Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

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Hmm, Ritsuka's family:

Papa: Shirou Emiya
Best Mom : EMIYA
Mother : IshtaRin
Mama Father : Arturia
Best Aunt : Medusa
Auntie : Sakura
Auntie (New and improved and a full quarter of an inch taller) : Illyasviel fused with PriIllya
Auntie : Kuro
Auntie: Ereshigikal / Olga
Mean Aunt : Stheno
Aunt : Euryale
Uncle : Asterios (because the only way to fight Blackbeard is on his level, with the sails of Drakes ship painted with AsteriosxEuryal 4ever on them)If you don't get that s**t off my sails right now I'll throw you overboard!
Big Sister Brother Sister: Mordred
Little Sisters : Jackie
Brother : Kid Real Gilgamesh
Bro : Alexander
Bro : Waver (can you imagine how full ascension Waver and Alexander would be playing video games together would look, especially if Mordred was invited)
Big Bro : Iskander
Grandma: Irisviel
Grandpa: Kiritsugu EMIYA
Grandma Grandpa's Mistress : Dress of Heaven
King Gramps: Hassan i Sabah
Best Dogs : Cu Chulainn (all four of them)
Best TigerDon't call me tiger!​ Jaguar Cougar : Taiga
Dog Trainer Teacherdon't sass me, kid​ : Scathach
Best Kohai : Mash
Mrs Kuzuki: Medea
Mongrel in heat : Mebd
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You know, anybody knows what kind of Heroic Spirit willing to help Medea and Kuzuki to reunited? Because using Sampek was outright out.
And where is Dr Roman on that list, the potential father in law?
HehehHAHAHAHAHAhaa aaaaaahhh. That is an important question, but on that note, wouldn't da Vinci feature too, then? Although, I suspect da Vinci was fall to EMIYA's GAR attribute. Making her yet another aunt/spare mommy.

As for Roman, I doubt it. If anything, I think he'd qualify as a friend.
Okay, I have a few ideas for some others

Harem King (Retired) : Dr Roman
Mistress : Leo da Vinci

Mama Mine hands off EMIYA: Okita
Silly Mama : Mysterious Heroine X
Cool Aunt Old Lady: Francis Drake
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remembering a little of the cross with apocrypha and how uncomfortable con be sieg in certany situations, I feel that when he calls (kidnaps) the "master who saves the world" in his help, his meeting will be a little uncomfortable.
besides it would be great to see the little ritsuka riding a dragon, however given the goddess who owns her mother maybe her first pet, ride, will be the bull of heaven

also how calificate alter emiya, muramasa, gorgon and justaze in the family clasification?
Thinking of the Septem story, Caesar's lack of baldness never made sense for me. Caesar was explicitly vain about his progressing baldness, which was why he wore those silly laurel leaves in the first place. So it got me thinking, what if the reason he used a fat body was because it was the only possible timeline where he wasn't bald?
This led to a scene in my mind where Caesars higher ascension is more returning to his true self, where he loses the weight and his hair. He'd also get increasingly frustrated as everyone keeps fixating on that last part.

Can servants consciously select bodies from all possible iterations of themselves? We see da Vinci accomplish something similar, although that body was merely associated with him due to it being his most famous painting.
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Can servants consciously select bodies from all possible iterations of themselves?

she summon in her teen instead of her grow up self because Achilles just have to open his big mouth and call her beautiful

so she now have massive body image issue and refuse to be summon as an adult

she summon in her teen instead of her grow up self because Achilles just have to open his big mouth and call her beautiful

so she now have massive body image issue and refuse to be summon as an adult
Confirms what I said. Actually, I cited Leo da Vinci, but wondered if it extended to anyone else because Leonardo da Vinci is someone who's just that crazy awesome in real life that it's not unbelievable for him to be an exception to the rules.
Glimpses of the Future - Punishing Mean Snakes
"Oh my, me, have you put on a little weight? You don't look very well."

"Oh no, me. We look just the same as always."

"I don't know second sister. Maybe we should ask a second opinion. Hey Meduseless!"

The taller Gorgon sister sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Yes, first sister?"

"Does Euryale still look fine to you?"

"She looks fine, sister."

Stheno smirked. "Are you sure? You have experience putting on weight after all."

Medusa rolled her eyes. "Yes."

There was a low growl from behind them. "Stop that!" The three goddess turned to see their short Master, her face nearly as red as her hair. "Stop being mean to Auntie Medusa!"

Stheno's lips twitched up into a smile. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said. "We're just playing around. Meduseless doesn't mind."

Medusa shook her head. "It's fine Ritsuka. Don't worry about me."

Ritsuka fell silent for a moment, glaring at the two shorter goddesses. Then a placid smile suddenly spread across her face. "It's okay Auntie 'Dusa. Mama taught me how to instill discipline in idiots." She raised her hand and made a finger gun in the direction of the two gorgons.

