Sweet. I think we're probably done spending Reward Dice then since that gets us to 16/11/16 on the three rolls.


Alright, 'voting' is now closed

Secondary to that is that Wednesdays will be my break day for the foreseeable future, as that is when I play VtM with some friends
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Dec 19, 2023 at 4:58 PM, finished with 23 posts and 0 votes.
No votes were able to be tallied!
Heading Home Through Stormy Seas
Navigation (Sailing: 16)
Balance (Sailing: 11)
Overboard (Management: 16)

It's a tale far older than you, a tale as old as time itself. The tale of Man against the Wilds, Civilization versus Nature.

Rain drenches you to the bone as your teeth grind together. Unflinching, you stand against all that fate would bring your way. Let the storms come! Let the rains fall! Let lightning strike its baleful tune! You'll pass through it all, you and your crew! Nothing will last when it dares stand in your way!

For hours, you and your crew do merciless battle against the elements. Water lashes, thunder calls, and clouds gather for redoubled efforts. Time moves like a slug sliding down a leaf as the Wavedancer rides over wave after wave.

A single strand of light breaking through the clouds is all the warning you get as, just as suddenly as it arrived, the storm leaves with its lightning in tow. As you sit there on the rudder's bench, gasping for air now that the atmospheric pressure's vanished, a certain voice mutters in the back of your head.

'That, I reckon,' Blackhand sits with eyes turned towards the empty horizons, 'was a consequence of cultivators at war.'

Shaking your head clear of the storm's remnants, you clamber to your feet and turn your gaze to your crew. "Everyone alive?"

One by one, your crew gives word of their presence. Some, like Stigmar, were battered by the storm's winds and poor Ingolf even suffered a broken arm as a result of a tumbling seabird, but the majority made it through unharmed.

Taking hold of the rudder once more, you call for the sail to be let loose and for the crew to take their stations once more.


After a few hours of sailing, you let Stigmar take the rudder as you stand up and stretch. Stifling a series of yawns, you wander towards an empty section of the ship and plop yourself down atop the bags of supplies therein.

Eyes closing shut, darkness engulfs your vision as the wheels of your mind start to turn. Sparks of explosive imagination burst before your mind's eye, filling the void with a whole spectrum of color and effects.

Drifting thoughts banish themselves from your mind as you focus your willpower towards one single idea: the parent style of Time Stands Still.

Just what is Time Stands Still' parent style? The only hint you have to go off of is the feeling of a mountain of metal weighing down upon your shoulders. But is that a metaphorical mountain, a literal mountain? Is there a factual mountain of gleaming iron and shining brass somewhere? If so, you should definitely plunder it for the riches that must surely lie within.

Then again, there was Careful-Stepper's... Well, Careful-Stepper didn't really seem to do much of anything in any way similar to how Time Stands Still works. The only thing you can think of is the time where you turned around and he vanished. Could that have been a use of Time Stands Still or its parent style?

Something tells you that you're barking up the wrong tree there, with that train of thought.

Still, something about that name, Careful-Stepper, seems to stick in your mind. What is it your instincts notice that you don't? Is it that you have to be careful with its use, so that... Nah, it can't be that, that's stupid. It's gotta be related to the second half of his name, the stepping part. But what would that have to do with Time Stands Still?

Maybe you could, you dunno, do singular steps through tiny uses of Time Stands Still? Maybe, but that feels like it would be quite difficult to pull off, especially with how taxing Time Stands Still really is on you.

Either way, that idea of 'flickering in and out of time' seems like it has some good legs to it. Once you get back home, you'll probably try that idea out. When you've got some time, at least. You can't forget that your immediate future is filled with a whole lot of Latin!

Regardless, as the lookout calls that they've spotted Asvir, it seems you're out of time to think. Opening your eyes, you take hold of the rudder once more and guide the ship to shore.

