Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

Jack the Ripper, assassin

Nursery Rhyme aka Alice, caster
Those two are a given, because of the NA Christmas Event 2017.

Abigail Williams, foreigner

Paul Bunyan, berserker
Part of the group, definitely.

Helena Blavatsky, caster and archer (summer)

Shuten-Douji, assassin

Ibaraki-Douji, berserker
More like Aunty, in Helena's case, big sister for Shuten, and conscripted responsible older sister for Ibaraki

Illyasviel von Einzbern, caster

Chloe von Einzbern, archer
More like slightly older sisters
Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily, lancer

Medusa, lancer version
Part of the group

Haven't gotten to know her as much, but she feels like an older sister.

Tries to be an older sister, but is really part of the group.

Mary Read, rider and archer (summer). Comes with a bonus addition of Anne Bonny
Definitely a responsible big sister.


And lastly can't forget about Euryale, archer and Athena, assassin.
Older sisters.
point out something here

her name is Paul and she is in there, do you need glasses

as for Abi, i go off what i see on reddit and Abi tend to play by her self or with the French group for some weird reason, she doesn't get alot of drawing with the kiddie group
Sasaki will probably end up as the ultimate cool 'big bro' to Ritsuka.
Cu is the loudmouth awesome one, but Sasaki is the 'brooding' cool one.
Given that Sasaki pretty much fills the cool niisan archetype. I wouldn't be surprised if little Ritsuka get her first crush.

Sasaki loves teasing serious girls and Ritsuka is a very mature little girl

He is gonna troll her (in a kind hearted cute big bro-ish way)
Chapter 5
The first thing Ritsuka saw where the soldiers. The soldiers desperately tried to martial themselves into a defensive formation at edge of the village while shambling men in tattered armor rushed them in a wave of metal and putrefied flesh. Then another roar tore through the air and a shadow fell over the defenders as half a dozen massive shapes swooped overhead. "No way," she breathed, her voice somewhere between awe and fear.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Rin muttered, her bow materializing next to her.

"Dr… dragons?" The disbelief was obvious in Roman's voice. "They should have been extinct ages ago! The enemy must have summoned them somehow."

EMIYA clicked his tongue and materialized his bow instead of his swords. "This might not be the craziest thing I ever had to kill, but it's up there." A strange spiraling black arrow appeared in a flicker of blue light and he took aim at one of the dragons as it swooped down toward the village. "Hrunting!" The projectile tore through the air, perfectly tracking the dragon and tearing across its body, leaving a bloody gash. The beast roared in pain and broke off its attack to dive down toward the Chaldea team. "Really?" the Archer muttered as he took a few moments to prepare another arrow.

"Stop right there." Mash jumped forward, bringing her shield up and bracing herself as the dragon's claws crashed against her weapon. Her knees buckled momentarily under the impact then she gritted her teeth and pushed. "You won't get senpai!" She swung out, bashing the dragon with the shield and forcing it back. Three more flashes shot over her shoulders as Rin and EMIYA blasted the dragon again and again until it fell from the air and stopped moving.

"Those things are tougher than they look," EMIYA grumbled. "And they look tough enough already." Another scream pierced the air as the dragons swooped over the village, their claws ripping at both buildings and people and the gale force of their wings throwing anyone who got too close off their feet. One of the dragons pulled back its head and fire poured from its jaws, igniting the thatch roof of one of the houses. "Shit."

"Mama, papa, you have to work together to take them down!" Ritsuka interrupted. "Mash can keep you safe while you shoot them down."

"Add me to that list too," Cu said, his hands already glowing with runic magic. "If anyone knows how to deal with magic fire, it's me."

"Then that leaves the frontlines to me," Arturia said, drawing her sword with a flourish.

Ritsuka nodded firmly. "Try to keep as many people safe as you can."

Arturia nodded and patted her on the head. "Fear not. This is hardly my first time leading men into battle. And revenants are little threat to me."

