Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

That still doesn't really connect to Archer reaming Kadoc for some imagined slight. Hell Guda being a kid rather than a teen his age would realistically prevent Kadoc from taking out his insecurities on them in favor of castigating himself further and fueling his depression.

Especially given Archer can't throw stones at all. Which was the issue I and others had with it.
OTOH, you could easily counter that with the old adage, "Ex-sinners make the best preachers."

Because EMIYA has gone through that himself, complete with rectal-cranial extraction to boot, he thus has firsthand knowledge of just how petty it makes you look.
Ironically, it's Nasu-confirmed that yes, if Kadoc picked up Anastasia LB, he could clear part 1.

And Wodime, even more amusingly, has cleared them seven times in a row. Alien God be bullshit, and Wodime be double bullshit.

So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus.

Personally, I doubt it.

I actually believe wodime could clear it, he actually does give a fuck about other people, he's just really fucking dumb in how he goes about trying to help people.

The rest would probably be screwed by Fou deciding to be primate murder.
Personally, I doubt it.

I actually believe wodime could clear it, he actually does give a fuck about other people, he's just really fucking dumb in how he goes about trying to help people.

The rest would probably be screwed by Fou deciding to be primate murder.

I believe death by Fou ending would only happen to Beryl.
Personally, I doubt it.

I actually believe wodime could clear it, he actually does give a fuck about other people, he's just really fucking dumb in how he goes about trying to help people.

The rest would probably be screwed by Fou deciding to be primate murder.
Why would they? Mash is the actual protagonist of Part 1 and is the reason Fou doesn't end up becoming a Beast. And with the exception of Beryl the rest like her with Mash noting Pepe, Kadoc and Ophelia were all nice and friendly and Chadime is Chadime and would befriend her easily, Hinako doesn't give a shit about the vast majority of humanity but Mash's circumstances and fellow love of reading might endear her.

That again ignores that everything we have on Daybit is mysterious, hmm and that he's probably alligned with panhistory given his Grand Servant and lack of Tree. Plus he cares for Pepe who cares for Mash so again.
Yeah, Kamen you just went and did the one thing many people condemn in fanfiction. Bashing using a character that should have no business saying that stuff, and only does because you turned him into your mouthpiece to rant.

That is what it was, pure character bashing.
Yeah, Kamen you just went and did the one thing many people condemn in fanfiction. Bashing using a character that should have no business saying that stuff, and only does because you turned him into your mouthpiece to rant.

That is what it was, pure character bashing.
I personally disagree and found it quite satisfying to read. I don't understand how anyone can like most of the crypters and frankly Kadoc is both disgusting and pathetic.

Oh sure, he could have been a good person but all we see of him is a 50/50 between brainwashed patsy and well... Exactly what EMIYA accused him of being in the snip.

And frankly, it's not out of character at all for EMIYA to be the one to call him out on his bullshit.
I seriously don't know why we've just spent 3 pages arguing about what was basically an omake that has very little relevance to the current storyline (and I doubt we would get to LB1 anytime soon for it to be relevant. If we ever get there at all). And even if it doesn't stay faithful to the material, so what? It's fanfic ffs. I've read my fair share of fanfics where canonically 'good' characters get turned into assholes (looking at you, Snape) and that rarely derives me of my enjoyment for them.

Honestly, if the author wants to make a rant chapter and even explicitly said so at the start of it, I don't see any reason why you guys have to be so riled up. You can just ... not read it?
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So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus

I know I did.
I really HATED the olympic gods and Wodime.
Then comes the relevant that Zeus has them all under mind control, Zeus himself is following orders he can't disobey due his programming and Wodime turns out to be a good person will to give his own life. I wonder how Beryl's backstory will turn out, after LB5 I am hesitant to just hate him.
I'm not going to add to the discussion on the lostbelts and the crypters and whatever. I'm not informed enough on the current plot of FGO to really make a distinction, though I really should be working on that, since I am writing an FGO story.

However, I am going to comment on the structure of this snippet, the one-sided rant by EMIYA, which is probably one of my least favourite narrative flourishes. It's not a narrative thing. It's not a storytelling thing. It's not even a discussion of story themes and character building, developing, or exploration. It's pure author tract, hiding personal opinion as dialogue, while using characters as mouthpieces to get your point across. It's not a discussion, it's not an exploration, it's not even witty, funny, or interesting. It is, as mentioned in the snippet, pure venting. And that's why I think this is probably the weakest snippet in the story so far.

