Return of the Jedi Finale:
-[X]The Final Fight: Emotional, raw, and utterly cathartic. That was what George wanted it to make for his final battle in his trilogy. Steve was unsure how to do it. You were less so. But you had to try. DC: ???/??? Rolled:
D100 + 50 => 150
You almost made the thing that was… well you didn't have the words.
The Physical battle was there, it was the crux the thing on screen that was so hard to distill.
Yet when it came to the emotional, dare you say the spiritual battle of the Soul of Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, it was close to something that you wanted to make biblical.
Steve agreed, taking so long to make many of the conversations between David, Ian, and Mark to have double, even triple layers to what they wanted. And then there was the simple change in the wardrobe and costuming. The black outfit Mark was going to wear was white on the inside, showing that not only was Luke nearing the darkness, but never turning away from the light and his own core values.
You thought of a very clever thing to add the damage to Vader's cape throughout the battle as the Emperor laughs on, showing the hold that the dark side had on Vader was slowly being broken as he battled his son, and his consciousness and love for his son finally being unleashed as that hold was broken.
And the Emperor, you, and Steve made him almost operatic levels of evil and candid and manipulative, playing powerful master, manipulator and warlord at the same time with ease. Ian was just eating and playing every role and style that you needed him with grace and pure class, it was amazing and great.
And with the action, Mark was nowhere near the master Swordsman Peter was, but this time, you actually had to step into the suit for a brief moment when David got sick and Peter was injured helping out with another stunt that almost went wrong.
It was humorous to think that in the final moments of the fight, you were the one in the suit.
But it allowed you to be on a more even level, and it allowed Mark to have a triumph that didn't sacrifice his own skills.
It was a triumph on the physical… than the spiritual, and emotional.
Luke begs his father for help, while Palpatine blasts him with lightning, and Vader sits and watches, thinking and making his final, and ultimately fatal choice.
You think it was a good fight though, maybe not your best, but hey, that was that.
Reward: The Fight will go down in history, maybe… you don't know.
Steve loses two stresses.
Unknown effect on final production rolls.
-[x]A Space Battle Epic: So the space battle first edit was made… and oh boy was it… Well damn, was that a shot that was CG? How did they do that? DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 33
George wasn't trying but he also was starting to get back into his old ways of trusting people.
Steve for his part, was just trying to understand what exactly was going on and it hurt him to be asked to trust George and ILM.
Yet, Steve met them, and he agreed with it, despite you not getting a chance to.
Failure: You should have learned how they did that. But one of the things that you did notice was, that Steve was incredibly happy.
-[X]Billy is Being… Billy: That man is so smooth that you really think that George is underusing him. Then you saw the ship scene. DC: 35 Rolled:
D100 => 82
Billy was probably going to at least be nominated for an Oscar, in your humble opinion. That was going to be something that you really think is going to happen.
And honestly. There was something that you think that he had.
Reward: Unknown Positive effect. You think Billy is going to be a wonderful shoe-in for best-supporting actor.
(Billy's Roll will be an automatic nat 100)
Production Roll:
D100 => 36
Director Roll:
D100 => 97
As it finally came to an end, on the last day of shooting, there was something that was different.
Like everything was going to be right.
And as Steve said cut for the final time… you think that Star Wars would finally end well.
All Rolls for production will significantly increase.
AN: I will get the rolls for the production later.