Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

I am very dissapointed at the lack of new, OC child Servants. You'd think the Last Master of Chaldea being a child themselves would give them an affinity for younger Servants and Lily versions of people. But whatever, making new Servants can be hard, so I understand.

Maybe... maybe if I write them into omakes... they'll exist in the main universe too? Schrödinger's loli/shota!... kinda!
I am very dissapointed at the lack of new, OC child Servants. You'd think the Last Master of Chaldea being a child themselves would give them an affinity for younger Servants and Lily versions of people. But whatever, making new Servants can be hard, so I understand.
To be fair, there's several 'little' Servants unaccounted for.

Stheno was on permaban after one too many shenanigans.

Euryale was insufferable without Asterios, and the room simply can't accomodate him. On open field picnic, though....

ChibiDusa don't want to be on any party without her sisters.

ChibiGil was nice, but tend to be overboard. And don't care about 'no alcohol fot minor' rules.

Alexander was on different, more manly meeting.

Medea Lily was on (temporary) ban after the whole Pancake Incident.

Liz just. Won't. Stop. Singing. Dreadfully.

Illya and Kuro was probably having other agenda, though.

Saber Lily probably the same.

Helena sometimes there, sometimes not. Everytime she was there, kids were either "Waaaah, so mature!" Or "Why you sounded like old lady, Helena-chan?"
Still some being unaccounted.

Shuten was permaban for being a bad influence. Being drunk is an unacceptable behavior for the kids. Also, the whole rampaging and eating people thing, but that's only an afterthought.

Without Shuten, Ibaraki doesn't come often. But she could easily be persuaded to come with sweets. Also, the kiddies consider her quite cute, much to her chagrin.

Mary rarely comes and even if she did, she usually has Anne accompanying her. She doesn't like being considered as a kid and joining the kiddies worsen said problem.

Wu's flamboyant and hammy personality often signify fun time when she comes. Also, her superstitious nature often brings along funny shenanigans. However, that very nature had caused her to be hesitant in coming, since the kiddies would often bring cats or tell ghost stories when she's around.

Nobu sometime comes and her arrival often brings chaos and destruction (in the form of bombs). She is currently on a temporary ban for blowing up their usual meeting place.

Chacha is a bit similar to Nobu, in the sense that her arrival will always bring trouble. However, unlike her auntie, she doesn't cause as much damage, but she has a hard time controlling her flames. Currently on a temp ban for accidentally helping her aunt in destroying the kiddies usual meeting place.

Serenity sometime comes and she's really nice. However, her poison tend to cause problem for everyone and she placed an self impose exile after she accidentally gave everyone food poisoning from her food.

Chiyome is pretty cute and while she's a bit too serious at times, her presence is always appreciated. However, the biggest trouble is usually finding her, which isn't surprising considering her origin.

Circe was invited multiple times before and she often bring good food to the party. However, her food sometime has the unintended of turning the kiddies into piglets or making them act like one. After being given a 'stern' warning, she has been a bit more hesitant in coming back.
In an instant she realized that the most dangerous person in the building was the very person who had guided her to this room.
At least it's not the Riyo-chibi-variant...

"Ritsuka, uh... WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING"
"Oh, yours are pretty good too! Maybe not as big as Auntie Lancer's, but..."

Ignoring the fact that you can't exactly "grind anyone up", you'd still have the WASHI WASHI MAX tendencies exhibited...
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Shuten was permaban for being a bad influence. Being drunk is an unacceptable behavior for the kids. Also, the whole rampaging and eating people thing, but that's only an afterthought.
To be fair, anyone spends 5 minutes with Shuten-Douji and survive should never treated her as a child.

Kato Danzo was retrofitted/ dressed as maid. Seems a bit too into it. Sometimes bringing cats/ kitten/ Nyantalanta/lanter into party for indescribable reason.

We can't remember if we ever invite Kiyohime or not, but somehow we always missed her.

Moe Da Vinci was rarely invited. And everytime she came, she always bring some... new blend, that sometimes taste good, sometimes... not so much.

Heroine X insist that she didn't enjoy the tea party, no sir. She prefer hunting Sabers than engaging in such frivilous activity like tea party.

(In case you don't get it, she always looking forward for it, and always anticipate the treats in forward).

Alter Heroine X helps everyone in meido costume. Also handling rude guest, as competent maid had to do.

