Nah, I think with the correction, he's an Heir of Blackhand, he says he's had those nightmares for "As long as he can remember".

Sounds like he's the one who got the fragment of his Last Stand.
Nah, I think with the correction, he's an Heir of Blackhand, he says he's had those nightmares for "As long as he can remember".

Sounds like he's the one who got the fragment of his Last Stand.

I think this is wrong. We heard nothing about Nereid's hair, eyes, or looking like us, his name isn't a Hallr variant, and Blackhand didn't go quiet around him like he did Hal.

I think he's inherited a memory from one of the Steelfathers involved...somehow.
I think this is wrong. We heard nothing about Nereid's hair, eyes, or looking like us, his name isn't a Hallr variant, and Blackhand didn't go quiet around him like he did Hal.

I think he's inherited a memory from one of the Steelfathers involved...somehow.

We've never met Nereid, have we?

EDIT: Nevermind, I realized what you were talking about, huh.
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Would be pretty weird if Nereid was related to us, considering how the godsblood in our veins makes it near or even outright impossible to be born without red hair and steel gray eyes, and he had neither from what iirc. Don't think he's young enough either, but I'm not 100% on that.
Would be pretty weird if Nereid was related to us, considering how the godsblood in our veins makes it near or even outright impossible to be born without red hair and steel gray eyes, and he had neither from what iirc. Don't think he's young enough either, but I'm not 100% on that.

He had grey hair, so it might've been red before he got old (our family's hair does still go grey, just look at Odin)...but I still doubt it.

Is he Nereid or Nereidr?

Adding an r at the end of words is a tense thing. So...both? Probably?
Hey Blackhand, how many of the 9 Steelfathers who killed you and walked away from it do you remember the names of?
He had grey hair, so it might've been red before he got old (our family's hair does still go grey, just look at Odin)...but I still doubt it.

He'd have to be real old then, because Hallr had red hair in his what... 60s? And I didn't get the impression he was that old, but maybe I'm wrong. Either way he's still missing the eye colour, and there was also a lack of resonance - which seems to be a thing that happens when Blackhand fragments meet? Not really sure how it works to be honest. I'll admit the chances aren't zero but... well, I'm real doubtful.
My first thought would be that Nereid is somehow experiencing his King's memories - pretty sure Olaf is a Steelfather - but I was under the impression it was the Jomsvikings that jumped Blackhand? Unless he's a former Jomsvikings, I suppose.

He could be the descendant of one, perhaps, or related in some shape or way that causes him to experience dreams of it, maybe? It'd be real metal if Hallr scared some Steelfathers so much their bloodline is still getting nightmares of it long after he died... no matter how unlikely that seems.
My first thought would be that Nereid is somehow experiencing his King's memories - pretty sure Olaf is a Steelfather - but I was under the impression it was the Jomsvikings that jumped Blackhand? Unless he's a former Jomsvikings, I suppose.

This is possible, but only if Nereid has been around Olaf his whole life since he's been dealing with the nightmare his whole life

He could be the descendant of one, perhaps, or related in some shape or way that causes him to experience dreams of it, maybe? It'd be real metal if Hallr scared some Steelfathers so much their bloodline is still getting nightmares of it long after he died... no matter how unlikely that seems.

But this is what I think happened. Memory Is Forever. I don't find this super unlikely or weird given how Norse Cultivation works.
but your sleeping quality did not improve when I planted terror in your monsters' heart-strings."

This makes it seem like the King planted that nightmare in Nereids head from a soul shard, he probably has an inheritance similar to Hallr only it's one of the Steelfathers who was at the battle and it's that Steelfathers memories that are giving Nereid nightmares because Olaf is doing something to him.
"The next man to approach me dies."

The words of a dying man echoed through the desolate, barren-blasted landscape of a sinking island nation. The man who spoke those words laughed as not a one of his remaining foes dared approach. His sword slipped from weak fingers as he wheezed out the penultimate breath. The only thing that kept the man on his feet was the spear he impaled himself upon.

