Little Ritsuka and her Loving Family (Fate/Grand Order)

On a side note I sort of imagine that when she did Babylonia that at the end Little Ritsuka spent a little more time talking to Tiamat, probably something innocent and childlike where she expresses how much she loves her mother and that even when she grows up and moves away from home that she'd always love her mother no matter what, then give Tiamat a hug.
Your kidding right? I'm also going through LB1 right now and my thoughts on the Crypters have basically been "Egotistical, whiny, traitorous pieces of shit who need to die"

Part of the problem with FGO's format is that different people write different chapters. It feels like whoever wrote LB1 has a very different idea of who and what the Crypters are supposed to be than whoever wrote LB5.
Your kidding right? I'm also going through LB1 right now and my thoughts on the Crypters have basically been "Egotistical, whiny, traitorous pieces of shit who need to die"

Kadoc is the whiny shit out of them all that treats Guda like that because of his own inferiority complex. The rest of the Crypters don't care at all about them taking away their accomplishments in dealing with the Incineration of Mankind.
Part of the problem with FGO's format is that different people write different chapters. It feels like whoever wrote LB1 has a very different idea of who and what the Crypters are supposed to be than whoever wrote LB5.
Ophelia at least gets it rather quickly. Of course she realized her Lost Belt was a piece of crap that needed pruning, but it counts. Yu... I'm one hundred percent certain she avoids conflict as a Heroic Spirit now that she has the knowledge of the shit that went down. Kadoc saves everyone though it might have been Stockholm Syndrome and self-interested. Kirsch... is the meta player with Crap Bond Stats, basically the Fanon Ritsuka.
Ironically, it's Nasu-confirmed that yes, if Kadoc picked up Anastasia LB, he could clear part 1.

And Wodime, even more amusingly, has cleared them seven times in a row. Alien God be bullshit, and Wodime be double bullshit.

So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus.
I mean, it was the Alien God putting him through simulations of the Singularities rather than actually doing them...and I'm skeptical as to how accurate it was. The Alien God, after all, isn't actually his ally.
Plus, I remember reading somewhere that the simulations didn't include the irregularities. So everything involving Solomon, Rhongomyniad, and Tiamat (in other words, every single major difficulty spike) didn't happen for Kirsch's adventures with the Crypters. And all the Crypters except Daybit and Kirsch bit it partway through the simulations anyway.

Kirsch apparently still respects Ritsuka for completing it...but Ritsuka completed it on Hard Mode.
Source on the "No irregularities" thing? Because I know that he at least failed hard at London due to Solomon, inferred via his "Burning of Londinium" debuff in his boss fight. Which, logically, would be Solomon.
I mean, it was the Alien God putting him through simulations of the Singularities rather than actually doing them...and I'm skeptical as to how accurate it was. The Alien God, after all, isn't actually his ally.
Plus, I remember reading somewhere that the simulations didn't include the irregularities. So everything involving Solomon, Rhongomyniad, and Tiamat (in other words, every single major difficulty spike) didn't happen for Kirsch's adventures with the Crypters. And all the Crypters except Daybit and Kirsch bit it partway through the simulations anyway.

Kirsch apparently still respects Ritsuka for completing it...but Ritsuka completed it on Hard Mode.
On top of that, canon!Ritsuka isn't even a magus, meaning he didn't have even a fraction of the tools or tricks that any of Team A would have had.
Officially, as in Word of Nasu here, Wodime and Void would have made it through Part 1 and successfully reversed the Incineration. They'd even have made it through EoR. But neither of them would have made it through the Lostbelts, and none of the others would have been able to stop Goetia, or even make it past London. Kadoc could possibly have beaten Goetia, but only with the impossibility of having the Lostbelt version of Anastasia as his starter Servant.
Source on the "No irregularities" thing? Because I know that he at least failed hard at London due to Solomon, inferred via his "Burning of Londinium" debuff in his boss fight. Which, logically, would be Solomon.
I'm still searching for the original source, but I distinctly remember that Kirschtaria didn't face "Camelot", he faced "Jerusalem". Rhongomyniad and Tiamat were both events that ocurred independently of the emplacing of the Grails. And it's noted that we arrived to both those Singularities "late", which allowed those changes to occur. I'm also skeptical of the Alien God's ability to simulate Solomon, considering Goetia's nature as a different Beast, the Temple of Time's atemporal existence, and the fact that the Time Temple isn't brought up in the material covering what Kirschtaria had to run through.