Would you like to continue with the current plan or change anything?
[ ] Continue with the plan
[ ] Change some things
-[ ] Write in your changes

-[X] [Social] (Personal) Spend time with...
--[X] Tell Asva and anyone else in our family who doesn't know about Dorri's treachery the truth via Eyespeech while taking serious precautions. --[X] We will coordinate with Sten and Solrun to make our family conference on this subject as private as physically and magically possible (including using runes found [here](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/norsequest-a-norse-xianxia.113540/post-29872103) if viable).
--[X] Abjorn
--[X] Odr Initiation, very gradually, using our new spell

-[X] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
--[X] The Hading!
---[X] (Optional) Try to find the Heart of the Hading

-[X] (Seeress) Learn seidr with the Seeress (Only available during Summer)
--[X] Ask Solrun to explain the various uses a seeress has for a Fylgja. We feel like we're missing something fundamental here having had most of our Fylgja education from warriors.
--[X] Ask Solrun about the Fylgja of other people in the valley with revealed ones, our main interest iis in Dorri's family and Framarr's ant thing in particular, but we'd ask abbout it as part of other stuff just in case
--[X] Check with Solrun if our idea for the bridge and burl is on the right track. Basic idea can be found [here](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/norsequest-a-norse-xianxia.113540/post-29875202), for referenc. To be clear, we're mostly making sure this isn't completely wrong-headed and dangerous, not asking for the definitive answer.
--[X] Learn more about privacy warding...we want the best and most comprehensive privy wards possible and her help in making those
--[X] Ask Solrun about the mountain of metal and that whole thing, noting we've had feelings that it's something in our family lineage. She's not likely to know the martial style itself, but she might know who or what it's based on, especially given her and its respective connections to Ironjaw.
--[X] How can I help someone through a nidheart, especially a more mundane one without a spirit involved...is there some spell for that, and if not do you have any advice?

AN: Well, would you look at that! We're nearly done with the turn!

I'll give out the rewards next update.

Wednesdays are going to be my break days for the foreseeable future, as that is when I play VtM with my friends.

No moratorium
Drifting thoughts banish themselves from your mind as you focus your willpower towards one single idea: the parent style of Time Stands Still.

Just what is Time Stands Still' parent style? The only hint you have to go off of is the feeling of a mountain of metal weighing down upon your shoulders. But is that a metaphorical mountain, a literal mountain? Is there a factual mountain of gleaming iron and shining brass somewhere? If so, you should definitely plunder it for the riches that must surely lie within.

Then again, there was Careful-Stepper's... Well, Careful-Stepper didn't really seem to do much of anything in any way similar to how Time Stands Still works. The only thing you can think of is the time where you turned around and he vanished. Could that have been a use of Time Stands Still or its parent style?

Something tells you that you're barking up the wrong tree there, with that train of thought.

Still, something about that name, Careful-Stepper, seems to stick in your mind. What is it your instincts notice that you don't? Is it that you have to be careful with its use, so that... Nah, it can't be that, that's stupid. It's gotta be related to the second half of his name, the stepping part. But what would that have to do with Time Stands Still?

Maybe you could, you dunno, do singular steps through tiny uses of Time Stands Still? Maybe, but that feels like it would be quite difficult to pull off, especially with how taxing Time Stands Still really is on you.

Either way, that idea of 'flickering in and out of time' seems like it has some good legs to it. Once you get back home, you'll probably try that idea out. When you've got some time, at least. You can't forget that your immediate future is filled with a whole lot of Latin!

I'm sorry to complain here, but the bolded part is literally what the research action was centred around. The action wasn't just meditating, it was to do meditation combined with an intense regiment of physical training and breathing exercises until we had a useable technique. The idea that a flickering technique was a viable adaptation of Time Stands Still into a more useable, small-scale form was indicated by previous research actions where we did breathing exercises and meditation. The stuff about Careful-Stepper was essentially a shot in the dark to see if you wanted to use it as inspiration, but it's not the core thing Halla was meant to be doing. So this is a bit frustrating as it feels like we've moved no further forward?

