his textbook stance is kinda weird, but i guess its part of the set up to make Hungary join the christian church/Carolingian cultivation system... thought that will only happen around 1000 but laying groundwork for it seems believable.
It's more because of Hungary's deep connection to the saber and fencing in general.
I don't think Non-Norse cultivators have the rule where a higher Hugareida level can cancel out your Hugareida, since they don't have Hugareida per se. If they can, then honestly I think it would be valuable to find that out from this spar? It's not like spending the Orthstirr really costs us anything, this fight will be over one way or another well before we run out of it.

The issue is less the cost and more relying on it. If it goes through the guard and we're relying on that guard, we have a problem. I'd much rather do another Atgeir Bodyguard if we're adding any additional Guards.

I feel like in terms of the actual way IF writes these in fight scenes, multiple Guards can make a difference - often one gets destroyed to show that there was a really strong attack rather than us getting hit ourselves.

No? Guards that are beaten get broken, barring using Odr to stop that. But actually, that's not the real issue, the issue is that multiple Guards at the same dice pool almost certainly all either get beat by any attack that beats one of them, so having more is only useful in very specific circumstances.

Would that stop us making a scratch? Even our basic attacks are doing a non-negligible amount of damage with sharpening and lightning-charging them.

I think the difficult part is going to be hitting him, honestly, and the first hit of any kind by either side will be likely to draw a drop of blood and end the fight. But we'll see.

Depends on how much DR we're talking about, I think. The Basic Attacks only do 5 damage a pop without Dense Muscles. I can definitely see this guy having DR 5 (I suspect he doesn't, but he sure could). I agree that hitting him is gonna be the hard part, but I wouldn't assume attacks that do zero damage draw blood. I think we need to do 1 point of Endurance before blood is drawn.

Hmmm, fair point, doing them all in the span of one attack is a strong plus for Threadcutter.

Yeah, that and one of the attacks in question being big are the selling points for me.
Can we stop Threadcutter part way through? If we draw blood on say the 6th attack can we cancel out or are we committed to the rest(
-[X] Put 3 Orthstirr into 6 layers of Reinforce Shield (actually on our shield for once) before the combat begins (-3 Orthstirr) and add an instance of Explosive Reactive Armor (-9 Orthstirr, +4 Stoked Dice)
Also RS up our Gambeson.
-[X] Start by using Threadcutter for nine 9d6+7 Sharpenedx3 Lightning-Charged Basic Attacks (-46 Orthstirr, -9 Stoked Dice, then +18 Stoked Dice total) followed by a Sharpenedx71 Lightning-Charged Stoking Strike w/Puncture for 220d6+7 adding 18 Stoked Dice including the 9 from Threadcutter itself (-84 Orthstirr, -9 Stoked Dice). Follow that up with nine 20d6+7 Sharpenedx4 Lightning-Charged Firebomb-Strikes (-5 Orthstirr and +4 Stoked Dice each).
Should put more dice into our Sharpens for Threadcutter basic attacks. It's to first blood, so he needs to defend against all of them.


I would have preferred just letting IF write it out myself, full battles needing paragraphs of planning to navigate is really annoying. Honestly, what if we tried experimenting with alternative ways to navigate a battle in our next non-plot encounter? Ones with a guidelines of like 'use lots of Orth on basic attack' as opposed to '9 Orth Sharpens on each basic attack' or 'nuke the other guy with maxed out Sharpens' as opposed to '70 Orth on Sharpens on each attack', etc.
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The issue is less the cost and more relying on it. If it goes through the guard and we're relying on that guard, we have a problem. I'd much rather do another Atgeir Bodyguard if we're adding any additional Guards.

We can just say that our Atgeir Bodyguard is our final line of defence, and give it more dice accordingly. IF is not going to screw us like that; he has plenty of other ways to use our own decisions to kneecap us without resorting to dirty tricks.

No? Guards that are beaten get broken, barring using Odr to stop that. But actually, that's not the real issue, the issue is that multiple Guards at the same dice pool almost certainly all either get beat by any attack that beats one of them, so having more is only useful in very specific circumstances.

The specific circumstance here being "this guy does an attack which whips out a million cuts simultaneously and your one spear guard can't cover them all", which isn't that specific or unlikely given his whole schtick seems to be sabre fencing. It's certainly possible be able to beat a sword guard given he's a sword master, but so what?

If his sword mastery allows him to beat it, that's actually a fascinating discovery about how different cultivation/magic systems interact, honestly a discovery which would be big enough to make this spar worthwhile just by itself. It's actually a very compelling reason to try, just for the experimental value.
Honestly, what if we tried experimenting with alternative ways to navigate a battle in our next non-plot encounter? Ones with a guidelines of like 'use lots of Orth on basic attack' as opposed to '9 Orth Sharpens on each basic attack' or 'nuke the other guy with maxed out Sharpens' as opposed to '70 Orth on Sharpens on each attack', etc.
Works for me, I'll just need to get a chart or something of numbers, which is why the current method is the way it is
Also RS up our Gambeson.

