Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

You know who else I'd love to appear in this story? Prisma Illya.

She's a huge brocon and if she sees her brother having a child with the person that became her slave driver manager, her mind will go on a total overload.

Illya: "I'm too young to be an Auntie!"
You know who else I'd love to appear in this story? Prisma Illya.

She's a huge brocon and if she sees her brother having a child with the person that became her slave driver manager, her mind will go on a total overload.

Illya: "I'm too young to be an Auntie!"
>Underage Girl
>Prisma Illya at all

I'm no mod, but Prisma might be pushing a little too much. Want to be cautious with that.
or just skip the bro-con

there still her maid fetish left to mess around with
Kuro is way harder tho.

Honestly, considering Chloe's interaction with EMIYA in the game itself, it's actually quite sad.

"His back ... I remember it. It's quite bigger and stronger than the one I know, but ... I see that tragic forthrightness of him never changed. Though ... I'm not calling him my big brother"
Glimpses of the Future - Scary Little Girls
"I'm telling you, it's just a formality," Enforcer Goldwin said as he walked down the hall with his partner. "The Animuspheres have almost as much influence as the Barthomelois. We're just here because the Association doesn't want the Director to think she can do whatever she wants and get away with it."

Enforcer Reyes just sighed. "That doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing our jobs."

"Relax a little bit," Goldwin said, patting her on the shoulder. "Go chat with your favorite mythological character or something. When else are you going to find a hundred odd Heroic Spirits in one place?"

"That's what worries me," Reyes muttered.

Goldwin just shrugged. "Relax," he repeated. "A lot of them are pretty nice actually. Just try it and I think you'll be less bored. Now I gotta run. A couple of French guys invited me to play poker and I've always wanted to meet Marie Antoinette."

Reyes just threw up her hands as her partner disappeared down one of the passages to god knows where. "I don't know why I bother," she said to herself. She turned and promptly felt someone very short run straight into her legs.

"Oh, sorry." A short red-head in a white dress rubbed her head. "I wasn't watching were I was going."

It only took Reyes a second to recognize her. "It's alright." This was definitely not how she'd been expecting to meet the girl the Association had sent here. Still, it was somewhere on the to-do list to check in on her. Chaldea's report of how involved she'd been with the incident had been… vague to say the least. "You're Ritsuka, right?"

"Yup," the girl said brightly. "You're one of the Association's inspectors, right?"

"Oh, yes. That's right."

Ritsuka smiled. "Mama told me to be polite and help you if you needed it. Are you looking for someone?"

Mama. Right. The Wizard Marshall's apprentice. Because they needed someone else ungodly influential thrown into the situation for good measure. "Actually, I don't really have anything to do right now," the Enforcer admitted.

Ritsuka's eyes lit up. "You could come to my tea party if you wanted," the child offered. "It'll be fun. Alice is getting everyone together."

A refusal came to Reyes's lips for a moment, but then she stopped and thought about it. This might be the perfect time to get some casual one-on-one time with the girl. Maybe she could learn something interesting without having to drag the kid into an actual questioning session. "Alright. I'd like the meet them."

Ritsuka smiled and grabbed her gloved hand, tugging on her arm as she led her down the hallway. Reyes chuckled a little bit at the girl's enthusiasm as she allowed herself to be led down the hall to a room. The interior was a bit… frilly for her tastes, but she supposed little girls were usually in to the lacy look. However, the group gathered around the table immediately drew her attention. None of them looked older than twelve, but she could feel the energy in the room. Every single one of them was a Servant. The first was wearing a white dress with frills along the hems. Her face was slightly scarred and she had silver hair that didn't look quite natural. The second was much the same, though her hair was longer and her dress was puffy and black with her hair in long pig tails. The third was dressed in what could only be described as the strangest Santa cosplay she'd ever seen. The next girl in line was perhaps the most normal, being rather ordinary blonde and wearing a flannel shirt and denim overalls. It almost looked a little too normal compared to the rest of the group. The fifth and final girl was dressed in a puffy black dress absolutely covered in bows that looked a bit like a nightgown. She held a teddy bear close to her chest and kept quiet as the the first two girls jumped up to greet Ritsuka.