To be clear, I'm not complaining that we did not instantly get given a cool technique here. If this was a really difficult undertaking, similar to unlocking TSS in the first place or working out how to replicate the Knightly Armour, then give us a progress bar we need to fill up! If there's other necessary pre-requisites we're missing, then give us a hint about those! Anything clear and actionable. But this is kind of a waste of time when Halla was meant to be doing one thing, and instead she's just sort of retreading meditation that she's already done in previous turns, other than the bit about Careful-Stepper. I appreciate you're working hard to maintain a frankly Herculean update schedule, but honestly I think it would be preferable in this scenario to simply say that there isn't time right now and refund the Reward Dice.
I'm sorry to complain here, but the bolded part is literally what the research action was centred around. The action wasn't just meditating, it was to do meditation combined with an intense regiment of physical training and breathing exercises until we had a useable technique. The idea that a flickering technique was a viable adaptation of Time Stands Still into a more useable, small-scale form was indicated by previous research actions where we did breathing exercises and meditation. The stuff about Careful-Stepper was essentially a shot in the dark to see if you wanted to use it as inspiration, but it's not the core thing Halla was meant to be doing. So this is a bit frustrating as it feels like we've moved no further forward?

To be clear, I'm not complaining that we did not instantly get given a cool technique here. If this was a really difficult undertaking, similar to unlocking TSS in the first place or working out how to replicate the Knightly Armour, then give us a progress bar we need to fill up! If there's other necessary pre-requisites we're missing, then give us a hint about those! Anything clear and actionable. But this is kind of a waste of time when Halla was meant to be doing one thing, and instead she's just sort of retreading meditation that she's already done in previous turns, other than the bit about Careful-Stepper. I appreciate you're working hard to maintain a frankly Herculean update schedule, but honestly I think it would be preferable in this scenario to simply say that there isn't time right now and refund the Reward Dice.
I dunno how to put it but all evidence so far and before this has been that Careful-Stepper isn't the originator of the TSS style, it's Bram Ironjaw's. So naturally meditating on TSS while thinking about Careful-Stepper did would have led down essentially a wild goose chase.

Also research doesn't work like that.
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I dunno how to put it but all evidence so far and before this has been that Careful-Stepper isn't the originator of the TSS style, it's Bram Ironjaw's. So naturally meditating on TSS while thinking about Careful-Stepper did would have led down essentially a wild goose chase.

That isn't what we were meant to be doing.

Careful- Stepper is only in the research action as an offhand mention; with the idea being to take inspiration from his economy of motion, given that TSS's whole schtick is about conservation of breath. If that wasn't helpful as an inspiration, then fine - it can be ignored. Similarly, whether the originator of the technique is Ironjaw or not is completely irrelevant.
[X] Change some things
-[X] Make sure Solrun is there for the family meeting regarding Dorri (and helps with privacy stuff). Replace asking her about the mountain of metal with asking her to help set up surveillance on Dorri.

So, we mostly want to stay the course here, but need to get Solrun on board with the Dorri issue. I regret putting off asking her about the mountain (until next turn, to be clear, we're still asking that and soon), but all the other stuff is more urgent.

How are we planning to actually initiate Abjorn into Odr cultivation?

Did we make that spell to do it gently?

We are, and we absolutely did.
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That isn't what we were meant to be doing.

Careful- Stepper is only in the research action as an offhand mention; with the idea being to take inspiration from his economy of motion, given that TSS's whole schtick is about conservation of breath. If that wasn't helpful as an inspiration, then fine - it can be ignored. Similarly, whether the originator of the technique is Ironjaw or not is completely irrelevant.
More broadly, to make progress on TSS or research in general is not a 'progress bar' thing, it's a 'know the correct way and execute it' thing. If the idea does not work that what we learn is that the idea does not work and therefore a different track is needed. There is no progress bar, there is just a filing of ideas until you hit the correct one.
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More broadly, to make progress on TSS or research in general is not a 'progress bar' thing, it's a 'know the correct way and execute it' thing. If the idea does not work that what we learn is that the idea does not work and therefore a different track is needed.

