Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Paul Bunyan is technically not strong enough to be a heroic spirit because he's not really much more than an American tall tale. The summonable version is basically the embodiment of American pioneerism and frontiersmanship using Bunyan's stories to have a physical form. She's literally the incarnation of mankind crushing nature and everything in their path for the sake of building more civilization.

Also Creation Giant, but who's counting?
[ She's literally the incarnation of mankind crushing nature and everything in their path for the sake of building more civilization.]

that is not very ghibli and we've fuck ourselves irl so im sad =c
Chapter 4
Olga Marie had her sleeves rolled up as the remains of Chaldea's command staff gathered in the briefing room. "Is everyone here?"

"Ritsuka should be along in a minute," EMIYA said. He leaned back and folded his arms, he front legs of his chair lifting slightly off the ground.

Cu chuckled and just leaned against a wall, not bothering to take a chair. "You finally got something for us?"

The doors to the room slid open and Ritsuka and Mash hurried in. "I'm here!" the red-head said, quickly jumping up into her seat.

"Honey, what are you carrying?" Rin asked, her voice disturbingly strained.

Olga glanced at the little fluffy ball in Ritsuka's arms. Then a sudden feeling of supernatural dread crashed down on her and she could feel Ereshkigal beating at her consciousness to defend herself.

"Fou!" the little animal barked.

Ritsuka giggled and hugged the little animal. "This is Fou. He's Mash's friend."

Olga forced herself to take a couple of deep breaths. "He's just something they found wandering around outside the facility," she said, trying to sound dismissive. "Don't worry about him. We have more important things to focus on." She turned around and quickly activated the display above her. "Thanks to the hard work of Da Vinci and Miss Tohsaka, we've finally located the temporal disturbance in 1431, France, during the later years of the Hundred Years War."

Arturia's eyes narrowed. "The time of Joan of Arc and Henry VI," she said thoughtfully. "A particularly turbulent time for both Britain and France."

Olga nodded. "Though this will be Chaldea's first official intentional mission, it likely won't be an easy one. We're still recovering from the… attack by our enemy's agent and with the rest of the world in flux, we have only what resources we can salvage from Singularities to resupply. But we cannot afford to stop now. Otherwise humanity will never see another year."

There was a general chorus of nods and murmured agreement. "We need to arrange for an away team," Rin added, joining in the conversation. "Ritsuka will have to be included to provide an anchoring point for the Servants we deploy. Otherwise, we can adjust things to fit the situation."

"I volunteer," Cu said, quickly raising his hand. "I can only sit around here for so long before I start to go crazy."

"I recommend allowing me to go as well," Mash said. "I'm best suited to keep senpai safe while she's out in the Singularity."

Olga raised a hand before anyone else could interrupt. "Until we know the full situation, I believe that sending all of our available personnel is for the best. Dr. Roman, Da Vinci, and I will remain here to run monitor the shift. If anyone is injured or we require skills not available to one of our operatives, the Fate system is prepared to summon more support." Ritsuka raised her hand. Olga Marie fought the urge to sigh, silently reminding herself that she was dealing with a child. "Yes?"

"Are we gonna summon more Servants to help?" the red-head said with pleading puppy-dog eyes.

Olga considered the question for a moment. "Possibly. The Fate system is designed to call up more Servants as the need arises. You can try to call more of your… family once you've established a summoning circle within the Singularity."

Ritsuka smiled and hopped to her feet. "Let's go!" She ran off toward the Fate chamber, clutching her new friend so tight that they could hear Fou's pleading cries until the doors slid shut again.

"I'll go prepare the reyshift coffins," Dr. Roman said, quickly picking up his tablet and hurrying after the girl. "We'll be ready to go within the hour."


Ritsuka felt slightly dizzy as the reyshift's swirling vortex faded away and she found herself standing on top of a grassy hill. "Wow."

Rin groaned and cracked her neck. "Well, that was certainly a trip. I thought stepping through the Kaleidoscope was a headache."