Euryale backed up a step. "Uh… Medusa…"

Medusa fought very hard to keep a smile off her face. "I'm sorry, second sister. I'm afraid I can't interfere with our Master."

"You're Servants, so this level of power should be just about right," Ritsuka said as black and red light began to gather on her fingertips.

Stheno looked at the spell. "You do know that goddesses can easily resist spells like…" Then she yelped as the bolt hit her right in the chest, sending a painfully stinging through her body for a moment. "Ow! Stop tha…" She yelped again as Ritsuka fired another magical bullet. "Ow!"

Euryale simply turned and bolted. "Leave me alone!" Stheno took one look at her fleeing sister then back at Ritsuka. Then she did the same.

"Come back here and take your punishment!" Ritsuka shouted as she ran after the two sisters, firing gandr spells wildly after the pair.

"We're… supposed… to be… safe… with her…" Stheno gasped as she lifted the hem of her dress and tried to run faster as another stinging bullet hit her shoulder.

Euryale yelped as a spell hit her back. "This was… your… idea!" She tried to jump behind a barrel on deck, only for one of the spells to cut straight through the wooden barrier. "Seriously?!" She yelped and kept running, her chest already heaving from the exertion. Then she looked ahead and saw a familiar face. "Asterios! Help us."

The minotaur cocked his head as the three small girls running toward him. "okay"


"What's all the racket out here!" Drake shouted as she kicked open the door to her cabin. Then she stopped dead at the sight of two gorgons dangling from one of Asterios's massive hands by the back of their dresses and Ritsuka dangling from the other. The gorgons looked abjectly relieved while Ritsuka was pouting and had her arms crossed in front of her. The captain stared for just a moment before she poked her head back inside. "Hey, Tohsaka! You might want to come out here and see this."

That is easily within my top 3 of things you've written @kamenhero25 seriously that was just amazing and you just gotta laugh when Karma turns her bitch face head around to kick your teeth in, especially when its to people who deserve it.
There was a low growl from behind them. "Stop that!" The three goddess turned to see their short Master, her face nearly as red as her hair. "Stop being mean to Auntie Medusa!"

Ritsuka fell silent for a moment, glaring at the two shorter goddesses. Then a placid smile suddenly spread across her face. "It's okay Auntie 'Dusa. Mama taught me how to instill discipline in idiots." She raised her hand and made a finger gun in the direction of the two gorgons.

"You're Servants, so this level of power should be just about right," Ritsuka said as black and red light began to gather on her fingertips.

Stheno looked at the spell. "You do know that goddesses can easily resist spells like…" Then she yelped as the bolt hit her right in the chest, sending a painfully stinging through her body for a moment. "Ow! Stop tha…" She yelped again as Ritsuka fired another magical bullet. "Ow!"

Euryale simply turned and bolted. "Leave me alone!" Stheno took one look at her fleeing sister then back at Ritsuka. Then she did the same.

"Come back here and take your punishment!" Ritsuka shouted as she ran after the two sisters, firing gandr spells wildly after the pair.

"We're… supposed… to be… safe… with her…" Stheno gasped as she lifted the hem of her dress and tried to run faster as another stinging bullet hit her shoulder.

Euryale yelped as a spell hit her back. "This was… your… idea!" She tried to jump behind a barrel on deck, only for one of the spells to cut straight through the wooden barrier. "Seriously?!" She yelped and kept running, her chest already heaving from the exertion.
Take that and fuck you, you useless goddesses! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
If you really want to mess with those two, throw Nobu at them.

Demon Archer is a Servant whose abilities and effectiveness differ depending on factors about enemy Servants, making it the "ultimate game of compatibility" when facing her enemies. She, who sought to destroy Shinto and Buddhism, displays an absolute advantage over Servants with Divinity and MysteryAncient Era (神秘古い時代, ShinpiFurui Jidai?) behind their legends. Both her Noble Phantasms Demon King of the Sixth Heaven and Three Thousand Worlds, and her skill Tenka Fubu Innovationallows for her to be granted modifiers leaning in her favor the higher the Divinity or Mystery of the opponent.[4] Those with "Mystery" are those that had illusory abilities in life and those who may have not existed at all. King Arthur, known for her interactions with the Lady of the Lake and Excalibur, Jack the Ripper, whose unknown identity and various unsolved mysteries, Sasaki Kojiro, who did not exist, and Joan of Arc, who heard the "Voice of God", all have mysterious elements to them. Others include Solomon ibn Gabirol, Nursery Rhyme, Spartacus, and Mordred. While Gilgamesh and Karnahave high Divinity, they are strong heroes able to match her directly.

That means they are pretty much powerless against her.

The rest is taken care of by Nobu being Nobu.