Reyes hesitated for a few seconds then took a seat next to the last guest to the impromptu party. The sole male occupant of the room looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. The Enforcer couldn't help thinking that his outfit looked a bit dated, or perhaps a bit stylized, but his blue hair was what really threw her for a moment. "Hello," she said, hoping she didn't sound too out of her depth.

"So they dragged someone else into this too," the boy said. "You have my sympathies. Even if you are a bit part."

Reyes did a double take at the deep sound of his voice. Then she actually processed what he'd said and wondered if she should be insulted or not. "Enforcer Reyes. And you?"

"Have work that I could be doing," the boy said with a long suffering sigh. "But you can call me Hans."

"Right…" She was sure she'd heard that name somewhere before, but she couldn't quite place where.

"Don't be such so stubborn," Ritsuka grumbled, her cheeks puffing up indignantly. "You might have fun." Then she immediately brightened again. "Papa even made us cookies for today. I'm going to go get them." She turned on her heel and skipped out of the room, leaving the Enforcer alone with the pack of Servants.

There was a long moment of silence then Hans just sighed again. "This is ridiculous. Tell Master that I'm not feeling well and went back to my room to rest." He got to his feet to leave, but before he got three steps, the air rippled and a black tentacle emerged from the air and wrapped around his waist.

"Running away right after Master left is rude," the girl in the nightgown said. Reyes did a double take as she realized that her whole outfit had changed. Now she was wrapped in a strange stringy robe and her nightcap had been replaced by a pointed witch's hat. The tentacle dragged Hans back to the table and sat him back in his spot.

Reyes thought that he looked much more his age when he pouted. "I uh… didn't get your names," she said. That was a fair point to start a conversation, right?

"Oh yes," the girl's clothes flickered and returned to normal almost instantly. "I'm Abbie."

"Damned witch," Hans muttered.

"I'm Jeanne," the Santa cosplayer said. "And this is Paul." The girl in flannel just waved.

"I'm Alice," the girl in black cut in.

"And we're Jack," the last girl said. "You're from the Association, right?"

Reyes nodded slowly. "Yes. I'm an Enforcer."

"Oh, we remember Enforcers. They didn't like us very much."

Reyes suddenly felt a chill run down her spine. "Really?" Was Jack a more modern spirit then?

"They came after us after the fifth one," Jack said with a smile. "And they made us go away. We didn't like them very much either."

"Fifth… one…" That sounded disturbingly familiar.

"You won't make us go away again, right?" Jack asked with a voice almost too innocent to be believed.

"We weren't planning on it," the Enforcer said very slowly.

Jack smiled warmly and sat back down in her seat. "That's good," she said. "We don't know what we'd do if someone tried to take us away from sister and mommy. We might end up dismembering someone again, and sister always gets sad when we do that."

Jack… dismember… five… Reyes felt all the blood leave her face and she felt momentarily faint. She'd stared down Dead Apostles before, but that was nothing on having tea with Jack the Ripper. "I'll be sure not to do that," she said.

Jack's reply was cut off as Ritsuka threw the door open again and happily stomped into the room with a tall red-headed man. "Papa and I brought the snacks!" she declared proudly.

The man chuckled and nodded to the Enforcer. "Thank you for putting up with them," he said softly as he set a large tray of cookies in the middle of the table.

"Sure…" Reyes picked up a cookie before the kids could swarm the tray and snatch them all away. She tried very hard not to look as off-balance as she felt. "No problem."
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Just kind of curious here since I've been wondering if they're going to use that version of Angra Mainu, namely the one that brainwashed himself into being Shiro half the time, well, Bazette popping up and the ensuing fireworks could be amusing...
Omake - The Scariest Little Girl
Sorry, but I wanted to make my own spin on this one.

Jack's reply was cut off as Ritsuka threw the door open again and happily stomped into the room with... a tall red-headed man. "Papa and I brought the snacks!" she declared proudly.

The man chuckled and nodded to the Enforcer. "Thank you for putting up with them," he said softly as he set a large tray of cookies in the middle of the table.

"Sure…" Reyes picked up a cookie before the kids could swarm the tray and snatch them all away. She tried very hard not to look as off-balance as she felt. "No problem."

...two tall older men, one with a mop of messy red hair. The other, white haired and tanned. Both of them held scowls on their faces as they glared at one another, one could almost imagine the sparks between their eyes and they bashed their heads against one another while entering the doorway.