"Stay out of the line of fire," Rin said firmly. "I mean it. Hide inside or stay glued to Mash."

Ritsuka did her best not to roll her eyes. "I know how to stay out of trouble."

EMIYA's lips twitched up into a smile. "Rin teaching someone to stay out of trouble…"

The raven-haired magus rounded on him and fixed a glare on the red Archer. "Not the time. We have dragons to kill." With that, Rin kicked off of the ground and soared into the air, Ishtar's power carrying her aloft as she took aim and fired a rain of golden darts that turned one of the wyverns into Swiss cheese. Just then, three more appeared over the horizon, swooping down toward their new pray.

"Yes, yes we do." EMIYA sighed as he prepared another monster slaying arrow and took aim at one of the beasts while Mash and Cu rushed to try to save the village before it was razed to the ground.


The sergeant knew when he was fighting a losing battle. France had been fighting losing battles for ages before the Saint had come along and rallied them. The things coming at them fought like men, but they weren't. They fought like men, and moved like men, but they didn't react to pain. They didn't rout when his men pushed them back. And they just kept coming. Even if they were clumsy and slow, eventually they were going to wear his small group down. Maybe they could hold on long enough for the civilians to at least make their escape. "Hold fast men!" he bellowed out over the melee. "We have to hold out until the villagers can evacuate!"

"Take heart, it's not yet your time." There was a flash of blue and then the entire row of warriors in front of him crumpled like paper. "These creatures seek only mindless destruction. They are no match for true warriors. Reform your defensive line and we will do more than hold them. We will send them back to their master in pieces."

The commander could do little more than nod dumbly as the armored woman knocked the creatures back single-handed. "Y… Yes ma'am!" He didn't think about disobeying, he simply acted. "Rally to the banner!" he roared. "Spears in front! Keep them at a distance!"

Arturia nodded once as the French soldiers rallied. Then she dove into the melee, seemingly unarmed, but moving so quickly that his eyes could barely follow her. Then he saw the way the air seemed to shimmer in her hands and he realized that she wasn't so unarmed after all. Her invisible blade cut through armor like it wasn't even there, sending body after body to the ground. "Begone!" she roared, pointing her blade ahead of her. "Strike Air!" The air in front of her exploded, sending a spiraling wave of wind through her enemies and clearing the area for the French soldiers to surge forward again and press the undead back.

The sergeant couldn't help stopping and staring at the blade now revealed in her hand. It shimmered with golden light and just looking at it seemed to raise his spirits in a way he hadn't felt since the execution. "Who… who are you?"

The knight in blue half turned away from the battle as the French soldiers held the line. "I am Arturia Pendragon, the King of Knights. And I am your ally for as long as your people have need of me." Then she turned back to the fighting and tore into the monsters yet again. The sergeant swallowed heavily as he considered just what that sword might be.

"Dragon! Dragon coming in!" He snapped back to reality as he looked up to see one of the winged beasts diving straight for him, claws outstretched and jaws wide and slavering. He stumbled back, losing his footing as he desperately tried to avoid the monster. He screwed his eyes shut, waiting for the biting pain of the blade-like claws in his flesh. But it never came.

"Away monster!" A golden flash nearly blinded him and the dragon recoiled, its claws raking uselessly against the figure in front of him. "There will be no more death here today." For a moment, he thought that Arturia had stepped in to save him, but then he realized that the figure was dressed in a blue so deep it was almost black and carrying a shockingly familiar banner. "Are you well sergeant? The battle isn't won yet?" Her hand reached down to help him to his feet. His mouth dropped open as he recognized the eyes of a dead woman.

"Yes," he answered on impulse. It was impossible. The Saint was gone. All that was left was the mocking shadow of a witch. "You're dead."

The woman smiled, but it seemed sad more than anything else. "I'm afraid I am. But my duty to France is not yet done." The officer's mind recoiled from that as he looked past her to Arturia and the implications hit him. "Please stay down. It's coming around for another pass."

