Your Reputation (Major Players):
American Movie Industry (7): To put it bluntly, you are one of the most profitable movie stars in the world.
International Movie Industry (5) People want you to be in their films, even for a cameo because they know that you can bring people into seats.
Warner Brothers (-10) They are almost too dead to care, and they blame you, even though you had nothing to do with anything. And honestly, good fucking Riddence. They are dead, We don't need to hear about them anymore.
Universal (-7) They Really, Really Hate you. Seems to me that most people don't seem to understand how much you hate them. But the feeling is somewhat mutual. They know you created something that cannot be stopped by simple money.
20th Century Fox (0) So... Wait... Murdoch doesn't see you as the scum of the earth, he just sees you as a guy who can make him money. You know what, you can accept that.
Sony UA (0) You don't work for them, so they don't really give a flying shit about you.
Colombia (+4) Somehow, Alan wants to build a statue of money for you, just to rub it into Universal's face. They enjoy working with you, and despite everything... they like you.
Disney (1) So the House that Walt Built seems to like you. Even though you have put competition into the Animation world for the first time in decades.
George Lucas (+10) George Lucas is your best friend, and honestly, without him, you career would be but a mere footnote in Hollywood. instead, its a path you both walk on, and it makes you both creatively fulfilled... and fithy rich.
Francis Ford Coppola (+5) George's Friend, and a producer that now works for you. There is something odd about him, and you know he wants to do so much more. But he accepts that something happened, and he needs to change.
Brian Depalma (+5) He's one of George's Friends, and now, one of the boys. He's happy that he is able to be creatively fulfilled without being screwed over.
Martin Scorsese (+3) He's another member of the crew, and honestly... you are going to say this, the greatest artist in cinima. He loves you for giving him the opportunity to be something far more, and be far better. You've even got him to not look at Popcorn movies in the same light... though his Popcorn movies are obviously superior to everyone else.
Paul Schrader (+2) A wonderful writer that is interesting... to say the least.He's driven, and has fire in his gut.
John Millnus (+2) John is still traumatized about everything. But you know he dosen't blame you. He blames himself for it.
Robert Zemeckis (+1) You don't really know him before working here, but he's gifted, funny and oh boy that script for Back to the Future is awesome!
Gary Kurtz (+7) A Producer who works primarily with George, and the man who is as ride or die as you are with George. He knows you won't do him any wrong. While he doesn't work so much on anything none star wars for fear of his reputation. He is beginning to finally see the light and wants to put his name on other projects.
George A Romero (+4) You saw his movies and you were impressed by them. He just saw a kid who understood the whole damn industry, and then… just decided to burn it down, in mutual respect. He likes that. Last you heard, he's working with Mike to get going to work with him agian.
Steven Spielberg (+6) A Friend you wish the best for in every facet. He loves working with you most of the time, though he is more afraid of having incidents in Jordan happen. And that is something that makes you proud of.
Akira Kurosawa (+2) The Second Greatest Director in your opinion, the Japanese director is someone who considers you an honest, driven, and good person to work with. From what you heard, it's a very rare compliment.
Wes Craven (+1) You drive a hard bargain, but honestly, you don't know what to think of him. If he's as bold as he is with a camera as he is at the negotiation table.
Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino
(+5) You believed in him and his ideas, gave him Dreamworks to run, and gave him the money and the people to do it. That alone puts you into the Sensei category.
Noboru "The Eagleman" Ishiguro (+1) He's still waiting for that flying in the F-16 that he's clamoring about.
John Musker and Ron Clements (+2) Hardest working men in Dreamworks in your opinion and they like you for it. They like being trusted with that kind of responsibility.
Don Bluth (+3) You honestly couldn't think of a fitting man to be the go-to guy for Animation
. He's practically the face of Dreamworks. which means he's also fine with it.
Brad Bird
(+1) The New Hire has been stuck in Japan working on Miraculous. And honestly, you think he's having a blast, But he is getting homesick, and wants to work on Dreamworks films soon.
John Lasseter (0) He spends more time with George then he does with you. But the fact he knows you by name is just... good? He dosen't hate you.
Bruce Lee (+10) You are the student. He is the master, it's that simple. You still miss him every day.
Clint Eastwood (+10) Thankfully, you no longer sleep on his couch. But hey. He's a fun guy to be around, though a bit serious.
American TV Industry (-2) They are… needless to say, very wary of you. But you've become part of the Hollywood system, and are now… mostly, playing by the rules. So they will allow some… friction to remain.
