Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

This kind of omake gives me ideas (especially when they're funny like this). So I think I'll ask...

Would people be interested in me telling some scenes out of order? I'll treadmark them separately and they'll be subject to edits or changes (or possibly ending up non-canonical), but it would let me write stuff from other parts of the game without going through everything in order.
That sounds excellent. It lets you skip to the parts that you have ideas for without having to force parts where the inspiration isn't flowing just yet, which I'll be the first to admit, is one of my main stumbling blocks when it comes to extended storylines.
This is perfection in it's purest form cute little girl bossing her way to a inevitable victory how all great story's should be made a masterwork of a fanfic in my eyes for sure. I eagerly await more of this
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This kind of omake gives me ideas (especially when they're funny like this). So I think I'll ask...

Would people be interested in me telling some scenes out of order? I'll treadmark them separately and they'll be subject to edits or changes (or possibly ending up non-canonical), but it would let me write stuff from other parts of the game without going through everything in order.

An excellent idea. There is only one thing that I can say to this:

Go for it, dude.
Glimpses of the Future - AC vs DC
A/N: aka Mr. Tesla comes to America


"Wow, so this is America?" Ritsuka said as the light of the reyshift faded away. "I didn't think that it would be this… empty."

"You seem to have arrived somewhere out west," Roman said as his image appeared in mid-air. "In this time period, most of the modern America is supposed to be unclaimed frontier. I'm sort of surprised that there are towns out here at all."

"That has always been the state of America," Nikola Tesla said as he stepped forward. "The old mixes with the new, urban sprawls and quaint rustic towns sit just down the road from each other, and all linked together by a network of roads and power lines that bind the nation together. Isn't it a beautiful hub of innovation?"

There was a long moment of silence. "I suppose that's true," Roman said. "America has always been a melting pot in a lot of ways. I suppose a Serbian immigrant would know that well enough. But that wasn't quite what I meant. I think the Singularity is distorting the terrain around you. Things from other time periods are all getting merged together. If you don't stabilize it soon, the Singularity will collapse and take all of you with it."

"We'll take care of everything," Mash said with a slightly exasperated sigh. "Just like always."

"Indeed," Arturia said. "We've handled this sort of issue more than once already."

The image in the air flickered and Rin replaced Roman. "Keep an eye on Ritsuka alright? I have a bad feeling about this one."

"Of course," Arturia said. "She's my family too. She'll be completely safe with us."

The air crackled and there was a load laugh. "Excellent! Then allow me to lead our tour of this fabulous country!" Tesla's hand was already glowing and his hair rose and fell with the static. "I detect magic energy in this direction."

The team headed off in the direction the rather eccentric Archer indicated and as they crossed the next hill, they saw the source of the commotion. An army of archaically dressed warriors were clashing with what looked like an army of very American looking robots. "What." Even Ritsuka couldn't keep the confusion out of her voice. "They look kinda familiar…"

"They look like Mr. Babbage's robots!" Mash interrupted. "Rin, can you go check and see if he knows anything?"

"Calling him up now," the older woman said. "Is it possible that another instance of him has been summoned into this Singularity too?"

"No, that's wrong," Tesla said, staring intently at the robots. "These are not steam powered like the brilliant Mr. Babbage's creations. I can sense the lightning that flows through their forms like blood! Come! If we cannot determine who the villain is here, then we shall defeat both sides and I can confirm my suspicions."

There was little time to say anything before the Archer leaped into battle, bolts of lightning raining down on both sides and scattering the ancient warriors and the red, white, and blue robots in equal measure. The rest of the Servants sighed and followed after him, warding off attacks from behind as Tesla waded into the melee, frying everything within arm's reach with his lightning. The skirmish lasted only minutes before both sides were either fleeing or shattered on the ground. "All enemy contacts defeated," Mash said as she allowed herself to relax.

"What are you looking for Mr. Tesla?" Ritsuka asked as she cocked her head. The scientist was currently bent over one of the robots, rummaging through the inner workings.

