Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

On the other hand, Jeanne, who died fighting for what she loved and believed in - freeing France from the English.

And look, here comes a group with an English Monarch in it (yes, she predates the Angles becoming the dominant cultural group, but that's besides the point). Something tells me having a Story-Arturia rather than a Gacha-Arturia will make finding allies a bit more difficult in the time period of the hundred years War.
On the other hand, Jeanne, who died fighting for what she loved and believed in - freeing France from the English.

And look, here comes a group with an English Monarch in it (yes, she predates the Angles becoming the dominant cultural group, but that's besides the point). Something tells me having a Story-Arturia rather than a Gacha-Arturia will make finding allies a bit more difficult in the time period of the hundred years War.
Hopefully, someone in Chaldea with a historical degree will subtly suggest (or just say outright) that Artoria is better off NOT deploying for this singularity, because France.

Likewise, hint at/smack people upside the head, that speaking Japanese or French would be vastly preferable to using any form of English (re: dammit, canon!Mash!!)
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On the other hand, Jeanne, who died fighting for what she loved and believed in - freeing France from the English.

And look, here comes a group with an English Monarch in it (yes, she predates the Angles becoming the dominant cultural group, but that's besides the point). Something tells me having a Story-Arturia rather than a Gacha-Arturia will make finding allies a bit more difficult in the time period of the hundred years War.
Are you kidding? The French loved King Arthur stories. That kind of propaganda, of noble knights fighting for a great king?
Also, the first compilation of King Arthur stories, Le Morte d'Artur? It was compiled by Malory from King Arthur stories from 13th century French sources. And the setting, despite being in both England and France, and written only about 50 years after Jeanne's death, is remarkably politically neutral. King Arthur was beloved by both English and French audiences, mainly because, post-William the Conqueror, both nations had a remarkably similar concept of knights, chivalry, great deeds, etc. It was actually only during the Hundred Years War that England and France even began to diverge as cultural or national identities. The Hundred Years War was dynastic, not nationalistic.

Considering the situation during Hundred Years War of the Evil Dragons, the people of France might even be happy to see King Arthur fighting to save them.
I'm still working out the exact details. Since Chaldea's system allows Servants to remember their previous summonings, I could say yes and it would make sense, especially since I've already said that Ritsuka is essentially from the Hollow Ataraxia timeline. EMIYA is most likely not actually the exact one that's her papa though, but he probably had at least one kid in one timeline or ran into a Shirou who had kids in some timeline, so being a dad isn't alien to him.
Here's an idea : Saber Arturia is the one from the Fate timeline, after GW5 but before Shirou reach her into Avalon during the Epilogue, so she doesn't know Ritsuka.

No, "Saber Mama" actually turn out to get summoned as Mysterious Heroine X ! Her constant use of lingo and overall genre saviness in that form ? Well, let's just that she took to modern culture quite well. :rofl:
No, "Saber Mama" actually turn out to get summoned as Mysterious Heroine X ! Her constant use of lingo and overall genre saviness in that form ? Well, let's just that she took to modern culture quite well. :rofl:
Also, a decade of running into clones of herself to build up resentment at the plague that is saberface.
LIES! The true Savior of France has been, and always will be:

After all, Dragons are Just Oversized Swallows.
Posting superior REGEND OF SAMURAI image.

Considering the situation during Hundred Years War of the Evil Dragons, the people of France might even be happy to see King Arthur fighting to save them.
Considering that Jeanne Alter MIGHT still be in the France Singularity, she might drop her control of Fafnir and mindscrew Arturia with her Dragon Witch EX skill.

Then again, exchanging a giant attack dog for a stronger but smaller unit...

And for some reason, I see Ritsuka treating all of the Singularities as a sort of "realllllly long field trip/road trip":

  • Orleans Singularity = picnic on the grassy fields while THE SAVIOR OF FRANCE and Papa EMIYA fuck up dragons swallows in the background
  • Septem Singularity = Ritsuka being spoiled rotten by Nero while Saber has a minor freak-out upon seeing her "face double"
  • Oceanos Singularity = obligatory UMI DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! episode
  • London Singularity = she always wanted to see Big Ben and 221B Baker Street, and Saber meets her time-displaced "son" Moedred
  • America Singularity = HAHA TIME FOR A HISTORY FIELD TRIP, and time to meet The (Fluffy) Wizard of Menlo Park
  • Camelot Singularity = Saber not only meets Moedred again, but the whole Camelot gang ('tis a silly place) and KING HASSAN
  • Babylonia Singularity would be the only one that Ritsuka would take seriously, due to the King of Magic finally escalating. Though it wouldn't be the same since she already has Ishtar and Ereshkigal on her side. Dealing with Auntie Big Snek and Auntie Little Snek however...
Considering that Jeanne Alter MIGHT still be in the France Singularity, she might drop her control of Fafnir and mindscrew Arturia with her Dragon Witch EX skill.
Also, that'd be a very quick way to bring the unmitigated wrath of Shirou and Rin onto your head. Hell, even Lancelot might lose his shit over that. He's been driven mad by desire for atonement, if I recall. It'd last all of...maybe five minutes of Saber struggling against it like she did Caster in UBW, then the door gets kicked in.
Camelot Singularity = Saber not only meets Moedred again, but the whole Camelot gang ('tis a silly place)
I really am looking forward to how the surviving Camelot crew (and Lion King) react to Saber and her family. Also, Ritsuka's reaction to Lancer Artoria or Lancer Artoria Alter.
When i heard Saber mama, i immediately thought about UBW Good End.
Mm, could've fused with a couple other realities a la hollow ataraxia, due to Rin and 2nd Magic hilarity.

