Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Well, look on the bright side, Ritsuka wasn't hit by a cannon. I was thinking about possible interactions with the USA arc since I finally got off my lazy ass to start playing it. I was imagining Ritsuka with shining eyes trying to pet the big kitty and the freakout that would happen if she was hit by a cannon.
Well, look on the bright side, Ritsuka wasn't hit by a cannon. I was thinking about possible interactions with the USA arc since I finally got off my lazy ass to start playing it. I was imagining Ritsuka with shining eyes trying to pet the big kitty and the freakout that would happen if she was hit by a cannon.

Ritsuka's family is in general a little more wary than the in-game Protag is, so it would be hard to justify Ritsuka taking a hit when she's got Servants watching out for her that closely. They probably met Nightingale by helping her drag injures soldiers off the battlefield.
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Ritsuka's family is in general a little more wary than the in-game Protag is, so it would be hard to justify Ritsuka taking a hit when she's got Servants watching out for her that closely. They probably met Nightingale by helping her drag injures soldiers off the battlefield.
Not to mention that as a kid, Mashu won't easily allow her Master-senpai to be in harm's way for more than a moment. Even moreso than an adult Gudako.

I'm almost sure that every Servant formation almost always includes Mashu just do be the last line of defense for Ritsuka. In cases where she's not, at least EMIYA or Ishtarin would be there.

On a separate topic:
Chaldea's assorted and Da Vinci-chan approved cosplay outfits Mystic Codes.
Now in Kiddy sizes.
When Shinjuku come around, Archer-M is dead, smole girl is his biggest weakness
Omake - Little Ritsuka's Future Clothes

Ritsuka-chan's Future Clothing Choices

(Sponsored by Atelier Da Vinci, et al.)
(Commentary by EMIYA and Tohsaka Rin)

Rin: "I don't mind Ritsuka wearing Chaldea's normal Mystic Code in combat... but what about the rest of this list? They don't seem fitting..."
EMIYA: "You really don't have any place to speak here, Mrs. Red-Turtleneck-Black-Skirt-and-Thighhighs."
Rin: "Bwuh- ARCHER!!!"

*fires a Gandr at EMIYA who dodges it*

EMIYA: "Though to be fair, you looked quite good in it."
Rin: "... you damn Casanova."

Rin: "Okay. Sure, this looks much sturdier than Chaldea's normal uniforms."
EMIYA: "That sort of form-fitting clothing would be fine for adults, indeed, but I have reservations on letting Ritsuka wear it."
Rin: "Ah, to hell with it. We have more than one Servant here from the Age of the Gods; I know we can whip up something with more defenses."

Rin: "You know, I dreamed of letting Ritsuka wear something like this when she officially joins the Clock Tower..."
EMIYA: "Don't worry. We'll fix the Human Order, and she'll be able to wear that proudly. I promise."

EMIYA: "Well, this is a rarity. Don't know how Lady Da Vinci managed to find the designs for this. I think I've only met an alchemist of Atlas once before."
Rin: "... Was it a girl?"
EMIYA: "... yes. Oddly enough, the poor girl was living in a back-alley in some city."

EMIYA: "This is definitely nostalgic."
Rin: "You do remember that most of Saber's casual clothes were mine originally, right?"
EMIYA: "Good thing the two of you had similar figures."
Rin: "I'm not sure if that was a compliment."
EMIYA: "Oh, it is."

Rin: "It looks quite... sharp."
EMIYA: "Reminds me of my Old Man's clothes that were left in the house's stockroom."
Rin: "Though, if we're going to give Ritsuka a black dress, I'd prefer if it had more frills."
EMIYA: "Agreed."

Rin: "Nope."
EMIYA: "Denied."
Rin: "A one piece would suit my daughter better anyway. Next."

Rin: "This actually looks kind of nice."
EMIYA: "It has that... old-school feel, huh? I vaguely remember Issei showing me photo albums of Homurahara's graduates, and some of their uniforms sort of looked like these."
Rin: "I don't mind letting Ritsuka wearing these. Approved."