Skippy's issue, as the one who wrote the action, seems to be that the action's intent was to do the thing that the end of the action suggests as correct. Ie: he did the equivalent of saying 'let's go right looking up just in case' about solving a maze and the written action result is all about looking up, with a note at the end that going right was probably correct but we haven't done it yet.

I'm not sure I entirely agree (I can see where he's coming from, but I'm ambivalent whether what we got was also valid), but the source of the frustration is not lack of a progress bar per se, it's him feeling like the actual intent of the action was not followed through on.
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More broadly, to make progress on TSS or research in general is not a 'progress bar' thing, it's a 'know the correct way and execute it' thing. If the idea does not work that what we learn is that the idea does not work and therefore a different track is needed. There is no progress bar, there is just a filing of ideas until you hit the correct one.

The thing we were meant to be doing in this research action is the thing that previous research actions have explicitly indicated is the route towards developing a smaller-scale version of TSS and probably unlocking the parent style. This isn't about needing to solve a riddle, all we need to do is use basic reading comprehension.
Just what is Time Stands Still' parent style? The only hint you have to go off of is the feeling of a mountain of metal weighing down upon your shoulders. But is that a metaphorical mountain, a literal mountain? Is there a factual mountain of gleaming iron and shining brass somewhere? If so, you should definitely plunder it for the riches that must surely lie within.
Great idea, Halla!

I don't think you're anywhere near ready to try that against the men of Bornholm and their Blaze of Glory Style though lol.

Of course, maybe you're supposed to literally be fighting the Guardian Spirit and plunder the metaphorical mountain for your own.
Is it that you have to be careful with its use, so that... Nah, it can't be that, that's stupid.
Lol 'Being careful is being stupid' Halla

More seriously, BSOD at the long discussions of using TSS in ways that are argued.. actually I'm blanking out on that.

And also, it might be related to the Blaze of Glory style, which is obviously extremely un-careful.
It's gotta be related to the second half of his name, the stepping part. But what would that have to do with Time Stands Still?
Stepping through time
Breathing Steps


Semi-serious idea: TSS's Parent Style is Blaze of Glory, and in order to make progress on it you need to fight the Guardian Spirit of the Super Iron Mountain.
Skippy's issue, as the one who wrote the action, seems to be that the action's intent was to do the thing that the end of the action suggests as correct. Ie: he did the equivalent of saying 'let's go right looking up just in case' about solving a maze and the written action result is all about looking up, with a note at the end that going right was probably correct but we haven't done it yet.

Well, more than that, previous updates had suggested it was correct, which is why this research was centred around trying to develop it to the point of a useable technique. This isn't the first time we've done breathing exercises or tried using smaller amounts of breath to "flicker" through time; Halla tried that before and it immediately worked, in one of our first research actions on this topic. Then we kinda got derailed by the whole mountain thing.

So that's why it kinda feels to me like we're treading water a bit in terms of progress; the actionable intelligence we got from this is what we had at the start, only restated perhaps a bit more forcefully.
Genuine question; what is the obsession with the time stands still Style? Is it just that it's a mystery or...?

Because we seem to have put a lot of actions and researches into it without gaining that much knowledge. Even what little we do know (that it was passed on via steinnar) was gained OOCly.

It seems like there might be other projects we could work on instead that we have more intel on?

Edit: And then circle back to it once we've done things like 'Met Bram', of course.
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Genuine question; what is the obsession with the time stands still Style? Is it just that it's a mystery or...?

Because we seem to have put a lot of actions and researches into it without gaining that much knowledge. Even what little we do know (that it was passed on via steinnar) was gained OOCly.

It seems like there might be other projects we could work on instead that we have more intel on?
'That, I reckon,' Blackhand sits with eyes turned towards the empty horizons, 'was a consequence of cultivators at war.'
Man, why are we still so weak that we almost became collateral damage?

