We will make him the CNS's military head

Is no one really picking up on the fact that this would be a stupid thing to do? Politically, externally and internally.

Now yes I can see how it would be something to be sought out. The military head of the CNS as someone we have a massive amount of influence over who wouldn't want that?

  • The Jedi: Their history with the Mandalorians is an extremely colourful one characterised by war. There is also Jango's history with the Jedi Order. Furthermore I am aware that the True Mandalorians and Death Watch are two different entities with massively different views on Mandalorian society but I highly doubt that galactic society would be willing to make the difference.
  • Those that signed the Camaas Ceasefire. We had Jango go up and state that his intentions were peaceful etc etc and we can pursue that narrative but when we hand him the keys to the CNS military all we've done to reform the Mandalorian Image hangs in the balance. Its a clear militaristic move and not even a smart one.
  • The Military of the CNS. When considering an overall commander for forces the US government doesn't pick a special forces operator they pick someone with above 30-40 years experience fighting wars, commanding forces, organising logistics etc. There even comes a point where generals must engage with politicians. I am aware the situation is slightly different with Jango as he's Mandalore and all that but it is incredibly premature to send him to the top. He may be an excellent fighter but he was first and foremost a bounty hunter and there is little in the way of strategic experience he's had. Such a thing does not develop after a couple of years no matter how much of a prodigy you are. Not to mention the fact that he spent a good portion of his life as a mercenary, yes the whole True Mandalorian honour thing but that counts for little.
  • The Pacifists on Mandalore (Notably Satine, our goal is to strengthen the CNS not to weaken it by dividing a founding member). Whilst they're warming up to the whole idea of not being a bunch of stupid hippies thrusting Jango to a position relatively equal to that of Duchess Satine would send ripples throughout Mandalorian society that could divide it at a time when we need unity.
  • All the other planets in the CNS. Particularly Telos. We should be looking at commanders, admirals, generals etc from previously existing CNS forces from before they were CNS forces particularly those from worlds or systems that contribute a lot to the CNS. Whilst it has been reiterated several times that the CNS is not a Mandalorian dominated political entity those have only been words. Actions speak louder.
Now I like Mandalorians as much as the next guy but in this case I have to disagree with making Jango the head of the CNS. I would go for Thrawn but unfortunately he's not a citizen of an CNS nation nor has he made a name for himself in such a way which would constitute enough capital for his control over the CNS military.

Unless someone can find an interesting character (one that we could perhaps "help" in some way so that we have more influence over them) that could take this place we may have to consider an original character.
And didn't we already have a big discussion about why militarizing the CNS be a bad idea? The CNS is built around neutrality, and is having enough problems already with everyone expecting a new Mandalorian Crusade. Any action to strengthen the military to a degree where they could go toe to toe with either of the other two factions would have political backlash.

Any effort we make towards strengthening the CNS should be towards rapid mobilization in the event of an attack, instead of a standing military.
And didn't we already have a big discussion about why militarizing the CNS be a bad idea? The CNS is built around neutrality, and is having enough problems already with everyone expecting a new Mandalorian Crusade. Any action to strengthen the military to a degree where they could go toe to toe with either of the other two factions would have political backlash.

Any effort we make towards strengthening the CNS should be towards rapid mobilization in the event of an attack, instead of a standing military.
any effort we make strengthening the cns is a better chance of surviving the eventual attack against us. we will be attacked, it's not a if it's a when.
Its worth bearing in mind that we can only influence the CNS not control it and to much overt militarization is going to be strongly opposed, it might make more sense to simply come up with a practical plan about how to rapidly mobilize if the CNS is attacked than militarize anymore than we already have.
Its worth bearing in mind that we can only influence the CNS not control it and to much overt militarization is going to be strongly opposed, it might make more sense to simply come up with a practical plan about how to rapidly mobilize if the CNS is attacked than militarize anymore than we already have.
we actually do kinda control it though.
any effort we make strengthening the cns is a better chance of surviving the eventual attack against us. we will be attacked, it's not a if it's a when.

And how easy we make it for Sidious and Dooku to justify an attack on the CNS decides when that attack is and how long it lasts. And the "neutral" CNS suddenly building up their military makes it a much easier sell for them to make to their respective factions.

And surviving? The CNS isn't going by to just roll over if attacked, nor can either of the two other factions risk committing too much of their forces without opening themselves up. Even at our current state it would take awhile for the CNS to be defeated, which is why we should aim towards mobilization as opposed to a standing army.

we actually do kinda control it though.

But not totally control.
Most people that matter know that Grievous is loyal only to us. It sends almost as bad an image as putting Jango in charge.

Those same people also know that Ciaran is the one pulling the strings in the CNS, so it's kind of a moot point there.