EMIYA: "Yet another one that brings back good memories, right Rin?"
Rin: "Ritsuka would eventually wear this, once she's done with Elementary and Middle School. I suppose it's fine for her to wear this ahead of time."
EMIYA: "I think so too. I'm sure you're looking forward to that day."
Glimpses of the Future - The Goddess of Death
"I hate this place," Rin muttered to herself as they descended the long stone passage to the underworld. It was dark, and gloomy, and still managed to be interminably dry. Which would have simply been annoying if it weren't for the fact that whoever had taken over thought it was funny to shave a couple of inches off her height every time they went deeper. "I really, really do." Her voice came out slightly squeaky from her new size, just adding to the frustration.

Ritsuka was doing her best, but by now even she was giggling at her mother's predicament. "Don't worry mama," the red-head said with a smile. "You'll be taller than me again once we get King Gil back."

Rin felt the veins in her forehead bulge, but forced herself to take several deep breaths and not snap. Where was EMIYA when she needed to relieve some stress? "I know, honey. You don't need to worry about me."

"This place isn't all that bad actually," Olga Marie said as they rounded the next corner. "It feels… kind of homey actually."

Everyone stared at her for a couple of seconds. "I guess that Ereshkigal coming through," Rin said after the long moment of silence. "Ugh, even when we have the goddess of the underworld on our side, this is still a pain in the rear."

"It does make sense," Mash said as she helped Ritsuka over a large rock. "Having Ereshkigal in the Director instead of here probably made one of the Three Goddesses taking over her domain much easier than it normally would have been."

"Don't remind me," Olga Marie muttered. She did not like making mistakes, especially when the mistakes made things harder for everyone else too. "Let's just find this new goddess and deal with her so we can get King Gilgamesh back and get out of here."

"I hope she's as nice as Miss Quetz," Ritsuka said brightly as she skipped ahead.

There was a round of sweat drops from everyone. "I don't know if 'nice' is the word I would use," Rin muttered.

"She was so much fun!" Ritsuka said, either oblivious or simply ignoring her mother's annoyance. "And she promised to teach me how to do a proper suplex once we fixed the Singularity."

Rin once again took several deep breaths. "We'll discuss that later, sweetie," she said firmly.

"I think what we're looking for should be just up ahead," Olga Marie interrupted. "I can… feel it, for lack of a better term." She felt her skin tingling slightly and Ereshkigal was rising up inside her mind, the goddess's power growing stronger as they neared the heart of her domain. But something was interfering with the flow of power, like the river had been dammed up. "And I think our uninvited guest is there too."

"Fantastic," Rin said. "Let's get her and go home already." They pressed ahead, crossing the endless dark sands of the underworld as they approached the palace at the heart. The group finally came to a stop at the final gateway, looking up at the center of the land of the dead. "Alright! Show yourself so we can do this already!"

"O~hohohoho!" Rin felt her blood run cold as she heard a very familiar voice. "My my, the former owner of this abode and her airhead sister, come to see me? I'm afraid I haven't had much time to set up for company."

Rin gritted her teeth so hard she could hear them grinding together. "We're in a temporal Singularity, in a different reality, thousands of years in the past, and all of human history has been incinerated," she growled. "And I still can't get away from you. I must be cursed."

The figure stepped forward, giving them a good look at her for the first time. A golden mask, intricately shaped to look like a woman's face was pressed tight against the right side of her face, while a matching gauntlet covered her hand and wrist, with a black sleeve tucked inside to make sure it didn't come free. Her armored boots did much the same, though her right pant leg was longer, disappeared into her boot completely while her left was far shorter and left her exposed from below her knee up to the hemline of her shorts. Even her hair was split, with the right side and the large drill-like pony tail so pale blonde it was nearly white while the left was its usual golden blonde.

"Hi Auntie Luvia!" Ritsuka said, waving at the goddess.

The goddess sharing the body of Luvia Edelfeldt laughed again. "Oh, I see. You must have been familiar with my host. But you seem to misunderstand. I am currently the one in control of this body. You may call me Hel, the great and powerful queen of the dead."

Rin twitched slightly. "Fantastic. Now how about you give the underworld back to the actual goddess of the underworld and we can be on our way?"

Hel smirked. "Well, she was off neglecting her duties and someone had to step in. And now that I've moved in, I don't really feel like stepping out again." She flipped her hair back with a sly smile. "So why don't you just head back home… useless goddess."