Nevermind the hypocrisy of using EMIYA to rant at Kadoc, or the fact that it's based off an early impression of Cosmos in the Lostbelt that no longer really holds water; I don't care about any of these factors, because they can be swapped out and it could be indisputable fact or whatever, like Ritsuka screaming at Goetia about why his vision of an immortal humanity is terrible, and it would still suck. Because it's no longer about the story. This is personal opinion, being thrown out onto the internet to garner interest and likes - don't pretend this isn't what is going on, because any writer knows that just because you write something doesn't mean you have to post it. And in a thread that is supposed to be about a story, that's just unfortunate.

Goddamn Ritsuka, the main character, doesn't even show up. She doesn't lend another perspective, whether approving or disapproving of her Archer's words or showing sympathy or apathy for Kadoc's plight. We have gained zero further insight on any of these characters from this piece. I have, bluntly put, wasted my time reading this. It tells me nothing except that kamenhero25 hates the Crypters, which I don't need to know about and I don't care about. I care about Ritsuka. I care about the characters. I care about the story, the interactions, the theme of family that should be the strongest thing in this fic, and I don't see it here. Not every scene should build on themes or high ideals or whatever, not every act should have Ritsuka appear or talk about her, she shouldn't be the center of the galaxy. But she should be the center of the story. And for a moment this pivotal, I can't believe she's not here.

This snippet was disappointing, because it gives me nothing and takes nothing from me but time. It's pure personal opinion and doesn't even give me further insight into the creative process behind the story.

If you really were venting, you'd have written it and moved on.
Honestly, if the author wants to make a rant chapter and even explicitly said so at the start of it, I don't see any reason why you guys have to be so riled up. You can just ... not read it?
I don't know how you can write this with a straight face when people can easily go back and read the post themselves. Because the warning that this was just venting was, unlike what you claim, explicitly said at the very end of the chapter, not its start. So no, I couldn't just "not read it" because the warning came after having read the entire thing and I spent it wondering what relevance this "future glimspe" had to do with the story. You can't bemoan people being surprised anymore than you could blame, to use an extreme example, someone being angry that a fanfic suddenly has an explicit rape scene and the author didn't bother to put any warning.

Come on, if you have to do the whole "don't like don't read" routine, at least get your facts straight.
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...Meme song?


Didn't know where others, LAPLACE is being slow
I was laying there, watching video
Some lass were trying to make some tune
"Like wet cats" he said

Then the brawling sound did seem to fade
There is slow voice on a wave of phase
Not Singularity but an old cosmic jive.

There's a Starboy, soaring in the Sky
He'd like to come and met us.
But his job was still not done
There's a Starboy, waiting in the Sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

I need to tell someone so I picked on you
Can you hear it? So it called you too
Let us ask Tesla he might catch it in Coil Two

Look at the console, I can see his Light
Let's qet the Quartz, we can get him tonight
Someone told Mamas so they won't blow fuses in fright

There's a Starboy, soaring in the Sky
He'd like to come and met us.
But his job was still not done
There's a Starboy, waiting in the Sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

La la la la-la
La la la
La la la la-la
La la la
La la la la-la
La la la
La la la la-la
La la la....


"...Honestly, for a Foreigner, that was pretty good."

"Ehehe, thanks."

"How about me?"

*A recorded song was played. It was [REDACTED].*

"Still like wet cat. No, wait. Calling this sound of wet cat is like, being unfair to wet cat sound. No, wait. Wet cat skinned alive. That's... No, wait. That's not right-"

*Angry wannabe idols noises*
I don't know how you can write this with a straight face when people can easily go back and read the post themselves. Because the warning that this was just venting was, unlike what you claim, explicitly said at the very end of the chapter, not its start. So no, I couldn't just "not read it" because the warning came after having read the entire thing and I spent it wondering what relevance this "future glimspe" had to do with the story. You can't bemoan people being surprised anymore than you could blame, to use an extreme example, someone being angry that a fanfic suddenly has an explicit rape scene and the author didn't bother to put any warning.

Come on, if you have to do the whole "don't like don't read" routine, at least get your facts straight.

