We were discussing Vidar in the discord recently, so I decided to write a comedic set of scenes to explain his absences from Steinnar moments, based off the joke I made on him having Zoro level directional sense;
"Do I want to join? Huph." The man speaking to himself as he walked down the docks stood a head over nearly everyone else. Few dared to question the oddness of speaking out loud due to that - or perhaps due to the reddened face marking already prolific drinking, "First good damned thing that boy's done, an' it wasn't even him! Hawhaw!" The laughter scared birds off of their roosts on the edges of building, and brought more stares his way.
A raid! A good ol' fashioned raid, Vidar was ecstatic ever since his captain had come dour faced in the wake of that stupid little kid's brawl down on the ice. Finally something good, he'd even drank a cup in honor of little Halla and her first kill - and then the rest of the keg in honor of the memories to be reborn! Captain Steinnar, back in action, it was a good day! A great day! The best damned day since he'd settled in this Gods forsaken peaceful little personal hel. Finally, skulls to be cracked, and riches to be gained! So much better than those whinging brats.
"I'm here for the raid!" There was no questioning the Varangian - his face was known to all in the Hading, even the young bucks who seemed to be filling this ship. There was no surprise that Steinnar wasn't present yet - surely he was giving his goodbyes to his family, petting his cows on the head, coddling his children, useless, pointless swive. No, Vidar had come straight to the docks after his drinks - the boys would figure out what to do without him. He hadn't let them be soft enough to be that stupid. "Wake me when it's time!" The rumbling voice demanded. "And make sure a drink is ready too!"
And the young norsemen quaked as the drunken ex-Varangian settled into a seat, and as quick as he'd swooped onto their ship... fell asleep, his snores alone echoing loud enough to shake the wood. Or maybe that was just their imagination.
"Uh, boss?" A Man who had barely passed their raid trials shook harder than the wood, at the thought of waking the older man, and instead regarded the boat's owner with some fear. "Is he...?"
"I'm not waking him." The Horrason shook his head - he'd dealt with the tempers of older Norsemen too many times to deal with that, "If he wants a raid, he can have a raid. The gods are smiling on us today boys - we're going to be rich with someone like him. Change of plans! We're hitting higher! Tell the other boats we're heading further west. And someone load on some drink for our golden goose!"
This was the problem with arriving first and taking a nap - Steinnar must have taken another ship. And all Vidar got left with was a bunch of wet behind the ears kids. Oh sure, a few of them might have been notable for Hading, but back in his day? Vidar wouldn't have let them lick his boots! Bunch of weaklings being raised out here, needed to be made harder - like his kids!
"So how di-" One of the little weaklings tried to get a breath in, and it meant the man had to stop drinking for a second.
"I ain't ya damn mother, go ask your questions to her and tell me when we're ready to fight." What a waste of breath. "I could use more drink."
How much was this damned weregild, that they were heading this far out!? This was going to be a damned good fight - Ab's little friend really must have done a number! This was gonna be a damned good fight, as they filed out. The head of the boat, something Horka-something-or-other was trying to give orders. "This is a wasta fuckin' time. You can all sit around talkin' if you want, but I'm here for a reason!" Raising his fist high - the only weapons he needed for something like this - he rushed forward.
The ground shook in terror as Vidar searched for his Captain.
Steinnar had to be here somewhere - but as one head was cleaved from its shoulders he still wasn't around, "CAPTAIN!?" The barrel chested man bellowed, unafraid of the attention that brought. His shield came up not to catch a blow, but to shatter against their skull. The poor boy of a man didn't have time to even realize he was dead before his axe was ripped from his hand, and tossed into his brother's chest.
"Captain where are you!?" He bellowed again, but again only more lambs came to the slaughter. Where could his captain be? These weaklings were not enough to even scratch his back, and yet they were not fleeing in terror of Freedfire! No, they were fleeing in terror of him, as the Champions rushed him, two approaching as one as he batted one off with a shield that shattered, his hand wrapping around the other and throwing him to the ground suddenly - just a single heft to lift and toss the man like nothing.
"I will beat his location out of you two, then!" Clearly there must be somewhere bigger, somewhere stronger that Steinnar was raiding. And these two would be just the people to lead Vidar to his Captain, such that he might finally fight side by side with him again.
It was only after returning home that Vidar would realize his mistake, Steinnar having returned and paid the weregild days before the small fleet of boats Vidar had accidentally joined came back. He resolved to never let his Captain know of that mistake.
Days earlier, Hading
"Odd. Vidar said he would be here. I can't imagine he'd be late." Steinnar looked at the sun in the sky. He'd delayed the boat for an hour and still the man had not come. "Something must have happened. I hope the kids are alright." Any other day, he would have gone to make certain. But today he had to take care of his own blood - and he trusted his friend to be alright. "Let us be off!" As soon as he announced it, it was as if he was the owner of the boat. To the man, they all began to row out. Steinnar sighed as he looked at the respect in their eyes.
On this day, he'd kill once more - he'd kill as many times as he needed, for his family. But he wouldn't be Freedfire. That much was certain.
I definitely went for a 'funny' focus here. I don't have quite a comfortable enough grasp of Norsequest fight physics to do a good fight. I hope it was an enjoyable read! If so, I might do another one for other Steinnar trips that Vidar missed.