The dragon roared and dived down for the pair again. Only for its head to go flying as Arturia's golden blade slashed through its exposed neck. For a moment, the two women just stopped and stared at each other. "Well, this is odd," the saint said.

"This explains so much," Arturia muttered. "We must speak after the battle."

"Agreed," Jeanne said, spinning her standard. "But first these things need to go."


Considering they were fighting a horde of god damned dragons, Rin thought things were going pretty well. She floated in her vantage point above the battle bracing her massive bow to fire again. It was oddly liberating to be able to fly and see everything from above. Not that she'd ever admit that out loud of course. EMIYA's arrows seemed effective enough at keeping the beasts back, but it took several shots to injure one enough to take it out of the fight. At least Cu and Mash were keeping up. She saw the brilliant green flash as Mash deployed her barrier and absorbed a burst of dragon fire.


Rin's arm jerked as her daughter's panicked cry rang in her head, sending her next shot very wide. "Ritsuka, what's wrong?"

"There are more dragons coming toward the barn."

Rin spun around to see two more wyverns diving through the air towards the building. She cursed and raised her hand, focusing her mana into the bow and firing a massive arrow of blue light. It clipped the first dragon, causing it to dip toward the ground, but failing to knock it from the sky. "Are you kidding me?"

"It's hard to aim with your mind if you're panicking," Ishtar's voice whispered in the back of her head. "Focus!"

Rin scowled. "I don't need to hear that from you!" She focused on the telepathic link. "Ritsuka! Get away from there now!"

"I'm okay Mama. I have an idea!"

Rin felt dread settle into her chest. She knew that tone. It was the tone that Shirou used when he was about to do something stupid. Apparently it was hereditary. She dived for the building, raining weaker shots down on the dragons to slow their approach. But before she could reach the building, she felt a massive surge of magic and saw light blasting out of the cracked door of the barn. "Oh great…" She just hoped her daughter didn't end up summoning some out of control Berserker who ended up causing more harm than good.

As if the universe was taunting her, the front doors of the building were smashed open in one quick movement and two figures shot out, moving so fast they were almost a blur, even to her eyes. "I haven't hunted dragons in ages." The first dragon stopped dead as a blood red spear went through its mouth and up into its head, instantly ending its life. "They're still ugly though."

"If these are Western dragons, I believe I'll stick to my own culture." There was a flash as a brilliant, long-bladed katana sliced through the air and separated the other beast's wing from its back. The dragon roared in pain as it tumbled from the sky, leaving a long furrow in the ground before it stopped moving. "These seem to be little more than animals."

The blue Lancer grinned as he braced his spear across his shoulders. "Maybe, but they put up a hell of a fight. I think the only thing worse might be chimeras. Those suck."

The purple clad samurai just huffed and flicked the blood off of his blade. "If it flies, I can cut it from the sky. That's all there is to it."

"You know, I'm kind of regretting that we never got to face off now. You're a cocky son of a bitch, but I'd spar with someone who can cut a dragon down any day."

Rin groaned and glanced back at the battle. The dragon swarm seemed to have finally broken and Arturia was clearing the last of the foot soldiers with a squad of very eager Frenchmen. Leaving the others to clean up, she descended toward the ground. "It's you. Again."

Cu Chulainn looked up and grinned. "Wow. You know, you might be the last person I expected to see here." Then he stopped for a second. "Or second to last. Maybe third. It depends. So, how's it going with the kid? He still holding up?"

Rin's cheeks rapidly went through several shades of red. "That is none of your business. But we're married, if you must know."

Cu shrugged. "I'm not surprised in the slightest. He was head over heels for you." Then his eyes widened slightly and he turned to look at the red-head now poking her head out from around the corner of the shattered door. "Wait is she…" A giant grin spread across the spearman's face.

"Mama! I summoned Uncle Cu again," Ritsuka called out. "And a samurai!"

"Assassin class, Sasaki Kojiro," he said helpfully. "But I think you already knew that."