"Other papa has brought snacks too! Now we will have two times as much!" Ritsuka beamed, presenting the two men behind her.

The moment the little girl turned around, the two of them changed demeanor in an instant. Gone were the glares and frowns, morphed in... obviously faked and tense smiles.

"Only the best for my little girl," the redhead laughed off.

"Hmpf, I was in the kitchen anyway so it was no big deal," the tanned one cockily replied.

And as Ritsuka turned to face her again, their faces returned their their usual features of scorn and vindication.

"The best for your little girl? If you truly desire the best, then you'd better be prepared to lose that foolish path of life you've chosen. If you cannot, then it's only natural for me to be there for her when you'll drop dead because of your dreams."

"Oh, already in the kitchen? Then why when did the kitchen smell of dough and chocolate when I arrived? Did you stay up all night, just to prepare? As her father, I'm worried for cynical old men to approach her when I'm not around."

Reyes blinked. There was no way little Ritsuka didn't hear that, right?

All that could be read from Ritsuka's expression was the angelic face of innocence.

She winked.

Reyes shuddered.

In an instant she realized that the most dangerous person in the building was the very person who had guided her to this room.

True. All of the tea party's participants seem adorable though. Most adorable... Toughie. I think... Ritsuka! As the one wrangling this little circus, she probably has a cute little frown on her face as she chastises them for fighting. And probably reminisces fondly about how it's just like home, with Papa and Mama and other Mama and other other Mama and Auntie and other Auntie, and all the siblings she could ever want.

And I need to get to bed, because I'm not sure where I was going with that other trying to see into Ritsuka's head and probably getting a little lost. Sure sign of needing sleep. Just gotta get a story idea all of this FSN reading has given me (FSN fic 'Fate/Stay Life,' on AO3. Nice fic so far.) Then beddy bye for me. Night all.
"The Animuspheres have almost as much influence as the Barthomelois. We're just here because the Association doesn't want the Director to think she can do whatever she wants and get away with it."
As long as Ritsuka is ok with it then they can pretty much do whatever the fuck they want. Seriously they have an army of heroic spirits.....last time I checked a single heroic spirit is usually more powerful than one of the DAA.
A refusal came to Reyes's lips for a moment, but then she stopped and thought about it. This might be the perfect time to get some casual one-on-one time with the girl. Maybe she could learn something interesting without having to drag the kid into an actual questioning session. "Alright. I'd like the meet them."
Fly you fools! You know not which you are going to be a part of.
Ritsuka smiled and grabbed her gloved hand, tugging on her arm as she led her down the hallway. Reyes chuckled a little bit at the girl's enthusiasm as she allowed herself to be led down the hall to a room. The interior was a bit… frilly for her tastes, but she supposed little girls were usually in to the lacy look. However, the group gathered around the table immediately drew her attention. None of them looked older than twelve, but she could feel the energy in the room. Every single one of them was a Servant. The first was wearing a white dress with frills along the hems. Her face was slightly scarred and she had silver hair that didn't look quite natural. The second was much the same, though her hair was longer and her dress was puffy and black with her hair in long pig tails. The third was dressed in what could only be described as the strangest Santa cosplay she'd ever seen. The next girl in line was perhaps the most normal, being rather ordinary blonde and wearing a flannel shirt and denim overalls. It almost looked a little too normal compared to the rest of the group. The fifth and final girl was dressed in a puffy black dress absolutely covered in bows that looked a bit like a nightgown. She held a teddy bear close to her chest and kept quiet as the the first two girls jumped up to greet Ritsuka.
Soooooooo we have Jack the Ripper, Alice/Nursery Rhyme, the Chistmas loli version of Jeanne D'arc, Paul Bunyan, and of course Abigail Williams in the same room having a tea party......I'm pretty sure I'd rather spend a night with Carmillia then be around those girls.
Sorry, but I wanted to make my own spin on this one.
*My reaction*
"We used to have pancakes, but now it's gone."

"Something about 'bad... higi... something'?"

"Never seen Papa that angry before."
poor poor Pillar

reduce into pancake

wonder what the heck Medea Lily did with the thing after

it a regenerating pancake so unless we ate the entire thing, it should still be inside Chaldea fridge