Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Rin gritted her teeth so hard she could hear them grinding together. "We're in a temporal Singularity, in a different reality, thousands of years in the past, and all of human history has been incinerated," she growled. "And I still can't get away from you. I must be cursed."

The figure stepped forward, giving them a good look at her for the first time. A golden mask, intricately shaped to look like a woman's face was pressed tight against the right side of her face, while a matching gauntlet covered her hand and wrist, with a black sleeve tucked inside to make sure it didn't come free. Her armored boots did much the same, though her right pant leg was longer, disappeared into her boot completely while her left was far shorter and left her exposed from below her knee up to the hemline of her shorts. Even her hair was split, with the right side and the large drill-like pony tail so pale blonde it was nearly white while the left was its usual golden blonde.

"Hi Auntie Luvia!" Ritsuka said, waving at the goddess.

The goddess sharing the body of Luvia Edelfeldt laughed again. "Oh, I see. You must have been familiar with my host. But you seem to misunderstand. I am currently the one in control of this body. You may call me Hel, the great and powerful queen of the dead."

This made me laugh far more than it probably should have. But damn if that isn't persistence. XD

Hel paused for a moment. "Hmmm. That's odd. My host has been putting up an annoyingly high amount of resistance to my control of her body, for all the good it does her. Yet the moment that Venus shows up with her host, not only has her pitiful resistance stopped but she's somehow managed to increase my power threefold... Hah. This bears consideration..."
Ritsuka has summoned a lot of people by this point. The only people I'm sure are along for Babylon are Rin, Olga, and Mash, but I'm also considering bringing OG Medusa with them, if only because having her having to deal with her emo younger self and murderous older self amuses me.
"I hope she's as nice as Miss Quetz," Ritsuka said brightly as she skipped ahead.

There was a round of sweat drops from everyone. "I don't know if 'nice' is the word I would use," Rin muttered.

"She was so much fun!" Ritsuka said, either oblivious or simply ignoring her mother's annoyance. "And she promised to teach me how to do a proper suplex once we fixed the Singularity."

Rin once again took several deep breaths. "We'll discuss that later, sweetie," she said firmly.
Quetz is 181cm tall.
Considering Ritsuka is the child of two average Japanese citizens, that puts her maximum height to that of a regular Asian. Not to mention, Ritsuka is just an elementary schooler.

How was she able to suplex someone probably twice her height? :rofl:

"Hi Auntie Luvia!" Ritsuka said, waving at the goddess.

The goddess sharing the body of Luvia Edelfeldt laughed again. "Oh, I see. You must have been familiar with my host. But you seem to misunderstand. I am currently the one in control of this body. You may call me Hel, the great and powerful queen of the dead."

Seems like most of Ritsuka's adult female acquaintances are really ending up as Divine Servants.

Irisviel: Has the Goddess Core skill, technically classifies as an Earth Mother Goddess
Rin: Ishtar
Olgamarie: Ereshkigal
Sakura: Parvati, BB, all of the Composite High Servants/Alter-egos
Saber: Goddess of the Wild Hunt/Rhongomyniad
Luvia: see above

I suppose it's fine for this thread to become a snippet collection of "cutie Ritsuka's trip across the smoldering Human Order" instead of a strict story thread?
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Goetia philosophical talk isn't gonna work again kid simple logic

he may as well talk to a wall or a rubber duck
Quetz is 181cm tall.
Considering Ritsuka is the child of two average Japanese citizens, that puts her maximum height to that of a regular Asian. Not to mention, Ritsuka is just an elementary schooler.

How was she able to suplex someone probably twice her height? :rofl:

Seems like most of Ritsuka's adult female acquaintances are really ending up as Divine Servants.

Irisviel: Has the Goddess Core skill, technically classifies as an Earth Mother Goddess
Rin: Ishtar
Olgamarie: Ereshkigal
Sakura: Parvati, BB, all of the Composite High Servants/Alter-egos
Saber: Goddess of the Wild Hunt/Rhongomyniad
Luvia: see above

I suppose it's fine for this thread to become a snippet collection of "cutie Ritsuka's trip across the smoldering Human Order" instead of a strict story thread?
You maybe onto something there considering Taiga is Jaguarman and Irisvielviel is a pseudo divine spirit...

Caren as Mary Magdalene and Bazette as Lugh? Though that would make Cu's reunion super awkward. How do date your girlfriend possesses by you dad?
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Caren as Mary Magdalene and Bazette as Lugh? Though that would make Cu's reunion super awkward. How do date your girlfriend possesses by you dad?

I've recently decided that Aife is probably a better spirit to have in Bazett than anyone else. She was Scathach's sister and powerful enough to be her rival, but not nearly as well known, which could justify her needing a human vessel as a Pseudo-spirit. She was strong enough that Cu had to use trickery to beat her because he couldn't win in straight strength. She's also the mother of his eldest son (who Cu accidentally killed in a duel so that kinda sucks, but still), which I think Bazett would be totally down with.
I've recently decided that Aife is probably a better spirit to have in Bazett than anyone else. She was Scathach's sister and powerful enough to be her rival, but not nearly as well known, which could justify her needing a human vessel as a Pseudo-spirit. She was strong enough that Cu had to use trickery to beat her because he couldn't win in straight strength. She's also the mother of his eldest son (who Cu accidentally killed in a duel so that kinda sucks, but still), which I think Bazett would be totally down with.


I'm not sure if I should be feeling sorry for Cu or not...