"Fucking... cowards..." The man breathed his final words as the spark of life vanished from his eyes.

Summer 9/Voyage 1.3
(Current Turn: Summer 9/Turn 3 | Days Until Winter 9/Turn 1: 48/60)
(You Cultivate 20 Odr)
[X] Plan Off To England
-[X] England (10 Days, West)
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x1)
--[X] Heima Smiles
--[X] See if we can get to know him better
--[X] Use Goal-Tell to help with this
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x2)
--[X] Eric, our brother.
--[X] Discuss sailing and shipboard skills and ask him what's going on with Kyrsvikingar politics back home
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x3)
--[X] Vagn Wheel-Drifter
--[X] Attempt to make closer friends with him
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x4)
--[X] Stigr
--[X] Check in with him, see how things are doing, ask his advice on Shoot Tricks
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x5)
--[X] Jordan Slicksword, our brother in law
--[X] See about getting to know him better
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x6)
--[X] Tryggr & Trausti
--[X] See if they have any specific stuff they want to do in England, try and convince Tryggr not to do anything too unfortunate
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x7)
--[X] Stigmar
--[X] See how he's been doing and if he has anything specific he wants to do in England.
-[X] Talk to a Crewmember (x8)
--[X] Gabriel Blackstone
--[X] Remind him that he is welcome to stay with us if he wants to come back to Norse lands, and just talk to him about how he's feeling. He's clearly not entirely okay
-[X] Special Note: Using Tenderizing Roast on all these conversations for which it is an available option.

-[X] (Research)
--[X] Attempt to figure out how to use our Fylgja's Capacity to hot swap items while it is within our soul, using our Armory Pocket and the Fylgja's own Fasts as potential intermediaries 1d6
---[X] To expand on this a little, if the Fylgja, while in our soul can insta-swap what's in the Armory Pocket for things in its own Capacity, then we can pretty much instantly have anything out of takes twice as long as getting something from our Armory Pocket, but twice as long as instant is still instant. The same if we can access things in the Fylgja's Fasts and it can swap between its Capacity and those.

-[X] Seidr Training (x1)
--[X] Get a set of fylgja-related spells to learn on our own
-[X] Seidr Training (x2)
--[X] Get a set of seidr spells to learn on our own to ward and defend homes and physical spaces

-[X] (Rolled)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Tenderizing Roast 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6) (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Hugr itself 178d6 (89d6)
--[X] Train Fylgja itself 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Tactics 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Talent Tell 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train North-Know 14d6
--[X] Train Lowest-Limit 12d6
--[X] Train Bone Settlement 9d6
--[X] Train Flap Away 5d6
--[X] Train Glima 36d6
--[X] Train Fang 30d6

--[X] Train a Silver-Tongue trick for helping us when trying to deescalate tense situations or standoffs that are on the brink of violence 14d6
--[X] Train Scouting trick to spot danger and surprises better 6d6
--[X] Train a Tactics Trick for learning a foe's weaknesses rather than strengths (sort of the inverse of Talent Tell) 8d6 (4d6)
--[X] Train a Shoot Trick for enemies at relatively close range or who are expecting it (ie: those Meteoric Shot is bad against) as per Stigr's recommendations 6d6
--[X] Train a Fang Trick to break someone's neck or otherwise do a whole lot of damage to a grappled enemy 1d6
--[X] Train a Fang (or Glima) Trick to respond to an attack with a grapple and then break the limb they attacked with, like Weapon-Grapple Reverse but instead of disarming you break their arm 1d6
--[X] Train an 'Arrest Momentum/Inertia-Cancel' Standstill Trick 1d6
---[X] The idea with this one is to enable us to instantly stop our own movement, including in midair, allowing things like standing on air, double-jumps (or triple jumps and so on), pinpoint turns, and otherwise enhancing our mobility by stopping momentum at will and then being able to start again from that position also at will basically instantly. It would also allow us to make ourselves pretty immovable. Sort of like IAT but only on ourselves and only stopping the movements we want to stop.
--[X] Train a Standstill Trick designed to slow and stop attacks right as they hit, effectively reducing their damage 1d6
---[X] Ideally a short burst of this for greater effect (ie: spend Orthstirr per attack that hits and reduce the damage it deals by, like, 2-3 + Standstill Damage Bonus), but if that's unacceptable, a turn long buff is acceptable (a Trick for DR 1 for a round or something).