Rin sighed. "Yes, I remember you alright. I still don't know how you're not a Saber."

The Assassin gave a half-hearted chuckle. "I'm perfectly content as I am. I am little more than a sword for my Master's use after all."

Ritsuka looked at him with wide eyes. "You're so cool," she said. "I thought Assassins were supposed to be sneaky, but that was amazing!"

Sasaki's chuckle was warmer the second time. "I'll do my best to continue to live up to your expectations Master."

"Senpai!" The whole group turned to see the rest of their team hurrying toward them. Mash rushed over to Ritsuka, quickly looking over the younger girl for injuries. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry. I should have stayed with you."

"It's okay," Ritsuka said brightly. "Those other people needed your help too. And Uncle Cu showed up to help me anyway."

Everyone turned to see the two Cus looking at each other. "Me with a spear," the Caster said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Some guys get all the luck."

"Me without a spear," the Lancer said, sounding more baffled than anything else. "How the heck did that happen?"

"Druids and rune magic," the Caster said with a sigh.

Lancer Cu winced. "Ouch. I do not envy you. Though I guess Master drilling all those runes into our heads was good for something."

"Now there are two of them," EMIYA muttered. "I'm being punished for something."

Ritsuka frowned. "There are two of Mama Saber now too."

Everyone fell silent and turned toward the two blondes. "Greetings," the newcomer said. "I'm Jeanne d'Arc. I think we need to talk."
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The first thing Ritsuka saw where the soldiers. The soldiers desperately tried to martial themselves into a defensive formation at edge of the village while shambling men in tattered armor rushed them in a wave of metal and putrefied flesh. Then another roar tore through the air and a shadow fell over the defenders as half a dozen massive shapes swooped overhead. "No way," she breathed, her voice somewhere between awe and fear.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Rin muttered, her bow materializing next to her.

"Dr… dragons?" The disbelief was obvious in Roman's voice. "They should have been instinct ages ago! The enemy must have summoned them somehow."

EMIYA clicked his tongue and materialized his bow instead of his swords. "This might not be the craziest thing I ever had to kill, but it's up there." A strange spiraling black arrow appeared in a flicker of blue light and he took aim at one of the dragons as it swooped down toward the village. "Hrunting!" The projectile tore through the air, perfectly tracking the dragon and tearing across its body, leaving a bloody gash. The beast roared in pain and broke off its attack to dive down toward the Chaldea team. "Really?" the Archer muttered as he took a few moments to prepare another arrow.

"Stop right there." Mash jumped forward, bringing her shield up and bracing herself as the dragon's claws crashed against her weapon. Her knees buckled momentarily under the impact then she gritted her teeth and pushed. "You won't get senpai!" She swung out, bashing the dragon with the shield and forcing it back. Three more flashes shot over her shoulders as Rin and EMIYA blasted the dragon again and again until it fell from the air and stopped moving.

"Those things are tougher than they look," EMIYA grumbled. "And they look tough enough already." Another scream pierced the air as the dragons swooped over the village, their claws ripping at both buildings and people and the gale force of their wings throwing anyone who got too close off their feet. One of the dragons pulled back its head and fire poured from its jaws, igniting the thatch roof of one of the houses. "Shit."

"Mama, papa, you have to work together to take them down!" Ritsuka interrupted. "Mash can keep you safe while you shoot them down."

"Add me to that list too," Cu said, his hands already glowing with runic magic. "If anyone knows how to deal with magic fire, it's me."

"Then that leaves the frontlines to me," Arturia said, drawing her sword with a flourish.

Ritsuka nodded firmly. "Try to keep as many people safe as you can."

Arturia nodded and patted her on the head. "Fear not. This is hardly my first time leading men into battle. And revenants are little threat to me."

"Stay out of the line of fire," Rin said firmly. "I mean it. Hide inside or stay glued to Mash."

Ritsuka did her best not to roll her eyes. "I know how to stay out of trouble."