James L Brooks (+4) A guy who helped you with a job. He's also been silently rooting for you every step of the way.
Lucille Ball (+4) She viewed you as one of her new Cash Cows before, unhappily, letting you go. She's still happy for you, but wishes you could stayed on TV.
Paramount TV (+3) Gundam saved that sad sack of a TV station and they know it.
-CBS (0) With new Leadership, comes new opportunities. They are also scared of you.
ABC (0) They know of you, and know that you are… someone who needs to be kept happy. Or away from troubled productions.
NBC (0) They know of you, and know that you are… someone who needs to be kept happy. Or away from troubled productions.
PBS (+5) PBS wishes to have more programming by Dreamworks and Lucasfilms if they can.
Republican Party
After the past six years of malaise thanks to the ghost of Nixon, you have jumped onto the scene as the Republican's New Hope and they generally love you for it. You're just as popular as Reagan within the party, more loved depending upon who you ask, and you have a strong feeling that whatever you say at the RNC has a good chance of becoming Republican gospel. Almost everyone wants to be your friend and claim you embody their brand of Conservatism and several West Coast Republicans want to form a faction around you. Better pick your friends wisely in the coming years
Democratic Party
The California Democratic party will likely hate your guts well into the 21st century for managing to kick Jerry Brown out of office and get Mike Curb to become Governor for Hillsgate, but nationally the Democratic Party is more ambivalent, and plainly their policy is to tolerate you and not take action unless you're hostile to them. You becoming a recently registered Republican and set to speak at the RNC has caused many Democrats to give up 1980 as a lost election unless Carter performs some miracles. Yet at the same time, you're not exactly an Irish Reagan or Goldwater as your activism has mainly been focused on veterain aid which most Democrats can rally behind and environmentalism and refugee aid which is for the most part standard party doctrine. CARE and your friendships developed with Senator Gaylord Nelson and your local Congressman George Brown Jr. from it gives Democrats hope that you're someone who constructive work can be performed with instead of a partisan foe.
USSR: 41
So your friendly neighborhood CIA contact Agent Jackson set up a meeting to appraise you and Carrie of the 2nd World's view of you (God that is such a weird sentence to say). Apparently after losing almost all of their intelligence assets in the US thanks to a combination of defections and arrests through failed operations against you, giving up a shit load of info to the CIA, the Politburo and Brezhnev have widely decided to pull the kill order on you which was in place until now.
Due to the KGB's fuckups and the ongoing shitshow in Romania, not to mention trying to douse the dozens of other fires against Communism across the world, Moscow has simply decided that you are a force of nature that cannot be challenged and thus it is best to just leave you alone than to poke the Goose. They sure as hell don't like you, but for now they are just going to make sure you never set foot within the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact and so long as you don't actively challenge the Union then they'll leave you alone.
China: 9
The Soviets have given up on killing you, but not China. If you are to ever set foot on the mainland then there's a kill on sight order to be enforced though you should be safe in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Despite Deng Xiaoping Paramount Leader and promising a new wave of reforms and for China to adopt a free market under state oversight, the CCP is deathly terrified of you and Lucasfilms as a whole. After just dealing with the last horrific effects of the Cultural Revolution, the CCP is afraid that if a Lucasfilms movie spreads throughout the country then the people will overthrow Beijing's mandate and enforce a Romania with every CCP member being impaled.
Apparently the fear of you is so great that there is serious debate within the party over letting the UK and Portugal keep Hong Kong and Macau because both cities are avid consumers of Lucasfilms and if they reunify with China then those films will spread and cause a revolution, thus continuing the colonial legacy is worth avoiding a Romania. Even with China becoming an American partner and opening up more to the world, as long as the CCP remains in charge it seems like you shall never step one foot on Chinese soil. What a shame.
UK: 71
You've never had the fondest opinion of Great Britain for their history with Ireland, but it seems like the UK has a positive attitude of you. The British film industry holds a high opinion of Lucasfilms for filming both Star Wars in England which has brought great prestige to the local industry and they want to have as many Lucasfilms productions filmed in the UK as possible. They're also quite appreciative of Lucasfilms hiring many British actors and those who you personally worked with such as Peter Cushing and Alec Guinness hold nothing but respect for your craft and leadership.
