Turn 80 Results
-[X]Look at the Script: You want to look at the Script, and make changes, or rather, prevent Colombia from changing it. DC: 50
--[X] Dick Grayson is introduced in the beginning as part of the Flying Graysons with his parents being murdered by Tony Zucco, a mobster working for the Falcons due to his parents not paying them money. Dick is 17 and near the age of emancipation, Gordon is friends with the Graysons so he becomes Dick's ward and Dick and Barbara begin to bond as friends with Dick helping Barbara in the hunt for Batman's identity, but also facing conflict and inner turmoil over a desire to see vengeance. Add a small story about how Batman saved Dick before, and now he's looking for him to get him to accept him and train him, while Barbara wants the same and both help in deactivating the bombs along with Batman and Gordon (in secret of course). Rolled:
D100 => 89
To put it mildly, the script was good. Real good. In fact you would like to argue you made it better.
Sure it was not the most comic accurate, and honestly, Dick going straight to Robin without batman was a rather bold choice creatively, but hey, it made sense narratively, and so you allowed it to flow.
Because sometimes, sacrifices had to be made for the sake of a good adaptation.
Reward: The script is rewritten, and you get your boy wonder. Kinda.
But hey at least it makes sense.
-[X]The Art of a True Batman: You look at the costume designs and how the City will be transformed into Gotham City. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 43
You almost fumbled it all away. Really you were so focused on several awesome things, that you didn't pay attention to the art director. Who was a completely different person this time, because someone got fired because Kathleen was not going to stand for people being bad and poor person.
But when it was over, you realized a lot of the ideas were left over from the first film, with some minor… well actually major alterations.
Your mansion for one thing, well, Alan wanted to incorporate it into the background shots, to show just how detached Bruce has become.
Well, Alan was lucky that you were not angry enough to refuse him.
Reward: The Art looks great.
-[X]Choosing a Co-Star: Most of everyone is back, but frankly, you are damn sure that Alan isn't going to give you much of anything and give you want to do
--[X] Clint Eastwood as Jim Gordon
--[X] Faye Dunaway as Sarah Essen
--[X] David Patrick Kelley as Edward Nygma/The Riddler
--[X] Robert Shaw as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin
--[X] Jodie Foster as Barbara Gordon
--[X] Alec Guinness as Alfred Pennyworth
--[X] Tom Cruise as Dick Grayson Rolled:
D100 => 86
--[X] Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox Rolled:
D100 => 81
--[X] Cindy Morgan as Sophia Falcone
--[X] Dennis Hopper as Salvatore Moroni
--[X] Robert Redford as Harvey Dent
--[X] Billy Crystal as Gino Santana
--[X] Dick Van Patten as Robert Rains
--[X] Richard Mulligan as Gil Colson
Well, there was a small problem with Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman. But that was because they weren't told who they were being and didn't want to be minor thugs.
After Alan told them who they were… they jumped on faster than even you did.
Tom himself seemed to go head first into the training, because he wanted to impress you, saying you were his favorite actor.
That run of his impressed you.
Morgan just said that as long as the script was just like it was in the comics, with Fox being treated as an equal, he would not mind at all.
Though he joked that he wondered how many comics you, yourself read, considering the first film.
Reward: You got everyone.
-[X]The Way to Shoot: You want to shoot the film your way, and you will do it:
--[X]Ambitious: You are going to use your skill and that of the cinematographers that you have. Everyone knows you have a mind of action movies, so you will use that to keep things fluid, but clear.
Oh man, this was going to be awesome. You looked at Kurasawa's rough cut for his new film and felt inspired.
Reward: if the Rolls are above 100, you will gain a bonus. Every time it occurs, another bonus will be added. If it happens for every turn, know that it will be a multiplication bonus, not a flat bonus.
But if you are not above 100 for the director rolls, know that it may have issues.
And it will be very noticeable.
-[X]Kathleens' Caper: She had a smile. And for once, you didn't feel like she was having a small breakdown. DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 58
"Well Bruce, look at this!" She threw down a list and script.
"Okay, what is this?" You asked.
"Oh, just Alan's plan."
"Why are you showing me this?" You asked. "Because I need to focus on-"
"I'm producing The Flash all on my own, no restrictions… all the responsibility." She smiled. "Finally someone trusts me!"
"But you are running this ship?" You asked.
"Yeah… but-" She paused. "No offense, you are… you?"
"Me?" You asked. "What does that mean by that Kathleen?"
Kathleen sat down and looked at the plan. "I just… don't want anyone to think I'm being lucky working with talented directors my entire career."