-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks
--[X] Talk with Stigr about possible Shoot Tricks useful at shorter ranges, and Abjorn about what additional Glima and Fang Tricks might be available
--[X] Train Halting Vortex 1d6
--[X] Train Atgeir Counter Stab 1d6
--[X] Train Atgeir Bodyguard 1d6
--[X] Train Forceful Lever 1d6
--[X] Train Sailwind 1d6
--[X] Train Scouring Cleanse 1d6
-[X] (Training) Martial Style
--[X] Train Stoker State 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Flame Tending Blade 1d6 (+1 Success from Born of Fire)
--[X] Train Momentum Reversal 1d6
--[X] Train Weapon-Grapple Reversal 1d6
--[X] Train Double-Leg Takedown 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (73 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Throw 1d6
--[X] Train Backstep 1d6
--[X] Train Long-Lunge 1d6
--[X] Train Sowing Sight 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (53 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Silver-Tongue 1d6
--[X] Train Facial Schooling 1d6
--[X] Train Light Touch 1d6

-[X] (Capacity Slots)
--[X] Assign Sailwind and Bone Settlement if Hugr hits 8 and gives us additional Capacity and Bone Settlement finishes
-[X] (Assign Hugareida Levels)
--[X] Assign 5 Ignition Levels to Damage
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 1 Orthstirr to Hamr
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 5 Dodge, 4 Bash, 4 Pierce, 4 Throw, 4 Cut, 4 Strike, 4 Shoot, 3 Farmwork, 4 Labor, 4 Overland (48 total)
--[X] 2/3 Orthstirr to Hugr (depending on whether it increases)
---[X] 6 Artcraft, 5 Armorcraft, 4 Barb-Tongue, 1 Composure, 4 Design, 6 Housecraft, 4 Management, 3 Scouting, 4 Silver-Tongue, 5 Sailing, 3 Strategy, 4 Tactics, 5 Weaponcraft, 2 Wordplay, 5 Wildcraft (62 total)
--[X] 2 Orthstirr to Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 106 Stored Tricks
--[X] 437/436 free for tricks
Weapon-Grapple Reversal
Double-Leg Takedown
(Contention-Connection Trick: 6x1, 5x2, 4x3, 2x3, 1x5) 1 Success. (Give-Away Trick: 6x1, 5x3, 3x1, 2x1) 8 Successes. (Clay-Footsteps Trick: 4x1, 3x3, 1x4) 1 Success. (Heavy-Arrow: 6x1, 5x1, 3x1, 2x2, 1x1) 2 Successes. (Knee-Drop Back-Breaker: 2x1) 1 Failure. (Tight-Squeeze Trick: 3) 1 Success. (Veto-Motion: 5) 2 Successes. (Slowing-Slog: 4) 1 Success.
(Vague Silver-Tongue)
(Contention-Connection Trick: Allows you to get a general grasp of the point of contention between two opposing parties without needing them to go over it again. (Rough: 1/3))
(Rough Scouting)
(Give-Away Trick (Cost: 4 Orthstirr/1 Odr): A trick that points out signs of danger. Makes it easier for one's fylgja to give warnings, as well, and this effect improves with refinement. (Refined: 5/6))
(Vague Tactics)
(Clay-Footsteps Trick: A trick that points out points of weakness. (Rough: 1/3))
(Vague Shoot)
(Heavy-Arrow Trick: An archery trick that adds great weight to an arrow, allowing it to punch through shields and deal damage at the cost of range and speed. (Rough: 2/3))
(Vague Fang)
(Knee-Drop Back-Breaker: A throw where the user breaks an opponent's back over their knee. (Rough: 0/3))