"I knew it!" He straightened up, his whole body sparking and a scowl on his face. "I knew I recognized this technology. Shoddy workmanship, knock-offs of a smarter man's work, and this direct current engine… It can only be one man!"

Mash and Arturia both just looked baffled, but Ritsuka looked thoughtful. "Direct current? Oh! You taught me about that! It's the one that's inferior to your invention, right?"

"Yes. This interior technology could only be created by that man!" Tesla's whole body began to glow.

Mash gently put a hand on Ritsuka's shoulder and pulled her behind her shield. "You know who's behind these machines?"

"Of course. Come with me and we'll take care of this Singularity immediately. He must be the cause of all of this."


The next group they encountered was significantly less hostile. Nightingale hadn't been exactly what they were expecting, but she was determined and eager to come with them to try to cure America or something like that. "Hold on just a minute!" Only for them to be stopped by a new arrival. "Don't you know that deserting your post during wartime is a serious crime?"

The new Servant was hardly taller than Ritsuka, but she sounded much older. Nightingale just gave her a flat look. "I am not deserting my post. My mission has no changed. I must treat this country's illness so there will be no more fighting."

The new Servant just huffed. "That's a Berserker for you I guess," she said with a sigh.

"You look quite well, Madame Blavatsky." The new Servant trailed off as Tesla stepped forward.

"Madame Blavatsky?" Mash asked curiously. "I remember that name. She was the face of occultism in the 19th​ century. Her studies were some of the most widespread in her era."

"Please don't call me that Mr. Tesla." Helena's shoulders slumped and she sighed. "I admit, I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I, on the other hand, expected your appearance from the beginning," the Archer boasted. "I never quite understood why you were so close with that fool."

Helena immediately bristled. "He's a great man, and more importantly, he's my friend. You having differences of opinion with him won't change that."

"Great to a degree," Tesla said, reluctance obvious in his voice. "But his industry is hardly the light of one of his incandescent bulbs before the brilliant flash of my genius! Take us to him at once and we'll settle this matter once and for all."

The occultist immediately sighed again and rubbed her eyes. "You're going to run off to find him if I don't take you to him, aren't you?" Tesla's stony silence was answer enough. "Fine. I'm sure the presi-king will want to meet all of you anyway."

"The what now?" Arturia said flatly as they were led away by a large pack of mechanized combatants.


"Wow! A lion!" Ritsuka seemed to be the only one amazed by the towering lion-headed Presi-king of the West. Everyone else just stared in absolute disbelief. Even Tesla seemed at a total loss for words.

"Yes, I understand that you are at a loss for words to describe my majesty," the tall stars and stripes covered Heroic Spirit said, his voice deep and rumbling. "But you need not fear me. I am the great King of Innovation, Thomas Alva Edison!"

"I knew I recognized your handiwork, you direct current hack."

The large lion man cut off with a growl. "What? Direct current is the only way!" The tall Servant cut himself off with an angry roar. "I knew there was a familiar stench in the air. What are you doing here, you alternating current fool?"

"Fixing your mess apparently," Tesla said with a smug smile. "Since you've somehow managed to get yourself into a losing war. How incredibly like you."

Edison ground his teeth, a low constant rumble coming from his throat. "My industry is perfect! My America turns out my perfected mechanized infantry at an astonishing rate. This is the true glory of the art of mass production.

"Running your workers into the ground for a quick profit. Even as a Heroic Spirit you haven't changed at all. My superior technology could have ended this war entirely on its own."

"Not another of your ridiculous one-off super weapons," Edison groaned. "I have better things to spend my time on. I have the amazing power of America to restore!"

The rest of the group, Helena and Karna included, watched the increasingly snippy debate in silence. Finally, the short Caster sighed. "I should have known that they'd get like this," Helena said, shaking her head.

"I see," Nightingale said as she watched the pair bickering like children. "Master, I seem to have made a mistake in my diagnosis. It seems that the patients are both extremely ill. It is my duty as a nurse to administer immediate treatment."