(Force Choke is a very useful discipline measures)
Okay, also, regarding possible Gudao that is Sakura/ Shirou's Son:


One shot.

Just. One. Shot.

For a long, long time, he had served unflailingly as Counter Guardian. Alaya's Attack Dog. Killing Few to Save Many.

An utterly Empty Existence, only there to erase Threats and Nothing Else.

Nothing Else.

And then, she came.

Heaven's Hole.

Salvation through Passion.

...To Save the World, enveloping it in Unlimited, Eternal Pleasure.

And to do that, all he had to do, is take a shot.

In his legend, he had killed many people. Young. Old. Innocent. Sinner. Good. Evil.

No remorse. All that pose danger to Humanity will be gone.

He killed a lot of children. Most of the times through massive, impartial destruction. There are close and personal assasination. All the same. No remorse. No mercy.

His...steel, all his Steel, had been perfected as killing, destruction tool. Other things unimportant. Other things were Lost.

Unlimited Lost Work.

And yet.... And yet....

First shot had been easy, but failed to kill the kid. The Heroic Spirit manifested inside him, took the shot for the kid, and as for now, should be gone.

Second shot... won't happened.

No... it refused to happened.

The finger refused to pull the trigger.

The trigger refused to release the hammer.

The hammer refused to ignite the cap.

The cap refused to release the bullet.

The bullet itself simply refused to kill.



...He was nothing but an Attack Drone. Why he can't just kill one child-



He... for a lack of better word... remembers.

Even if he was a nameless Counter Guardian, he had manifested as something other than Force of Nature. And because of that, he had to... Fill a Mold. A Mold made of his Previous Memories.

A man who once dreamed to be an Ally of Justice.

A man who choose Fate of The World over his own will.

A man with Mind of Steel.

...A man who choose an innocent life over entire world.

...A man who rise above the challenge.

...A lover. A husband. A man.

...A Father.

...He understand. He was angry, envious, bitter, of the other man, who choose to ignore what is correct, and follow his own Truth.

But he won't hate him. He can't hate him.

Even as The Father, slowly raised his weapon on his temple, and pulled the trigger.

If he was my son....

...I, probably would do the same.
I am very dissapointed at the lack of new, OC child Servants. You'd think the Last Master of Chaldea being a child themselves would give them an affinity for younger Servants and Lily versions of people. But whatever, making new Servants can be hard, so I understand.

Maybe... maybe if I write them into omakes... they'll exist in the main universe too? Schrödinger's loli/shota!... kinda!

There was a fergus Lily during one of the EoR chapters I think?

I just want to see Rin's and Emiya's reaction when REJOICE shows up. It's so far.

I want to see Kiri and Iri. Ristuka summoned mom and dad, now she need grandparents to spoil her relentlessly.
I just want to see Rin's and Emiya's reaction when REJOICE shows up. It's so far.
Seeing as i only play NA F/GO, and I have not found any english translation about the lost bet stuff, either a synopsis or the whole chapter translated in a script like way, I would like to believe he would be dead before he stepped out of the helicopter. In this story universe at least.
Seeing as i only play NA F/GO, and I have not found any english translation about the lost bet stuff, either a synopsis or the whole chapter translated in a script like way, I would like to believe he would be dead before he stepped out of the helicopter. In this story universe at least.
I'm not too sure about the whole Kirei thing myself, but you're definitely on the right track. Anyway, I'll put what I know inside a spoiler box just in case.

From what I heard, Kirei was initially dead in the story and his corpse was possessed by servant Rasputin for various reasons (most likely to help depose/kill Ivan in chapter 1). When Ivan was defeated, Rasputin left with Kirei not only alive, but having his power to boot. So, we now have an alive and servant tier power level Kirei running around the story, which should be fun.
From what I heard, Kirei was initially dead in the story and his corpse was possessed by servant Rasputin for various reasons (most likely to help depose/kill Ivan in chapter 1). When Ivan was defeated, Rasputin left with Kirei not only alive, but having his power to boot. So, we now have an alive and servant tier power level Kirei running around the story, which should be fun.
would be interesting to see Shirou reaction to this as it is said in the Heaven Feel route that shirou could grow to like Kirei which scare him during their final fight. so he went to quickly finished the fight
I am the only one that when Jack mentioned her sister and her mom thought in ritsuka and shirou (either archer or muramasa) and not in ritsuka and rin
I am very dissapointed at the lack of new, OC child Servants. You'd think the Last Master of Chaldea being a child themselves would give them an affinity for younger Servants and Lily versions of people. But whatever, making new Servants can be hard, so I understand.

