Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)


Is it bad I can see ArcherGil being that one family who acts like a hardness who hates everyone but when he thinks no one is looking is giving little Ristuka things.

Like candy, toys and the not.
Plus Archer!Gil was 'tainted'(?) with the Grail mud.

Actually, this is false. Gil's ego is too much to be tainted by the grail mud. He is just that much of an arse. At least around modern humans. The main difference between Archer!Gil and Caster!Gil is that one is around modern day humans which he hates for living worthless lives and the other is surrounded by Babylon humans who each a purpose in live which makes them too valuable to be casually killed off.

Edit: Cite
Q: In Sakura's Route, what happened to the devoured Gilgamesh? Saber was blackened and enslaved, but was Gilgamesh's will too strong to be dominated? Or was he completely digested?

He simply cannot be controlled. In fact Gilgamesh cannot be blackened. After being devoured by the Grail, Sakura converted Gilgamesh into mana in haste because she was afraid that Gilgamesh might tear her up from the inside if she does not digest him. However, His Majesty was very hard to digest, so "Angra Mainyu" must have been plagued by belly-ache (laughs).

Edit 2: No, that is the wrong cite. While it does count, it isn't the cite which directly states that Gil's Ego is too much for the grail mud. Give me a moment to actual cite.

Edit 3:
Also, the reason that he was able to splendidly escape after being swallowed by Angra Mainyu at the end of Fate/Zero despite succumbing to the same thing in the Sakura route of Fate/stay night is because in the latter he was distracted by the presence of a naked girl.
…Just kidding! Actually, it was due to the difference in power between the "mud", which was cut off from its source, and the "shadow" which was connected directly to it.

So basically Gilgamesh is immuned to Grail Mud which is why he doesn't go Alter in it like Saber or Hercules and why Dark Sakura devoured him for mana than Blacken him is because he is immune to the latter.​
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Actually, this is false. Gil's ego is too much to be tainted by the grail mud. He is just that much of an arse. At least around modern humans. The main difference between Archer!Gil and Caster!Gil is that one is around modern day humans which he hates for living worthless lives and the other is surrounded by Babylon humans who each a purpose in live which makes them too valuable to be casually killed off.
I thought it was because Archer was pre/barely post Enkikue while Caster was near the end after he mellowed out.
I thought it was because Archer was pre/barely post Enkikue while Caster was near the end after he mellowed out.

Nah, I thought that as well, but than a couple of Japanese-reading translates corrected me. I think I have a post on that booked mark. Fake edit: Found it.

Here are a couple of links when I asked this question on SB. Just read the replies for details as I don't want to quote or post links with every post in the ensuing discussion.
The gist of the replies is this:
No Archer and Caster Gil are the same person. Caster Gil is just Archer Gil cosplaying to piss off Goetia. Archer Gil specifically remembers Enkidu fondly.
Caster Gil's personality is just Archer Gil when Archer Gil is put in a position of ruling people.
Omake - Oh Captain My Captain
~Oh Captain, My Captain~​

Ritsuka was having a lot of fun being a pirate. A small wooden sword hung by her waist- secured there by a small length of rope that had been hastily made into a kind of belt- and a red pirate hat that was quite obviously too big for her to properly wear sat on her head. It would occasionally start to slip forwards and cover up her eyes, prompting her to push it back up off of her face. She was a real pirate- the captain of the ship who gave out important orders.

Orders like...


"Umm, Miss Drake?" The young master turned to tug on the overcoat of the nice lady who had let her borrow her hat. And her ship, but that's beside the point.

Drake crouched down and gave Ritsuka a bright smile. "Yes captain?"

Ritsuka flushed faintly in embarrassment. "Umm...What should I tell them to do? I've never been a captain before."

Drake closed her eyes and brought a hand up to her chin in thought, doing her best not to let the internal 'squee' become an external one. She nodded to herself- more for the sake of appearances than anything else- and opened her eyes a moment later. "Well, as a captain, the first thing you need to know is how to drin-"

Death. Slow, Painful Death. A Hell Greater Than Even He Has Known.

Drake cut herself off as a sudden feeling of impending doom washed over her in waves. Nervously, she slowly turned to look at the smiling form of the red-clad Archer who had been accompanying Ritsuka when she first found her. He didn't say anything, he just stood there and smiled at her.

She started sweating bullets, and coughed into her fist, bringing her attention back to the patiently waiting Ritsuka.

"Ah, I mean, just tell them to work hard." Drake gave a thumbs up as she said this, and released a mental sigh of relief as she felt the killing intent coming from the Archer recede away to nothing. Bloodthirsty pirate or not, she wasn't dumb enough to get in the way of an angry father.
just have them bring her a big cup of orange juice. They're pirates. They should have oranges on the boat.

Then she can learn to drink just like a big girl.
Knowing Drake, she'd probably try to serve it with rum anyway.

Ritsuka: This juice tastes funny.

Archer: Smile

Drake: *Sweats*
Eh... not really? At the time of Drake, sailors got a ration of beer or wine which they would add to their water. Mainly because the water in the barrels developed algae and such, thus the alcohol made it both safer and more palatable for the sailors.
This kind of omake gives me ideas (especially when they're funny like this). So I think I'll ask...

Would people be interested in me telling some scenes out of order? I'll treadmark them separately and they'll be subject to edits or changes (or possibly ending up non-canonical), but it would let me write stuff from other parts of the game without going through everything in order.
This kind of omake gives me ideas (especially when they're funny like this). So I think I'll ask...

Would people be interested in me telling some scenes out of order? I'll treadmark them separately and they'll be subject to edits or changes (or possibly ending up non-canonical), but it would let me write stuff from other parts of the game without going through everything in order.
Sure, sounds like a good idea to me