We are not wearing our gambeson. It was considered, but the consensus was since he's not using armor, we're not either.

Should put more dice into our Sharpens for Threadcutter basic attacks. It's to first blood, so he needs to defend against all of them.

More Orthstirr probably just means he uses Perfects on them. He's got them, I'm sure. Spending more than 4-5 each and I worry he's not only winning the battle of attrition but doing so risk free. We want the price low enough he actually rolls against them, not so high he feels no compunctions about Perfect defending everything.

We can just say that our Atgeir Bodyguard is our final line of defence, and give it more dice accordingly. IF is not going to screw us like that; he has plenty of other ways to use our own decisions to kneecap us without resorting to dirty tricks.

Right...but one having way more dice means there's no reason not to use that on every attack. Like, having 120d defenses that come before a 180d defense achieves literally nothing. Anything the 120d one stops would've been stopped by 180d, so having the 120d one is pointless against anything but simultaneous attacks.

The specific circumstance here being "this guy does an attack which whips out a million cuts simultaneously and your one spear guard can't cover them all", which isn't that specific or unlikely given his whole schtick seems to be sabre fencing. It's certainly possible be able to beat a sword guard given he's a sword master, but so what?

If his sword mastery allows him to beat it, that's actually a fascinating discovery about how different cultivation/magic systems interact, honestly a discovery which would be big enough to make this spar worthwhile just by itself. It's actually a very compelling reason to try, just for the experimental value.

If he hadn't complimented the person who killed Blackhand's entire family, sure. But he did. Which means I'm a lot less willing to risk losing. This isn't super dangerous, but pride actually is at stake here in a meaningful way.

Adding some additional smaller Guards only for simultaneous attacks is technically possible, maybe I'll look into costs on that.

EDIT: And added. I threw in two Sword Guards at more reasonable dice numbers as a contingency plan.

Works for me, I'll just need to get a chart or something of numbers, which is why the current method is the way it is

I'm cool with something like this in future for low-impact combats. High-impact ones exact numbers have been pretty meaningful and we might want to keep doing them.
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Right...but one having way more dice means there's no reason not to use that on every attack. Like, having 120d defenses that come before a 180d defense achieves literally nothing. Anything the 120d one stops would've been stopped by 180d, so having the 120d one is pointless against anything but simultaneous attacks.

If he hadn't complimented the person who killed Blackhand's entire family, sure. But he did. Which means I'm a lot less willing to risk losing. This isn't super dangerous, but pride actually is at stake here in a meaningful way.

Adding some additional smaller Guards only for simultaneous attacks is technically possible, maybe I'll look into costs on that.

Protecting against simultaneous attacks is one advantage, as well as other contextual situations where a single Atgeir Guard might be overwhelmed or not able to intercede, but a layered defence might. It's a niche scenario, but not wildly unlikely.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that learning about how his sword mastery interacts with our sword guard would be worth throwing the fight. I think that at worst, it makes no difference, whilst at best it will be helpful, therefore the expected value is positive, before we take into consideration the learning potential.

Nah, dont worry, you are good.

Kinda surprised neither of them mentioned following the stars though...

This is also sunstone erasure!

The sunstone is honestly pretty cool and also feels practically lifted from a cultivation setting already given it uses cool crystals with extraordinary properties. Although given they were made of Icelandic Spar, and Iceland still has a magic forcefield around it (I think?) perhaps it's not commonly known as yet.

Regardless, the Norse were great navigators, second only to the Polynesians before we get into the age of European exploration starting in the 15th century. So this characterisation is a bit weird in general? It would be quite accurate if we were talking about say, Greek sailors, who did tend to stick very close to coastlines and treated even voyages over the relatively calm Mediterranean as a dangerous undertaking.

An online lecture I found which seems pretty cool:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT8LDL2nQU4

The bit about latitude navigation in particular I found quite interesting.

EDIT: And added. I threw in two Sword Guards are more reasonable dice numbers as a contingency plan.


[X] Plan Speed And Counters
Careful Stepper (Shard)

Meat-eating be murder,
Meals of eels all forbid.

Verily be vegan,
Violence vowed silence.

Alive I animism,
All above and below.

Soul's cursed worst with steel,
So'll never beat to eat


AN: I'm sure Careful-Stepper became a Steelfather for different reasons than this, but it is amusing thinking of him taking on the Curse of Steel as the logical conclusion of his vow of nonviolence plus the conclusion of animism. If everything and everyone is a person, nonviolence means you shouldn't hurt anyone or anything ever, so you need the curse of steel if you don't want to starve to death.

TLDR: Carefulstepper is a True Vegan.

(Skaldic, probably.)
This is also sunstone erasure!

The sunstone is honestly pretty cool and also feels practically lifted from a cultivation setting already given it uses cool crystals with extraordinary properties. Although given they were made of Icelandic Spar, and Iceland still has a magic forcefield around it (I think?) perhaps it's not commonly known as yet.