At a certain point the Alien God's ability to simulate the different Singularities has to break from what happened, considering it would involve simulating two other Beasts (not including Fou).
I also can't find any material on whether or not Kirsch faced the Epic of Remnant or SE.RA.PH, which would include another partial Beast and interaction with the Outer Gods.

Yeah, not a fan of one sided speeches like those. Pretty eye rolling.
Hey, sometimes you gotta call a whiny asshole out on his behavior. His motivation for working with the Alien God and assisting in the destruction of Pan Human History is to prove that he can do something we can't. It's just so childish.
Great snippet!
I personally would have liked to see a little bit more of a "That's my daughter" vibe, but that's just me.
Hey, sometimes you gotta call a whiny asshole out on his behavior. His motivation for working with the Alien God and assisting in the destruction of Pan Human History is to prove that he can do something we can't. It's just so childish.
He was a dead man who chose to take a second chance at life without any explanation for why it was being offered, and then got shoved into the Lostbelt situation after shit was already finished. It's not like he personally pulled the trigger on the planet or anything.
Hey, sometimes you gotta call a whiny asshole out on his behavior.
It comes off as forced and author driven, not a real argument. In a real argument, people don't just take it and fume silently.

That it comes from Archer "I will try to kill my old self to escape a contract I foolishly entered even though I know it won't work to vent" EMIYA is all the more unconvincing.
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He was a dead man who chose to take a second chance at life without any explanation for why it was being offered, and then got shoved into the Lostbelt situation after shit was already finished. It's not like he personally pulled the trigger on the planet or anything.
At no point in LB1 does Kadoc ever seem to not be on board with it, and he continually tries to throw shade at Chaldea's Master, along the lines of "I could've done better". I get that it would've happened with or without him, and that the Crypters get developed better later on, but my first impression of him was "envious, whiny, sore loser".
It comes off as forced and author driven, not a real argument. In a real argument, people don't just take it and fume silently.
He did try to interrupt. Also, this is Type-Moon. Monologues are these characters' bread and butter. If you're gonna complain about realism...maybe look for it in places where you don't beat up genderbent mythological heroes to fix the course of history?:lol:
Ironically, it's Nasu-confirmed that yes, if Kadoc picked up Anastasia LB, he could clear part 1.

And Wodime, even more amusingly, has cleared them seven times in a row. Alien God be bullshit, and Wodime be double bullshit.

So EMIYA might just chew on his words after Olympus.
Wodime also has damaged circuits caused by his father's attempted Assassination of him. Yeah, his father was a piece of crap.

Wodime also didn't deal with The Lion King or Tiamat, and went through the Singularities with AI versions of Team A.
At no point in LB1 does Kadoc ever seem to not be on board with it, and he continually tries to throw shade at Chaldea's Master, along the lines of "I could've done better". I get that it would've happened with or without him, and that the Crypters get developed better later on, but my first impression of him was "envious, whiny, sore loser".
Because at that point he's been dead for a year and revived for an unspecified amount of time that's a little longer than three months, and he has absolutely no choice but to go hard on it because the other choice is to...well, give up and die?

LB1 fucking hammers it into you that there's nothing wrong with fighting for your own survival, and it also makes it clear enough that while a significant portion of it is Kadoc being jealous, he's also forcing himself to look down on Guda and not quite managing it as well as he should be, and that he's more devoted to Anastasia and making it work for her than he is doing it for himself.
He did try to interrupt. Also, this is Type-Moon. Monologues are these characters' bread and butter. If you're gonna complain about realism...maybe look for it in places where you don't beat up genderbent mythological heroes to fix the course of history?:lol:
Usually monologues are internal narration stuff, or, you know, arguments with back and forth, like with Shirou vs. Emiya or Shirou vs. Kirei.

Boiling down my complaint to "realism" is missing the point, and that it is fantasy with genderbending has nothing to do with it. It's about verisimilitude. "Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities" as Aristotle said: I (or any audience for that matter) can accept any kind of fantastic premise, as long as the events happen logically and the characters act believably.

This isn't believable. This reads as the author inserting their hand up a character's ass so their mouths move and say what they want, instead of something happening organically.

And if we are using "this is Type-Moon" as a defense to fall back on, Type-Moon works are works where first impressions are usually wrong and characters have more depth than when they first appear. So according to that logic, Kadoc should be treated with more clemency :V
Usually monologues are internal narration stuff, or, you know, arguments with back and forth, like with Shirou vs. Emiya or Shirou vs. Kirei.

