Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Oh yeah, there is also Altera Lily and Da Vinci Lily.
Da Vinci Lily already accounted for.
Moe Da Vinci was rarely invited. And everytime she came, she always bring some... new blend, that sometimes taste good, sometimes... not so much

Mashu was a regular. Sometimes she wears maid dress, sometimes not. She was happiest when Sempai use her laps.

Tea-party also good reason to drag Osakabe-Hime out and forced her to do things like bathing and clean her room.

Blackbeard.... a bit divided. Some kids consider him harmless weirdo, others consider him hilarious. Abby strangely very fond of him. And for some reason, Hans refused to make eye contact with him.

He knows too much.

No, we don't remember any Mephistopheles, why do you ask?

Tamamo was a nice girl overall. If only she stops referencing fox wedding every 10 minutes or so.

Bedivere was nice... but he was depressed too much that kids always mistaken him for a lady. Maybe haircut was in order.

Gawain was... pretty popular, but he wasn't aware that girls didn't like him as much as he think. Or like him for exact reason he think.

Also, somehow, he can't make eye contact with Blackbeard.

Fergus was a roaring blast. Popular with everyone, young and old. Despite his Legend, never be anything but wholesome in front of younger servants.

Medea still refuses to invite him into her private tea party.

Cus are fine in general. Sometimes wearing butler suit, sometimes wearing doggie onesies. Especially when Papa Archer was feeling catty.

(Yes, that including Cu Alter. No, don't ask me how it works.)

Miss Drake sometimes pass by when Blackbeard appears, and always teases him. It was adorable... if they don't use all kind of sailor languange.
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A thought occurs, do all of them need to get brought in via conventional summons. I understand how in the Gacha game Waver and Shotaskander had to die, but here they'd likely be recruited, no? Especially as they already have Rulebreaker on demand EMIYA with them.
A thought occurs, do all of them need to get brought in via conventional summons. I understand how in the Gacha game Waver and Shotaskander had to die, but here they'd likely be recruited, no? Especially as they already have Rulebreaker on demand EMIYA with them.

This is kind of my exact thought process actually. Even if EMIYA isn't around, Medea is on the list of near future summons and having Rulebreaker around to hijack enemy Servants is just such a ridiculously useful tool.
Tell me about it. Like, narratively speaking, there's no reason why any remaining ally Servants wouldn't join Chaldea at the end of the Singularities. It's purely a Gacha game gimmick.
I get why it happened (marketing plus profits) and I don't blame them, but in my mind the party could gradually expand with the inclusion of these servants. Just gradual recruitment, starting with Mash and CasCu.
I get why it happened (marketing plus profits) and I don't blame them, but in my mind the party could gradually expand with the inclusion of these servants. Just gradual recruitment, starting with Mash and CasCu.
Not only that, but Rule Breaking some of the more... let's say "reluctant" villains – Tesla, most especially, comes to mind – would not only be a massive windfall for Chaldea, but also an equally massive middle finger in the eye to "Solomon".

Hell, even just taking in those Servants who survive to the end of each Singularity would go an incredibly long way!
Not only that, but Rule Breaking some of the more... let's say "reluctant" villains – Tesla, most especially, comes to mind – would not only be a massive windfall for Chaldea, but also an equally massive middle finger in the eye to "Solomon".

Hell, even just taking in those Servants who survive to the end of each Singularity would go an incredibly long way!
Speaking of him, I kind of had in mind an omake for the Dantes event, though it would involve a teen Gudao/Charlemagne instead of Ritsuka due to him taking the blow of the Evil Eye spell, not to mention that the Château d'If is not a place for a little girl like her.
Speaking of him, I kind of had in mind an omake for the Dantes event, though it would involve a teen Gudao/Charlemagne instead of Ritsuka due to him taking the blow of the Evil Eye spell, not to mention that the Château d'If is not a place for a little girl like her.
Indeed, plus in the next event, accel order zero having a living Irisviel join up rather than dress of heaven servant maybe a good twist. Or both and KiriMIYA too. Diarmid as well.

Also, during the Babylonia singularity, what of Diomedes and Ajax (Aias)? In a part of the story where gods are roaming around being typical hypocritical jackasses, surely some people who have seriously injured gods in the past should have appeared.
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Chapter 6
There was silence in the Chaldea team's makeshift camp. "So there's a second Jeanne d'Arc," Rin said, drumming her fingers against her own biceps. "And she's destroying France to get revenge for her execution." The magus turned Servant groaned and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I suppose it could be worse, but I'm not quite sure how."

"The Holy Grail could be possessed again," EMIYA said with a rather insincere smile on his face.

Rin groaned. "There is that at least. But it's still in the hands of a lunatic."

"Let's not forget that she's probably got her own horde of Servants to back her up," CasCu added.