We should be the one inflicting collateral damage, not the other way around!
Reward Dice-Earned Knowledge (alexthealright)
Hey Everyone I'm making a list of all of the knowledge we've gained from spending reward dice (as well as everything else important that isn't threadmarked)

I'd really appreciate if anyone would send me any ones I can't find


When you Disclose, you will face a myriad of foes.

The first will be Foemen. You can safely assume that you will be massively outnumbered with 3–9 Foemen for every rank of Infusion you have.
The second will be Spirited Foemen, which are Foemen that are enhanced by spirits of the Dark Forest via posession. You will encounter these at a rate of 1–3 per Infusion Rank.
The third will be draugar drawn from the region. Improperly buried dead and currently active draugar will be drawn to fight you. The number of these depends entirely on the local region.
The fourth will be trolls, if available. Trolls will only appear if the Disclosure is done at night. Numbers depend on local environment.
The fifth will be giants drawn from the region. Giants are stronger then trolls, posses shapeshifting abilities, are very smart, and, worst of all, are immune to sunlight.
The sixth will be a Pursuer.
If the local spirits are hostile, then locally sourced monsters may be added to the mix as well.

(In story, this is an instance of Odin appearing and giving you required intel)


Boat SoulFarm Soul
>More ready to ride the waves of odr
>Transitory, inherently more able to change and shift
>A firm foundation leaves this type of soul stronger
>Broader array of options
>Inherently weaker than a farming soul
>Less say over how it develops
>Highly vulnerable to the ravages of odr, unless the proper steps are taken
>Once something is decided, it is set in ston


-Massive boost to how fast you can Shapeshift
-Immunity to weapons
-Resistance to fire (which applies to heat in general)
-Regeneration of Endurance
-Regeneration of Frenzy (Per Attack)
-Treatment of Hugr as Hamr and, thus, Shapeshifting Slots
-Treatment of Frenzy as Hamr and, thus, Shapeshifting Slots
-Treatment of Frenzy as DR
-Treatment of Frenzy as additional Damage

All for the price of being literally useless and lying in bed, infirm, for the next weeks/months


TheCount said:
Hey, Halla, how does the Magyars feel, cultivation wise?

Like sunbeams upon the skin, yet carefully restrained in preparation for that which is yet to come

alexthealright said:
Hey Halla does this guy have anything similar to Frenzy, a Spotlight or anything else that he has that none of the rest of them do?

Now that you mention it, there's almost something like a delayed Frenzy, but that's something that all of the Magyars have.


Serous said:
@Imperial Fister If its not a spoiler, I'm curious how strong was the strongest cultivator that Hallr has ever met? Wonder if the answer is himself.

Cultivator specifically? That he personally met?
Attila the Hun. (None of you saw that one coming)


alexthealright said:
Hey Blackhand what do you know about the Twist: Astonishing Colors as the East Meets the West?

'I believe it allows one to learn the normally unlearnable, in accordance with Miklagard's own status of crossroads between worlds.'


Free Answers;
KittyEmpress said:
How similar is Bear cultivation to Norse Cultivation? Or does Bjorney just have Norse cultivation because he's a norse bear?

Animals of a culture follow that culture's cultivation method. There isn't any such thing as 'bear cultivation' because there isn't a 'bear culture'.
KittyEmpress said:
Can he gain Orthstirr in the same way we can?

He can, yes.
KittyEmpress said:
If Bjorney uses a variant of of Norse cultivation, does he have a Fyljga stat?

He does

Costly Answers;
KittyEmpress said:
Are there special rules for a Norse Bear cultivator, re: Nid or Kunna access?

There are not, no.
KittyEmpress said:
Is his Fyljga even veiled, or does he always have the Bear benefits? Can we unveil it - and if so, is it always a bear?