Boiling down my complaint to "realism" is missing the point, and that it is fantasy with genderbending has nothing to do with it. It's about verisimilitude. "Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities" as Aristotle said: I (or any audience for that matter) can accept any kind of fantastic premise, as long as the events happen logically and the characters act believably.

This isn't believable. This reads as the author inserting their hand up a character's ass so their mouths move and say what they want, instead of something happening organically.

And if we are using "this is Type-Moon" as a defense to fall back on, Type-Moon works are works where first impressions are usually wrong and characters have more depth than when they first appear. So according to that logic, Kadoc should be treated with more clemency :V

I explicitly said this is venting because I think Kadoc was terribly written and came off like a little bitch? I don't know what you were expecting?
I explicitly said this is venting because I think Kadoc was terribly written and came off like a little bitch? I don't know what you were expecting?
Kadoc is intended to come off as whiny but understandably so, it digs deep into why he is the way he is, how he copes with his inferiority complex and then refocuses onto his relationship with Anastasia and how it drives him. I don't know if you've done Lostbelt 2 yet but, well, spoiler alert.

The Sirius Light Command Spell invariably kills the user despite its great power, and Kadoc was fully prepared to use it and sacrifice his own life if it meant his and Anastasia's shared dream coming true, even though it would mean he was a failure whose only contribution to it was having a magic reset button given to him. Also, Anastasia cared so much about Kadoc that she unhesitatingly took a bullet for him despite the trauma of her own death that we see multiple times during the chapter, because she cares so much about him and he cares so much for her.

Whiny, sure, but you're letting first impressions cloud your judgement. Kadoc isn't badly written in the slightest.
Kadoc is intended to come off as whiny but understandably so, it digs deep into why he is the way he is, how he copes with his inferiority complex and then refocuses onto his relationship with Anastasia and how it drives him. I don't know if you've done Lostbelt 2 yet but, well, spoiler alert.

The Sirius Light Command Spell invariably kills the user despite its great power, and Kadoc was fully prepared to use it and sacrifice his own life if it meant his and Anastasia's shared dream coming true, even though it would mean he was a failure whose only contribution to it was having a magic reset button given to him. Also, Anastasia cared so much about Kadoc that she unhesitatingly took a bullet for him despite the trauma of her own death that we see multiple times during the chapter, because she cares so much about him and he cares so much for her.

Whiny, sure, but you're letting first impressions cloud your judgement. Kadoc isn't badly written in the slightest.

I reiterate my earlier point. LB1 and LB2 were written by different people. Unless LB2 was finished and that was already known when LB1 was being written, then all that means is that LB2's writer retconned in an excuse to make Kadoc more sympathetic.

If you have to have someone else retcon in your sympathy later, you fucked up somewhere.
I reiterate my earlier point. LB1 and LB2 were written by different people. Unless LB2 was finished and that was already known when LB1 was being written, then all that means is that LB2's writer retconned in an excuse to make Kadoc more sympathetic.

If you have to have someone else retcon in your sympathy later, you fucked up somewhere.
Dude, all the Lostbelts were plotted out, if not written entirely before they've been released. They have bits and pieces of foreshadowing going on in them that calls forward to stuff happening years later, in some cases. This isn't a case of a different writer retconning in something to make Kadoc more sympathetic after the fact, it's the writer choosing not to dump literally every aspect of the Crypters in your face the moment they show up, because teasing out their character is better and more believable.

Like, c'mon man. Do you seriously think there's so little planning and organization going on behind the scenes that all the different writers have zero communication with what they do and desperately attempt to retcon their stories the moment they get the chance?
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Dude, all the Lostbelts were plotted out, if not written entirely before they've been released. They have bits and pieces of foreshadowing going on in them that calls forward to stuff happening years later, in some cases. This isn't a case of a different writer retconning in something to make Kadoc more sympathetic after the fact, it's the writer choosing not to dump literally every aspect of the Crypters in your face the moment they show up, because teasing out their character is better and more believable.

Like, c'mon man. Do you seriously think there's so little planning and organization going on behind the scenes that all the different writers have zero communication with what they do and desperately attempt to retcon their stories the moment they get the chance?

Considering that I still hate how Wodime was written? I would not be terribly surprised.