"We probably would have landed upside-down in a river if you'd been running the machine," EMIYA deadpanned as he walked to the edge of the hilltop and looked out to the horizon. "But I think it landed us in the middle of nowhere. There's something in the distance though. Maybe a village."


Rin yelped and nearly jumped out of her skin as the small rabbit… dog… thing scampered around her daughter's legs. "Honey, why is Fou with you?"

Ritsuka pouted and picked the small fluffy animal up. "He was lonely staying back at Chaldea by himself. So I brought him in the pod with me." She hugged the beast to her chest and the animal make a happy little squeak and rubbed against her neck.

Rin sighed in exasperation. "Just keep him out of trouble. Roman, what do you have on sensors?"

"Ah, well, I can detect Servants, but they're mostly too far off to locate exactly. I'll work on that. There's also something… odd that seems to be spread over the whole Singularity. Do you see anything strange? Magical distortions or something?"

"I think I've spotted the anomaly doctor," Mash said. Then she just pointed at the sky.

They looked up almost as one. "Oh boy," Cu muttered. "That's never a good sign."

"It's so big!" Ritsuka said. "And it's glowing!"

"What's glowing?" Roman asked. "I can't see it on my end."

"There's some sort of golden ring in the sky," Rin explained. "I'm guessing it has to do with the Singularity. This sort of phenomenon would have been recorded in historical texts if it was native to the time period."

"I concur," the doctor said with a sigh. "I'll get to work identifying that. You just focus on setting up a connection point so we can stay in contact."

"We'll begin the investigation immediately," Mash said. "We'll be counting on your support Dr. Roman."

"I'll do my best."

"Look alive, people," EMIYA called out. "We can marvel at the sky later. There's a patrol of soldiers coming towards us. Don't ask me who they are though. I was never great at history."

"It looks like a French patrol to me," Mash said as she looked out at the approaching group. "Should we say hello?"

"Who speaks the best French?" Rin asked, turning to the rest of the group.

Mash looked at her curiously. "The summoning system should provide basic language understanding…" She frowned and cocked her head. "Maybe your abnormal Saint's Graph means you only speak your native languages instead of having a general modern lexicon."

Rin shrugged. "Maybe. We can figure it out later. Just go down there and greet our guests, okay?"

Mash jumped to attention. "Yes ma'am." She hurried down the hill, trying her best not to slide on the grass. "Bonjour!" she called loudly and the patrol turned to see her coming.

"Une fille?" The lead soldier stepped forward. "Que faites-vous ici habillé pour la batallie?"

Mash rubbed the back of her head. "Mis amis et moi souhaitons aider le peuple de France."

The lead soldier grumbled for a moment and whispers broke out among his men. "Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de refusar de l'aide."

Mash's face immediately lit up. "Je vous remercie. Nous ferons de notre mieux. Oh, mais mes amis parlent surtout anglais."

The sergeant grumbled again. "Fine," he said in slightly accented English. "At this point I don't even know if it matters anymore."

Mash turned on her heel and called up the hill. "He says you can come down!"

Ritsuka rushed down the hill ahead of the group, kicking up grass and dirt as she skidded the last few feet down the side. "Wow, so these guys are real soldiers? They look kinda different from what I was expecting."

"Every kind of soldier looks a little different," Mash explained. "These men are…" She was interrupted by an ear-piercing scream from one of the soldiers. They both spun around to see all of the men backing away. Several were going for their weapons while the rest looked like they were about to turn tail and run.

"The witch!" one of the men cried out as he desperately tried to draw his sword with trembling hands. "It's a trap! The witch is here to feast on our souls!" Everyone looked around in confusion for a second before they realized that the man was pointing the shaking tip of his sword at one person in particular.

"Me?" Arturia said, sounding baffled. "Surely you jest. I am no sorcerer."

"That's just Mama Saber," Ritsuka said with a pout. "She's not a mage and she wouldn't eat anyone."

"Sh… she must have enchanted these people," one of the soldiers said, leveling a pike. "It's some kind of trick."

"Hold your horses!" the sergeant shouted. "The witch has never spared anyone before, be they man or woman or child. I don't see any reason for her to start tricks now when her horde can kill us just fine on its own."

