Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Glimpses of the Future - Substitute Magical Girl Sapphire Rits-chan
EMIYA fought the urge to let his irritation show on his face. How on earth had the Wizard Marshal managed to make something that never stopped talking? He should have gone back to Chaldea and let someone else handle this one.

"Rits-chan is so responsible," Sapphire sighed happily as she floated behind the red-headed girl. "She reminds me of Miyu."

Ruby huffed and floated up from Ilya's hand. "She's much sweeter than Miyu." The sentient Mystic Code wildly gestured with her wings. "She does have that same natural coolness though. She'd be a natural supporting magical girl."

"Wow really?!" Ritsuka's eyes sparkled as she looked up at the two Kaleidosticks.

Ruby jumped in front of her. "Absolutely! The cool supporting magical girl is a critical character for any adventure." The stick spun around. "Sapphire! You should give Rits-chan a temporary contract."

Sapphire sighed, this time in exasperation. "Nee-san…"

"You can actually do that?!" Ritsuka jumped up, looming over the blue Mystic Code with her hands clenched in front of her. "Really?"

EMIYA raised a hand. "Ah… Ritsuka maybe you shouldn't…"

"Absolutely," Ruby loudly interrupted. "Just in case we need to get a little extra help when our magical girls are in trouble."

Sapphire shook herself. "I suppose Illya could use the help rescuing Miyu." She floated over to Ritsuka and Ritsuka reached out to grab the Mystic Code. "Let's see…"

Ritsuka grinned. "Prisma Sapphire! Transform!"

Sapphire nodded. "Contract established. Temparary owner acknowledged."

There was a massive spiral of blue light that swirled around Ritsuka for a full fifteen seconds before it faded away and the short red-head floated there in a brilliant deep blue dress. "Wow! It's so cute. Is this what Miyu wears?" She giggled and spun around. "Substitute Magical Girl, Sapphire Ritsuka is here to save the day. Let's all fight for friendship and justice, okay?" She winked and formed a 'v' by her eye with two fingers.

There was a moment of stunned silence. Illya's eyes had gone blank and she was just staring while both Mash and EMIYA had flushed faces and were looking away to hide their expressions. "Recording saved!" Ruby proclaimed proudly as she jumped up into the air. "Rits-chan is a natural magical girl. I'm so proud."

"Nee-san," Sapphire sighed again, visibly slumping in Ritsuka's grip.

"Th… that was very cute, senpai," Mash said, shaking herself.

Ruby trembled. "Sen…pai. Senpai!" She shot straight up into the air then dove down at Illya. "Illya! Senpai! A magical girl senpai! She's the perfect mix of cute and cool! Quick, call her senpai too!"

Illya snapped out of her shock and grabbed the Kaleidostick by its wings. "I'm the senior magical girl here, right?! I'm the one who should be called senpai."

"It's okay, auntie," Ritsuka said with a huge smile. "I'll call you senpai if you want."

Illya immediately slumped over. "Anything but auntie," she moaned.
"Blackbeard-san, I would appreciate if you didn't take my daughter, and your Master pictures in that getup, please."


"Then I don't have to practice my beheading skill on you."

"Fair enough."
"Then I don't have to practice my beheading skill on you."
Just saying, but this is more of an Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, or Raikou line than an EMIYA's.

OG!Archer: "You won't see your death coming, only hear or feel it. Pick your poison; Caladbolg II, or Hrunting."

Kerry: "If you're lucky, I might just settle for my old WA2000 at extreme range. Otherwise? Chronos Rose x 10."
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OG!Archer: "Actually, you know what... since I'm in this world I might as well pull out one of this world's me's weapons." *Pulls out that building sized sword that Shirou fought whatshername with the Gil card in 3rd.
"Blackbeard-san, I would appreciate if you didn't take my daughter, and your Master pictures in that getup, please."


"Then I don't have to practice my beheading skill on you."

"Fair enough."
"Historically, beheading me doesn't really stop me from running around and doing silly things, you know."
"Can't hurt to try."
Besides, Blackbeard is legit a badass, just also a perverted dweeb. So it wouldn't be that easy.
"Hey Blackbeard, I have pictures here of Rin at age 12! In a dress."


"Idiot actually slowed down to look. And I know you're standing there, glaring over my shoulder Rin. No I don't, and even if I did, I'd never show them to him."
"Hey Blackbeard, I have pictures here of Rin at age 12! In a dress."


"Idiot actually slowed down to look. And I know you're standing there, glaring over my shoulder Rin. No I don't, and even if I did, I'd never show them to him."
"Do you mean these pictures of Mama?" *Ritsuka shows pictures of a twelve year old Rin in a magical girl outfit*
"Hey Blackbeard, I have pictures here of Rin at age 12! In a dress."


"Idiot actually slowed down to look. And I know you're standing there, glaring over my shoulder Rin. No I don't, and even if I did, I'd never show them to him."
SIlly Blackbeard, Ritsuka's 10 of course she wouldn't have 12 year old pictures.

That's her mom wearing a meido outfit from Kirei.
Rin:…By this Command Sea-GOD DAMN IT! FOR-

Little Ritsuka couldn't help but tilt her head. First towards her "dad", who was covering her ears with a most serene yet distressed look, keeping all noise from reaching her.

Then she looked at her mother, who apparently had switched from screaming something she couldn't make out to stomp the ground and then to bombard with gems and gandrs the now fleeing Ruby Stick.

All in all, nothing that out of usual in Chaldea.