I personally do want to play as Hallbjorn but I have mostly given up actually going for it to happen.
Hallbjorn really doesn't want to a be a PC, I don't think. He'd prefer the quiet life to the things a PC is gonna get up to, I'm pretty sure. Making him the heir to Charred Soul is not doing him a favor.

He has real middle child energy. Trying so hard to differentiate himself from his older siblings!

He's the opposite of bloodthirsty, due to his phobia. He's got interesting traits we don't really use too often, in poetry and leadership, and he's friendly to boot so natural social focused character.

I still think he's more likely to walk the Skald path than Sigurdr. Sigurdr has the wanderlust but that doesn't really equate to Skald instantly for me.

Definitely not the choice for if we wanna see Varangian stuff though.
If we're thinking about innovations which add to the world, one thing I'd really like to do if we go with Sigurdr is learn about shipbuilding and runes, and rebuild and enchant the Wavedancer so she can fly. It fits perfectly with his wanderlust and his Albatross Flygia. We know that flying boats are definitely possible, since IIRC we got one as part of our magical loot, but a full-on flying longship may be something a novelty, especially if the method of building them can be spread around.

It's an idea I first thought of for Halla, actually but it would almost be nicer to save it for Sigurdr given it fits him so well.
One thing I could do is have whoever you pick be the parent of the next character, which would allow you to generate a character like in NQ1.


Alrighty, voting is now closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Imperial Fister on Nov 6, 2023 at 7:26 PM, finished with 127 posts and 17 votes.
One thing I could do is have whoever you pick be the parent of the next character, which would allow you to generate a character like in NQ1.

I, for one, definitely want to play one of Halla's kids rather than skip a generation. Probably with the 'while Halla is still alive' option to start with. I think a lot of us like the idea of playing them and getting to influence their stories directly.
One thing I could do is have whoever you pick be the parent of the next character, which would allow you to generate a character like in NQ1.
That... that would be interesting... also would imply either that Halla lived long enough to be a grandmother or that Charred Soul didn't activate right away on her death though.
Edit: Or that our parent has it currently.
I guess I'll give the Hamingja roll a shot.

EDIT: 20 successes exactly. If someone wants to spend a Reward die they could hit 21, but I'm not motivated enough on this specifically.
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Hamingja Total: 45
5 5 1 1 4 4 3 3 5 5 2 2 4 4 6 6 5 5 2 2 2 2 6 6
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 12 6-faced dice. Reason: Hamingja Total: 38
5 5 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 5 5 6 6 1 1 3 3 5 5 3 3
DeadmanwalkingXI threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Hamingja Total: 18
6 6 1 1 4 4 5 5 2 2
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Honestly with 3 more kids to come and us just growing stronger with more traits to pass down, I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up picking Halla's youngest just because they got some absurd bonuses for being last, like Jarlsoul.
20 successes, that's great!

Hm... how many bonus dice would it take to hit the next grade again?

21 successes is the next grade, and Reward Dice can't roll failures, so one would do it.

Honestly with 3 more kids to come and us just growing stronger with more traits to pass down, I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up picking Halla's youngest just because they got some absurd bonuses for being last, like Jarlsoul.

I think picking up some of Halla's traits which they didn't inherit (or Abjorn's for that matter) should be a chargen option for whoever we pick as her successor. Not for free, obviously, but an option.
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I'll throw one in

Never mind I'll let Skippy get this. I'll get the next one if needed.
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I think picking up some of Halla's traits which they didn't inherit (or Abjorn's for that matter) should be a chargen option for whoever we pick as her successor. Not for free, obviously, but an option.

It would, presumably, cost more Hamingja than just doing so at baby generation, which determines our xp. But could be worth it if the trait in question is Good Enough

That said with the twins we literally didn't roll traits, since so many got locked in that Imperial Fister made the decision not to roll positives.
It would, presumably, cost more Hamingja than just doing so at baby generation, which determines our xp. But could be worth it if the trait in question is Good Enough

I was thinking more in terms of non-Hamingja chargen options. Like, if we're making the character we need a number of 'picks' for non-xp chargen things, like acquiring Hugareida or Muna, since we're likely starting at 16 at a minimum, and would definitely have had the opportunity for some of those. Spending those on Halla or Abjorn's Traits seems valid.

Honestly, I think our Hamingja should just be set on our next character (at a high rating for their age, because Godly Luck), not something we can effect with options at chargen. Fiddling with trying to optimize short term vs. long term with that sounds really annoying and unfun.

That said with the twins we literally didn't roll traits, since so many got locked in that Imperial Fister made the decision not to roll positives.

In fairness, they didn't roll negatives either, but this is correct.
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I'm sorry do I need to roll the bonus die Hamingja or are just counting it as a flat success?
Gotland Calls | Denmark 3
[X] Take the deal
[X] Look for people willing to buy and sell cargo
-[X] Look for leads on where we might be able to find thralls who are literate in Latin
Hamingja: 21 Successes
"Latin, you say?" A portly merchant-type purses his lips as he swishes around his mug of beer. After speaking with just about everyone in the cargoyard, you found yourself pointed to one Johannes Frisian who, apparently, knows all there is to know about the going-ons of Hedeby. Running fingers across his fat-maned chin, his eyes narrow with the shine of greed, "I recently came into possession of some manuscripts of Latin-script and asked some of my associates to procure me a man who speaks it. He never arrived and I haven't heard of those associates since."

Taking a sip of too sweet beer, you hide the grimace with a question, "You reckon your associates ran off with the thrall?"

"Perhaps," Johannes' jowls quiver and quake as he shrugs, "perhaps they were attacked or bad luck struck. Either way, they aren't here now."

"Why are you telling me this?" You barely know the guy, after all, and he likewise you.

He grins a gold-toothed smile, eyes alight with the fires of commerce, "I've heard of you, Halla Sunshine, and I desire to see how true the rumors are. You are said to do good work and I wish to ascertain how profitable of an associate you could be. All you have to do is bring me my money back and I'll let you keep the thrall. Have we a deal?"

Alright, this is suspicious as all get out. He doesn't seem like he's lying, though, so perhaps he's on the level?

Regardless, you have to respond somehow.
[ ] Accept the job
[ ] Decline the job

"Oh, and," Johannes coughed into a meaty fist, "were you looking for trade?"
[ ] Write in what you're looking for and/or willing to sell, if anything


AN: If you take the job, you'll get more information.

No moratorium.