Because Auntie 'dusa, but no Uncle Cu (yeah, they'd all keep the wild dog far away from the impressionable girl, but still).
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Mm, could've fused with a couple other realities a la hollow ataraxia, due to Rin and 2nd Magic hilarity.

Because Auntie 'dusa, but no Uncle Cu (yeah, they'd all keep the wild dog far away from the impressionable girl, but still).

I mentioned once before that Ritsuka is from a Hollow Ataraxia-esque timeline. It's not exactly Hollow Ataraxia, but it's similar.

EDIT: To elaborate, she knows who people like Cu and Gil are, but has probably not met them. The extended Emiya family also includes people such as Rider, Sakura, Ilya, etc.
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Rin: You had one job Emiya! One job! Watch our child! Not fight for your life while allowing a child to challenge a divine spirit to a wrestling match!

EMIYA: I deserve that......

Rin: Your lucky our daughter inherited your luck! No wait that came out wrong!

EMIYA: We should probably stop this and help Ritsuka......I don't think Quetzalcoatl is letting her go......And ereshkigal is getting clingy.....
Speaking of the Emiya family, is this Archer EMIYA actually Ritsuka and Ishtar!Rin's Shirou, or is he still trying to find a way to Chaldea like Rin (and presumably Waver, eventually) has managed?
My money is on canon!EMIYA + several HA-like loops.

Hubby!Papa will either be Limited/Zero Over or Muramasa.

EDIT: Yes, I'm well-aware that L/ZO is a Craft Essence, not a Servant.
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Speaking of the Emiya family, is this Archer EMIYA actually Ritsuka and Ishtar!Rin's Shirou, or is he still trying to find a way to Chaldea like Rin (and presumably Waver, eventually) has managed?

Archer EMIYA is not actually Ritsuka's father. Ritsuka has witnessed the Kaleidoscope enough times to get that, but as far as she knows, he's the best she's getting for now, so she's okay with that. That being said, Muramasa Shirou will probably be Ritsuka's actual dad, but that's so distant from this that it could change at some point.
Chapter 3
"Well, you seem to be in pretty much perfect health," Roman said, tapping away on his tablet. "I admit, it's almost easier to monitor a Saint's Graph with our equipment here than it is to give a regular person an in-depth exam." Olga Marie gave him a flat stare. She hadn't even wanted to come back out yet, but Ritsuka had refused to let go until she came out to tell her that she was okay. She was not in any way good at dealing with children. "And you'll never have to worry about wrinkles now that we have you hooked up to Chaldea's magical energy supply."

Her stare turned into an outright glare. "I don't have time to care about that," Olga said, shrugging his hand off her shoulder. "Status report."

Roman rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we didn't actually lose too many of the Masters. Most of them are still alive." Olga immediately perked up a little. Maybe their efforts weren't a complete wash out after all. "But we had to stabilize most of them with our cryogenic systems. Until we restore the rest of the world and can get them to a dedicated medical facility, I can't do much more than that. Additionally, we lost most of the command staff and the technicians working on the reyshift systems. Da Vinci has taken over operations for now so we're getting back on track."

And there was the other shoe. "I see. So we really are just left with Ritsuka and her… family."

Roman smiled. "That's not so bad. We've gotten them settled into a suite and they seem to be taking things rather well, all things considered. Mrs. Tohsaka has been working with the research team to try to track the next anomaly and Mr. Emiya has apparently taken over the kitchens. Rits-chan was headed there with King Arturia last time I checked."

"Then I'll go over the rest on my own." Olga stood abruptly and pushed past the doctor. "Thank you for your hard work Dr. Romani."

"Wait just a moment," Roman said, reaching one hand out toward her. "Olga… I'm sorry."