"Yes please," Mash and Arturia said in almost perfect sync.

Ritsuka quickly nodded. "They're both idiots," she said flatly.

"Just don't hurt them too badly," Helena said.

"Sometimes medicine is unpleasant," Nightingale said as she drew her gun. "But the purpose is always to improve the patient's overall health. Proceeding with the treatment."
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Florence can beat the stupid out of people? That's even more OP than Gil!
Don't be so fast to discount Gil.

I'm sure that somewhere in his treasury there must be some NP or other that allows you to hit the very concept of stupidity of a person, if not as the main purpose, at least as an application. Hopefully it comes in the form of a big-ass club or a pair of gloves.
A/N: aka Mr. Tesla comes to America


"Wow, so this is America?" Ritsuka said as the light of the reyshift faded away. "I didn't think that it would be this… empty."

"You seem to have arrived somewhere out west," Roman said as his image appeared in mid-air. "In this time period, most of the modern America is supposed to be unclaimed frontier. I'm sort of surprised that there are towns out here at all."

"That has always been the state of America," Nikola Tesla said as he stepped forward. "The old mixes with the new, urban sprawls and quaint rustic towns sit just down the road from each other, and all linked together by a network of roads and power lines that bind the nation together. Isn't it a beautiful hub of innovation?"

There was a long moment of silence. "I suppose that's true," Roman said. "America has always been a melting pot in a lot of ways. I suppose a Serbian immigrant would know that well enough. But that wasn't quite what I meant. I think the Singularity is distorting the terrain around you. Things from other time periods are all getting merged together. If you don't stabilize it soon, the Singularity will collapse and take all of you with it."

"We'll take care of everything," Mash said with a slightly exasperated sigh. "Just like always."

"Indeed," Arturia said. "We've handled this sort of issue more than once already."

The image in the air flickered and Rin replaced Roman. "Keep an eye on Ritsuka alright? I have a bad feeling about this one."

"Of course," Arturia said. "She's my family too. She'll be completely safe with us."

The air crackled and there was a load laugh. "Excellent! Then allow me to lead our tour of this fabulous country!" Tesla's hand was already glowing and his hair rose and fell with the static. "I detect magic energy in this direction."

The team headed off in the direction the rather eccentric Archer indicated and as they crossed the next hill, they saw the source of the commotion. An army of archaically dressed warriors were clashing with what looked like an army of very American looking robots. "What." Even Ritsuka couldn't keep the confusion out of her voice. "They look kinda familiar…"

"They look like Mr. Babbage's robots!" Mash interrupted. "Rin, can you go check and see if he knows anything?"

"Calling him up now," the older woman said. "Is it possible that another instance of him has been summoned into this Singularity too?"

"No, that's wrong," Tesla said, staring intently at the robots. "These are not steam powered like the brilliant Mr. Babbage's creations. I can sense the lightning that flows through their forms like blood! Come! If we cannot determine who the villain is here, then we shall defeat both sides and I can confirm my suspicions."

There was little time to say anything before the Archer leaped into battle, bolts of lightning raining down on both sides and scattering the ancient warriors and the red, white, and blue robots in equal measure. The rest of the Servants sighed and followed after him, warding off attacks from behind as Tesla waded into the melee, frying everything within arm's reach with his lightning. The skirmish lasted only minutes before both sides were either fleeing or shattered on the ground. "All enemy contacts defeated," Mash said as she allowed herself to relax.

"What are you looking for Mr. Tesla?" Ritsuka asked as she cocked her head. The scientist was currently bent over one of the robots, rummaging through the inner workings.

"I knew it!" He straightened up, his whole body sparking and a scowl on his face. "I knew I recognized this technology. Shoddy workmanship, knock-offs of a smarter man's work, and this direct current engine… It can only be one man!"

Mash and Arturia both just looked baffled, but Ritsuka looked thoughtful. "Direct current? Oh! You taught me about that! It's the one that's inferior to your invention, right?"

"Yes. This interior technology could only be created by that man!" Tesla's whole body began to glow.