Although that's kind of wasting Grievous, we're best off throwing him at things that need to die or at impossible odds.
Those same people also know that Ciaran is the one pulling the strings in the CNS, so it's kind of a moot point there.

Although that's kind of wasting Grievous, we're best off throwing him at things that need to die or at impossible odds.

I meant that it would look like we're putting our attack dog in charge so we can join the war.

And I agree, it would be a waste of his talents at the moment.
And how easy we make it for Sidious and Dooku to justify an attack on the CNS decides when that attack is and how long it lasts. And the "neutral" CNS suddenly building up their military makes it a much easier sell for them to make to their respective factions.

And surviving? The CNS isn't going by to just roll over if attacked, nor can either of the two other factions risk committing too much of their forces without opening themselves up. Even at our current state it would take awhile for the CNS to be defeated, which is why we should aim towards mobilization as opposed to a standing army.

But not totally control.
but wait! we totally do though!
i mentioned Saw and Steela Gerrera in my last 'Briefing' omake -- perhaps we could assign one of them to act as head of the CNS military, once they've finished their courses at the CNS Military Academy? Both of them seem to be natural-born leaders, so this might be a good use of a named character without requiring that we turn them into Heroes...

Its worth bearing in mind that we can only influence the CNS not control it
@dredloki is right: we do control the CNS military. Notably, we rolled two critical successes on setting up & controlling the Joint Forces Command, back when the war was still in its infancy. For reference:
A Brief History of the CNS Military​
Is no one really picking up on the fact that this would be a stupid thing to do? Politically, externally and internally.
There are some points I disagreed with in your summary but overall you make a convincing argument.

I would go for Thrawn but unfortunately he's not a citizen of an CNS nation
This isn't like real life where citizenship is a requirement to do anything. Just look at us, for example, as we were nearly elected prime minister of Taris despite us never applying for citizenship there. The only thing Thrawn needs to become the head of the CNS is the CNS's consent.

Any effort we make towards strengthening the CNS should be towards rapid mobilization in the event of an attack, instead of a standing military.
Of course. As I have argued before, militarising now will only lead to problems. All this talk about militarisation is for if it becomes necessary.
There are some points I disagreed with in your summary but overall you make a convincing argument.

This isn't like real life where citizenship is a requirement to do anything. Just look at us, for example, as we were nearly elected prime minister of Taris despite us never applying for citizenship there. The only thing Thrawn needs to become the head of the CNS is the CNS's consent.

Of course. As I have argued before, militarising now will only lead to problems. All this talk about militarisation is for if it becomes necessary.
OH i know! let's make a secret army on our SECRET PLANET!!!!
You think you're joking, but that's entirely feasible. All we have to do is lay down the credits to build a few droid factories and within a few turns we'll have ourselves a droid army.
you think i'm joking but we should make ourselves a shipyard or five to make some ships of various sizes (maybe even a capital ship of our own design)
(what would a capital ship we made look like?)
I mean. Not too worried. Ruusan has more cultural significance than material worth.
@Dr. Snark, can you tell us if a canon event has happened yet or not? Specifically, I'm wondering if Cad Bane managed to infilitrate the Jedi Temple and steal the kyber memory crystal (so Palpatine could recruit some Force-sensitive younglings).

I'm working on another region for the galaxy survey, and there are a couple of systems affected by those events -- Cad Bane's base in one system (destroyed to throw off his Jedi pursuers), and a Damask Holdings base on Mustafar (where the younglings were sent, and which was destroyed by the Jedi during their rescue).
That happened back in 21 BBY.
Yes, and we've mangled the timeline so much that I'm not sure that happened on schedule. Also, Dr. Snark has stated that he plans to 'stretch out' the Clone Wars timeline -- due to Ciaran's success with the CNS, with the cease-fire, and with persuading the Jedi to not join the GAR wholesale (Watsonian) and due to the sheer number of possible actions & events during the war (Doylist). So it's up to him...

In unrelated news, I'm really kinda annoyed at the EU for deciding that, since Mustafar was the site of Obi Wan & Anakin's big duel, it must be galactically important in a thousand other ways as well. Pretty sure it's the first and possibly only entry I won't be able to fit on a single line...:mad:
In unrelated news, I'm really kinda annoyed at the EU for deciding that, since Mustafar was the site of Obi Wan & Anakin's big duel, it must be galactically important in a thousand other ways as well. Pretty sure it's the first and possibly only entry I won't be able to fit on a single line...:mad:
The page quote for Mustafar is "I've only heard that name once, from Kanan. He said Mustafar is where Jedi go to die." An appropriate place for the death of Anakin Skywalker.
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