A Family Reunion (Shard)
A Family Reunion

Woden[1] word-wounds[2] Wolfhound,
With whispers whisks journey.

Fast they flag a Felag,
Faster Hǫtter [3] answers:

Skyfire arrives on sail,
Sailing seeking whetstones.

Kin at long last meets kin,
King's stores sacked for kin's meet.

AN: I think this one actually follows the skaldic poetry rules in addition to a bunch of other extra rhyming.

[1] Odin
[2] Wound, 'wound up', i.e, 'wind up', not wound, as in, 'injury'
[3] Also Odin
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A Basic Overveiw of Kabbalistic Cultivation: Malkuth (JustGazzer)
Been Thinking about Kabbalist Cultivation again.

11 Stages, each with an increasing number of steps between maybe?

Based on the Tree of Life like:

Malkuth (Foundation/Reflection)
Yesod (Connection/Transmutation)
Hod (Majesty/Form)
Netzach (Perpetuity/Endurance)
Tiferet (Balance/Integration)
Gevurah (Judgement/Limitation)
Chesed (Love/Mercy)
Binah (Intuition/Understanding)
Chokhmah (Wisdom/Creation)
Keter (The Hidden Crown)

Gonna do a write up on The Foundation Stage now that I'm thinking about it (and my ADHD meds kicked into full force while I was)


- the first Stage, represents no actual aspect of the divine, but rather of the Mundane and how the Infinite Light reflects on Creation itself, In Kabbalah- Malkuth is the only stage that can emanate upward, Reflecting The Light, with the rest going "Down River" so to speak. The Light reaches into Malkuth and is reflected back up though Yesod all the way to Keter in a Unending Cycle. So, I imagine as the easiest stage to Cultivate for a given Kabbalahist in universe. With the rest being like swimming/or climbing up through the stages with increasing resistance.

Though that ease of cultivation is contrasted by the powers that Malkuth grant are correspondingly minor and seemingly unimpressive compared to other forms of Cultivation.

Step One. Attunement Step/Ruach- Initiates embark on their journey by cultivating a profound connection with the physical world around them. Likely though forms of guided mediation, with the help of Cultivators in at least the Yesod stage.

Cultivators at this step get little but access to their Orthstirr-equivalent (Will use Ruach, breath/spirit/wind as a stand in unless/until I can think of a better idea) as they learn to sense the power of Ruach in all things of earth, water, fire and air, and start to pull it into themselves, once they learn to Cycle Ruach through Proper Breathing (what this means depends varies from person to person, from Rabbi to Rabbi), this naturally leads to the next step.

Step Two: Shimshon's Step/Nazar-

The refinement of their physical form. Through rigorous training and discipline, they enhance their strength, agility, and endurance. This is them reinforcing their bodies with Ruach in combination with Martial Arts, but this comes with self-imposed rules, that they must follow in order to maintain the physical power they gain. Not following them weakens a Cultivator at the Nazar Step, like Nid would to a Norse Cultivator.

These can be small things they already do, like "Keep Sabbath" or "Pray Daily" but it is known among the Kabbalist that the more restrictive the rule, the more you get out of it. So most often they are modeled after the Nazar of Shimshon (That's Samson to the Goys), for which this stage is named. Ex: one cannot cut their hair or beard, or must avoid strong drink, abstain from Meat, or from touching a dead body with bare skin.

I imagine Part of fighting a Kabbalist Cultivator at Shimshon's Step if figuring out those rules and tricking or convincing them to break those rules.

Perhaps Later Stages slowly mitigate and then remove these limitations? Starting in Hod, when they begin the slow process of Reforming Their Bodies with pure Ruach, rather than base physical matter, to better contain the Truth of The Divine and ending with their total removal in Tiferet the Stage where one fully integrates body and soul into one harmonious being.

Step Three: Awakening/Sam-Lev

Allows the Cultivation of Shofet (The Kabbalah version of Odr and/or Frenzy, name is still up in the air for tbh, will welcome ideas.) as their bodies have become reinforced enough to take the mental and physical strain. They can now attune their senses to subtle cues in their environment, allowing them to detect changes in energy, emotions, and even foresee potential outcomes. With Shofet comes a level of detachment, as one could sense that you and other cultivators are "more real" that is, they have more metaphysical weight.