Mash gently put a hand on Ritsuka's shoulder and pulled her behind her shield. "You know who's behind these machines?"

"Of course. Come with me and we'll take care of this Singularity immediately. He must be the cause of all of this."


The next group they encountered was significantly less hostile. Nightingale hadn't been exactly what they were expecting, but she was determined and eager to come with them to try to cure America or something like that. "Hold on just a minute!" Only for them to be stopped by a new arrival. "Don't you know that deserting your post during wartime is a serious crime?"

The new Servant was hardly taller than Ritsuka, but she sounded much older. Nightingale just gave her a flat look. "I am not deserting my post. My mission has no changed. I must treat this country's illness so there will be no more fighting."

The new Servant just huffed. "That's a Berserker for you I guess," she said with a sigh.

"You look quite well, Madame Blavatsky." The new Servant trailed off as Tesla stepped forward.

"Madame Blavatsky?" Mash asked curiously. "I remember that name. She was the face of occultism in the 19th​ century. Her studies were some of the most widespread in her era."

"Please don't call me that Mr. Tesla." Helena's shoulders slumped and she sighed. "I admit, I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I, on the other hand, expected your appearance from the beginning," the Archer boasted. "I never quite understood why you were so close with that fool."

Helena immediately bristled. "He's a great man, and more importantly, he's my friend. You having differences of opinion with him won't change that."

"Great to a degree," Tesla said, reluctance obvious in his voice. "But his industry is hardly the light of one of his incandescent bulbs before the brilliant flash of my genius! Take us to him at once and we'll settle this matter once and for all."

The occultist immediately sighed again and rubbed her eyes. "You're going to run off to find him if I don't take you to him, aren't you?" Tesla's stony silence was answer enough. "Fine. I'm sure the presi-king will want to meet all of you anyway."

"The what now?" Arturia said flatly as they were led away by a large pack of mechanized combatants.


"Wow! A lion!" Ritsuka seemed to be the only one amazed by the towering lion-headed Presi-king of the West. Everyone else just stared in absolute disbelief. Even Tesla seemed at a total loss for words.

"Yes, I understand that you are at a loss for words to describe my majesty," the tall stars and stripes covered Heroic Spirit said, his voice deep and rumbling. "But you need not fear me. I am the great King of Innovation, Thomas Alva Edison!"

"I knew I recognized your handiwork, you direct current hack."

The large lion man cut off with a growl. "What? Direct current is the only way!" The tall Servant cut himself off with an angry roar. "I knew there was a familiar stench in the air. What are you doing here, you alternating current fool?"

"Fixing your mess apparently," Tesla said with a smug smile. "Since you've somehow managed to get yourself into a losing war. How incredibly like you."

Edison ground his teeth, a low constant rumble coming from his throat. "My industry is perfect! My America turns out my perfected mechanized infantry at an astonishing rate. This is the true glory of the art of mass production.

"Running your workers into the ground for a quick profit. Even as a Heroic Spirit you haven't changed at all. My superior technology could have ended this war entirely on its own."

"Not another of your ridiculous one-off super weapons," Edison groaned. "I have better things to spend my time on. I have the amazing power of America to restore!"

The rest of the group, Helena and Karna included, watched the increasingly snippy debate in silence. Finally, the short Caster sighed. "I should have known that they'd get like this," Helena said, shaking her head.

"I see," Nightingale said as she watched the pair bickering like children. "Master, I seem to have made a mistake in my diagnosis. It seems that the patients are both extremely ill. It is my duty as a nurse to administer immediate treatment."

"Yes please," Mash and Arturia said in almost perfect sync.

"Just don't hurt them too badly," Helena said.

"Sometimes medicine is unpleasant," Nightingale said as she drew her gun. "But the purpose is always to improve the patient's overall health. Proceeding with the treatment."
This short reminds of something...OH WAIT!!

reading about that argument between Tesla and Edison I had one thought. Needs some Atomic Robo references to really up the ham. But still really funny