Maybe... maybe if I write them into omakes... they'll exist in the main universe too? Schrödinger's loli/shota!... kinda!
If we are speaking of Lily versions, there is Herc Lily.
  • Charlemagne-Gudao probably won't happen, but eh
  • Issei being possessed by... lets go with Acala.
  • We already know that Hel-Luvia is a thing.
  • Guinevere could provide some humour, but she's a very hard Servant to make a sheet around (I would know, I've tried)
  • Caren appearing as herself, somehow assigned to Chaldea by the Church much like the Executors were in the latest "glimpse into the future" is an option. As a Demi/Pseudo-Servant, however, the three figures that stand out to me as options are Mary Magdelene (Jesus' prostitute gal-pal, fits her holiness + sexiness thing), Lillith (Adam's first wife who became corrupted, same as before w/ added sinfulness) and Sin (as in Satan's daughter/wife from Paradise Lost, same as before without the holiness connotations at all).
  • Bazzet could pretty easily appear as one of the Enforcers sent to Chaldea, but she could still be a Demi/Psuedo-Servant for Saint Columbus or maybe Aoife
  • Miyu, maybe appearing alongside "EMIYA Alter Lily" (Miyu's version of Shirou ala Fate/Kaleid Emiya)
  • Maiya could appear in an alternate version of Accel Zero, though I'm not sure how she would be a Servant. Another Counter Guardian? Demi/Psuedo-Servant for someone like... say... Maid Marian? Dunno, this is a hard one to figure out.
  • Natalia has always been a long-shot, but I kinda like her so I'm gonna include her anyway. As for how she could appear, um... she has succubus ancestry, so a Demi/Psuedo-Servant for Lillith? Even more Counter Guardians?
  • S̶h̶i̶r̶l̶e̶y̶ is still ̶the b̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶t̶e̶r̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶a̶n̶d̶m̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶. Still don't really know how she'd appear, though... a Foreigner connected to Type MOON maybe...?
  • Hou Yi-Ayaka totally makes sense, right?
  • Ritsuka summons a Beast version of herself representing the evil of "Consumption" and her NP is basically 'pay to win' (think 'Lachesis' from [Fate/Grand Order] Cetacea if you've ever read it)
  • Setanta, aka Cu Chulainn Lily
  • Queen Elizabeth I (whose actually Francis Drake, just like Francis Drake is actually Elizabeth)
  • Francis Drake Lily (aka Elizabeth as a loli)
  • Mordred Santa Lily
  • Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily Grinch (we need to make it as long as possible)
  • Altera Lily
  • Shiva-Shinji, who is very confused about his feelings regarding Parvarti-Sakura
  • Charlemagne-Gudao probably won't happen, but eh
  • Issei being possessed by... lets go with Acala.
  • We already know that Hel-Luvia is a thing.
  • Guinevere could provide some humour, but she's a very hard Servant to make a sheet around (I would know, I've tried)
  • Caren appearing as herself, somehow assigned to Chaldea by the Church much like the Executors were in the latest "glimpse into the future" is an option. As a Demi/Pseudo-Servant, however, the three figures that stand out to me as options are Mary Magdelene (Jesus' prostitute gal-pal, fits her holiness + sexiness thing), Lillith (Adam's first wife who became corrupted, same as before w/ added sinfulness) and Sin (as in Satan's daughter/wife from Paradise Lost, same as before without the holiness connotations at all).
  • Bazzet could pretty easily appear as one of the Enforcers sent to Chaldea, but she could still be a Demi/Psuedo-Servant for Saint Columbus or maybe Aoife
  • Miyu, maybe appearing alongside "EMIYA Alter Lily" (Miyu's version of Shirou ala Fate/Kaleid Emiya)
  • Maiya could appear in an alternate version of Accel Zero, though I'm not sure how she would be a Servant. Another Counter Guardian? Demi/Psuedo-Servant for someone like... say... Maid Marian? Dunno, this is a hard one to figure out.
  • Natalia has always been a long-shot, but I kinda like her so I'm gonna include her anyway. As for how she could appear, um... she has succubus ancestry, so a Demi/Psuedo-Servant for Lillith? Even more Counter Guardians?
  • S̶h̶i̶r̶l̶e̶y̶ is still ̶the b̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶t̶e̶r̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶a̶n̶d̶m̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶. Still don't really know how she'd appear, though... a Foreigner connected to Type MOON maybe...?
  • Hou Yi-Ayaka totally makes sense, right?
  • Ritsuka summons a Beast version of herself representing the evil of "Consumption" and her NP is basically 'pay to win' (think 'Lachesis' from [Fate/Grand Order] Cetacea if you've ever read it)
  • Setanta, aka Cu Chulainn Lily
  • Queen Elizabeth I (whose actually Francis Drake, just like Francis Drake is actually Elizabeth)
  • Francis Drake Lily (aka Elizabeth as a loli)
  • Mordred Santa Lily
  • Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily Grinch (we need to make it as long as possible)
  • Altera Lily
  • Shiva-Shinji, who is very confused about his feelings regarding Parvarti-Sakura