I mean Scathach is already set to show up, and now her sister is going to as well so he'll end up stuck in the middle of their fight over him... On the other hand though, Scathach and Bazzette...
I've recently decided that Aife is probably a better spirit to have in Bazett than anyone else. She was Scathach's sister and powerful enough to be her rival, but not nearly as well known, which could justify her needing a human vessel as a Pseudo-spirit. She was strong enough that Cu had to use trickery to beat her because he couldn't win in straight strength. She's also the mother of his eldest son (who Cu accidentally killed in a duel so that kinda sucks, but still), which I think Bazett would be totally down with.
Why not Emer, Cu's actual wife who likes swinging? Pretty much an ideal candidate for demiservanting.
Luvia, praise be her magnificent Chest, fun personality and grand rivaly with Rin :D
but in a battle between several goddess-possessed Magi the winner will be the Master of all Heroic Spirits
The Shaman King! I mean Ritsuka-chan, the Servant Tamer.

what is Blackbeard's Luck-stat again? E?
or have his actions earn him the hate of all females in Chaldeas?
Omake - Tangled
Alice was extremely important to NR, she not gonna use any other form
I still don't like how GO threw out that whole 'Servants don't remember stuff from their previous summonings' rule, but whatever.

Random idea; what if Ritsuka summons Mordred Lily (with or without the Santa part)?

Anyway... its been a long while since I last tried to write something properly, but here's an attempt at an omake regardless;
Cu almost hadn't noticed it at first, still being a little bleary from his nap, when he'd caught the scent of flowers as he stepped out into the hallway from his room. He furrowed his eyebrows for a moment as he racked his brain for possible explanations before shrugging, figuring that he'd find out one way or another with the way things worked around here. He stretched his arms out one last time before setting out for Chaldea's kitchens - if was almost time for dinner according to the clock on his nightstand and if he was late a certain blond-haired glutton would eat all the good stuff.

The floral smell only grew stronger as he left the living facilities and approached the communal area, causing him to once again ponder the scent. Had the brat summoned a new, flower-themed Servant while he was asleep? He was still theorising about the cause of Chaldea's new scent when he opened the door to the 'living room' and was hit by it in full force. Almost flinching at suddenly having his nose subjected to what felt like a spring day out of nowhere, he quickly scanned the room for its source.

It wasn't exactly hard to find; six people sitting in the middle of the room and braiding each other's hair tends to be rather visible. Jeanne, looking pretty much the same as normal except with a ridiculous number of flowers stuck into her braid, was currently working on giving a blushing Medusa the same while his Master, her hair done up in pony-tails with a less ridiculous number of flowers stuck into them, was pestering an amused looking shishou (Scathach) about what flowers she wanted. Helena and Antoinette, their hairdos seemingly already done, were off to the side sorting through a pile of flowers that were being produced by a grumbling Andersen.

"Oh, Mr. Chulainn!" Ritsuka exclaimed when she noticed him, giving him a beaming smile that sent shivers down his spine. He was familiar enough with the girl by now to know that her smiling like that meant she wanted something.

"Hey there kid." he greeted, flashing her a smile in return despite his nervousness about her motives. "What's, uh... what's all of this?"

"We watched a movie called Tangled earlier! It was a most wonderful adaption of Rapunzel!" Marie chipped into the conversation, which Cu noticed made Andersen scowl even more than he had been previously.

"And they had a scene where Rapunzel's hair was braided with flowers." continued Ritsuka. "And it looked really pretty so we decided to try it."

"I see..." Cu muttered, nodding slightly to himself. "Well, as long as you're hav-"

"Would you like to join us, Mr. Chulainn?"

He felt a chip of ice somehow work its way into his aorta, making him freeze as he stared down at his Master who had 'innocently' asked him that question, large eyes staring up at him soulfully. He couldn't look away. If he did, he'd look over at shishou and he knew that the smirk she'd have on her face is the last thing he wants to see right now.

"I-I really couldn't..." he began, suddenly becoming hyper-aware of the ponytail he kept his hair in and silently cursing himself for it. "It looks nice an' all, but-"

Ritsuka did her best impression of a puppy dog, and Cu mentally cussed out however taught her that trick.


"Not. A. Word." he growled to EMIYA as he swept past him into the kitchen to grab some dinner, a single daisy falling away from the many others in his hair and landing on the floor.
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You know, I kind of expected EMIYA to get a bit of revenge on lancer Cu...every kid should have a dog, and Cu ending up stuck as the groups mascot in costume for a lot of the trip could be an amusing running gag.

He is called a hound after all, and getting a basset hound costume due to EMIYA still wanting a bit of vengeance for his first run in with lancer...
You know, I kind of expected EMIYA to get a bit of revenge on lancer Cu...every kid should have a dog, and Cu ending up stuck as the groups mascot in costume for a lot of the trip could be an amusing running gag.

He is called a hound after all, and getting a basset hound costume due to EMIYA still wanting a bit of vengeance for his first run in with lancer...
Considering how much stronger Cu is than EMIYA, especially since they both remember the Fifth War, the idea of EMIYA forcing Cu to duo something is hilarious. It's kinda funny how FGO made strong heroes seem weaker.
Less forcing and more of being "creative" in informing Ritsuka about certain things while acquiring the rest of the gear for it.
Don't you know? I the comedy genre, that kind of thing always backfires on the plotter! It's a staple.

Also, if the kid wants a dog, DNA samples and Casters result in a dog homunculus that could hold off a Servant.
I finally found a good fic to give me Type-III Diabetes!

Need more adorable Ritsuka and her dysfunctional family!