The other Cu chuckled. "It's not like we haven't handled impossible odds before. Remember that time with the clan?"

CasCu groaned. "Yeah, I remember that one. I don't care how crazy this corrupted Joan is, she can't be as bad as that woman."

"We'll handle it in the morning," Rin said with a sigh. "For now, Ritsuka needs rest. Maintaining a link to this many Servants at once is stressful, especially on someone who hasn't completely developed their magical abilities yet." The small red-head sat off to the side, watching the conversation in silence. "Are you okay, honey?"

Ritsuka pursed her lips and frowned. "There are three Mama Sabers. And one of them is evil again."

There was a slight twitch from the blonde King of Knights. "That is slightly disconcerting," Arturia admitted after a moment. "The similarity in our appearances is rather unusual."

Jeanne just shrugged helplessly. "I'm afraid I don't know what to say. Perhaps we're very, very distantly related."

"It's been centuries since my time." Arturia closed her eyes, clearly deep in thought. "It could be possible. I had a fair number of relatives, many of whom had children who survived my reign."

Ritsuka hardly looked satisfied with that answer, but a yawn cut her off before she could press the issue. Mash hurried over, carrying a pack with a rolled up sleeping back on top. "I have your camping supplies here, senpai. We'll figure out more in the morning." She unrolled the blankets and spread them out on the ground, letting the younger girl lay down comfortably. Ritsuka grumbled a little, but curled up on the blanket.

Both Cus sighed. "It's going to be a long night."

"I'll watch for danger, if no one else wishes to do so," Sasaki said, getting to his feet. "The night sky is always so peaceful to be under."

"Do you practice those lines, or do they just come naturally?" Cu asked.

The samurai just laughed. "I think you develop them naturally after days training in the middle of nowhere. Where do you think all the old masters get their wisdom from?"


"Are we there yet?"

EMIYA grinned as Rin winced. "Not yet," she said with a tired huff.

"My apologies," Jeanne said with a bowed head. "My knowledge of this timeline is still somewhat lacking and my ability to locate Servants is limited. We should get there in due time."

"It's fine," Rin interrupted. "Ritsuka just needs to learn a little patience." She looked down at her daughter with a pointed stare and Ritsuka huffed and muttered an apology under her breath.

"I don't think you're going to have to wait long!" Roman's image suddenly appeared in mid-air. "I'm detecting one… two… five Servants just ahead of your position, along with a strong magical signature."

EMIYA jumped up onto the low branches of a nearby tree and looked into the distance. "That is a lot of dragons at the next village. Including one really big one. I'm guessing that's our enemy."

"Everyone ready for a fight," Rin called out, falling back and manifesting her bow.

"Wanna have a little fun?" Cu asked as his spear appeared in a flicker of red light.

Sasaki's blade flicked through the air, testing the heft of the blade. "What were you thinking?"

The Lancer's grin was outright savage. "Let's see who takes down more of the big lizards."

The Assassin's lips twitched up very slightly. "What could be a better test of my blade's capabilities? Just don't be disappointed if you lose." Cu's grin just widened and he slipped into a low, wide stance, his spear at the ready.

EMIYA raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sun. "They're not taking attack positions yet, so I don't think they've seen us yet. Want me to make the first shot?"

"Not yet Papa," Ritsuka said as she ducked behind Mash's shield.

Jeanne nodded. "If it's not too much trouble, I would agree," she said. "This other me… I feel the need to meet her. This darkness… I want to see it with my own eyes."

"That is a terrible idea," EMIYA said bluntly, his fingers flexing and ready to summon forth one of his weapons.

Ritsuka looked up at him. "Please. Miss Jeanne needs this." The red Archer sighed but just nodded, not taking his eyes off the burning ruin ahead of them.

"No one let your guard down," Rin said as the group advanced toward the pillar of smoke rising from the town.

"If they hadn't seen us before, they definitely have now." EMIYA's bow flickered into existence and he fell back a few paces, taking a positon in front of Rin and behind Mash. "This is going to be fun…"

A roar shook the air and the dragons swooped overhead, sweeping back and forth and circling the group to keep them closed in. Ritsuka shrank down a little bit, as the flying creatures surrounded them.

Group of Servants spread out, forming a half circle in front of the Chaldea team. Two women spread out to the left, one in flowing white robes and the other in an ornate red dress, covered in metal spines and a cage holding its shape out. To the right, a tall, pale man in a long black coat and a… probably man in a blue uniform with flowing blonde hair took up positions. And right in the middle stood a pale, black armored mirror of Jeanne, her heavy fur cloak billowing behind her. "What the hell is this?"

Jeanne gritted her teeth. "So you really are…"

The other Jeanne blinked and just stared at Jeanne for a few moments. Then she started chuckling and doubled over. "This is too perfect! Something like this happening now!" Her shoulders shook violently and she clutched at her stomach, howling.