Rin felt something snap inside her and her bow manifested. "I was looking for some stress relief anyway. Looks like I'll get to take it out on your stupid face, Edelfeldt!"

Hel's smile turned absolutely savage. "Come and get me then, Goddess of Venus!" A black metal spear manifested in her hand and Mash had to drag Ritsuka back before she could be caught in the crossfire as the two goddesses attacked.
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Hey, thought I'd do an omake. Sorry if that's a problem.


Rin was worried, Ritsuka was talking to EMIYA unsupervised, the last time that had happened, Gilgamesh had apparently been robbed. "Archer," She said sweetly, "What are you doing with 'our' daughter?" She flashed her patented Tohsaka smile #47, what to do when you're about to threaten a man because of your daughter, it had been passed down the Tohsaka line for generations.

It wasn't very effective as EMIYA simply smirked at her, "Ritsuka was just telling me about something that happened today, weren't you Ritsuka?"

Ritsuka nodded happily, "Yep! Mr Blackbeard came up to me and Mashu suggesting that we play this new game he found with him! It was really fun, first we laid out the mat and placed our bodies onto it!"

Rin's train of thought abruptly halted, "Blackbeard."

Ignoring her mother's mental breakdown, Ritsuka chirped up once again, "Then Mr Blackbeard told to twist my body around to get into the proper position while Mash watched from the sidelines."


The sound of Mashu's footsteps reached their ears shortly before Mashu arrived slightly out of breath, "Senpei, what are you doing? I thought you wanted to go play with your big 'brother' Mordred?"

Ritsuka blinked owlishly for a second before answering "I do, but I also wanted to tell Mama and Papa all about that fun game Mr Blackbeard taught us! You wanna help?!!"

Getting caught up in the fond memory, Mashu spoke without thinking, "Oh yes, he was suprisingly limber even for a Servant. I didn't know the Human body could bend that way or stay in that position for so long, I guess Blackbeard really does possess a form of Battle Contiuation!"

It was at this moment that Mashu noticed the dark shadows that were starting to wrap around Rin like a blanket of pure concentrated loathing, "Mrs Tohsaka's Saint Graph is changing! She's manifesting as an... Avenger?" That didn't make any sense, what kind of grudge could cause such an 'elegant lady' to become a dark anti-hero intent on burning down Humanity?

"BLACKBEARD!!! How dare you defile my daughter's purity?!! I will AVENGE her!!!"

Never mind.

"Wow, Rin's using three exclamation marks, Blackbeard's really in trouble this time." EMIYA sighed and shook his head in mild annoyance.

"And then Mr Blackbeard told me that we should play Twister again sometime!" Ritsuka finished her story, apparently oblivious to the screams of rage and pain echoing throughout Chaldea.

As Mashu ran off to help Blackbeard, EMIYA stood in silence with Ritsuka for a moment, "You worded it specifically like that to drive your mother crazy, didn't you?"

"Yep!" Ritsuka nodded happily.

"Caren was such a bad influence on you." Honestly, you'd think that Rin would remember that Ritsuka was eighteen and not eight. Ritsuka always knew how to wrap her mother around her little finger.

[Disclaimer: Ritsuka's eighteen years old in this Omake and acts childish on purpose.]
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How old is Ritsuka in this omake? Because if she is a minor, making impled sexual stuff involving her, even if it was just a joke and didn't actually happen, is almost certainly against the rules.

If need be I'll add a disclaimer saying she's fifteen and always acts really childish.

Edit: And... Added!
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If need be I'll add a disclaimer saying she's fifteen and always acts really childish.

Edit: And... Added!

I would say maybe sixteen due to this part of the rules due to the age of consent in those countries:
a. Is against the law in Canada, Australia, or the United States;
Maybe seventeen if you really want to be safe.

Edit: Of course, you want to be super-duper safe, just state that she is eighteen and would no longer fall in the 'is a minor' group.
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I don't really mind. Figuring out what to do with Blackbeard is a challenge for me too. He's... going to be tough. I'm considering adopting a running gag from Log Horizon to manage him without causing too many problems.

How about you just have everyone else play keep away with Ritsuka not wanting him to corrupt her?
Hm, but why would Jackie smack Blackbeard repeatedly? She's the only tiny fierce ninja I can think of to fill the role...