Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

kiri is in chaldeas and tecnically single, I wait for a war betwen the two
Master vs Studen a war for the husbando
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Eh, I'd hate to point out the obvious, but it's explicit that Taiga's personality is in control, she just has Jaguar Warriors moral code (I.e. Actually wants to have a job). The whole wearing a Tiger costume and then Going Yakuza when pissed, that's all Taiga. Can't we just keep it to that? Especially since no one will be able to tell the difference of her as a mortal and her as a god without her telling them.
Eh, I'd hate to point out the obvious, but it's explicit that Taiga's personality is in control, she just has Jaguar Warriors moral code (I.e. Actually wants to have a job). The whole wearing a Tiger costume and then Going Yakuza when pissed, that's all Taiga. Can't we just keep it to that? Especially since no one will be able to tell the difference of her as a mortal and her as a god without her telling them.
I imagine that nobody would believe her when she says she's jaguar warrior until Quetz confirms it. At which point the shocked reactions occur, much to taigas dissapointment.
Rin:"And here I though she had already gone through the full mid-life crisis stage. Nope, she's gone even farther into her adolescence and into full blown Middle School Delusions now."
Weird idea.

Quetz knows Suplex.

Jaguar Man basically steretypical animalistic luchador.

...Hun-Apu basically that Heel who always cheats to win?

...And Hernando Cortez basically super-evil version of Vince McMahon?

(Sorry if these didn't make any sense)
Weird idea.

Quetz knows Suplex.

Jaguar Man basically steretypical animalistic luchador.

...Hun-Apu basically that Heel who always cheats to win?

...And Hernando Cortez basically super-evil version of Vince McMahon?

(Sorry if these didn't make any sense)

Actually, it does make sense. The entire Mesoamerican mythos/popular figures and later, the Spanish Conquistadors who came to South America suddenly becoming a colorful cast of luchadors and wrestlers. Jaguar Man can be the announcer instead of a stereotypical animalistic luchador.
The Jaguar spirit tried to pull a possession on Taiga like what happened with Rin and Ishtar, except that Taiga utterly crushed the Jaguar Spirit's...spirit. She just ran with what was going on because the other option is to break down and cry. Seeing that Ritsuka is okay is going to make her break character. (Rin flying around on some bow plane? Taiga always thought there was something fishy about Rin...)

The reason Taiga lost to Arturia in the duel? Lancers are weak to Sabers! Done and done!
...I can now imagine a scene where Taiga repeats her attempt to strike Saber....except this time it actually connects.

Smash cut to five minutes later, Taiga is in a heap on the ground while Saber is panting and her dress has a few ruffles and cuts. Because however strong Taiga may have gotten, a three star lancer is no match for a five star Saber.
Omake - Hell's Sparrow
Has anyone see the new New Year new Servant? :V


It was a peaceful, typical scene of old style Japanese Onsen.

Goldorf, Meuniere, Lancer and Shirou (Muramasa) are enjoying their open air hot springs, when suddenly-


"...Who cooks today? Not the Landlady?"

"Well, definitely not me-"

That's when a pink haired... girl... boy suddenly splashed in the middle of the hot springs.


Meuniere, hands covering his nose, quickly leaves the onsen, his speed betraying his mass.

Then the others looks at Red Archer, who bring several sake bottles and some snacks. He blinks. And then he slumped down.

"Fine, I'll try to calm her and try to make something."

This word had effect of Enlightment to them.

"Eh, you'll be okay, it can't be worse than Young Medea."

"Please don't remind me of that."


"-And I know that womanly arts is beyond me. Challenge her on that ground is tactical suicide."

Saber, contently, sipped her tea.

In the other side, several female Servants was in state of catatonia. Tama-Cat was openly weeping. Kiyohime mumbles "ForgivemeAnchinsamaForgivemeAnchinsamaForgivemeAnchinsamaForgivemeAnchinsamaForgivemeAnchinsama-", while Tomoe Gozen mumbles "IamidiotsandwichIamidiotsandwichIamidiotsandwichIamidiotsandwichIamidiotsandwichIamidiotsandwichIamidiotsandwich-".

In far corner in the onsen, around Caster and Circe and other female Greek, you can see the water bubbles in empty spot between them.

"Medea-chan, it's okay. She wasn't here anymore."

Slowly, the bubbles subsides, and then Medea Lily, Princess of Colchis, slowly rises, Kojiro Sasaki dakimakura tightly hugged-

"-Seriously-dechi, why you can't be more like that EMIYA guy-dechi. He's better cook than all of you combined-"

-and suddenly she's missing again.

The Witch of Betrayal can only sighed. Well, it's not like she can blame her....


"Okay, everyone is ready-dechi?"


"All wearing clean apron-dechi?"


