Turn 72 Results (December 1979 Results)
The Scripts:
Received 1 Script from Robert Jordan: Conan the Destroyer.
Script Quality:
D100 + 100 => 193
Dave Alister has Written 1 Script:
COD Ghosts with script Quality of:
D100 + 100 => 191
John Milnus has Written 1 Script:
Lucies Script Quality:
D100 + 100 => 188
Robert Zemeckis has written two scripts:
Wendy The Witch Script Quality:
D100 + 100 => 198
Dune part 2Script Quality:
D100 + 100 => 193
Paul Schrader has Written 1 script:
Stormchasers Script Quality:
D100 + 100 => 175
-[X] Mike Eisners Action Plan 1980: Time for Another Action Plan. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 85
Mike Had a Plan, and it required… your signature.
(The Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1980)
-[X] Bringing into the Fold: You have never really thought about making Games. Than Dave introduced you to Mike Pondsmith. His Writing buddy, where the two of them created a world that is fucking amazing. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 82
-[X] R. Talsorian Games: Dave Alister's Friend, Mike Pondsmith, has come to your office with a helluva offer. And Mike was all in listening to you. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 65
Mike Pondsmith was, in your mind, unexpected. Sure you had heard many things about him from Dave, but that was because he happened to game with him, and the two men seemed to be intimately aware of each other's skills and profession.
But that only made this meeting so confusing. Mike Pondsmith, from what you heard, already had a company and was planning to make a new game like Dave had been hampering on for almost two years.
Yet instead, he was in your office, with Mike Eisner and Dave himself. And you it seems.
"So you wanted to produce the game, but you didn't have the ability to do it, because your backer, bailed out on you?"
Mike nodded. "They thought the idea was far too mature for an audience that was expected to include children younger than 12. They were hoping for the next dungeons and dragons, and they claimed all it was going to be was Dungeons and drug dealers." He laughed. "Can you believe it?"
"I can." You said. Remembering many of the new enemies of the moral guardians who were now your sworn enemies… for life. "And you what weren't going to abandon it?"
"I keep on telling Dave that this game is not about saving the world or having a grand adventure. It's about saving yourself and traveling in a world of unchecked everything. From greed to technology to fear."
Dave gave a nod. "Mike I told you, it's perfect."
Mike groaned, he didn't need Dave's help, he needed Eisners. "Yeah, what i have is-"
"A new wave hipster garbage without a name. Trapped in the classical pulp of the old 1940's and a dash dash of new technology that we don't understand." Mike Eisner said as he interrupted. "All it is something that won't have an audience."
"Star Wars didn't have an audience." You said.
"But it was Sci-Fi, it had a genre," Eisner said. "This is something different."
"We'll just have to come up with a name."
The name came when John Lasseter barged in. "Dave I need your help with moving some computers to the cyber wing."
"Get some other punk from the Animation department to do it, we're busy!" Eisner stated.
Then Mike Pondsmith wrote it down.
Cyberpunk! He said. "There's your genre."
The deal came Ten minutes later.
Reward: R. Talsorian Games is now a Lucasfilsm company with Mike Pondsmith as it's head.
Can now produce the First Tabletop game for Lucasfilms, as well as other games.
However the first release will be of Mike's own creation, one that he and Dave have been working for over half a decade for.
You have also, maybe, in Mike Pondsmith's mind, invented a new Genre.
The Cyberpunk Franchise can be born, and can be produced and created.
-[X] Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
--[X] Sunset Toys. $100 Million. An idea that Carrie almost pursued before deciding to own the Lakers, with the rise in merch profability with films, a toy company that could be used to sell Sunrise toys and potentially later on Gundam and Star Wars would be a great investment for Lucasfilms as well as to promote Sunrise. Invest 100 million of the company warchest. Rolled:
D100 => 33
It took slightly more. But Sunset toys was set up in Japan, under Sunriese's umbrella. They would still be under yours and a new president will be chosen… but hey…
You could make toys now.
REward: Sunset toys have been created, and will be fully operational in 6 months.
Just in time for Star Wars.
-[X] Simple Life: You and Carrie sit and lay with eachother. Sometimes you miss this. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 + 40 => 92
The sun was setting and life seemed to be still. "You know, I think you are working too much?" Carrie said as she held your hand, squeezing it.
"Me, what about you?" you asked. "All those meetings with the board? Jerry?"
"Well, I think everything is handled and I really don't want to make things any more stressful." She said. "Besides, with the season going the way it is, my presence is really not necessary. I've given free hands to everyone who needs it."
"I think that you will be great." You said.
"So… what do you want to do?" She asked.
"I can think of a few things." You smiled. "But right now, all I want to do, is be with you.
Reward: You have a wonderful night of nothing, and that is enough for you.
-[X] Dungeons and Dragons: Finally, the Game can begin, and it's time to go to the table. Wait, Robin, what are you wearing!? DC: 20 Rolled:
D100 => 85
"This is disastrous." You said as you looked at Mary crawling all over the board you set up, as well as Robin laughing and making voices.
"John help me out here?" You asked, but John was too busy laughing at you.
You looked at Carrie. "Carrie please, make Robin wear something more modest." The unitard was not looking good on him.
"Sorry, but he wanted to roleplay, so we have to accept it." Carrie said as Robin placed Mary on his shoulders and allowed her to roar. "Plus, Mary seems to be enjoying it."
"Roll the dice Bruce!" John said. "Hurry up."
You took a deep breath. "I am not happy about this."
Reward: You have a wonderful night.
-[X] A New Way of Doing Things Part 3: Brandon looked at the fighting ring you had prepared. "It is simple Bradon. Last three minutes with me. I'll go easy. With one hand behind my back." DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 + 10 => 92
-[X] The Lee Family come over to Dinner: Linda and Shannon are coming over. Time for dinner plays! DC: 40 Rolled:
D100 => 100
Honestly, you were not expecting… that.
(Continued in: He's Strong as Hell)
-[X] Your Rival: Arnold Schwarzenegger. You have no idea who this guy is… also, why does he want to rival you. Also, what the fuck is he doing, going around saying you are the only reason that things got so weird? Whatever that means. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 20
Again, you don't really know anything about Arnold. And honestly, you just didn't care.
-[X] Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 52+20=72
It was truely nothing much. You gave thanks and prayed for HIS glory.
Reward: Unknown Effect.
-[X] Do auditions(Movies and TV Shows): You are going to go to some of the casting calls that are in the place where you can find work in. DC: 20(Possibility of only getting a commercial or TV show job, or extra work in a low-budget film) Rolled:
D100 + 10 => 90
D100 + 50 => 135
It was actually a last-minute call. The Airplane production had an accident, and they needed you to fill in.
Thankfully, you were still remembering your MASH days, and comedy, while not easy… came back to you with a natural script.
And the stunts didn't hurt.
Reward: You stared in Airplane well. As a single role with less than ten minutes of screen time. But hey it was a role.
-[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)
--[X] Learn Spanish Rolled:
D100 => 75
To think, Spanish wasn't that hard to learn.
Reward: You know Spanish.
AN: Enjoy.
You will learn what the 80's will be... and it will be awesome.