Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Well, the Ishtar in the story right now isn't exactly the Rin that left Ritsuka in Chaldea.
Pseudo Servants are wonky like that.
IIRC, their mindset is a mix of the host body and the Heroic Spirit within them, though in this story, there's still enough of a divide between the two minds that Mesopotamian Goddess Ishtar and Tohsaka Matriarch Rin can apparently speak to each other and let the other take the reins of the body.

Meanwhile, the EMIYA in the story right now exactly Ritsuka's father.

But little Ritsuka doesn't care much about technicalities like that, bless her soul.

She's just happy that (someone who looks like) Mama and (someone who would have been) Papa is around and she'll do her best to make them proud.

Oh, and make a few friends while she's at it.
Well, the Ishtar in the story right now isn't exactly the Rin that left Ritsuka in Chaldea.
Pseudo Servants are wonky like that.
IIRC, their mindset is a mix of the host body and the Heroic Spirit within them, though in this story, there's still enough of a divide between the two minds that Mesopotamian Goddess Ishtar and Tohsaka Matriarch Rin can apparently speak to each other and let the other take the reins of the body.

Meanwhile, the EMIYA in the story right now exactly Ritsuka's father.

But little Ritsuka doesn't care much about technicalities like that, bless her soul.

She's just happy that (someone who looks like) Mama and (someone who would have been) Papa is around and she'll do her best to make them proud.

Oh, and make a few friends while she's at it.
Then later on she will meet the auntie she never met before even if she is a magical girl. Illya
Pseudo Servants are wonky like that.
IIRC, their mindset is a mix of the host body and the Heroic Spirit within them, though in this story, there's still enough of a divide between the two minds that Mesopotamian Goddess Ishtar and Tohsaka Matriarch Rin can apparently speak to each other and let the other take the reins of the body.
I think this might be a bit different from the usual Pseudo-Servants. Rin is pretty much exactly herself, to the point where she actually punches Ishtar when she wants the driver's seat. She just used Ishtar as a way of getting to her daughter, in exchange for renting out some headspace.

EMIYA, however, is explicitly not her father, per author's WOG.
Pseudo-Servants and the Emiya Family
I think this might be a bit different from the usual Pseudo-Servants. Rin is pretty much exactly herself, to the point where she actually punches Ishtar when she wants the driver's seat. She just used Ishtar as a way of getting to her daughter, in exchange for renting out some headspace.

EMIYA, however, is explicitly not her father, per author's WOG.

Yeah, I haven't exactly explained the details because honestly they're not all that relevant.

The short version is that Ritsuka, Rin, and the whole family are from another timeline similar to Hollow Ataraxia, but a few years down the line. Rin is Zelrecht's apprentice, so she has access to the Second Magic to a limited extent, though she's far from a master. When Goetia started annihilating all of human history in all timelines, Rin basically tossed the entire family through the Kaleidoscope in hopes that they would end up somewhere safe. This actually kind of worked since it dropped Ritsuka in the Grand Order timeline where she could get to Chaldea and survive. The rest of the family sort of got caught halfway between different realities at different points because there isn't actually another reality to go to since all of human history in all times was incinerated. Rin was able to work out a way to use the weird limbo state she got herself stuck in with the Second Magic to hook on to Ritsuka's summoning by cutting a deal with Ishtar (since there was already a potential connection between them due to Ishtar potentially using Rin from the F/GO timeline as a host) to be her vessel in exchange for being able to manifest as a Heroic Spirit use that link to escape only kind of existing and get back to her daughter. Since Rin set the deal on her terms rather than it just being a quirk of the summoning, she gets equal control rather than Ishtar mostly being in charge, though there's still some overlap in personality.

Rin is mostly confident that the other members of the family are probably in the same situation she was, but she doesn't actually know if they can get out the same way she did or not. She's mostly not thinking about it because the last thing she needs is to let herself get distracted by the fact that if they don't save reality, she might never see her version of Shirou or Sakura again. Ritsuka knows this is Second Magic shenanigans at play, but she doesn't have the same understanding of it as Rin. She does however have faith that if her mom is keeping cool, then it can't be that bad. And she is a pretty confident kid, so she's sure that she'll see her actual papa again.

And so I don't have to keep explaining this, I'm going to threadmark this explanation of the situation for easy reference.
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When Goetia started annihilating all of human history in all timelines, Rin basically tossed the entire family through the Kaleidoscope in hopes that they would end up somewhere safe. This actually kind of worked since it dropped Ritsuka in the Grand Order timeline where she could get to Chaldea and survive.

"Mama was working on something and then there was an explosion and I ended up at the Association," the little girl said. "They sent me here to get me out of the way."
It checks out. :D

Rin and Ritsuka were somewhat aware of the explosions... probably from mankind's history getting incinerated? Rin then dropped everyone she knew/her entire family into the Kaleidoscope and jumped in afterwards.

