I am well aware, rest assured that my next project will include more rooftop chases and carriage throwing

Could also be interesting to see how Soviet (or other) cultivation changes throughout the millenia. I doubt Soviet cultivation would have always been like that, (or that there were Knights when Christianity was first starting up in the Roman Empire).
This has gotten discussed fairly extensively on Discord. Per IF American Cultivation is about pursuing the American Dream which can be basically anything and varies from person to person. Very individual style of Cultivation. So it's only religious for religious people and can support any world view that can be viewed as 'American'. Including people on both sides of the Civil War following it easily.

That sounds a nightmare for anyone wishing to govern. At least with Norse and Christian cultivation, you can at least rely on nid and sin disincentiving the worst of behaviors (or at the very least, keeping the taboo consistent). But if EVERYONE is potentially playing by "make-your-own-morality-to-gain-superpowers" rules, how do you get anything done?
That sounds a nightmare for anyone wishing to govern. At least with Norse and Christian cultivation, you can at least rely on nid and sin disincentiving the worst of behaviors (or at the very least, keeping the taboo consistent). But if EVERYONE is potentially playing by "make-your-own-morality-to-gain-superpowers" rules, how do you get anything done?
Democracies are pretty cool ;P

In all actuality, any story that utilizes this American Cultivation system is gonna be at least a bit satirical. And also you are legally allowed to fight people who have Dreams that do not co-exist with yours (Can't be two 'the best painter ever', after all). Now, you're not allowed to kill them unless they're threatening your life, but you are allowed to battle it out—as long as you don't cause any damage to public property, of course.
That sounds a nightmare for anyone wishing to govern. At least with Norse and Christian cultivation, you can at least rely on nid and sin disincentiving the worst of behaviors (or at the very least, keeping the taboo consistent). But if EVERYONE is potentially playing by "make-your-own-morality-to-gain-superpowers" rules, how do you get anything done?

Well, a thief or murderer or political dissident isn't physically weaker than you IRL, but societies seem to exist nonetheless.
Have you noticed that it's the 800s equivelent and knights have full plate? things obviously aren't just 1: 10 of irl.
Sure but those are different kinds of changes, the Knightly Armor is a thing knights should have because it's cool and whenever most people think of knights they think of people in full plate and not chainmail which is not the same thing as the Soviet Union lasting at least 300 more years
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The soviets won't last for a 1000 years they only lasted 70-80 years IRL

The IRL Soviets had multiple generations of humans be born, live, and die. The culture of it at its beginning was in some ways different than what it was at the end. I live in the United States. What the culture was like in 1690 vs 1776 vs 1860 (all 80 years apart) was also in some ways very different and in other ways uniformity across time. I think thats just how the world works.
Democracies are pretty cool ;P

Oh, now that's a thought. The Paradox of Democracy: you can rise as high as you can, as long as you keep the game going and leave open the possibility of losing. If anyone tries to take the final step and become an unassailable Tyrant of a Dream, their cultivation collapses in on itself. Which would make Fascism the only common Enemy of American Cultivation...

This might be interesting to ponder further.
I doubt the Enemy even 'exists' here. On top of the land being basically dead, this isn't the Norse cultural field, but the Anglo-Saxon one.
Oh, now that's a thought. The Paradox of Democracy: you can rise as high as you can, as long as you keep the game going and leave open the possibility of losing. If anyone tries to take the final step and become an unassailable Tyrant of a Dream, their cultivation collapses in on itself. Which would make Fascism the only common Enemy of American Cultivation...

This might be interesting to ponder further.
Not to bring politics into this but I don't think Fascism is quite as despised by all of America as you seem to think
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I don't think Fascism is quite as despised by all of American as you seem to think

Oh, I'm fully aware. However, my theory would be that a Tier-7 American cultivator who somehow got himself into a position where there was no legal recourse to oppose him would immediately zonked into a Tier-1 Fascist, and the rules only limit engagements between Americans. Of course, then that brings up the question of how the Supreme Court would work, and... hmm. There might be some workshopping required.
Of course, then that brings up the question of how the Supreme Court would work, and... hmm. There might be some workshopping required.
There aren't any illegal Dreams, but acting on and pursuing certain Dreams can be declared so.


Side note: battles between American Cultivators would technically be debates over the validity of each other's Dreams
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That sounds a nightmare for anyone wishing to govern. At least with Norse and Christian cultivation, you can at least rely on nid and sin disincentiving the worst of behaviors (or at the very least, keeping the taboo consistent). But if EVERYONE is potentially playing by "make-your-own-morality-to-gain-superpowers" rules, how do you get anything done?

Try and convince people to follow your own version of that Dream. But yes, it's not the easiest style to control and using it to predict behavior is not super reliable. That was probably a selling point for the creators.
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Kids with Dreams are an interesting culture hazard....

Unless there is a initiation or age limit to get started, I guess?

You can probably change your Dream pretty easily though it'll cost you some or all of your existing Cultivation depending on how different your new Dream is. People switching careers and life paths is a real thing after all, and the Cultivation should reflect that.

Kids are also not gonna get very far in their cultivation unless they're a real prodigy. Especially if American Dream Cultivation extends lifespans which it probably does, though more so at higher Realms.

You're theoretically allowed to fight at 18, but can't access all the non combat skills until you're 21

If going based on laws, there'd actually be limited fighting skills at 18 as well unless you join the military, at least in some states...a number of states don't allow gun purchase until 21, and even more allow rifles at 18 but no handguns until 21. That's gun ownership not necessarily use, of course, but if we're basing this on legality...
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This has gotten discussed fairly extensively on Discord. Per IF American Cultivation is about pursuing the American Dream which can be basically anything and varies from person to person. Very individual style of Cultivation. So it's only religious for religious people and can support any world view that can be viewed as 'American'. Including people on both sides of the Civil War following it easily.

Soviet Cultivation as discussed there is, theoretically, entirely communal, with only an external resource ala Orthstirr held in common for everyone who only 'borrow' it for use on projects (including raising stats temporarily)...but you can take some permanently to use it as an internal resource for permanent personal stat boosts, and anyone can basically take any amount at any time with no oversight (beyond people knowing you took some...but not what you used it on). So everyone basically embezzles at least a little.

I still think it's unfair that the Soviets get the incredibly cynical take on their culture creating a cultivation system with grifting baked in while Americans get the literal propaganda, historically non existent and fully ideal based system.
I still think it's unfair that the Soviets get the incredibly cynical take on their culture creating a cultivation system with grifting baked in while Americans get the literal propaganda, historically non existent and fully ideal based system.

I mean 'Owning Slaves' is a valid Dream by American Dream Cultivation as is 'Being A Successful Serial Killer'. Full stop. I don't think that's a particularly idealistic take on American values...maybe a tad less cynical than the Soviet take, but not idealistic.

Following whatever dream you want also requires that you have time and resources enough to do so, which makes the system a lot easier if you have, y'know, money. So rich people have a much easier time than poor people getting ahead. Which is also a factor.

Like, it's not that everyone actually gets to pursue their dreams to the point of high levels of cultivation...most people probably stall out at fairly low levels, honestly, it's that any specific Dream can work...and also that some of those Dreams are probably heroic, but others are certainly utterly selfish or monstrous. It sounds idealistic on the surface, but it's really not when more deeply examined.
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