for Hallbjorn as well as leaving this series incomplete feels wrong, though any Reward Die from that would go elsewhere as Hallbjorn doesn't need another.
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Time Stands Still (CedeTheBees)
Finally got around to doodling something that I had bouncing around my head for a while

I'll split the reward dice between Gabriel and Stigr. If there are any left over, I'll let DeadManWalkingXi choose who to spend them on.
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I'll split the reward dice between Gabriel and Stigr. If there are any left over, I'll let DeadManWalkingXi choose who to spend them on.

If it nets a third one I'll put it towards Tryggr.

That said Gabriel may not need any and Stigr definitely doesn't. The only three who do at this point are, I think, Stigmar and the Twins.

Well, thinking about it, Gabriel could maybe use a third if he's particularly unlucky (which, in fairness, would make his life make more sense), but Stigr 100% has Hamingja 5+ and already has two invested in him so he's fine at 2.

That being the case, I'll move the one I assigned earlier from Stigr to his brother Stigmar.
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For Hallbjorn (DeadmanwalkingXI)
Strong-armed skald and fighter
Smooth-tongued leader of men
Beardless and yet fearless
Bear's loyalty he brings

Wisely he stays silent
Words are his best weapons
Chosen with care they are
Cleverly crafted for kin

And finally, 'For Hallbjorn' because leaving a child out felt wrong. The Reward Die for this goes to Trausti, since Hallbjorn doesn't need it.
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Kills made as a result of the armor being armor would be enjoyed by it.
Oh, like, body slams to make chunky salsa from the enemy?
Does that count being able to do the kill because the armor protects us/protected us?
(Surviving due to the armors temp hp)
Ah. that makes so much more sense....
(Kindle Spinner: 11 vs ???: 26, Kindle Spinner hits, but... )
Could we interrupted this attack that triggered the saving throw on the farm if we beat that ??? with the spinner?
hm... live and learn, i guess, but next time, we should go for overkill on anyone doing a windup for a big punch....

And i see the rush for saving our family and friends are going strong.
And i see the rush for saving our family and friends are going strong.

It's actually done, I think. At this point, if CedeTheBees awesome work gets 3 Reward Dice (which it will because damn), and all poems get 1, we've given out 2 Reward Dice to all adults (3 to Gabriel), and 3 to all children (except Hallbjorn, who only needs 2 to be safe).

Technically, one of the adults might have less than Hamingja 4 and thus some chance of death, but it's not very likely, I don't think, given that 7-8 is average for a 20 year old...will they have less than that? Maybe. Less than half that? I think not.

Updated hypothetical list would be:

Stigmar (+5 from Franco Asuriano, +5 from Sirrocco, Probably Safe)
Stigr (+5 from Alectai, +5 from CedeTheBees, Combined with Godly Luck, is Probably Safe)
Tryggr (+5 from Alectai, +5 from CedeTheBees, Probably Safe)
Trausti (+5 from jy3, +5 from DeadmanwalkingXI Probably Safe)
Gabriel (+5 from jy3, +5 from Sirrocco, +5 from CedeTheBees, Luck Equivilant ???, ABSOLUTELY SAFE!)
Kurt Frogtongue (+5 from Silverking, +5 from Alectai, Probably Safe)
Haydis Yrlingasdottir (+5 from DeadmanwalkingXI, +5 from Dreider through DeadmanwalkingXI as a proxy, Hamingja unknown but presumably mediocre, Probably Safe)
Hallotta Kurtsdottir (+5 from DeadmanwalkingXI, +5 from Dreider through DeadmanwalkingXI as a proxy, +5 from Sirrocco, Hamingja unknown but presumably 1-2, ABSOLUTELY SAFE!)
Asgeirr (+5 from Shard, +5 from Deadmanwalking, +5 from Exmorri, ABSOLUTELY SAFE!)
Sigurdr (+5 from Alectai, +10 DeadmanwalkingXI , ABSOLUTELY SAFE!)
Eyvor (+10 from DeadmanwalkingXI, +5 from Shard , ABSOLUTELY SAFE!)
Hallbjorn (+5 from Shard, +5 from jy3, +4 Hamingja, ABSOLUTELY SAFE!)

Stigr is almost into 'absolutely safe' but we technically don't know for a fact that he has Hamingja 4+. He does, though. The rest of the adults almost certainly do as well, and that's what's needed to be safe with 2 Reward Dice invested in your wellbeing.
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