Animals don't so much have a fylgja stat as they do an as of yet unnamed 'growth' stat. Bjorney's 'fylgja' will always be a bear because he is a bear and it starts 'unveiled', thus granting him its benefits from birth.
KittyEmpress said:
Can they raise the stat to gain the evolution benefits of a Fyljga, be it veiled or not? If they can, does that change their physical form - would a dog Evolve into a stone dog, like Steinnar's Fyljga did?

This is where wacky creatures come from
KittyEmpress said:
And of course; would it be theoretically possible to make Norsely Companions, based off Knightly Companions?

Theoretically, yes!

KittyEmpress said:
Edit: fuck it, I'm just gonna ask @Imperial Fister , because I feel like this question will hugely impact how much I wanna pursue them in the future, so if it's enough, I offer my last reward die as sacrifice:

Is there any possibility of Norse animals lives being extended to be more human like, if we potentially pursue the path of Norsely companions? Some way to let them live as long as their bondmate does, or share lifespan between the two?

There is, in fact, a way to do it.


alexthealright said:
Hey Blackhand do Animals have fated days?

'What is an animal? Is it something that is non-human? I know that dwarves and elves both have fated days, though theirs are of a different sort. I don't fully understand it, but I believe that dwarves get an allotment of time upon birth and, should they perish before their time, that's it for them. I know next to nothing about elves, at least I don't remember much.'


Because I don't really expect you folks to ever learn this in-character, Mirror Waltz' landmark is a massive plane of highly polished silver that the Kyrsvikingar practice before.


Shard said:
1) What do you think about dressing up your Fylgja fashionably?

Shard said:
2) So putting tricks in your Fylgja lets you just execute the trick without any hand motions or like, right? Does this also apply to (Stitch) Seidr, letting you simply output a spell without any motion?

Shard said:
3) What personality are Ravens associated with?

Intelligent and perceptive, with a dash of greed and cunning.
Shard said:
Reward Dice Qs:
1) At what point in Hugr Infusion should we fear Undesirable Side Effects (tm)?

9 is safe, 10 is not.


So far this is everything I can personally recall but any help would be greatly appreciated.

A huge thank you to @Shard for making this list as thorough as it is.


What info can you give us about these system agnostic skills for a reward dice IF?

History repeats itself, over and over again


I feel like "What is a Pursuer" is too broad. :V Instead I'll go with "What does a Pursuer look like?" under the theory that might let us figure out more based on inference.


A Pursuer has 4 limbs arranged around a central, vaguely rectangular torso—the upper limbs end in five-fingered grabbers while the lower set end in flat, nub-tipped appendages used for walking.

They have a fur-topped head—the fur's color comes in many hues, as does the surface of their outwards-facing, body-spanning, pressure-sensory organ—two binocular organs with which they observe the world, two splayed-out auditory receptors on either side of the head, two olfactory orifices on the underside of an organ-covered, vaguely triangular growth, as well as a wide, bone-filled slash they use to both make noise and consume the flesh and meat of their food.


alexthealright said:
Hey Imperial Fister I'd like to spend a reward dice to learn about any universal traits or rules of spirit stats
in other words things all spirit stats share

There are three commonalities that can be seen in most—but certainly not all—cultivation systems.

The first is that they have a way to strengthen the body. For the Norse, this is their Hamr. For the Carolingians/Christians, this is their Soma.

The second is that they have a way to enhance the mind. For the Norse, this is their Hugr. For the Carolingians/Christians, this is their Psyche.

The third is that they have a way to interact and interface with the greater world. For the Norse, this is their Fylgja. For the Carolingians/Christians, this is their Pneuma.


AeonIlluminate said:
@Imperial Fister I would like to put 2 of my three Reward Dice towards this, and my remaining 1 towards finding buff people for the attack

You got it


When Steel becomes the soul, the soul becomes the body. A Steelfather's skin is his soul. Anything that happens to the body, also happens to the soul.


AeonIlluminate said:
@Imperial Fister Aletcai said that he would pay the 1 Reward Die to get the info on what the Enemy would let pass , so could you lob us that info please?