"Every producer works with the talent they have. You should count yourself lucky." You replied.
"But nothing." You said. "You are successful because you work well with people, and you know your limitations. And you've always been able to find people who have worked with you to get past them. Like myself."
Kathleen seemed to understand. "Okay."
"So don't go out of the way to think you have a problem that you need to overcome. That comes at the edit."
Reward: Nice Guy Bruce O'Brian strikes again… Kathleen stops her kneejerk plan for the Flash, takes a deep breath, and really thinks about what the hell is going on, and what she wants to do.
-[X]Meanwhile in Sunrise: So… Tomino went to Japan and he has an idea. And George is there. You thought he was in San Francisco? DC: 20 Rolled:
D100 => 98
George was with Tomino, and… Jack Kirby and Stan Lee? Wait what the hell is going on here!
"Uh, ehem… George, what are you doing here, I thought you said you were staying in San Francisco?"
"I thought so too… then Stan and Jack wanted to visit Sunrise, and Tomino all but stole them away about Ideas and TV shows and comics."
"BRUCE WOULD BE PERFECT AS NICK FURY!" Jack proclaimed, loudly to the entire campus.
Tomino and Stan were trying their best to control the King… to varying degrees of success as he began talking to anyone who would listen to him about working on a Marvel TV show.
"Um. okay, why is Jack being so animated? He's so…"
Stan then laughed as Jack went to the Ballpin. "Get me with Tenezuka, I want to challenge that man to a one-shot!"
Stan laughed. "I haven't seen him like this since before the war." He then looked to you. "Sorry kid, but uh, we wanted to work with Dreamworks proper for this, but everyone said to go to Sunrise, they have more experience with TV."
You turned to Tomino. "Tomino… what fresh hell of an idea did you give those two?"
"Just the same kind that made Gundam" He smiled. "See… Makoto-san… wanted to try and do something that will appeal far more to the Americans, than our usual products."
"Yeah, but you've got a very big audience now due to Gundam and Miraculous."
"But it could be bigger." He replied. "So…they are here. And they have excited the whole building with… a Marvel Animation universe of some sort. Not only that, but I have nearly five teams breaking ranks and are just working on storyboards for Spiderman. Without pay."
"They can wait!" You asked.
"Well, they don't want to. Pacific Rim and Pluto are in the final stages, and a lot of our TV shows are still in the planning phases, to say nothing of Zeta Gundam."
"You know I wondered why you are ripping off Star Wars for that?" You asked.
"George Sensei didn't see it that way." Tomino replied. "But…"
"You're afraid Mike will shoot it down."
"Worse, we're afraid he's going to make us do nothing but Marvel stuff. And… well I don't want to do that."
"I'll talk to him." You replied.
"Good, because I think we should control Jack… he met Go Nagai at a convention and both men I think want to do a drawing contest to see who better."
You facepalmed. "I feel like we're going to be watching two gods trying to kill each other if that happens."
Reward: the Marvel crew went to Japan, and pitched their MACU… and Sunrise liked it so much, that they were about to revolt and stop working on everything to do it.
You're afraid.
-[X]The Break-in: So someone tried to break into the Warehouses in San Francisco? What did they try to steal? DC:??? Rolled:
D100 => 69
"AHAHAHAH!" you laughed at the truly hilarious sight of the thieves being tied up in memorabilia from Star Wars.
"Who found them?" You asked.
"Dennis did when he opened up. A crate seemed to have collapsed on them, and uh… Well, Here they are?" one of the other workers said as the police were moving the material off those thieves.
"What were they trying to steal?" You asked.
"Models and Blue screens." The technician said. "That's about it."
"Really? Not any of our files?"
"I think they didn't care about our files or computers. They just saw Star Wars stuff and tried to steal as much as they could steal."
"Huh. Please tell me they aren't triads?" YOu asked.
"They were just some drunk kids."
Reward: The Breakin was by some drunk kids who wanted to steal Star Wars stuff. Nothing really out of the ordinary.
Though security tightened up.
-[X]Reports: It seems that people want to see you… and worse, kill you, didn't stop. You have just been able to sleep soundly in the night now. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 98
Your head of security, Charlie, was smirking, despite you being at the table. "Okay. Talk to me."
"You know I shouldn't need to tell you all this. It will only make you more worried."
"I can hardly sleep at night right now Charlie, so, make me sleep more soundly." You replied.
"Ten more intrusions happened this month." You narrowed your eyes. "8 were just journalists that wanted to get pictures of the grounds, and they were escorted off the premises."
