[X] Plan Off To England
-[X] England (10 Days, West)
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x1)
--[X] Heima Smiles
--[X] See if we can get to know him better
--[X] Use Goal-Tell to help with this
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x2)
--[X] Eric, our brother.
--[X] Discuss sailing and shipboard skills and ask him what's going on with Kyrsvikingar politics back home
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x3)
--[X] Vagn Wheel-Drifter
--[X] Attempt to make closer friends with him
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x4)
--[X] Stigr
--[X] Check in with him, see how things are doing, ask his advice on Shoot Tricks
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x5)
--[X] Jordan Slicksword, our brother in law
--[X] See about getting to know him better
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x6)
--[X] Tryggr & Trausti
--[X] See if they have any specific stuff they want to do in England, try and convince Tryggr not to do anything too unfortunate
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x7)
--[X] Stigmar
--[X] See how he's been doing and if he has anything specific he wants to do in England.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x8)
--[X] Gabriel Blackstone
--[X] Remind him that he is welcome to stay with us if he wants to come back to Norse lands, and just talk to him about how he's feeling. He's clearly not entirely okay
-[X] Seidr Training (x1)
--[X] Get a set of fylgja-related spells to learn on our own
-[X] Seidr Training (x2)
--[X] Get a set of seidr spells to learn on our own to ward and defend homes and physical spaces
-[X] Special Note: Using Tenderizing Roast on all these conversations for which it is an available option.
-[X] (Rolled)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Tenderizing Roast 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 178d6 (89d6)
--[X] Train Fylgja itself 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Tactics 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Talent Tell 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train North-Know 14d6
--[X] Train Lowest-Limit 12d6
--[X] Train Bone Settlement 9d6
--[X] Train Flap Away 5d6
--[X] Train Glima 36d6
--[X] Train Fang 30d6
--[X] Train a Silver-Tongue trick for helping us when trying to deescalate tense situations or standoffs that are on the brink of violence 14d6
--[X] Train Scouting trick to spot danger and surprises better 6d6
--[X] Train a Tactics Trick for learning a foe's weaknesses rather than strengths (sort of the inverse of Talent Tell) 8d6 (4d6)
--[X] Train a Shoot Trick for enemies at relatively close range or who are expecting it (ie: those Meteoric Shot is bad against) as per Stigr's recommendations 6d6
--[X] Train a Fang Trick to break someone's neck or otherwise do a whole lot of damage to a grappled enemy 1d6
--[X] Train a Fang (or Glima) Trick to respond to an attack with a grapple and then break the limb they attacked with, like Weapon-Grapple Reverse but instead of disarming you break their arm 1d6
--[X] Train an 'Arrest Momentum/Inertia-Cancel' Standstill Trick 1d6
---[X] The idea with this one is to enable us to instantly stop our own movement, including in midair, allowing things like standing on air, double-jumps (or triple jumps and so on), pinpoint turns, and otherwise enhancing our mobility by stopping momentum at will and then being able to start again from that position also at will basically instantly. It would also allow us to make ourselves pretty immovable. Sort of like IAT but only on ourselves and only stopping the movements we want to stop.
--[X] Train a Standstill Trick designed to slow and stop attacks right as they hit, effectively reducing their damage 1d6
---[X] Ideally a short burst of this for greater effect (ie: spend Orthstirr per attack that hits and reduce the damage it deals by, like, 2-3 + Standstill Damage Bonus), but if that's unacceptable, a turn long buff is acceptable (a Trick for DR 1 for a round or something).
-[X] (Research)
--[X] Attempt to figure out how to use our Fylgja's Capacity to hot swap items while it is within our soul, using our Armory Pocket and the Fylgja's own Fasts as potential intermediaries 1d6
---[X] To expand on this a little, if the Fylgja, while in our soul can insta-swap what's in the Armory Pocket for things in its own Capacity, then we can pretty much instantly have anything out of there...it takes twice as long as getting something from our Armory Pocket, but twice as long as instant is still instant. The same if we can access things in the Fylgja's Fasts and it can swap between its Capacity and those.
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Talk with Stigr about possible Shoot Tricks useful at shorter ranges, and Abjorn about what additional Glima and Fang Tricks might be available
--[X] Train Halting Vortex 1d6
--[X] Train Atgeir Counter Stab 1d6
--[X] Train Atgeir Bodyguard 1d6
--[X] Train Forceful Lever 1d6
--[X] Train Sailwind 1d6
--[X] Train Scouring Cleanse 1d6
-[X] (Training) Martial Style
--[X] Train Stoker State 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Flame Tending Blade 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Momentum Reversal 1d6
--[X] Train Weapon-Grapple Reversal 1d6
--[X] Train Double-Leg Takedown 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (73 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Throw 1d6
--[X] Train Backstep 1d6
--[X] Train Long-Lunge 1d6
--[X] Train Sowing Sight 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (53 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Silver-Tongue 1d6
--[X] Train Facial Schooling 1d6
--[X] Train Light Touch 1d6
-[X] (Capacity Slots)
--[X] Assign Sailwind and Bone Settlement if Hugr hits 8 and gives us additional Capacity and Bone Settlement finishes
-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 5 Ignition Levels to Damage
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 1 Orthstirr to Hamr
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 5 Dodge, 4 Bash, 4 Pierce, 4 Throw, 4 Cut, 4 Strike, 4 Shoot, 3 Farmwork, 4 Labor, 4 Overland (48 total)
--[X] 2/3 Orthstirr to Hugr (depending on whether it increases)
---[X] 6 Artcraft, 5 Armorcraft, 4 Barb-Tongue, 1 Composure, 4 Design, 6 Housecraft, 4 Management, 3 Scouting, 4 Silver-Tongue, 5 Sailing, 3 Strategy, 4 Tactics, 5 Weaponcraft, 2 Wordplay, 5 Wildcraft (62 total)
--[X] 2 Orthstirr to Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 106 Stored Tricks
--[X] 437/436 free for tricks