Shofet also subtly intensifies ones Yetzer Ha-Tov and Yetzer Ha-Ra (the natural Inclinations to Good and Evil, most often associated to emotions) and it is believed/known that those of this Step must maintain constant mindfulness, remaining connected and concerned with their communities to avoid becoming strange, out of touch hermits or face the Blockage in the form of the bottleneck that is Yesod, as Enlightenment to The Second Stage requires Connection.

Yesod begins after one has broken though the final parts of Sam-Lev, maybe? Then Yesod has 5 steps, with the number increasing slowly each stage until their are 613 steps in total to cross which aligns with the 613 Mitzvot, just as fun bit of symmetry.

Anyway, this is what I got for now. Hope y'all enjoy!
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Birthday Battle (Shard)
Birthday Battle

War comes to warrior [1]
Woden's blood [2] at stone-den [3]

Horra's Horror-Herald [4],
Here intros the hero [5].

Trial for life had train-ed,
Triumph, demise, now decide.

Shaped spirit sliced-sundered,
Seals gory her glory.

AN: Happy Birthday, @Imperial Fister!

[1] Nisse's arrival
[2] Halla
[3] Steinby
[4] Nisse, again
[5] Halla challenging the Nisse

(Should be in skaldic, or close-ish.)
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A prayer for good fortune for halla's expedition (fearsome hill)
Happy birthday.
A prayer for good fortune for halla's expedition:

kauas lähti kaunis lapsi
suuri sisko, vankka akka
ota tuuli, väinön äiti
ilmatar, kaunein kaikista
ota omaksi sisko suuri
sisko suuri, vankka akka
viepi maille merten taakse
ristin kannon palvojille

vie viesti vaka vanha
vaka vanha väinemöinen
tietäjä iän ikuinen
siskoholle suurehelle
akalle vankimmalle
jotta löytyis suuri saalis
suuri saalis, jätti saalis
kauraa vanhan juomingeiksi
rukii nuoren ruokinnoiksi
jottei kuole akka vanha
akka vanha, väki ukko
jottei kuole nuori poika
nuori poika, nöyräs neito

väki anna tursas tuima
tursas tuima, kalma julma
väkeä siskon kaikkiin kolkkiin
kaikkiin kolkkiin, joka kulmaan
jotta liitää kirves käes
kirves käes rauta rantees
kunnol lähtee rauta rantees
voimalla vahvalla, väellä vankalla
ettei tulo kuolo kotiin
kankea karmeist kanneta

far went the fire's daughter
great sister, hardy hag
take O wind, Väinö's mother
Ilmatar, most beautifull
take her as you would your child
take her to lands beyond the sea
to cross laden lands

give thy message O oldest
O oldest, Väinämöinen
bard of ages past
take thy message far
to fire's daughter
the hardiest of hags
so she may find her great bounty
great bounty and plentifull plunder
barley for the elder's cup
rye for the younger's plate
so that hunger won't take our elders
oldest hag and eldest man
so that the young won't starve
so that neither daughter nor son know Hel's grasp

Every time i translate Kalevala metre into english my hatred for the tongue of the Angles grows fivefold.
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Happy Birthday Imperial Fister!
So @Imperial Fister, it's my pleasure to present you with a message from of all the players:

Imperial Fister Birthday Card.png

This quest has been a blast so far, and I can't thank you enough for sharing your imagination with us. On behalf of everyone, I'd like to wish you a very happy birthday!

(Also big thanks to @Chehrazad, who was an absolute saviour in helping come up with the Old Norse translation for the runes.)
King Alfred NegaQuest: Turn 538 Court 2.1 (Exmorri)
King Alfred NegaQuest: Turn 538 Court 2.1

Previous Winning Votes:
{} Admit the captain and her retinue
{X} Admit only the captain
{} Admit a negotiator, but not the captain
{X} Trade Plan Surprises And Boats

Vikings. Everyone is surely thinking it, but nobody speaks. They look to you for a decision. It would have been nice with some warning so that you could ask your council for advice. But here and now, the candle is burning, and you must exercise leadership.
"Our law and custom stand as before. The captain may enter, but not bring her men-at-arms in the presence of the King." you announce.
You see looks of relief going around the court, who are much less worried about one Viking than a boatload of them. They're still worried enough that you also see people checking their weapons.