"Well, at least the boss man has his head on straight," Cu said, absently twirling his staff and settling it over his shoulder. "Kinda want to know what the deal with this witch is though."

"The resemblance is uncanny," the sergeant admitted as the group finally got closer and he got a good look at Arturia. His men still seemed ready to either bolt or attack at a moment's notice. "You could be her sister."

Saber looked distinctly uncomfortable. "My name is Arturia Pendragon. And I have a sister," she said after a moment. "Who some might call a witch. But she should be long dead."

"I'm not sure we're talking about the same person, but I'd believe it if she was." The soldiers finally seemed to relax a little bit as it became increasingly clear that Arturia wasn't about to burst out in maniacal laughter and tear them limb from limb. "We were patrolling for any of her monsters, but I think it might be best if we give you an escort to the village." He wheeled around and waved his hand in the air. "Alright men! Let's act like soldiers for once. Back in formation!"

The soldiers quickly fell into an escort formation, surrounding the group to cover them from all sides as they started the walk back to the village. "Hey," Roman's voice murmured in their collective ears. "Do you really think that it could be your sister?"

Arturia huffed. "Possibly," she admitted. "I don't recall Morgan having any notable reason to destroy France, but there's very little I would put past her. She's as ruthless as she is vicious."

"Morgan le Fey," Rin muttered. "We might have really stepped in it this time."

The walk to the village was thankfully short, but Arturia was still getting annoyed with the constant nervous looks from the soldiers by the time they arrived. The townsfolk all hurried about the dirt streets, what few of them there were, and back to their homes again, eager to stay out of sight. "They're all terrified," EMIYA said softly. His fists clenched and he scowled. "This is wrong."

"The outlying towns are still safe for now," the sergeant said. "But the witch's army keeps spreading. France will all be burned to a cinder if this keeps up."

Ritsuka frowned, her little hands shaking slightly. "We'll stop her though. We'll stop her and save everyone." Her hands clenched into fists and her eyes lit up with determination.

EMIYA stared at her for a second. Then he broke out laughing. "You really are his daughter." He shook his head and tried to stifle his chuckles. "Don't get in over your head with promises you can't keep." He knelt down and patted her on the head. "But we'll save as many of them as we can anyway."

Ritsuka kept frowning for a minute then nodded. "Papa says stuff like that too."

EMIYA chuckled. "Maybe the idiot learned something over the years after all."

"Sorry to interrupt," Roman cut in, his image appearing in the air. "But I have some good news. There's a leyline running right under the village. You should be able to establish a connection point and a summoning circle so we can get this mission started properly."

"That's excellent news," Mash agreed. "Where's the best point to set up camp?"

Roman fiddled around with something they couldn't see. "I think… looks like a storehouse or something like that near the edge of town. That should work out fine."

The storehouse was mostly unused. According to one of the villagers who'd been willing to spend a few moments talking to the odd group of foreigners, it was mostly used to store grain during the harvest, but that was months away. Mash quickly set up a summoning circle on the dirt floor, momentarily filling the wooden room with light. "Should I try to summon someone now?" Ritsuka asked, looking up at Rin.

Before the raven-haired mother could answer, there was a scream from outside and an ear-piercing roar split the air. "Sounds like later. I bet that's our witch's monsters."

The small red-head's eyes hardened. "Go get 'em."

"You heard the little Master," Cu said, spinning his staff. "Let's go kick some… butt."
There's only one Servant to be summoned in the France Singularity.

The Legend of Samurai.
The Swallow Slayer.
The one and only.
Oh, and he's not even guarding a gate this time!