Though it will be a looooooooong time before someone who looks the closest to Shirou appears (in Epic of Remnant Part 3).

I assume Rin would have a short chat with EMIYA while Ritsuka couldn't hear them, about EMIYA continuing to "act" like Ritsuka's father. It won't be healthy for many people involved, but that's all they can do at the moment when all of Mankind's History is fucked.

I mean, the idea of "all of mankind's fate now lies upon the tiny shoulders of your daughter" must be bearing down hard on Mrs. Tohsaka. :(

P.S. It's probably up there in the Stress Charts, alongside Olgamarie's "I'm currently dead and the only thing keeping my existence together is a Goddess's soul and the wishes of a little girl" trauma.
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It checks out. :D

Rin and Ritsuka were somewhat aware of the explosions... probably from mankind's history getting incinerated? Rin then dropped everyone she knew/her entire family into the Kaleidoscope and jumped in afterwards.

Though it will be a looooooooong time before someone who looks the closest to Shirou appears (in Epic of Remnant Part 3).

I assume Rin would have a short chat with EMIYA while Ritsuka couldn't hear them, about EMIYA continuing to "act" like Ritsuka's father. It won't be healthy for many people involved, but that's all they can do at the moment when all of Mankind's History is fucked.

I mean, the idea of "all of mankind's fate now lies upon the tiny shoulders of your daughter" must be bearing down hard on Mrs. Tohsaka. :(

P.S. It's probably up there in the Stress Charts, alongside Olgamarie's "I'm currently dead and the only thing keeping my existence together is a Goddess's soul and the wishes of a little girl" trauma.
That's next to EMIYA-level trauma right there.
I assume Rin would have a short chat with EMIYA while Ritsuka couldn't hear them, about EMIYA continuing to "act" like Ritsuka's father. It won't be healthy for many people involved, but that's all they can do at the moment when all of Mankind's History is fucked.

This statement has some troubling implications if Ritsuka summons more members of her family since they are likely going to be alternate-timeline counterparts to her Aunts. Heroes like Medusa Lily, Assasin Grandpa Kerry, Caster Grandmama Iri, Caster Aunt Illya, Archer Aunt Chloe and even Parvati Sakura are not going to hail from the same-timeline that Ritsuka is from. And if it isn't very healthy for Ritsuka to use the alternate counterparts of her family as substitutes for Ritsuka's normal family life, I think an increasing number of alternates of Little Ritsuka's family isn't going to help Ritsuka's psyche. And then we can consider the horde of Arturias adding to the "alternate" burden.

That being said, it also depends on how much Ritsuka grows up being used to the Kaleidoscope and the notion of alternate timeline versions of everyone she loves in her family household. And it might be that having many alternates leads Ritsuka to regard the alternate versions of her family to be every bit worthy of being part of her extended family.

Speaking of Caster Illya, incidentally, Ritsuka is at a prime age (10 years old) for Zelretch to give that girl a Kaleidostick as a joke for the sake of trolling Rin. I now have the entertaining image, come the Prisma-Illya crossover event that Ruby would try to persuade little Ritsuka to become Kaleido-Ritsuka.....

Actually, it would be hilarious if the first Kaleidoscope Craft Essence that Ritsuka get's her hands on, starts a chain of events which ends up with Ritsuka getting a Kaleidostick mystic code - not necessarily Ruby, or Sapphire mind you. Ritsuka probably won't have prana issues, and it would probably allow Ritsuka to support her servants far better. But I imagine if that happens, and Rin-Ishtar ever catches wind of Illya's Quintett Feuer (which requires converting every nerve and vessel into magical circuits), Rin would prohibit Ritsuka from using that move, on the pain of confiscating the mystic code responsible.
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That being said, it also depends on how much Ritsuka grows up being used to the Kaleidoscope and the notion of alternate timeline versions of everyone she loves in her family household. And it might be that having many alternates leads Ritsuka to regard the alternate versions of her family to be every bit worthy of being part of her extended family.

She'll just crank up her Cuteness Aura up to past eleven and say something endearing like "doesn't matter if they're not exactly the same, they're my family and I love them".

EMIYA? Gets a hug.
Nameless (Extra Archer)? Gets a hug too.
Muramasa Sengo? Gets a hug as well.

EMIYA Alter? Gets a hug... after Max Bond Level and literally everyone in the family restraining his hands.
She'll just crank up her Cuteness Aura up to past eleven and say something endearing like "doesn't matter if they're not exactly the same, they're my family and I love them".

EMIYA? Gets a hug.
Nameless (Extra Archer)? Gets a hug too.
Muramasa Sengo? Gets a hug as well.