EMIYA's lips twitched up into a smile. "Rin teaching someone to stay out of trouble…"

The raven-haired magus rounded on him and fixed a glare on the red Archer. "Not the time. We have dragons to kill." With that, Rin kicked off of the ground and soared into the air, Ishtar's power carrying her aloft as she took aim and fired a rain of golden darts that turned one of the wyverns into Swiss cheese. Just then, three more appeared over the horizon, swooping down toward their new pray.

"Yes, yes we do." EMIYA sighed as he prepared another monster slaying arrow and took aim at one of the beasts while Mash and Cu rushed to try to save the village before it was razed to the ground.


The sergeant knew when he was fighting a losing battle. France had been fighting losing battles for ages before the Saint had come along and rallied them. The things coming at them fought like men, but they weren't. They fought like men, and moved like men, but they didn't react to pain. They didn't route when his men pushed them back. And they just kept coming. Even if they were clumsy and slow, eventually they were going to wear his small group down. Maybe they could hold on long enough for the civilians to at least make their escape. "Hold fast men!" he bellowed out over the melee. "We have to hold out until the villagers can evacuate!"

"Take heart, it's not yet your time." There was a flash of blue and then the entire row of warriors in front of him crumpled like paper. "These creatures seek only mindless destruction. They are no match for true warriors. Reform your defensive line and we will do more than hold them. We will send them back to their master in pieces."

The commander could do little more than nod dumbly as the armored woman knocked the creatures back single-handed. "Y… Yes ma'am!" He didn't think about disobeying, he simply acted. "Rally to the banner!" he roared. "Spears in front! Keep them at a distance!"

Arturia nodded once as the French soldiers rallied. Then she dove into the melee, seemingly unarmed, but moving so quickly that his eyes could barely follow her. Then he saw the way the air seemed to shimmer in her hands and he realized that she wasn't so unarmed after all. Her invisible blade cut through armor like it wasn't even there, sending body after body to the ground. "Begone!" she roared, pointing her blade ahead of her. "Strike Air!" The air in front of her exploded, sending a spiraling wave of wind through her enemies and clearing the area for the French soldiers to surge forward again and press the undead back.

The sergeant couldn't help stopping and staring at the blade now revealed in her hand. It shimmered with golden light and just looking at it seemed to raise his spirits in a way he hadn't felt since the execution. "Who… who are you?"

The knight in blue half turned away from the battle as the French soldiers held the line. "I am Arturia Pendragon, the King of Knights. And I am your ally for as long as your people have need of me." Then she turned back to the fighting and tore into the monsters yet again. The sergeant swallowed heavily as he considered just what that sword might be.

"Dragon! Dragon coming in!" He snapped back to reality as he looked up to see one of the winged beasts diving straight for him, claws outstretched and jaws wide and slavering. He stumbled back, losing his footing as he desperately tried to avoid the monster. He screwed his eyes shut, waiting for the biting pain of the blade-like claws in his flesh. But it never came.

"Away monster!" A golden flash nearly blinded him and the dragon recoiled, its claws raking uselessly against the figure in front of him. "There will be no more death here today." For a moment, he thought that Arturia had stepped in to save him, but then he realized that the figure was dressed in a blue so deep it was almost black and carrying a shockingly familiar banner. "Are you well sergeant? The battle isn't won yet?" Her hand reached down to help him to his feet. His mouth dropped open as he recognized the eyes of a dead woman.

"Yes," he answered on impulse. It was impossible. The Saint was gone. All that was left was the mocking shadow of a witch. "You're dead."

The woman smiled, but it seemed sad more than anything else. "I'm afraid I am. But my duty to France is not yet done." The officer's mind recoiled from that as he looked past her to Arturia and the implications hit him. "Please stay down. It's coming around for another pass."

The dragon roared and dived down for the pair again. Only for its head to go flying as Arturia's golden blade slashed through its exposed neck. For a moment, the two women just stopped and stared at each other. "Well, this is odd," the saint said.