(Tight-Squeeze Trick: A defensive trick that can also be used offensively in a grapple to gain an advantage. When an attack is made against the user, the user responds by grabbing the offending limb and squeezing with all their might. (Rough: 2/3))
(Vague Standstill)
(Veto-Motion: A Standstill trick that robs the user of any momentum, stopping them instantly and harmlessly on the spot. (Rough: 2/3))
(Slowing-Slog: A Standstill trick that slows incoming attacks, robbing them of their lethality. This is a very difficult trick to maintain and, as such, cannot be done simultaneously to other tricks. (Rough: 1/3))
(Kindle Spinner: 3, 6) 4 Successes. (Firebomb Strike: 6, 3) 4 Successes. (EWC: 2, 6) 2 Successes. (Tenderizing Roast: 3, 4) 3 Successes. (Campfire: 4, 1) 1 Success. (Hugr: 6x33, 5x30, 4x31, 3x34, 2x27, 1x23) 141 Successes. (Fylgja: 1, 4) 1 Success. (Tactics: 2, 2) 2 Failures. (Talent-Tell: 2, 5) 1 Success. (North-Know: 6x2, 5x4, 4x3, 3x3, 1x2) 16 Successes. (Lowest-Limit: 6x4, 4x2, 3x2, 2x1, 1x3) 12 Successes. (Bone Settlement: 4x1, 3x2, 2x3, 1x3) 3 Failures. (Flap Away: 5x1, 4x2, 3x1, 2x1) 4 Successes. (Glima: 6x3, 5x6, 4x9, 3x4, 2x8, 1x6) 17 Successes. (Fang: 6x6, 5x6, 4x3, 3x8, 2x2, 1x5) 28 Successes
(+4 to Kindle Spinner)
(+4 to Firebomb Strike)
(+2 to EWC)
(+3 to Tenderizing Roast)
(+1 to Campfire)
(+141 to Hugr, Hugr Rank Up!)
(+1 to Fylgja)
(+1 to Talent-Tell)
(+16 to North-Know)
(+12 to Lowest-Limit)
(+4 to Flap-Away)
(+17 to Glima, Glima Mastery Up!)
(+28 to Fang, Fang Mastery Up!)
Attempting to make a bootleg Ulfsinsbregda ;P
Over the course of many days, you manage to figure out a way that lets you preform a 'pseudo-Ulsinsbregda' using your fylgja and your Armory Pocket. Essentially, by having your fylgja perch atop the Pocket, you can have it place and retrieve things into it from its own capacity, which you can then retrieve at will.

However, it seems that you can't both retrieve and deposit at the same time, not like Hal can.

Get a set of fylgja-related spells to learn on our own
"Today's lesson shall cover some basic techniques to use with one's fylgja." The Seeress' raven stands upright as its magnificent rainbow undertone glows from beneath its dark purple plumage.

(Weighed on the Scales: Your fylgja is, by nature, on the look-out for threats and dangers. This technique simply hones that aspect and focuses it on a single figure, allowing you to get an understanding of the threat they pose)
(Calling for Congress: By having your fylgja make a specific, predetermined call into the fold between worlds, you call specific fylgjur in order to conduct any manner of business.)
(Follower Finds a Friendly Fellow: By giving a spirit a piece of your fylgja, you make it significantly easier to find and summon them again)
Get a set of seidr spells to learn on our own to ward and defend homes and physical spaces
The Seeress' raven hops up onto a rowing-chest as she begins the day's lesson. "Today, and for the following week, we shall shore up your education on privacy wards, lock seals, and signposts."

"Firstly, privacy wards," a flicker of humor passes over her gaze. "Not only are they very useful for when you wish to practice your 'marital styles', but also to avoid gazes, muffle sounds, create sight-stopping shrouds, and other privacy-related things."