Jeanne's expression immediately shifted to one of anger, while most of the rest of the team just looked confused. "What are you laughing at?"

The blackened Jeanne finally managed to right herself. "Gilles! This little girl actually doesn't get it! Gilles should…" She looked back over her shoulder and huffed. "Oh, right. He stayed behind this time."

"Are you really…?"

The dark Jeanne chuckled again. "Jeanne d'Arc? Of course I am."

Jeanne's grip around her standard tightened, her knuckles turning white. "That's absurd! You… you destroyed this town. You killed so many people. Why would I do something like this?"

Jeanne Alter visibly fought down another wave of giggles. "Why? You actually have to ask me why? Did your intelligence get lowered as a Servant or something? I think it would be obvious. Revenge. Revenge on France for betraying me." She shook her head. "But I guess that I need to kill you now too." Her grin grew wider. "I'm going to enjoy killing my idiot self. Lancer, Assassin…" She was cut off as a glowing blue arrow tore through the air. She barely managed to move fast enough to avoid having her eye taken out.

"You talk too much," EMIYA said flatly, already notching another glowing missile.

"Get her papa!" Ritsuka called out from her safe place behind Mash.

"Kill them all!" Jeanne Alter snapped, falling back behind her Servants as the four closed in and the dragons roared. There was a moment of total silence. Then everything started moving at once. Cu and the black Lancer collided with a clash of metal on metal, their spears locking between their bodies for just a moment before they separated again. The blue Saber lunged forward, only to be met by Arturia's blade, their swords moving in patterns too fast for anyone other than a Servant to see as they lunged back and forth. The red Assassin waved a hand, calling spiked chains into existence around her, but they were swatted aside as Sasaki stepped forward, his blade moving in perfectly controlled motions to bat the spearing chains away before they could hit anyone. The white robed Rider raised her staff and leaped forward, only to be met by the staff of CasCu. Fire exploded off of Cu's staff while golden light blasted back off of Rider's. The swirl of energy consumed both of them for a moment, scorching the grass at their feet and hiding them from view as they clashed.

EMIYA just clicked his tongue and opened fire, magical arrows blasting through wings, claws, and any vulnerable spot he could find as the dragons swarmed them. Rin's energy blasts fired almost nonstop, hammering the beasts whenever they swooped around to draw close. And Jeanne herself charged forward, her standard batting aside wyverns and blasts of fire as she tried to close the gap on her dark counterpart.

"I told you this was a bad idea," EMIYA muttered as he picked wyverns from the sky, trying to keep them off his allies as they held back the enemy Servants.

Jeanne grunted as she was forced back a few paces before she could get any closer to her evil doppelganger. "I apologize," she said, slamming her banner into the ground and repelling a wave of dragon fire, "For my selfishness."

"How the heck…" Cu grunted as the other Lancer pressed him back, his feet tearing divots out of the dirt beneath him as he was forced back. "Are you this strong?"

"This is a little absurd," CasCu added as he threw up a runic barrier to repel one of Rider's attacks.

Jeanne Alter laughed. "These are my Berserk Servants! Their power has been amplified several times over with a powerful Mad Enhancement. You never stood a chance against them to begin with."

"How horrid." There was a flicker and a beautiful glass rose flew through the air and buried itself in the ground at the dark Jeanne's feet.

"Such beautiful people… all taken over by hate and anger. Surely even those who do evil should be happy, no? That is why I'll stand up to you." Another woman, dressed in a short red dress with a huge, puffy red hat on her head appeared from over a hill, her long platinum blonde hair flowing behind her.

"The hell…" Jeanne Alter muttered. "Another Servant?"

"Ah…" The Berserk Saber froze in place, nearly losing his head as Arturia's blade continued while his nearly froze as well. He tumbled backwards, his clothes taking on a layer of dirt as he bounced across the ground.

"Though I might be a little frightened…" the new arrival continued. "I would fight for my beloved France until my dress is tattered and the last breath leaves my body."

"You know her?" Jeanne Alter snapped, glancing in her Saber's direction.

The Berserk Saber seemed oddly hesitant for a spirit under a madness curse. "Such a beautiful woman… she is the Flower of Versailles, the queen of France, Marie Antoinette."

"Marie Antoinette," Mash echoed, raising her shield to guard against a dragon's talons.

Ritsuka frowned. "She's really pretty," she said after a moment. "But now there's another Miss Marie…"

"Just a pampered little princess," Jeanne Alter grumbled. "You have no right to interfere with us. Someone like you who knows nothing of our fury and betrayal has absolutely no right to get in our way at all."

Marie pouted. "Maybe that's true… I am nothing more than the queen who failed to stop a revolution. But that's why I want to understand you."