"This explains so much," Arturia muttered. "We must speak after the battle."

"Agreed," Jeanne said, spinning her standard. "But first these things need to go."


Considering they were fighting a horde of Root damned dragons, Rin thought things were going pretty well. She floated in her vantage point above the battle bracing her massive bow to fire again. It was oddly liberating to be able to fly and see everything from above. Not that she'd ever admit that out loud of course. EMIYA's arrows seemed effective enough at keeping the beasts back, but it took several shots to injure one enough to take it out of the fight. At least Cu and Mash were keeping up. She saw the brilliant green flash as Mash deployed her barrier and absorbed a burst of dragon fire.


Rin's arm jerked as her daughter's panicked cry rang in her head, sending her next shot very wide. "Ritsuka, what's wrong?"

"There are more dragons coming toward the barn."

Rin spun around to see two more wyverns diving through the air towards the building. She cursed and raised her hand, focusing her mana into the bow and firing a massive arrow of blue light. It clipped the first dragon, causing it to dip toward the ground, but failing to knock it from the sky. "Are you kidding me?"

"It's hard to aim with your mind if you're panicking," Ishtar's voice whispered in the back of her head. "Focus!"

Rin scowled. "I don't need to hear that from you!" She focused on the telepathic link. "Ritsuka! Get away from there now!"

"I'm okay Mama. I have an idea!"

Rin felt dread settle into her chest. She knew that tone. It was the tone that Shirou used when he was about to do something stupid. Apparently it was hereditary. She dived for the building, raining weaker shots down on the dragons to slow their approach. But before she could reach the building, she felt a massive surge of magic and saw light blasting out of the cracked door of the barn. "Oh great…" She just hoped her daughter didn't end up summoning some out of control Berserker who ended up causing more harm than good.

As if the universe was taunting her, the front doors of the building were smashed open in one quick movement and two figures shot out, moving so fast they were almost a blur, even to her eyes. "I haven't hunted dragons in ages." The first dragon stopped dead as a blood red spear went through its mouth and up into its head, instantly ending its life. "They're still ugly though."

"If these are Western dragons, I believe I'll stick to my own culture." There was a flash as a brilliant, long-bladed katana sliced through the air and separated the other beast's wing from its back. The dragon roared in pain as it tumbled from the sky, leaving a long furrow in the ground before it stopped moving. "These seem to be little more than animals."

The blue Lancer grinned as he braced his spear across his shoulders. "Maybe, but they put up a hell of a fight. I think the only thing worse might be chimeras. Those suck."

The purple clad samurai just huffed and flicked the blood off of his blade. "If it flies, I can cut it from the sky. That's all there is to it."

"You know, I'm kind of regretting that we never got to face off now. You're a cocky son of a bitch, but I'd spar with someone who can cut a dragon down any day."

Rin groaned and glanced back at the battle. The dragon swarm seemed to have finally broken and Arturia was clearing the last of the foot soldiers with a squad of very eager Frenchmen. Leaving the others to clean up, she descended toward the ground. "It's you. Again."

Cu Chulainn looked up and grinned. "Wow. You know, you might be the last person I expected to see here." Then he stopped for a second. "Or second to last. Maybe third. It depends. So, how's it going with the kid? He still holding up?"

Rin's cheeks rapidly went through several shades of red. "That is none of your business. But we're married, if you must know."

Cu shrugged. "I'm not surprised in the slightest. He was head over heels for you." Then his eyes widened slightly and he turned to look at the red-head now poking her head out from around the corner of the shattered door. "Wait is she…" A giant grin spread across the spearman's face.

"Mama! I summoned Uncle Cu again," Ritsuka called out. "And a samurai!"

"Assassin class, Sasaki Kojiro," he said helpfully. "But I think you already knew that."

Rin sighed. "Yes, I remember you alright. I still don't know how you're not a Saber."