Regardless, the Norse were honestly amazing navigators, second only to the Polynesians before we get into the age of European exploration starting in the 15th century. So this characterisation is a bit weird in general. It would be quite accurate if we were talking about say, Greek sailors, who did tend to stick very close to coastlines and treated even voyages over the relatively calm Mediterranean as a dangerous undertaking.
Goddangit, I freaking knew I forgot something but I was so focused on the Hungarian stuff that I just completely whiffed the Norse!
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More Orthstirr probably just means he uses Perfects on them. He's got them, I'm sure. Spending more than 4-5 each and I worry he's not only winning the battle of attrition but doing so risk free. We want the price low enough he actually rolls against them, not so high he feels no compunctions about Perfect defending everything.
Puncture them then. We have 1500+ Orthstirr.

Or just Alloy Puncture to Sharpen.
There's not thinking this gonna take long and there's burning more 120 Orthstirr on a few Basic Attacks. He can easily spend less and still out-dice us if we're doing this.

That would mean we couldn't use it on many of our ranged attacks like Kindle Spinner or Sparkbomb at all.
It's a duel to first blood. Gotta block everything.

Sparkbomb is both nonbloody and too high damaging for use in a spar. Kindle Spinner was already rejected on the basis of being fire and therefore cauterising. In fact pretty much all our damaging moves? They're fire.
It's a duel to first blood. Gotta block everything.

Yeah, and if we're throwing out 20d Basic Attacks with Puncture he can probably hit 30d and no meaningful odds of failing for no more expensive than that. And will if he's got good analysis of our move set (and with our terrible Tactics roll and a feeling like he has Frenzy but delayed I think we have to assume he'll figure it out pretty quick).

Sparkbomb is both nonbloody and too high damaging for use in a spar. Kindle Spinner was already rejected on the basis of being fire and therefore cauterising.

That may be overly reductive as others pointed out, but fair enough. For this spar specifically, it might work, but we haven't actually confirmed that Alloy (I checked), so I don't think we can afford to experiment.

In fact pretty much all our damaging moves? They're fire.

Not at all? FBS can use the explosion as propulsion as does Flashfire Cleave, and then there's al our other Tricks outside of Ignition and Emberwind. We certainly have fire damage but not exclusively by any means.
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Goddangit, I freaking knew I forgot something but I was so focused on the Hungarian stuff that I just completely whiffed the Norse!
In fairness, the core of the argument (before Atilla gets brought up) seemed to be different attitudes towards risk more than the details of navigation, so any adjustments there probably still work narratively.

Personally I would find it hilarious if this was a Halla thing specifically.

Puts the voyage where we encountered the Jotnar into kind of a new light!

< >
Actually.. IF, does this guy feel like he's a peer (!), stronger (!!!) or weaker?

Since like fighting someone weaker would actually be a surprisingly novel experience (I think?), especially after our rampant powerlevelling.
Halla (Rider) Servant Sheet (mythfan12)
Decided to do a second Servant sheet

Class: Rider
True Name: Halla Skyfire

Strength: B-
Endurance: B-
Agility: A+
Mana: B
Luck: B

Riding: B
Rider was known to be proficient as a sailor, and was often at the helm in trading expeditions

Magic Resistance: A
Rider's personal Magic Resistance is enhanced by her class container. Fire spells under A-rank are completely nullified

Born of Fire: B(A)
Rider retains her skills with flame, though focused on Emberwind due to being in a rider class container

Wavedancer: Ran see us through storm and wave (A)
A manifestation of Rider's favored ship, the Wavedancer. While not a ship capable of combat on its lonesome, Rider is able to summon spectral crewmates to fight by her side, up to 60 dependant on the amount of mana pulled from the master.

Emberwinged Cloak: Soar high on wings of flame (A)
Rider summons flaming wings as the basis of her Skyfire kenning. Grants flight and a rank increase to her Born of fire skill as she taps into her ancestral skills
Hey Blackhand,

1) Do you know if anything special (with regards to the runes) would happen if I carved runes into something alive, like, say, a tree, or my own bones?
2) Since runes have to be seen to work, would covering up runes with, idk, some cloth, make them not work?
3) Is it possible to make a trick with like, 'inherent' Puncture?
4) Do you know if I can apply the principle of shapeshifting by body via my Hamr, to 'Shapeshfiting' a Hugareida or a Muna?
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Wait dont we wanna change our shapeshifts for the fight? Silver tongue and senses boosts arent helping rn and we might want to get some extra dr, extra speed, or adrenaline rush
That may be overly reductive as others pointed out, but fair enough. For this spar specifically, it might work, but we haven't actually confirmed that Alloy (I checked), so I don't think we can afford to experiment.
We were experimenting with Banishing Rebuke with Banish the Night in more important fights just before, we can experiment for this one.