The director froze in place. "You have nothing to apologize for," she said, not turning to meet his gaze. "You've performed your duties perfectly adequately considering the circumstances."

"I meant…" Roman sighed again and hung his head. "I'm sorry about Lev. I'm the only other person who's been here as long as he had. I should have noticed something was wrong before now."

Olga Marie's teeth ground together and she forced herself to stay calm. "He was lying to everyone. Especially…" The 'me' died on her lips and she clenched her fists. It would have been so easy to just smash something. Her punches were more damaging that most simple combat spells now.

"Miss Marie?" She jerked her head up and her eyes flew open to see Ritsuka's head poking around the doorframe of the infirmary. "Are you feeling better now?"

Olga shook her head and quickly wiped her eyes to make sure they were dry. "Of course, why wouldn't I be? As the head of Chaldea, it's my responsibility to keep a level head at all times."

Ritsuka smiled brightly and skipped into the room. "Papa made us lunch," she said, holding up a covered plate. "Wanna eat with us before you go back to work? It's a Japanese style omelet with rice," the child continued. "I did the writing on it myself."

Olga Marie's resolve lasted for a few seconds before she pulled the cover off the plate to take a peek. The food was still steaming slightly and smelled better than anything the kitchens usually put together. She took a second to decipher the slightly messy Japanese text written on the eggs in ketchup.

Feel better soon Auntie Marie!

She spent a few more seconds trying to find words. "A… Auntie Marie?"

Ritsuka nodded firmly. "Mama and Ishtar are the same person now. And you and Eresh are the same person now. And Ishtar and Eresh are sisters. That makes you my auntie now!"

Olga gaped like a fish for a moment, then hurried wiped her eyes again. That Archer must have put some strange spices in the food for it to make her eyes water. She'd have to yell at him about messing around too much later. "That's… I'll eat it in the control room while I'm working. Thank you Ritsuka." She rushed out of the room before the girl could respond.

Roman smiled and patted Ritsuka on the head. "I think she liked it," he said with a little chuckle.

"Mama Sakura was adopted by bad people," Ritsuka said, her smile vanishing instantly and replaced with a surprisingly somber frown. "Papa always said that having us as family helped make things better for her. I wanted Miss Marie to be better too. So I made her my Auntie."

Roman looked down at her curiously. "You're a good girl Ritsuka. I think your papa would be very happy."

Ritsuka nodded. "Papa likes to help people. Mama always says he tries too hard, but I think it's nice."

Roman looked distant for a moment. "I remember my father. He tried to help people too, but he always had far too much to do. He had a lot of problems, but he always tried his best for everyone's sake." He knelt down in front of her and their eyes met for a moment. "I think you'll do just fine. Why don't you run along and find Mash? She can give you a tour of the rest of the facilities while everyone is getting things back in order."

The ten year old nodded and ran off, leaving the doctor to his work.


Rin was examining the SHEBA system. If it really had been designed entirely by the Lev person, it was the most likely thing to have been sabotaged, and they needed it to continue tracking the Singularities. She groaned as hit another bug. Some of the functions reminded her of her work viewing worlds through the Kaleidoscope's refraction, but other parts were a complete mystery to her. At least they had some more reasonable clothes for her to change into. She had missed wearing real pants.

"Miss… Tohsaka? Ishtar?" Rin turned to see one of the few remaining techs behind her.

"Tohsaka is fine. Or Rin if you must. Did you need something?"

The man jumped a little. She'd have thought that they'd be more used to having Heroic Spirits around than this. "Ah, yes. We've found Professor Lainur's research notes. I believe the original design documents for SHEBA are in here."

Rin took the papers from the man and glanced over them once. "Hopefully this gives us what we need to re-tune the blasted thing. Is that all?"

"I think so ma'am. I'm just dropping things off for Da Vinci before I get back to work."

"Thank you for your hard work," Rin said absently as the technician ran off. It was like working at the Clock Tower again, with skittish apprentices running around for whatever professor had given them chores. She had actually missed it a little bit. But trap the Department of Archeology into a pocket dimension one time and you were apparently 'kindly requested' to set up your workshop someplace else. Pricks.

She refilled took a sip from her tea and sat down at the desk she'd managed to salvage to go over the notes. At least EMIYA was still just as good of a cook as ever. She just hoped that the others eventually made it along as well. She didn't want to consider what would happen if they were stuck between realities when the Human Order collapsed. She just had to hope that they managed to anchor themselves to something and pull through. At the very least Rider should have been fine.

"Hi mama." Rin looked up from the papers as Ritsuka and Mash walked into the room.

"Hello there sweetie," Rin replied with a smile. She pulled Ritsuka up into her lap. "What have you and Mash been doing?"