"Secondly, lock seals," a talon taps the copper lock securing the chest the she perches upon. "When constructing a lock seal, one must remember that a lock seal must be unlockable. That is the first rule of lock seals. The second is that, now matter the mechanisms and strength of the lock, it can always be bypassed through brute force. A lock seal will not stop a determined enemy, but it can and will give you time to prepare, assess, and react accordingly. Depending on what manner of things you've added to the lock seal, the spell itself may do the work for you," she finishes with a bit of a humorous lilt to her voice.

"Thirdly, signposts." With a single flap of her wings, the Seeress laces the air with a minor spell. As she does, a foreboding sense of malaise flickers across your mind as you swallow a gulp. "Generally, it is considered poor form to lay traps without giving a courtesy warning, which is where signposts come in. Signposts are simple spells that, when cast, allows one to convey concepts to those who happen into its range. One can convey complex subjects through the layering and clever application of signposts."

Over the following days, the Seeress has you practice the spells and techniques until she's satisfied with your proficiency.

(You can now create privacy wards)
(You can now create lock seals)
(You can now create signposts)
Talking to Heima Smiles (Silver-Tongue: 6x5, 5x5, 4x4)24+1(Friendly)+1(Tenderizing Roast)=26 Successes
Heima Smiles, well, 'smiled' as you tried again and again to hook him into a conversation.

"So, how about that weather we're having?" Look, alright, you're running out of topics. Sure, it's not gonna wo-

"It's alright." Heima's expression doesn't change an inch as a voice like spun gold flows from between his ever-closed teeth.

You stare at him, eyes twitching.

He stares back, a bare skewer in his hand—that had been covered in meat just a few seconds ago!

A spark of levity plays across his eyes as he takes a bite of the now filled skewer?!

'This guy is fucking freaky.'

You couldn't agree more.

Talking to Eric (Silver-Tongue: 6x5, 4x1, 3x2, 2x3, 1x3)7+1(Friendly)=8 Successes
"And that is how you properly reef a sail when sailing underwater," Eric's proud declaration snaps you from the glazed-eye, open-mouthed state that the endless outpour of sailing knowledge and terminology left you in.

You swallow as you realize that he's expecting a response. "Oh, uh, what about the Abysslings? I know you said that they can be a problem, but how do you deal with them?"

...What? Just because you don't particularly feel one way or another about sailing doesn't mean that you weren't listening. He's your brother, for crying out loud!

Though, you don't miss the fact that this is just his attempt to distract from the topic of Kyrsviking politics.

Talking to Vagn Wheel-Drifter
One morning, as you get ready to load back onto the Wavedancer, you find yourself talking to Vagn as he uses his wheel hugareida to speed up the process.

"So, Vagn, how'd you get your kenning?" You eye the wheel he rides upon, the reason obvious but the context blank.

He grins, a snorting laugh slipping free, "Well, it's a funny story actually. You see..."

...It wasn't a funny story. Vagn, despite being a rather personable individual, can't tell a story to save his life.

Which is actually how he got the kenning of 'Wheel-Drifter', as he had to ride a wagon-wheel to escape from a bunch of trolls who demanded stories from him.

Actually, now that you think about it, that is kind of a funny story.

(You have 5 Relations with Vagn Wheel-Drifter)
Talking to Stigr (Silver-Tongue: 4x1, 3x4, 2x4, 1x5) 4 Failures
"The Heavy-Arrow, of course," Stigr explains as he puts another hole through a tree about three or so yards away, "is bad at distance, plus even Aki could outrun it. What it does do, though, is damage, even through shields if you're close enough."

"You shouldn't say things like that, about Aki."

Something in your voice makes Stigr pause and close his mouth. "A-anyways, I, uh, I was wanting to talk to you about... Well," he swallows as his eyes flick down, "a-actually nevermind."