Your decision is passed to the doorman, who passes it on to the Vikings. This is the tricky part. If their captain insists and tries to bring men-at-arms anyway, there's going to be a fight. Or she might suspect an ambush and refuse to enter alone. The court starts whispering and speculating. Fortunately, the Viking captain is diplomatic enough to accept the terms. She's a tall, red-headed woman. She gets a few steps into the hall, heading straight for you, then looks around and falters at the sight of the other long hundred men all looking at her and thinking about violence.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?" asks the woman. Halla, your wisebond whispers the name in your mind.

There's no violence that day, but there's some confusion and sneering at the latest petitioner who came unprepared. Halla tries to address you as merely "Alfred", and you suspect it would have been "Hey, Al" if Iohannes hadn't growled corrections at her. She asks for some beer mid-petition, tries to tell a story about one of her hunting trips before she's cut short, and makes an attempt to buy ink from your scribe, in personal quantities. You have to steer her back to the shipload of trade goods: mostly whetstones. You make an offer in silver, but Halla wants payment in food. Norway has worse land to begin with, then there are troll attacks on outlying farms, and seers warning of a hard winter. When the candle marks the hour, the negotiations are unfinished, and you direct Halla to go to one of the waiting rooms and speak with your representative to finish haggling out the details while you see the next petitioner.

Which is an excellent opportunity for Iohannes to go as your representative and make the less public offers: ask for the services of the Vikings to remind one of the breakaway courts how life is outside your protection, and see if you can get a tour of their ship, perhaps framed as a diplomatic gesture by the King.

Once you're done seeing other petitioners and resolving legal disputes and hearing pleas for mercy, Iohannes returns. "Your Majesty, Halla has accepted your terms. You'll get to see the Viking ship up close."

With your wisebond, you'll be able to learn far more than Halla expects, and collect yet another weapon for England's steadily growing arsenal, arming the country for Guttorm's return. But who should you bring with you? Your council definitely won't like the risk of you going alone on a Viking ship, while the Vikings probably won't like you bringing a retinue aboard their ship after you barred their retinue from your hall.

{ } Go alone
{ } Bring one servant
{ } Bring one retainer posing as a servant
{ } Bring several people
-{ } Write in who

(The breakaway court will be resolved separately.)
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A Monster's Advance (alexthealright)
I pumped this out rather quickly and messily so sorry for any grammatical errors it is definitely not my best work

Tower-Breaker looked out across the sea, his ironmasks and nearly the whole of his warband encamped behind him with a rare smile on his face. He had been told a great foe would meet him at sunset in bloody battle, that it would be a foe his match in strength and that if he could slay it he would be truly unmatched among all the world.

"Jarl are you sure that this prediction was accurate?" One of his Ironmasks asked.

He snorted "Do you have so little patience that you cannot wait for a mere 5 more minutes?"

The Ironmask shook his head "No. I simply doubt the word of one old seer"

He shrugged "Well if he was who I thought he was he would not make such a false prediction"

"And if he wasn't?"

Tower-Breaker shrugged again "I'll kill him"

After all no sane Norseman would imitate the All-Father and expect to escape retribution.

They waited and watched the sunset until the last dregs of sunlight began to dip beneath the waves.

The Steelfather sighed and turned to his ironmask "Well. Looks like you were right, now time to start trac-"
He was interrupted by his Ironmask. "Jarl… I think the seer was being truthful."

He turned and saw the creature as it rose from the sea to eclipse the setting sun.

It was almost 50ft tall with gray, leathery skin topped with cooled magma and obsidian-like crags some almost 10ft long, it's body was somewhere between an upright bear and a crude mockery of a man, in a gap between two obsidian-like horns was a single red, glowing eye.

As his eyes met it's baleful gaze, he felt a smile grow across his face.

Then it opened it's jagged mouth and roared, the eruption of sound struck his camp like a physical blow, thralls and tents alike sent flying through the air, most of his warriors were caught off guard by the sound and staggered back as they reached for their weapons.

The noise continued for ten deafening seconds all the while the creature approached closer its enormous strides devouring the space between it and his camp 500ft, 400ft, 300ft.

Tower-Breaker decided that enough was enough, and with a shout almost loud enough to be heard over the roar drew his sword, taken from the shattered body of a Knight on same day he had earned his Kenning and shot towards the beast on the back of a great boulder almost as large as the beast itself.