"Mash has been showing me around," Ritsuka said, tapping her heels against Rin's legs as she swung her legs back and forth. She leaned up a little. "She's super nice," she stage whispered, letting Mash hear what she was saying.

Mash blushed furiously. "I'm just helping senpai get acquainted with the facilities," she said quickly.

Ritsuka giggled. "I'm a senpai now!" she said proudly.

Rin laughed and Mash's blush deepened. "I know it's strange," the Demi-Servant said quickly. "But Ritsuka is so responsible and she's my Master so it just… felt right."

Rin just shook her head. "You remember that a senpai has to help her kouhai too," she chided her daughter. "So don't make Mash do all of the work."

"I won't mama," Ritsuka promised. "We're a team now. We'll work together to take care of anything we have to."

Rin smiled proudly. "That's my girl. Now, how about you tell me what you favorite part of the tour was so far."

The little red-head had to stop and think for a minute. "Da Vinci showed me her workshop. It looks so much different than yours mama. There were lots of paintings and weird machines and stuff, but no gems or smelly potions or anything. There were still lots of books though."

Rin chuckled. "Any magus with half a brain has plenty of books," she said.

"Like what you're reading?" Ritsuka asked, squirming forward to look at the pages on the desk.

"Actually yes," Rin said. "I'm trying to fine tune one of the systems so we can find where to go next to fix whatever that Lev character and whoever he's working for did."

"Oh, where are we going next mama?"

"It's more a question of when than where," Rin admitted. "We have the location locked in France but we're having trouble correlating with the time period. Once Da Vinci can help me, I think we'll have it solved no problem."

Ritsuka's eyes widened. "We haven't been back to Europe since the last time you and Mr. Zelrecht were visiting the Association and I've never been to France! Will we all be going?"

"That depends on if the reyshift is full repaired," Rin said. "But that's not going to happen if I don't get back to work. Finish your tour and I'll make sure to take a break for dinner with you, alright?"

"Alright mama. Good luck." Ritsuka hopped down and grabbed Mash's hand, dragging her off to explore another part of the facility.
Obligatory d'awww. That is all.

EDIT: Also a bit new to the Western localization, but... SHEBA?

They really did that? It's not just a fandom joke?

Addendum: Nevermind.

I suppose SHIVA was always the wrong interpretation of the katakana.
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On the other hand, Jeanne, who died fighting for what she loved and believed in - freeing France from the English.

And look, here comes a group with an English Monarch in it (yes, she predates the Angles becoming the dominant cultural group, but that's besides the point). Something tells me having a Story-Arturia rather than a Gacha-Arturia will make finding allies a bit more difficult in the time period of the hundred years War.
Funnily enough i don't think there are any special interactions between Arturia and Jeanne. Instead the ones with the special interactions are Jeanne Alter and Arturia Alter.
Well, it will take time until Shirou able to appear but when that happen Archer will tease him non-stop and might bring Cu to help him. XD

Cute is justic! Ritsuka is Justic!
Feel better soon Auntie Marie!

She spent a few more seconds trying to find words. "A… Auntie Marie?"

Ritsuka nodded firmly. "Mama and Ishtar are the same person now. And you and Eresh are the same person now. And Ishtar and Eresh are sisters. That makes you my auntie now!"

Olga gaped like a fish for a moment, then hurried wiped her eyes again. That Archer must have put some strange spices in the food for it to make her eyes water. She'd have to yell at him about messing around too much later. "That's… I'll eat it in the control room while I'm working. Thank you Ritsuka." She rushed out of the room before the girl could respond.

Roman smiled and patted Ritsuka on the head. "I think she liked it," he said with a little chuckle.
... aw shit.

Right in the kokoro. :cry:

Roman looked distant for a moment. "I remember my father. He tried to help people too, but he always had far too much to do. He had a lot of problems, but he always tried his best for everyone's sake."
I always saw Dave as an eternal romantic, then I also remember that was also a king who had led his people.

He's had a rough time early on (*coughJohnathancough*), but he did his job.
EDIT: Also a bit new to the Western localization, but... SHEBA?

They really did that? It's not just a fandom joke?

Addendum: Nevermind.

I suppose SHIVA was always the wrong interpretation of the katakana.

I don't know. It's Shiva in the prologue of FGO USA, but aniplex might have meme'd me, or it might change later or something, I haven't even started Okeanos.
I don't know. It's Shiva in the prologue of FGO USA, but aniplex might have meme'd me, or it might change later or something, I haven't even started Okeanos.
Okeanos is, well, interesting, speaking as someone just hitting that on NA. "Who let Blackbeard on 4chan?"

LOLOLOLOLOL Duhuuhuhuhhu Le ironic funpost isn't funposting if it's le monkie trouble FAHAHAHA LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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