Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Sakura's still going to end up with two voices in her head. Or did you forget that Kama is sharing with Mara? That particular Assassin does have Independent Manifestation, which along with that third active skill should be a dead giveaway...
Kama IS Mara. In this case, Mara is more of a role given to someone who tempts Buddha from enlightenment.
Kama IS Mara. In this case, Mara is more of a role given to someone who tempts Buddha from enlightenment.

Nope, the two are different beings, though they share a body most of the time. As an Assassin, Kama is in charge, 60/40. As a Beast (thanks to Lostbelt!Shiva abandoning his job of keeping Mara in check), Mara's in control, something like 80/20. This is shown in how the name of their Noble Phantasm (and their appearance) changes depending on who's in control; Kama calls it Kama Sammohana - A Withering Affection Is Not Love / Samsara Kama - The Burning of Affection Is Out of Love, while for Mara it's Samsara Kama/Mara Avaruddha - Realm of Love, Burning Universe.
Nope, the two are different beings, though they share a body most of the time. As an Assassin, Kama is in charge, 60/40. As a Beast (thanks to Lostbelt!Shiva abandoning his job of keeping Mara in check), Mara's in control, something like 80/20. This is shown in how the name of their Noble Phantasm (and their appearance) changes depending on who's in control; Kama calls it Kama Sammohana - A Withering Affection Is Not Love / Samsara Kama - The Burning of Affection Is Out of Love, while for Mara it's Samsara Kama/Mara Avaruddha - Realm of Love, Burning Universe.
Considering the complex relations of the Hindu pantheon, it's possible for Kama/Mara to be mostly silent once Beast III/L is defeated. I mean, Kali literally pops out of Durga's head and Durga was an aspect of Parvarti. If there are too many associated with Sakura, they could decide to just shut up and let Sakura drive.
Yeah, that was kinda supposed to be an insult and a compliment at the same time. Gawain legitimately has a lot of good qualities... But he's also an egotistical, stubborn, dumbass and Arturia knows it. That was her way of saying 'there's no possible way you'll change your mind, is there?'
Arturia Pendragon people. A girl so bad at social that the misunderstanding she creates propagate through the 4th Walls even to people who should know better, like me.

I wouldn't be surpised if Ritsuka end up being forced to use a Command Seal to force Arturia to not suck at life when the time come to reconcile with Mordred.
...I hate to break this to you but Rin takes control all the time...
If it's any Harem, it's very much hers,

Really tho, it's not a Harem at all. It's polyamory, mutual shared relationship rather than any one single point being the Center of it. Rin and Saber are just as attracted to each other as they are to Shirou.
Honestly, I think the family dynamics are a bit flipped for this group:
Shirou is the Cooking/Cleaning Mama, no questions there.
Rin is the Bread Winner/Tester of those who'd dare try and date her love interests
Saber is the Stern Father/Tester of those who'd dare try and date her kids
Sakura, if she's part of this, is the Hug Mom-ster.
They've essentially split the parenting roles in half so that each individual can help in raising Ritsuka.
One would hope that years of evidently happy marriage to Rin, with Rider, Saber, and Sakura also possibly joining in, has given him enough experience to fix that.
Oh probably, but Rin's still likely the best at it, to her chagrin. She has the greatest amount of observed... talent in the light novel, Shirou as stated before is trying to catch up, Saber has no clue what do, and Sakura's too messed up to truly learn what do.
Honestly, I think the family dynamics are a bit flipped for this group:
Shirou is the Cooking/Cleaning Mama, no questions there.
Rin is the Bread Winner/Tester of those who'd dare try and date her love interests
Saber is the Stern Father/Tester of those who'd dare try and date her kids
Sakura, if she's part of this, is the Hug Mom-ster.
They've essentially split the parenting roles in half so that each individual can help in raising Ritsuka.

Oh probably, but Rin's still likely the best at it, to her chagrin. She has the greatest amount of observed... talent in the light novel, Shirou as stated before is trying to catch up, Saber has no clue what do, and Sakura's too messed up to truly learn what do.
Given that Ritsuka refers to Sakura as Mama-Sakura, I'm pretty sure she's a part of this.
Being honest, Shirou's second sex scenes in each of the Routes aren't that bad. Boyo learn fast and most of his problem is his virginal inexperience.

And really, this is Shirou Emiya we're talking about. Of course he would put extra efforts into maximizing his partners pleasure once he gets enough experience.
Nope, the two are different beings,
They are not, Mara is Kama's buddhist version (for a lack of a better word) someone IRL saw Kama being peer pressured to make Shiva pay attention to his wife as interfering with Shiva's enlightenment, they tied this to Mara's story about trying to tempt Buddha from reaching enlightenment.

Their profile literally states it so:

Mara・Papiyas: EX
A skill that temorarily displays another face of Kama, her nature as the demon king who's the incarnation of worldly desires.
Kama, also known as Mara, is considered to be the other side of the same existence.

Kama has been established as Mara who obstructed the Gautama Buddha and her role as "one who obstructs practitioners of Buddhism" has been fixed.
Glimpses of the Future - The Roast of Kadoc Zemlupus ft. Shirou EMIYA
A/N: So I finally have been blasting through LB 1 over the last couple days since it's on reduced AP now and god Kadoc is such a little bitch. This is mostly venting, so sorry if it's a shitty return to this thread.


"I see."

Kadoc cut himself off as the red-clan Archer interrupted him. "What?"