You watch as he staggers off, brows furrowing in confusion. Is he suffering from nidheart again...?

'Perhaps you should look down,' Blackhand says with some amusement as you follow his directions.

In a three-foot-wide ring centered around your feet, the grass itself pulls itself out by the roots in an attempt to escape your looming wrath. The closest stalks of slowpoke grass now little more than scorch marks on the ground.


Talking to Jordan, Tryggr, Trausti, Stigmar, and also Gabriel
You watch with narrowed eyes as Tryggr waves goodbye to a giggling farmer's daughter—an English farmer's daughter. He's not alone in this, either, as Stigmar has to pull Stigr away from another village girl—whose older sister was making eyes at a red-faced Stigmar the entire time.

Jordan, thankfully, stayed aboard the ship while Gabriel handled asking for directions from the locals. It would've been rather awkward if he'd gone ashore given the murderous looks previously oblivious brothers and fathers shoot towards your men. Fortunately, they're only Christians so it's not like they're much of a threat or anything, but that's besides the point.

England is not all that much like Lotharingia. Honestly, it feels as though you never left home. The average person looks more or less the same as they do back in Asvir, just with a lack of weirdos to add contrast to the picture.

In Lotharingia, the land was dead.


Well, here it's just dying. Clinging to life by the finger-stumps—but alive nonetheless. For how much longer, though, will it last?

Just stepping foot here tells you all you need to know. One day, this land will go the way of Lotharingia. The wind will stop whistling in your ears, the trees will stop laughing through their boughs, the ground will stop pushing back against every step you take.

In a way, it's really sad.

Gabriel, on the other hand, looks more alive then he ever did in Agder. He smiles as he shakes the local 'Thane's' hand—who appears to have a shockingly large amount of power, given the standards of the Christians—and pauses as he catches your gaze.

Saying goodbye to the Thane, Gabriel saunters on over to you with a mile-wide smile on his face. "Ah, can't you just taste the faith in the air? It's good to be out of that faithless, barren land."

"It's not much like Agder, no," you respond with a diplomatic, level tone. The closer you came to England, the more stand-offish Gabriel became.

It occurs to you as he wanders off towards the ship that this may be the last time you get a chance to talk to Gabriel before you make for Winchester—it's only a few hours away by ship, apparently. This may very well be the best chance for him to tell you whatever it is he needs to.

The only question is, do you push him on it?
[ ] You do, yes
[ ] You do not, no


AN: I got kind of lazy towards the end there, my apologies

No moratorium, as it is getting a bit late
[X] You do, yes

LOL, 4 failures with Stig? Man, our dice have just been really bipolar today.

That aside... Well, no sense in leaving regrets, you know?
[X] You do, yes

Jeez, yeah...our dice are bipolar as hell today.

Over the course of many days, you manage to figure out a way that lets you preform a 'pseudo-Ulsinsbregda' using your fylgja and your Armory Pocket. Essentially, by having your fylgja perch atop the Pocket, you can have it place and retrieve things into it from its own capacity, which you can then retrieve at will.

However, it seems that you can't both retrieve and deposit at the same time, not like Hal can.

Actually, @Imperial Fister could we do a little simultaneous stuff if we had a second Pocket? Specifically, put Sagaseeker away in the other Pocket while pulling stuff out of the one with the Owl on it?
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In Lotharingia, the land was dead.


Well, here it's just dying. Clinging to life by the finger-stumps—but alive nonetheless. For how much longer, though, will it last?
So only one 'field effect' is allowed per culture on the land.
Saying goodbye to the Thane, Gabriel saunters on over to you with a mile-wide smile on his face. "Ah, can't you just taste the faith in the air? It's good to be out of that faithless, barren land."

"It's not much like Agder, no," you respond with a diplomatic, level tone. The closer you came to England, the more stand-offish Gabriel became.
And cultural 'field effects'....

....Well, they say a person is shaped far more by their upbringing and culture than anything else.