The thing's eye turned to him as it raised it's arms to brace itself for the blow, the rock crashed into it like a knight on horseback, it's knees bent, pushing it down into the ocean and for just a moment the Steelfather thought it would fall over backwards.

Then the boulder shattered shrapnel pinging ineffectively off his body and ruining his shirt, then he was upon the beast, his sword flashed iron flying from it's edge as a pale gold light extended from it cutting a horizontal line across the creature's face and gouging deep into it's eye, the beast growled, never slowing its advance its eye flashed a bright red and fired a blast at him.

As the beam of heat and force sped towards him he took a moment to revel in his own indestructibility, then the beam struck him, without a place to plant his feet he was sent flying into the ground.

As he absentmindedly tried to remember which direction would move him closer to the surface he heard booming footsteps, the Beast had reached land.

In an explosion of pyroclastic ash, magma, and flying rubble Tower-Breaker destroyed the small hill above him looking on as his warband finally engaged the creature, he saw a young man in fine armor with a short spear shouting a battle cry as he leapt towards the creature and passed some invisible boundary before he burst into flames his body disintegrating in seconds, this happened again and again as the beast continued its slow advance, then an arrow of lightning struck it in the shoulder and Eric God-Taunter drew back his humungous bow a second time and unleashed another arrow.

Then the Ironmasks engaged staying well outside of its range of its internal combustion peppering it with a attacks, it responded with enormous plumes of flame that stretched a hundred feet long lighting up the night with blue and orange fire, it was extending its hand to release another wave of flames when it was reminded that Steelfathers are in fact invincible and that they have little fear of coming out the worse when ramming into almost anything.

The impact sent its head snapping backward with a sonic boom and a resounding crack the Steelfather barely slowing before he unleashed a burst of deep cuts into the monster's throat black blood coating his blade as he pushed his sword in deeper still, even as it melted in his hands.

It shook itself its body crackling with lightning in a fruitless attempt to escape from the man imbedded in its throat even as great waves of fire spread across the battlefield forming walls of smoke and flames.

And then the creature roared a second time and Tower-Breaker was sent flying by the expanding shockwave of ash and sound and by the time he dispersed the ash clouding the sky he let out a cry of rage, for the creature was gone.

With his warband devastated he swore vengeance against the thing that had burned his camp to the ground listing its myriad wrongs in many a rant but he never discovered its greatest damage, later in secret men whispered that the encounter had cursed all who came near him spreading sickness and death, and for the most part they were right, for what does one call radiation poisoning but a curse?
Greed, a Soviet Cultivation Story (alexthealright)
I meant to get this out the day after my last story but it really fought me sorry for it's short length.

Now then I present to you.


Dmitry didn't think he was a bad man, sure he skipped a bit off the top but if that was the act of an evil man then he'd never met a man who wasn't.

He lounged back in his cushioned chair, his office was almost bare of paperwork the desk nearly bare except for a small box of chocolates, a bottle of vodka, and a picture of his wife.
Behind him hung a painting of Stalin from many years ago, before Dmitry's long beard had turned pale grey.

He took another swig of the vodka, his wife had bought it for him after he'd told her about the new yacht he'd bought and he'd really needed it to get through the day of difficult, dangerous, and expensive meetings behind him.

Sergey had seemed so promising when Dmitry met him those long centuries at that meeting in Stalingrad, they had met a decade after the end of the Great Patriotic War and became fast friends, they had worked together on many important projects over the following two centuries, Sergey had even attended his wedding, and now he was being arrested for embezzlement, selling new armor meant for the troops to fill his own pockets.

The whole affair filled Dmitry with deep sorrow especially because he had forced himself to testify against Sergey for his many terrible crimes against the state.

But there was nothing for it, after all Sergey had confessed to his face before trying to persuade Dmitry to take part in that horrific corruption.
He still remembered the conversation on that moonlit balcony with perfect clarity, the accusations of treason and embezzlement, the offers of wealth and fortune, the threats of terrible consequences, and of course the final ultimatum.

Of course he had reported it immediately afterwards, he would never take part in that sort of corruption.

He reached into a small box on his desk, pulled out another wonderful little chocolate and popped it into his mouth, closing his eyes as he savored the taste.

Not that it really mattered all that much, the Americans weren't going to invade, and if they did it certainly wouldn't be the infantry that would decide that battle.