"I see why you do not qualify as Humanity's Master," EMIYA continued. "Aside from the obvious, of course."

"The obvious?!" The pale young man bristled and his fists clenched so hard that for a moment he was afraid he might start bleeding. "I trained for years. I gave up everything practicing to be better. Then some high born child comes along and does everything?! She's what, fucking six? Any of us could have done better!"

"You certainly gave up all of humanity for your own ego," EMIYA deadpanned. "You'd think it would be quite obvious that you being here trying to kill Humanity's defenders would be more than enough reason why you're not qualified to be one of them. And she's eleven, so please watch your language." Kadoc made a strangled noise that might have been a growl. "But I digress. As a nameless hero who only continues to exist as a thankless agent of the Counter Force, allow me to explain to you why you could never be humanity's protector. It's shockingly simple. Because every single desire you have is selfish."

Kadoc was actually at a loss for words for several very long moments. "What?"

"You're selfish. All of your ranting and raving ultimately comes back to your being jealous that you didn't get to be the big hero. Do you think Hercules wanted to take on his Twelve Labors that would leave him known as the single greatest hero of Greece? Or perhaps you should as your Grand Duchess if she asked to be murdered so the Soviet Union could be born." He pointed an accusing finger at the opposing Caster. "But I'm guessing that thought never crossed your mind. For all of your complaining about Ritsuka being born into a noble family, you're more of a 'proper' magus than she ever will be. Because she actually cares about people and you couldn't give less of a damn about humanity. This is one massive ego trip while you try to convince yourself that you're not an abject failure."

"Don't you fu..."

EMIYA cut him off again. "And you are. You and every single one of your so-called Crypters would have failed miserably attempting to save humanity. Because if they're even remotely like you, they would have gotten killed by one of your own Servants within a month and Chaldea would have collapsed. Because where Ritsuka is different from each and every one of you is that she listens, she understands, and she cares." The Counter Guardian laughed. "How does it feel to know an eleven year old has more social skills than you do?" Kadoc growled and his hand twitched like he was about to order Anastasia to attack. "Because I don't think there's a single one of you would could have gotten Ishtar and Gilgamesh to sit in the same room without killing each other. Or half the Knights of the Round Table. Or had Jack the Ripper decide that she wants to be your sister. You would have thrown them away like trash, just like you would have thrown Mash away. Or all of humanity away. Until one of them decided to take it out on you rather than being used."

The red-clad Archer calmly formed his bow in one hand. "You don't give a damn about anyone but you, much less about humanity as a whole. And that's exactly why you could never be qualified to save humanity. Olga-Marie has tried her best, but she made a mistake picking people like you." He raised his bow. "Now send your Servant at me, enemy of humanity. And I'll put you both down like I was meant to."
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Meanwhile nearby Paul Bunyan is wrestling Ivan the Terrible to the ground while the other American servants act as support.

Also welcome back. This story was one of the things that pushed me to start playing FGO recently.
A/N: So I finally have been blasting through LB 1 over the last couple days since it's on reduced AP now and god Kadoc is such a little bitch. This is mostly venting, so sorry if it's a shitty return to this thread.

Not shitty.

Frankly apart one-two cases (guess who?) the Crypters could go and hang themselves for all I care.
A/N: So I finally have been blasting through LB 1 over the last couple days since it's on reduced AP now and god Kadoc is such a little bitch. This is mostly venting, so sorry if it's a shitty return to this thread.
Oh no. This was fucking beautiful. Well done!
"Now send your Servant at me, enemy of humanity. And I'll put you both down like I was meant to."
This is the GARcher we all know and love!

Olga-Marie has tried her best, but she made a mistake picking people like you.
Awww. Poor Olga, getting the recognition she deserves from one of Humanity's Greatest Unsung Heroes.
...I kinda want a Counter Guardian Olga now... To have her be saved from Lev at the last second by making a Contract with Alaya... Shit, I think that might be an interesting take on things!
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Ironically, it's Nasu-confirmed that yes, if Kadoc picked up Anastasia LB, he could clear part 1.

And Wodime, even more amusingly, has cleared them seven times in a row. Alien God be bullshit, and Wodime be double bullshit.

So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus.
Ironically, it's Nasu-confirmed that yes, if Kadoc picked up Anastasia LB, he could clear part 1.

And Wodime, even more amusingly, has cleared them seven times in a row. Alien God be bullshit, and Wodime be double bullshit.

So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus.

Good thing this is fanfic and I can tell canon to take a hike if I don't think it makes sense. :)
*Looks at Beast VII/the Alien God* Er… well, um...
Even if I DID (Which I don't) consider that a version of Olga, rather than An Alien God using her form/body as a meat-puppet, it still isn't Counter Guardian Olga!
Just like Olga taken over by the Demon in her Family Crest is also NOT an Olga, nor Counter Guardian Olga.
I'll have to actually play LB 5 to actually form an opinion on him. Based on what little I've seen of him so far, it feels like a retcon after he's been nothing but an arrogant prick.

A lot of stuff in LB2 foreshadows the reveals in LB5, including Wodime's characterization. He's a good person, he wouldn't have saved the other Crypters otherwise, even Beryl. Had he been an arrogant prick, he'd have leave them all to die and his would have been the sole Lostbelt to exist.
He is kind of smug, but when you can bashfight a Divine Spirit into doing what you want then a bit of smug about your power is kind of deserved.

Not really a spoiler, given Caenis.