Forgor, whoops

Anyways, the Enemy lets things go un-accosted if they won't—or it believes they won't—pan out to anything.


DeadmanwalkingXI said:
@Imperial Fister I'd like to spend a Reward Die to know what Orthstirr and Odr respectively actually do on this Banishing Rebuke roll and the rough amount of both we likely need to succeed (like we did for knowing we needed how much to spend on the Moonless Night thing). We probably can't get exact numbers, but a rough number should be available, right?

I'll give you the first part for the Reward Dice, though the second part will cost another. Orthstirr provides structure and power, while odr provides the raw creative might to overcome the enemy.

Mechanically, 1 Odr = 9 Orthstirr in terms of seid

DeadmanwalkingXI said:
So...I'm actually really unclear, does Odr do something unique, or is it 'just' the equivalent of 9 Orthstirr each? Because those are very different things.

Odr doesn't do anything unique mechanics-wise... Actually, perhaps every 3 Odr should let you re-roll? Yeah, that sounds right to me


Shard said:
...Hey Fister, could I spend a reward dice for more details on 'Odr Infusion into Crafting Dangers'?

The average human needs about 2–4 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. I won't bill you a reward dice for that little bit of information, but that's all I can say without a substantially greater cost.


Imperial Fister said:
The more odr put in, the greater the result will be. That's free.

If you want anything more, it will require dice.

I'd like to know the effect of (if there are any) or reaching specific 'breakpoints'. If too broad for a reward dice, specifically the effects on our wedding gift to Asva.

Shard said:
I'd like to know the effect of (if there are any) or reaching specific 'breakpoints'.

There are effects, yes. They mostly deal with strengthening the spirit of the object (in ways beyond the expanding of orthstirr pools)
DeadmanwalkingXI said:
The thought is that any bone ash is better than none, and we don't have any other bone ash. Is that wrong?

You could definitely use the bone ash of a farm animal, there's nothing stopping you. I just don't think that Asva would appreciate something made with troll-men — a notable cause of deaths in childhood — when she's intending on starting a family of her own.

While the overall power of the ash is important, what's more important is how thematically relevant the source creature is to whatever you're adding the ash to.


This List is nowhere near complete so if you know where anything else is then please direct me towards it.
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Would you like to continue with the current plan or change anything?
[ ] Continue with the plan
[ ] Change some things
-[ ] Write in your changes
Is "plant one of the maybe-evil seeds in a secluded spot of our land far away from anything valuable" a valid 'free action' to add in? Or would that need to wait until the next main turn and take a work dice? (Or for that matter, is it still early enough in summer for this?)
Is "plant one of the maybe-evil seeds in a secluded spot of our land far away from anything valuable" a valid 'free action' to add in? Or would that need to wait until the next main turn and take a work dice? (Or for that matter, is it still early enough in summer for this?)

It's about midsummer. However, I think we should be very clear: The seeds are not 'maybe evil' they are very explicitly "Extra Super Evil You Will 100% need to burn them down" according to every possible bit of evidence we've had.
It's about midsummer. However, I think we should be very clear: The seeds are not 'maybe evil' they are very explicitly "Extra Super Evil You Will 100% need to burn them down" according to every possible bit of evidence we've had.

I've just had an idea of somehow tricking Lidrun into planting one into her soul farm as "a way to catch up to us", but that might be a bit too odreng for Halla.
I mean, I think the seeds are dangerous, like very dangerous, but I don't think they are impossible to take advantage of. Sadly I don't think we will ever do anything with them because we always have a lot to do and we don't feel safe poking them. Like we might have been willing to poke at an evil sword but seeds are just plain weird.
The (probably evil) person the seeds were stolen from certainly wanted to keep them so they are presumably useful for something.

My guess is that they strangle the land and draw the life/qi/prana/mana/whatever-you-call-it into themselves, concentrating it for easier harvest by a demonic-cultivator.

The thief didn't want them for themselves they just wanted that to not happen, so they threw them very far away.