The Assassin gave a half-hearted chuckle. "I'm perfectly content as I am. I am little more than a sword for my Master's use after all."

Ritsuka looked at him with wide eyes. "You're so cool," she said. "I thought Assassins were supposed to be sneaky, but that was amazing!"

Sasaki's chuckle was warmer the second time. "I'll do my best to continue to live up to your expectations Master."

"Senpai!" The whole group turned to see the rest of their team hurrying toward them. Mash rushed over to Ritsuka, quickly looking over the younger girl for injuries. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry. I should have stayed with you."

"It's okay," Ritsuka said brightly. "Those other people needed your help too. And Uncle Cu showed up to help me anyway."

Everyone turned to see the two Cus looking at each other. "Me with a spear," the Caster said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "Some guys get all the luck."

"Me without a spear," the Lancer said, sounding more baffled than anything else. "How the heck did that happen?"

"Druids and rune magic," the Caster said with a sigh.

Lancer Cu winced. "Ouch. I do not envy you. Though I guess Master drilling all those runes into our heads was good for something."

"Now there are two of them," EMIYA muttered. "I'm being punished for something."

Ritsuka frowned. "There are two of Mama Saber now too."

Everyone fell silent and turned toward the two blondes. "Greetings," the newcomer said. "I'm Jeanne d'Arc. I think we need to talk."
The cloning is real.

Just wait till Jalter event.
Minor nitpick:
"Dr… dragons?" The disbelief was obvious in Roman's voice. "They should have been instinct ages ago! The enemy must have summoned them somehow."
That should be "extinct".

A strange spiraling black arrow appeared in a flicker of blue light and he took aim at one of the dragons as it swooped down toward the village. "Hrunting!" The projectile tore through the air, perfectly tracking the dragon and tearing across its body, leaving a bloody gash. The beast roared in pain and broke off its attack to dive down toward the Chaldea team. "Really?" the Archer muttered as he took a few moments to prepare another arrow.
Good call from EMIYA, since even if Hrunting isn't the strongest ammo he has in his arsenal, it's the most accurate one.

"Take heart, it's not yet your time." There was a flash of blue and then the entire row of warriors in front of him crumpled like paper. "These creatures seek only mindless destruction. They are no match for true warriors. Reform your defensive line and we will do more than hold them. We will send them back to their master in pieces."

The commander could do little more than nod dumbly as the armored woman knocked the creatures back single-handed. "Y… Yes ma'am!" He didn't think about disobeying, he simply acted. "Rally to the banner!" he roared. "Spears in front! Keep them at a distance!"
Charisma: Rank B for the win.
Arturia had enough of it to raise morale among peerless knights and entire armies, so it would be a piece of cake to rouse courage from a few militiamen.

"This explains so much," Arturia muttered. "We must speak after the battle."

"Agreed," Jeanne said, spinning her standard. "But first these things need to go."
Hoooh boy, Arturia's in for a... bizarre adventure as the Grand Order goes along.
There's already Nero in the next singularity even.
Oh, there's more than just two...
Grand total of Saber-face(s) is what, let's see:

Artoria+Alter+Lily, LAlter+Lancer, MHX+Alter+UHZ, Jeanne+JAlter+JAlLily, Mordred, Nero, Okita, Prototype!Merlin (maybe)...

And this doesn't include the alternate costume variants. Yeah, yeah, modified Saint Graph(s) == unique Servants.

Not gonna bother going through all of those... so, 14-15 going by the above constraints, but without? 21 or so?
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Yeah, yeah, modified Saint Graph(s) == unique Servants.
It like photocopying and then editing the copy into a new version before re-recording it

Shisou mod herself, we copy the Saint Graph, she turn back, we use the copy Saint Graph to re-summon the mod version

that why they are unique
the saberlist keeps growing, there's akuma/devil saber and such now as well.

I won't be surprised if lion saber becomes a actual unit at some point, though if that happens she should have hyper crits vs lancers.