Alternatively, Shinji could be Perseus instead.
Alternatively, Shinji could be Perseus instead.
No. Nonononononono.

Gave him Zeus.


*6 Hours Later*

Tesla: "It was nice to finally have unlimited Lightning Source."


Tesla: "Ah, the dampening circuit also works flawlessly. Hate to admit it, but that Big Cat really the best at scaling up things."
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Gave him Zeus.


*6 Hours Later*

Tesla: "It was nice to finally have unlimited Lightning Source."
That would be the final iteration of Tesla stealing lightning from the gods, wouldn't it? Just imprison a god to use as a power source.

Plus, it lets the modern era take a long piss on the Age of the Gods more directly, which is nice.
Okay, more on little Servant tea time. If it is safe to... upper the age limit a bit....

Marie is a blast. She is fun, sunny, charming, and considers everyone 'her homies'. Just don't remind her about 'gave them bread'.

Mordred, after several long conseling, discussion, heartfelt talk and several Command Seal application, finally allowed to attend tea party. She only insist to attend tea party if Arturia was there, insisting that she was there to accompany Father. And she insisted to be her Knightly (read:Hardass) self.

(It didn't work. She melted just by hearing several younger Servants calling her 'Nii-sama'. It's totally adorable.)

Anastasia was... kind of normal, for a princess. She likes tea party, but not terribly enthused with this. She was more lively when Kadoc is around.

Ritsuka often ask her to help if she wants ice cream or other cold dessert, though.

Kadoc didn't really like tea party, but happily put up with it if Princess is around. He might be Hans' Best Bud if he was there alone, no Princess in sight. Alas, that was not meant to be.

Altera consider sweets and good tea Good Civilization. Nuff' said.

Da Vinci rarely goes on tea party, busy with stuff. She often says quick 'hello' and nabbing a treat or two, though.

Gil is... Gil. Some like him, but most can't stand his smugness.

Atalanta usually goes on tea party by means of Kato Danzo (see above). Prefer savory treats.

Atalanter usually goes on tea party after being dressed properly. By Medea. Who dressed her after Kato Danzo dropper her on her Workshop.

Medea had her own private tea party with Medusa, Atalanta (when Kato didn't kidnap her), Circe, Hercules (yes, she had cordial relationship with him), Carmilla, and several other adult, female servants. Always tries to have Arturia attend in frilly dress. So far, not working.

Arturia didn't always came, but came often enough to be considered regular. Everytime she came, the plates always came out clean.

Kintoki was a fun and a blast. But Archer usually have to remind him to not smoking, much to the chagrin of both.

D'eon always there when Marie was there. Half called him 'Nii-san' and half called her 'Nee-san'. Who called him/her might change depend on situation. Other than that, pretty normal.

Fran usually quiet, silent, but everyone likes her. Just don't forget to turn off the light and heater afterwards.

Nightingale always nag everyone to brush their teeth. Even when the party hadn't started yet. Eugh.

TamaCat and Jaguarman usually came by Kato Danzo (see above about Nyantalanta).

Ushiwakamaru is one of those Servants that had to go through Medea ministration before goes to tea party.

Astolfo is nice, but sometimes he talks too much. And will talk more if he hadn't have to corrected everyone called him 'Onee-chan'.

Okita was nice... if only she's not puking blood every 3 minutes or so.

Nero can be sometimes too insufferable for everyone, being Emperor and all.