EMIYA Alter? Gets a hug... after Max Bond Level and literally everyone in the family restraining his hands.
Don't forget his mouth, otherwise lost works might be activated.
What's Emiya Alter and Kiara's relationship? You guys said that he would cry is he saw Ritsuka in Kiaras lap but I don't get why?
I know that she was the cause of him becoming an Alter but I don't know anything beyond that...
What's Emiya Alter and Kiara's relationship? You guys said that he would cry is he saw Ritsuka in Kiaras lap but I don't get why?
I know that she was the cause of him becoming an Alter but I don't know anything beyond that...
EMIYA Alter is an Emiya who decided to kill Kiara, because she's a threat to mankind. Except he had to kill every single one of her innocent followers, who kept throwing themselves in the way before killing her. Killing innocents was a complete and total betrayal of his ideals, so he decided to kill all his emotions and self to become a complete unfeeling murder machine of Justice, just like a Counter Guardian, in the rest of his life. That mentality is the source of his Alteration.
EMIYA Alter is an Emiya who decided to kill Kiara, because she's a threat to mankind. Except he had to kill every single one of her innocent followers, who kept throwing themselves in the way before killing her. Killing innocents was a complete and total betrayal of his ideals, so he decided to kill all his emotions and self to become a complete unfeeling murder machine of Justice, just like a Counter Guardian, in the rest of his life. That mentality is the source of his Alteration.

there is another detail, emiya alter is fundamentally the future version of the "mind of steel" shirou, after sacrificing the woman he loves and many others, he met with the cult of kiara, it is not very clear how or if it was reciprocated but he fell in love with her, however he could see what no one else could, the danger that kiara represented, so he killed his heart to kill kiara, but she was protected by the members of her cult. innocent people who were "saved" by her. Killing innocents, hundreds perhaps thousands, and the woman who had come to love, Shirou broke up in such a brutal way that she became Emiya Alter.
Is the most fcked version of shirou with the worst past, so much thet even if he begun to remember his past and change to better he will be destroy by himselt, like his ascencion shows.

the reason for he cry is he see Ritsuka in Kiaras lap, is because that is the future that he destroy with his own hands, he didnt try to save sakura, he dident try to save kiara......he only kills
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there is another detail, emiya alter is fundamentally the future version of the "mind of steel" shirou, after sacrificing the woman he loves and many others, he met with the cult of kiara, it is not very clear how or if it was reciprocated but he fell in love with her, however he could see what no one else could, the danger that kiara represented, so he killed his heart to kill kiara, but she was protected by the members of her cult. innocent people who were "saved" by her. Killing innocents, hundreds perhaps thousands, and the woman who had come to love, Shirou broke up in such a brutal way that she became Emiya Alter.
Is the most fcked version of shirou with the worst past, so much thet even if he begun to remember his past and change to better he will be destroy by himselt, like his ascencion shows.

the reason for he cry is he see Ritsuka in Kiaras lap, is because that is the future that he destroy with his own hands, he didnt try to save sakura, he dident try to save kiara......he only kills

Holy shit, look at all that edge! He's like a giant hEdgehog made out of razorblades!
there is another detail, emiya alter is fundamentally the future version of the "mind of steel" shirou, after sacrificing the woman he loves and many others, he met with the cult of kiara, it is not very clear how or if it was reciprocated but he fell in love with her, however he could see what no one else could, the danger that kiara represented, so he killed his heart to kill kiara, but she was protected by the members of her cult. innocent people who were "saved" by her. Killing innocents, hundreds perhaps thousands, and the woman who had come to love, Shirou broke up in such a brutal way that she became Emiya Alter.
Is the most fcked version of shirou with the worst past, so much thet even if he begun to remember his past and change to better he will be destroy by himselt, like his ascencion shows.

the reason for he cry is he see Ritsuka in Kiaras lap, is because that is the future that he destroy with his own hands, he didnt try to save sakura, he dident try to save kiara......he only kills
Hmmmm no. All of that is unconfirmed extrapolation. Some of it is wrong too.

EMIYA Alter isn't literally from the Mind of Steel bad end, but the mindset is the same. Rather, it's the ultimate logical conclusion of the mindset Kiritsugu had, represented by the way Unlimited Lost Works is basically a Origin Bullet using Shirou's Origin and RM. He's also the ultimate middle finger to edgy Shirou-In-Name-Only fanfics.

EMIYA Alter also didn't fell in love with Kiara, he saw her for what she truly was and killed her. It was killing her innocent followers that broke him, not killing Kiara herself.

But enough about edgy fanfic versions of Shirou. Let's focus on cuteness and WAFF.
umm ...... then I had something wrong, in part, it's good to know and that explains why he did not react to the versions of sakura in chaldea.
but you have reason focus on cuteness is fine. I want to see risuka and asterios playing with fou