"A/N: So I finally have been blasting through LB 1 over the last couple days since it's on reduced AP now and god Kadoc is such a little bitch. This is mostly venting, so sorry if it's a shitty return to this thread."

And this isn't a warning how?
"A/N: So I finally have been blasting through LB 1 over the last couple days since it's on reduced AP now and god Kadoc is such a little bitch. This is mostly venting, so sorry if it's a shitty return to this thread."

And this isn't a warning how?
Because the warning that this was just venting was, unlike what you claim, explicitly said at the very end of the chapter, not its start.
Isn't Beryl a giant sleazebag who tried to do something to mash?
He's a unrepentant murderer that Clocktower even hates.

But he also admits it that he does what he does because he is an unrepetant murdere.

"All human would become gods? And who the fuck would I kill if your future was to become real?" IIRC the phrase Beryl said during his backstab.

Perhaps it is me, but I find easier to tolerate villains that own the fact that they are villains. The instant they start to sprout ideological bullshits to justify what they do I get Voldemort flashbacks and the villain image is ruined in my eyes.
But he also admits it that he does what he does because he is an unrepetant murdere.

"All human would become gods? And who the fuck would I kill if your future was to become real?" IIRC the phrase Beryl said during his backstab.

Perhaps it is me, but I find easier to tolerate villains that own the fact that they are villains. The instant they start to sprout ideological bullshits to justify what they do I get Voldemort flashbacks and the villain image is ruined in my eyes.

Which is worse? A man who does wrong things for what he believes is right or a man who does wrong things because he can?

Personally i like the former if they're done well. There is a certain sense of tragedy to it. Especially if they're too far gone to turn back in the end.
While Kadoc (in LB1) does come off... well, like a whiny, self-absorbed emo teen, he's not entirely unjustified.

Here we have the underperformer. A member of the A-Team, but clearly the least of them, compared to the 'genius' of Wodime, the Mystic Eye of Ophelia, etc etc, with a bloodline and crest of only ~200 years, and a relatively low pool of magical energy. Quiet, a mythology buff, and a pessimist. It's no surprise he's got an inferiority complex.
His only standout quality? High Rayshift compatibility.

But still a member of the A-team, ready and willing to save the world.

Then Lev happened, and he lost literally everything.

And a complete amateur, a civilian with zero training, included only to round out the numbers, saved the world.

Then he was given a choice. Stay dead, or live, and work for the Alien God.

He wasn't told what he'd be doing if he chose life, not until the choice was made. There would be no backing out, and it would happen with or without him. I don't think Wodime knew quite what they'd be getting into either.

And even that sucked.


His servant, his servant, is the only thing he has left. His Lostbelt is a dead-end, Ivan the Terrible is uncontrollable, better kept asleep, the Tree failed to properly take root, and if Chaldea didn't wipe it out, the other Lostbelts would've.

So he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, and being directly confronted by the person that, to his mind, usurped the one thing that made him special, the chance to prove himself more than just a mediocre footnote in the Zemlupus history.

And his relationship with Anastasia felt reciprocal too. It wasn't command seals or blackmail by withholding magical energy, or mere tolerance on her part, but genuine enough that she took a bullet for him.

Come LB2, and the revelation that, actually, he would've committed suicide by Sirius Light for Anastasia doesn't feel like a retcon either.
Not shitty.

Frankly apart one-two cases (guess who?) the Crypters could go and hang themselves for all I care.

I mean, Kadoc is Kadoc, and Beryl is awful, but by all accounts Daybit is pretty reliable, Hinako keeps to herself most of the time, Ophelia is at least generally nice, and Pepe and Brodime are great.
Ironically, it's Nasu-confirmed that yes, if Kadoc picked up Anastasia LB, he could clear part 1.

And Wodime, even more amusingly, has cleared them seven times in a row. Alien God be bullshit, and Wodime be double bullshit.

So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus.

Yeah, but "he could do it in a literally impossible situation" is itself kind of an issue.
Honestly, apart from Beryl and potentially Daybit until we find out more about him

Pepe trusts Daybit. That is, by itself, a really good sign that he's actually a good person. Wodime also had a good impression of him IIRC, which doesn't hurt, but perhaps most importantly the Servant he's keeping around with him seems to be a fucking Grand, which is something the World doesn't even trust Ritsuka with.