"The other two?" You asked.
Charlie smirked. "Well they didn't run into you, so they didn't get beaten within an inch of their life and will have to breathe through a tube for the rest of their days."
You found yourself feeling satisfied with that and just sighed. "And?"
"Local authorities took them quietly once we apprehended them."
"Were they trying to kill me?" You asked.
"One was yes. The second one was an out-and-out defector to the United States from the CCP. High-ranking party official too, some second in command to the film head honcho that wants to build that new Hollywood on the Pearl." He smiled. "Apparently he thought you were an agent or asset that would help him defect."
"My life is a goddamn movie. That doesn't have an end to the madness." You found yourself swearing. "And?"
"Well, he brought enough skeletons in that briefcase of his to… well I don't know, but-" He smiled. "I won a couple thousand dollars from the local CIA agent that came to the door on a bet."
You smiled. "Will people want to kill me more than they already are?"
"I'd like to hope they aren't."
Reward: Your like continued to be a Bond movie. Chinese defectors, assassins, and journalists want to break into your home.
But it's about to come to a screeching halt soon, at least according to Agent Jackson.
President Carter is about to get a very big win.
-[X]Prisoners of the Mind, and Spirit: You think you hadn't seen Carrie pray outside of Mass before. But she was praying for you. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 13+30=43
You stopped to see her at your bed and she was praying in a way you had not seen her do before. Maybe it was the terror.
Or maybe it was the lack of warmth you both did not have because of everything that had happened.
You know you had a bad dream about going to Asia to beat the hell out of someone, anyone you considered responsible for everything that happened.
"Please Lord, let this humble sinner ask you for help… please give me the man I love back, and I will do all you desire of me."
You almost fell to your knees and wept when you heard those words in prayer.
But you managed to get to the living room before collapsing onto the couch and screaming in anguish at the horrible pain.
But when you looked up, Carrie was waiting. And you both embraced.
"I love you." You whispered it was almost a plea that you both wanted.
"I know."
Reward: You both are trying to be strong. For everyone, and each other.
-[X]Train Brandon: Brandon looked at you with a mischievous glance, before he offered. "Come on Bruce, don't tell me that you're scared of a little spar with me?" He was trying to cheer you up. Maybe it was working. DC: 60 Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 57
Brandon was about to continue, to ask, but instead he stopped, when he saw your kids at the couch, watching TV. "No..."
"Come on, I'll go easy."
"It's not that. I think there are people who need me better."
-[X]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
--[X] Ron Howard. Your old American Graffiti co-star has just ended his time on Happy Days, wanting to break out into filmmaking as a Director. Ron did a decent job with his debut film Grand Theft Auto and you can see the potential in him to become a great director. Reach out to Ron and try to get him to join the Lucasfilms team. Rolled:
D100 => 87
Ron was on the phone as you waited for him, with someone. "Well, you can go fuck yourself! Everything about that show was because of me, so cutting me out of it without paying me will only be the biggest fucking mistake you will ever fucking make!"
When the phone hung up, you finally said. "So Ron-"
"I'll fucking do it, Bruce?"
"You don't even know what I'm asking!?" You exclaimed.
"Well Bruce, I'm out of work, got kicked out of two shows I was going to do because they won't pay me, and one of my friends walks in not saying anything means one thing!" He then kissed you on the cheek. "You need someone to make movies!"
"More TV shows actually, but, I can do that too." You stuttered.
"Hallelujah, I thought I was going to have to be an asshole to you to make you accept." He smiled.
"I can still say no." You said.
"But you won't."
Reward: Ron Howard has joined Lucasfilms.
-[X] Spend some time with your kids. You love Mary, Sarah and Joseph and it hurts your heart to cause them confusion and discomfort over your paranoia. Even if you're a A-list filmmaker, you always want to make sure they're loved and you're present in their lives. Rolled:
D100 => 40(Autopass)
Mary and the twins were on the couch, watching tv as you sat down next to them. "What are you watching?" You asked.
"Kermit box!" Sarah shouted in joy as Joseph crawled on you. They were all close, but you looked at them… and smiled.
"Can I join you?" You asked.
"YAY!" Joseph babbled.
You just sat there, and they were happy to crawl around you.
All of them fell asleep… but you sat there with them, and tucked them in with some blankets. All of them cuddled together trying to get more of the blanket than the other.
"I am so sorry to all of you that everything is out of our control. But I promise you… that I will love you always."
Reward: They may not have heard you… but they did hear you.