I'm sure Saber would "appreciate" another familiar face. :D
IB4 Ritsuka summons auntie Sakura, auntie Illya, grandma, grandpa, and her actual dad (as opposed to a version of him from a different timeline). Because holy crap, she's got a lot of family members with Servant forms for someone born in the modern days. Hell, her dad has three different Servant forms!
the idea of Ritsuka summoning Emiya Alter is heartbreaking in many ways.
Dammit, I only get worse when I imagine Emiya alter looking at Ritsuka while she is resting in the arms of Sakura (although it would also be just as tragic if Kiara was holding her, Alter Emiya had a fucking sad life)
to recover my spirit now, I must imagine the future war betwen th old servants in chaldeas to became in the favorite grandfather of ritsuka-chan, with gramps hassan, kiritsugu-ojiichan, and the Machiavellian grandpa moriarty in a fight to the death, only to they be suddenly overcome by muramasa.
the idea of Ritsuka summoning Emiya Alter is heartbreaking in many ways.
Dammit, I only get worse when I imagine Emiya alter looking at Ritsuka while she is resting in the arms of Sakura (although it would also be just as tragic if Kiara was holding her, Alter Emiya had a fucking sad life)
to recover my spirit now, I must imagine the future war betwen th old servants in chaldeas to became in the favorite grandfather of ritsuka-chan, with gramps hassan, kiritsugu-ojiichan, and the Machiavellian grandpa moriarty in a fight to the death, only to they be suddenly overcome by muramasa.

I think it would go a bit more like this.

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Love how the gods don't like Fou by the way.
Gee, I wonder why?

Perhaps because their divine nature means they know they're in the presence of something that puts them in the same situation as a Great White Shark.....

Meeting a Megalodon for the first time. And aren't sure if its hungry or not.


*Rin/Olga both flinch/jump*


This story has enough of an awesomeness to fluff/crack ratio, to potentially rival Harry Lefert's HPatSG's story. Muthaf'ing watched.
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The following borders on heresy (a serious question following a WAFFY-chapter installment?!), but:

Mash and her unknowing link to Galahad; has her conversations with EMIYA already revealed this to her?

Or is it a case of where, even if told said HS's identity, she cannot hear it without having a Bleach-esque:

'Discover my/our true name by your own volition, or no full Noble Phantasm for your use'?

Grandma and grandpa?
Most likely Caster!Iri Dress of Heaven and Assassin!Kerry EMIYA, but maybe Tokiomi as a (not-so?) random Caster-class Pseudo-Servant?

Rin's gonna flip. Not sure if her idealized image of him was shattered by this hollow ataraxia-like timeline that this story started from.
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Does Aoi have a servant form? What class is Sakura?
Aoi? Not a chance, unless data mining from the Japanese release(s) has changed that recently.

Hell, even Tokiomi has no Pseudo-Servant counterpart, just a Craft Essence or two (or three?)

Sakura, though? She's host to a Hindu deity: Parvati, wife/spouse of Shiva, as a Lancer-class.
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if it wasn't for the fact that she pops up later I was going to say she clearly needs her oneesan Mordred-chan!

also would jackie count as her imouto?
Oh yeah, definitely. Let's see the legend of Regend unfold!
Does Aoi have a servant form? What class is Sakura?
People, before the REGENDARY meme gets out of control, keep in mind that drakes are still dragons, albeit juveniles.

Also, very-high ranked Phantasmal Beasts by lore, and Assassin-trumps-Rider is a strictly gameplay-only mechanic.

Sasaki might contribute, but it'd be Mama Artoria and (honorary) Uncle Cu Chulainn who'd be doing most of the work*.

* - Possible Uncle EMIYA too, if he spams the anti-draconic Noble Phantasms; otherwise, he's a distraction at best.

Mama Rin? Also support-only, unless Ishtar has lore bonuses against said creature types.
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Once again, Joan of Arc being a Saberface is a plot point. Also, not sure if this is actually Joan Alter or just them meeting guys who buy into propaganda.
People, before the REGENDARY meme gets out of control, keep in mind that drakes are still dragons, albeit juveniles.

Also, very-high ranked Phantasmal Beasts by lore, and Assassin-trumps-Rider is a strictly gameplay-only mechanic.

Sasaki might contribute, but it'd be Mama Artoria and (honorary) Uncle Cu Chulainn who'd be doing most of the work*.
FYI, his role as a dragon slayer is actually considered canon because of how many people used him. There's a reason he was at the dragon slayers gathering with Martha and Georgios.