And Sergey would probably be arrested tonight, dragged out of his home and tossed in a cell like the fool he was.

Dmitry shrugged to himself, that was what he deserved for threatening to report him and his friends for something so trivial.

Dmitry was not a bad man.
He just skimmed a little off the top.

[X] Plan I Think You Need An Exorcism
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King Alfred NegaQuest: Turn 538 Results 2.3 (Alectai)
King Alfred NegaQuest: Turn 538 Results 2.3

Sending a Message: 99 (+10: (Difference in Numbers) +10 (Detailed Intelligence), -15 (???), + 15 (???): 119, Critical Success!

You hadn't expected that much when you sent the eager Halla Skyfire to solve your Problem with Tobias Belanger, but when you receive word that the Wavedancer was on her way back up the River Itchen from the reports sent from the Fort at Hamwic, apparently no worse for wear from the adventurer. You'd admit to some curiosity as to how the whole business at Daw's Castle went--you were pretty sure that Serge Gagnon alone would likely take half their number down even if they came up with something Very Clever to take the castle in the first place, but the Norse have always been frustratingly capable of violence, especially when they have the most irritating tendency to just not stay dead.

Still, you doubt she'd be coming back like this if she didn't have some kind of report to be made, so you send your man to check up on what your informants had sent ahead using their own methods.

The results were...

Could you call this a good result?

"My King,

the Danish woman has returned in victory, Tobias Belanger's head has been taken, she's reported that she's left the castle and the Knights in the garrison "Intact, though your castle will need a new gatehouse, and gates." Her words, not mine. Eight of the recalcitrant Thanes are dead, and the remainder taken prisoner. She's sent word to say that "You're their King, you've got first claim on their final fate, we'll take them if you want, but you're the one they've wronged here."

Headcount suggests that none suffered injuries that couldn't be mended on the field, and observations have shown their holds with sufficient added wealth to lay credence to their claims."

You think you could call this a good result? Certainly not what you were expecting--and you took a moment to ratchet the woman's threat level up several places in your consideration--but by all indications, she's adhered to the letter and the spirit of your agreement, since you've not seen any of the general alert beacons be lit along those lines.

So, one of your headaches has just been aggressively solved at the cost of a mere 20 pounds, and now you even have 17 Thanes that you've got by the balls as an example of why these Taxes are paid. You... Can probably make use of that, you'll just need a minute to work out the details.

Success? Halla Skyfire--through means that you're not entirely clear on yet--has somehow managed to sack Daw's Castle, killing Tobias Belanger and humbling the Knights he'd gathered to his side, killing 8 of the Thanes and taking 17 of them prisoner, pending your judgement. Furthermore, she stuck entirely to the agreement, and left the non-combatants and structure of the Castle intact for repossession--only requiring some relatively minor repairs to bring back to full effectiveness (200 pounds)

Orb said:

Meladon said:
Uh, apparently the Norse Lady is a terrifying killing machine? leading an army of blenders on a trading trip, just for a treat?

Republican Clubber said:
They're not that good, Halla's probably about on par with a Fifth Decade Knight, but most of her crew's below that--though still tougher on average than most of the Thanes who Belanger pulled to him. If you want to find out How The Fuck That Happened, you'll have to ask!

LivingmannappingY said:
But we're in AP hell and she'll be going home next turn!

Republican Clubber said:
If you're ever not in AP hell, then I'm not doing my job right

Sagely Hexagram said:
So, uh, which project are we going to have to dump to get some fucking answers?

LivingmannnappingY said:
None of them, our economy is redlining and our flex spot is spent knighting that Gabriel kid who came home, did you see that character sheet? It'll help us a lot, we'll just have to hope Halla comes back later I guess.

Meladon said:
AP hell is the darkest of all the hells...
Solving Starvation (DeadmanwalkingXI)
Slade's (1) signs show starvation
Skyfire's stimulation
Sails and seeks salvation
Sees off sacker for stone

Swaps stone for sustenance
Strikes Thanes for sovereign
Sacking stronghold's storerooms
Secures sure subsistence

(1) Actually just a word that means valley.

'Solving Starvation' a poem about or deeds thus far on the trip, but really more about why we're on said trip in the first place. I'm not completely happy with it, but it's not bad all things considered, and the wordplay was fun (there was a lot of looking up synonyms, and I learned a new English word, which is a rarity).