"All tools cleaned and prepared-dechi?"

One hand raised.

"Um, I kinda forget, but I use the spoon for dessert the night bef-"

"Please clean them-dechi, Alice-san."


Another hand raised.

"I'm not sure, but Alter-nee-san might use my spoon to raid the fridge-"

"In doubt, clean them-dechi. That's for all of you-dechi."


Another hand raised.

"Our knives can clean themselves just-"

That's when the room turned dark and foreboding.


Suddenly, the room lit again.

In the main table, a small girl, barely bigger than a sparrow smiles as she prepared her tools.

"Okay, everyone-dechi. Today we learn how to make a beef stew-"


"Soooo, she's a sparrow."


"And your technique is specifically to kill swallow."


"...She didn't fear you?"

"...Why she should fear me? I had nothing against her. Also, it's Swallow Reversal, not Sparrow Reversal."

"...You said dragon was just bigger swallow."

"Well, true. But in the other hand, she didn't go out her way to kill Master or our allies."

"...Well, Medea-chan-"

"Young Caster-dono tried to make pancakes made from Demon Pillar remain. Even after Red Archer-dono specifically asked her not to. I had no pity spared for her."

"...She used your figure, your body pillow as charm against Landlady."

"...To be honest, I never understand how Caster mind's work. I think you should just ask her."


"Also, Landlady-dono teaches me how to make sandwich. At the very minimal, I had to respect her."

"...You did?"

"She was quite harsh, but she's fair."

"...Can I have one?"



Edited for dechi, dechi.
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that Pancake is infinitely regenerating

why would Medea Lily need to make another one

the first one should last for the rest of time
that Pancake is infinitely regenerating

why would Medea Lily need to make another one

the first one should last for the rest of time
My impresssion is that the pancake batter need to be cooked to be real pancake. But it was a moot point, because in my previous snippet, EMIYA confiscated it for being made of Demon Pillar.

I know I wouldn't eat one, at least.
Might as well as called him REGEND.... :p

...But in the other hand, he had special connection with Medea (somewhat), so I think using his True Name would be more fitting (style choice, basically).

Also, @Geedubs and @Summer Bones , congratulation. There's finally loli Servant that isn't oversexualized. (Well, technically bird Servant, but it was at least improvement) :p
I was legitimately excited when I saw all her art. Like, I felt actual joy that this small child kept all her clothes on.
That and Disgaea artist. Hallejuiah doesn't even begin to cover my thoughts. Also her NP is adorable, and soooo makes her a worthy challenger to Musashi:

*sword sheathed, a click, and things just get sliced* = slightly more badass than double oni bash + oversized lightsaber.


Btw, any thoughts to how Nasu has stated that the finale of Part 2 is the end of FGO's plot/game? Because that has some irritating implications for the last servants to finally become available.

How that ties to the storylines of all the various fanfictions could be interesting. That and the implications about Li Shuwan (Old) [Assassin], who lived well into the 1930s iirc IRL, very likely means we will get some WW2 Servants as canon. As for here? Young Li being cool big bro, while Old Li is Awesome McGrandpa.

On the other hand, someone on Kotaku mentioned a rumor that Arcade will come to the PS4.
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That and Disgaea artist. Hallejuiah doesn't even begin to cover my thoughts. Also her NP is adorable, and soooo makes her a worthy challenger to Musashi:

*sword sheathed, a click, and things just get sliced* = slightly more badass than double oni bash + oversized lightsaber.


Btw, any thoughts to how Nasu has stated that the finale of Part 2 is the end of FGO's plot/game? Because that has some irritating implications for the last servants to finally become available.

How that ties to the storylines of all the various fanfictions could be interesting. That and the implications about Li Shuwan (Old) [Assassin], who lived well into the 1930s iirc IRL, very likely means we will get some WW2 Servants as canon. As for here? Young Li being cool big bro, while Old Li is Awesome McGrandpa.

On the other hand, someone on Kotaku mentioned a rumor that Arcade will come to the PS4.

He never said it was the end, just that he was stepping away after part 2. They have a plan out to at least the fifth year. He's probably just going to work on a new property.
remember, Rayshift is very illegal

we were only suppose to use it like 7 to 8 time for the Singularity

[ insert over several dozen use of it base on interlude/event]

we could have done a number to history with the shit we did

just because we save the world doesn't mean we aren't in hot water for all the illegal stuff we did to save it

i get why we get shut down and the UN/MA send people to check shit out, but look at who they send

Goldolf is pretty nice and very much on our side, at worst, he would just give us a slap on the wrist and just have us re-activate but with some extra oversight

all the other shit i blame on Tamamo Vitchi stirring shit up
I would like to point out that a fair number of those just kinda happened, like nobody did anything and the MC got rayshifted out of they're bed