Jeanne Alter just stopped and stared. "Come again," she said. The dark Servant didn't even sound angry anymore. She just sounded baffled.

"Do we have any snacks," Ritsuka murmured to Mash. "This feels like something we should have snacks to watch."

"You who were the saint of my dreams… I want to understand how someone like you could simply take your anger out on all of these innocent people! For someone who loved France so much to throw such a painful temper tantrum… And with your other self here, I think that I can understand you. That's why I will claim your heart! No, I'll claim both of you!"

There was a very long moment of silence. "What?" Jeanne said flatly.

Marie blushed. "Oh dear, that didn't come out right. What I meant was that I will have you kneel and acknowledge me as your queen!"

EMIYA groaned. "So many mental images I didn't need…"

The two Cus just shrugged. "Eh, not the worst that we've met," the Lancer said as he kicked his opponent back.

"Oh definitely," the Caster said as he cleared some space with a blast of fire.

"What are they talking about?" Ritsuka asked, cocking her head.

"Grown up things, honey," Rin said without looking down. "We'll talk about it when you're older."

Marie huffed and pouted. "Now that's just rude. Amadeus! We need to go!"

Another Servant, this one in a flowing black and gold outfit appeared from behind Marie. "Of course my lady. Allow me to perform a special piece just for this moment. Requiem for Death!"

The air rippled with sound as the horrible noise pressed down on all of the combatants. "Argh." Jeanne Alter dropped to one knee and her Berserk Servants cried out, covering their ears and falling back as the wave of discord washed over the battlefield.

"Now's our chance to retreat!" Jeanne called out. "Let's go."

"I guess we're not in a position to turn down new friends," EMIYA muttered as the group turned tail and bolted.
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"Do we have any snacks," Ritsuka murmured to Mash. "This feels like something we should have snacks to watch."
Litte Ritsuka knows whats important.

The two Cus just shrugged. "Eh, not the worst that we've met," the Lancer said as he kicked his opponent back.

"Oh definitely," the Caster said as he cleared some space with a blast of fire.
Oh yes the age old Medb trauma, at least now the two of them can suffer together.
Kira Queen just pulled a Tuxedo Mask. I need to sigh a bit.
Right. Im surprised we didn't see beat cat archer. Or that Arturia didn't expreas her vexation at Caster Giles for the tentacle monster during the 4th grail war.
... Man, how the hell did Marie Antoinette become a Servant? Considering she's most well-known for a line that marks her as an idiot and for getting her head chopped off?
... Man, how the hell did Marie Antoinette become a Servant? Considering she's most well-known for a line that marks her as an idiot and for getting her head chopped off?

According to wiki, and my own interpretation of what I understand, she's basically the last being that existed which contained the aspect of 'Rule of Nobility', before it had been snuffed out.

Also, it seems that the Marie Antoinette in the Nasu-Verse had a completely different history all together. I blame the Japanese Idol Industry for that one. Unlike the true Marie who mainly used propaganda, this one actually tried to reform the other nobles in an effort to help the common folk.
... Man, how the hell did Marie Antoinette become a Servant? Considering she's most well-known for a line that marks her as an idiot and for getting her head chopped off?
Here, straight from her page in the TYPE-MOON wiki:

Loved as a symbol of royal authority, being blessed while living—Destested as a symbol of royal authority, shown contempt as she ended up dead. Protruding eyes of the nobility, political marriage, living the royal court life, and then, revolution and execution. It is possible to say that Marie's way of life and manner of death is the embodiment of royal authority as an evident "idol".[1]

Although a target of hatred by many people before, during and after the Age of Revolution, Marie's reputation has been restored in modern France; during famines, she reduced court expenses to make donations, personally demanded for the nobility to provide support to the people and such—it has thus being confirmed that she was a woman that thought of the people.[1][2]

There was a tragedy. Still————

Marie will never wish to the Holy Grail, for the erasure of her tragedy. She will only fulfill her own role. In other words, radiance to the sky. Blessings to the earth.

————Happiness to the people.[2]
"Such beautiful people… all taken over by hate and anger. Surely even those who do evil should be happy, no? That is why I'll stand up to you." Another woman, dressed in a short red dress with a huge, puffy red hat on her head appeared from over a hill, her long platinum blonde hair flowing behind her.

for a moment I thought this would be Nero joining the fun :D

"What are they talking about?" Ritsuka asked, cocking her head.

"Grown up things, honey," Rin said without looking down. "We'll talk about it when you're older."

Rin might want to have this talk up sooner, otherwise Ritsuka might have a Harem before knowing what to do with one :D

Marie is a queen. Clearly she'll annex Rin's harem into her own! :V
Rin has conquered a King before, I doubt Marie has can win against the Tsundere-goddess.