Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

For a moment, the two women just stopped and stared at each other. "Well, this is odd," the saint said.

"This explains so much," Arturia muttered.
Saberface encounter! Just wait it will get better, and then they will meet Nero and have envy and after that they will meet Lion King and curse the swords.

"If these are Western dragons, I believe I'll stick to my own culture." There was a flash as a brilliant, long-bladed katana sliced through the air and separated the other beast's wing from its back. The dragon roared in pain as it tumbled from the sky, leaving a long furrow in the ground before it stopped moving.

Everyone turned to see the two Cus looking at each other. "Me with a spear," the Caster said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Some guys get all the luck."

"Me without a spear," the Lancer said, sounding more baffled than anything else. "How the heck did that happen?"

"Druids and rune magic," the Caster said with a sigh.

Lancer Cu winced. "Ouch. I do not envy you. Though I guess Master drilling all those runes into our heads was good for something."
You haven't seen anything, just wait until we get your teacher.

Ritsuka frowned. "There are two of Mama Saber now too."
No child there's a lot more than just two of them.
I mean MHX is an actual servant from her own universe/timeline/tree. She isn't Main Timeline Artoria going meta, she still shares the name thought

She also appears in the Solomon Temple confirming she isn't a delusion born from Da Vinci's shady drugs

It's Warframe with Star Wars Skin

MHX and MHXALTER- Teeno. MHXAlter is a Grinner Teeno

Golden Cosmo Emperor Gilgamesh- Corpus

Empire of Saberfaces- Grinner, because clones yo and genocide against everything that isn't them
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this is gonna be a 5th grail war reunion soon
Probably a bittersweet one at best, 'cause Medusa and Medea. And/or Cursed Arm Hassan.

Addendum: Possibly awkward as all fuck for the former, IF she recalls* the Heaven's Feel route.

Because Ritsuka's parentage, and no Sakura around (yet) to be Medusa's Morality Chain.

On the other hand, no Gorgon Sisters to torment her every other minute, so... break even?

* - Correction, this story is built on a modified hollow ataraxia route, so... nix the awkwardness. Maybe.
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Probably a bittersweet one at best, 'cause Medusa and Medea. And/or Cursed Arm Hassan.

Addendum: Possibly awkward as all fuck for the former, IF she recalls* the Heaven's Feel route.

Because Ritsuka's parentage, and no Sakura around (yet) to be Medusa's Morality Chain.

On the other hand, no Gorgon Sisters to torment her every other minute, so... break even?

* - Correction, this story is built on a modified hollow ataraxia route, so... nix the awkwardness. Maybe.
Considering Ritsuka likely will cling to Medusa and view her AS family, not close to family, but ACTUAL family, I think Medusa will turn out fine.

Just as long as she keeps her rather secretly held thoughts on Shirou+Sakura+herself, quietly to herself, until he gets back.

Cue the moment he does show up, and he gets 5 different ladies, all of whom are either Servants or Pseudo-Servants, glomping him rather....tightly. Might even be 6 depending on whatever thoughts Ereshkigal picked up from Rin/Ishtar, before moving to Olga. While its his daughter that runs the entire pack.

And she wants siblings dammit!
And Ritsuka has the Command Seals to make sure she gets some. Better drink a lot of fluids Shirou, you'll need it. Especially as these ladies have been waiting a long long time for your lazy self to appear. Meanwhile EMIYA is off in a corner, laughing so hard at the, HAH!, 'fate' of his counterpart that he has tears rolling down his cheeks and can't even stand.
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And then Stheno and Euryale make Ritsuka cry because the loli gorgons be assholes
While true, I can see Euryale and Stheno treating Ritsuka better than the rest. On account of her being rather cute, and being their master too but that's not as important as cuteness.

Another strong point is there are only two of them. They couldn't survive a millisecond if the made Ritsuka cry.

We got a counter guardian and a goddess for parents, the most well renowned king and a goddess of the underworld as aunts, two uncles who have trained under a god killer, a samurai who was able to perfect a technique that can hit three times in a single hit, the best kohai around, and many more.

And I'm sure we don't need to mention EMIYA's parents getting summoned and how Iri is gonna spoil Ritsuka rotten.
While true, I can see Euryale and Stheno treating Ritsuka better than the rest. On account of her being rather cute, and being their master too but that's not as important as cuteness.

Another strong point is there are only two of them. They couldn't survive a millisecond if the made Ritsuka cry.

We got a counter guardian and a goddess for parents, the most well renowned king and a goddess of the underworld as aunts, two uncles who have trained under a god killer, a samurai who was able to perfect a technique that can hit three times in a single hit, the best kohai around, and many more.

And I'm sure we don't need to mention EMIYA's parents getting summoned and how Iri is gonna spoil Ritsuka rotten.
We need a moment where everyone is relaxing back at Chaldea, and Ritsuka is grand summoning with Angra ('Dark Puppy!!') and Hans ('More Stories!!') as her guards, when all the alarms go off.

Everyone immediately thinks of her, and pile out the door only to run into a panicking Hans outside the summoning chamber who is freaking out about a 'golden archer'. Cue everyone from the 4th & 5th wars immediately readying every NP they have, and blowing the door down.

Only to find Ritsuka, laughing and giggling as if all the world was her sandbox, riding horsie on the back of Gilgamesh as he gallops around on all fours for her, while Angra is off to the side looking poleaxed. They see Gilgamesh, he sees them, and due to her being in the crossfire, nobody moves, while all sides glare at each other. Ritsuka's side silently daring Gilgamesh to try something, and Gilgamesh silently daring any mongrel who will obviously be too stupid to live to try to record this scene.

Meanwhile Leonardo is in her workshop, watching through dozens of the hidden CCTV cameras from various angles, while going "Fufufufu....". And had started recording before the showdown even started.
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To anyone that likes Mashu, here's a link (link removed, see below) to a pixiv live stream (its 100% SFW, as he's removed any/all 'naughty' bits) of someone building a 3D Model of her.
Artist has been at it for 9 hours now....and while it looks 99.99% done, he's still adding details. Such as he has layers setup that has her initial armor, lvl2 ascension armor, and lvl3-4 ascension armor, that can be swapped instantly out/made invisible.
Pixiv artist name is: LESLyzerosix

You might need an account.

(don't know when it'll end, but the progress made??? holy shit.....his older stuff might look meh, but his Mashu was spot on perfect)

EDIT 1: He switched to working on Shuten Doji.
EDIT2: Stream's finished for the day.
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Nobunaga and Okita, Nero and Tamamo would suit this story, with how eccentric both groups are. They would fit just fine, with how both groups don't have a need for the Grail and are content with their lovers its fine, Nobu x Oki, Nero x Tam
Then a Support Caster Hakuno(Fem), who specialize in healing, buff and debuff to join in then. Hakuno survived two MOON Wars so her being granted a place in a throne would be possible
You know, I remember a story where Hakuno was a Servant, but all of her stats were E rank. However, as time passed, her stats grew with her eventually having A rank stats and being able to beat Karna one on one.

Going to have to find that to reread it...