As for the British public, you are broadly popular among most demographics and very much a favorite of British Boomers and the kids. The main exception are Beatles fans who still blame you for dissolving the group even if they later admitted that there had been tensions for years and George admitted that they were wholly responsible for the Conan disaster. This is offset by the huge devotion of Queen fans who absolutely love you and Carrie thanks to Mansion Rock and your public friendship with Freddy and the gang, Carrie herself is actually somewhat of an icon to up and coming female musicians in Britain.
Also you think the Royal family likes you, or at least your films. Queen Elizbeth was quoted in an interview once that she enjoyed Star Wars with her family, so that's something you guess.
Canada: 100
You thought no nation could come close in its worship of the Goose as Japan, and then there was Canada. You couldn't find a single Canadian publication that gave anything less than glowing praise and idolization of you as a righteous man and the best actor alive. Looking back, your Canadian interviews were always the most pleasant and they did everything they could to make you happy and go easy, but you thought that was just the usual Canadian politeness. There was also the Montreal Games, where the Canadian athletes seemed to be in pure awe and starstruck when interacting with you, a similar feeling that every Canadian shared when you explored Montreal. Hell, one time you went exploring and you saw a mugging, and the moment you intervened and the criminal recognized you, he returned the wallet and turned himself in shame.
Canada is also VERY BIG fans of Lucasfilms, probably the most devoted. When Star Wars was released, it made $200 million in Canada despite it having a population of 23 million. Every Lucasfilms movie that was released save for Raging Bull and Hardcore dominated the Canadian box office. Then there was Gundam which became the number one show in Canada, helped in no small part to its Canadian protagonist Amuro Ray. With Christmas and Boxing Day coming up, every Canadian child only wanted Star Wars and Gundam toys, it was rather awe inspiring.
Also from what Carrie has said, every Canadian actor she's come across really wants to be your friend. Huh, just how many Canadians worked in Hollywood again?
Western Europe 74
Western Europe was broadly the same strokes as the UK. You were very popular there, especially with the youth, and Lucasfilms movies were usually hits across every nation west of the iron curtain. Your absolute biggest fans were West Germany for being one of the biggest obstacles to Communism and Spain where approval really shot up after you visited the Pope for some reason. Perhaps Italy will join the Lucasfilms fan club after Emerald Pimpernel is released. This also means you'll probably be seeing more nice European vacations in the future with Carrie and the kids.
Australia & New Zealand: 51
Lucasfilms movies are profitable in Australia and New Zealand and Australia is grateful for the support of Mad Max and that's about the extent of your company's influence in the region. You have lots of fans to be sure, but no few are zealous, which you don't mind at all.
Latin America 55
Latin America is heavily unsure of how to regard you. On the one hand you are very anti-Communist, but on the other you are a firm believer in democracy and hate authoritarianism so the reigning Juntas and other dictatorships are heavily neutral and just want to pretend you don't exist so that they don't invite the wrath of Lucasfilms to inspire a revolution. The lower classes of Latin America seem to like you as a man of the people and devout Catholic, and Latino immigrants frequently speak of their desire to achieve the American Dream and live just like Bruce O'Brian.
Israel 61
Israel is a nation of modest fans of Lucasfilms. They'll pack the theaters for the really big hits and you got lots of fans among the Israeli youth. They're very appreciative that Conan was filmed partially filmed in Israel and certainly want more Lucasfilms movies there. Also since Carrie is half-Jewish, Israeli fangirls tend to be rather intense because they think that they're your type.
Yugoslavia 83
Wait a minute, Yugoslavia is a Communist country that actually likes you? Well more particularly, they LOVE Star Wars. Star Wars is a film that hits the core of Yugoslav cinema and national identity, the partisan film. This is because the plot of Star Wars is that of a ragtag group of rebels standing alone against an evil monolithic empire which gives the Yugoslavians very firm reminders of World War II and their standalone resistance against Nazi Germany. In other words, the Rebels are Yugoslavians and that makes them love Star Wars all the more for it, with there being a rather popular legend that Tito himself said that Luke Skywalker is "Literally Me". When Star Wars was released, it was the only thing that played in Yugoslavian films for a month with packed theater and Empire will undoubtedly have a similar effect.
As a consequence, all Lucasfilms works and your stuff usually plays in Yugoslavia to high popular acclaim and uncensored. The Yugoslavian chapter of the Bruce O'Brian fan club is just as large and active as the others though you're not close to the level that Peter Falk had in Romania. Yugoslavia most certainly wouldn't mind having more films like Dracula see production in the nation, even for all the chaos Dracula caused. Also something tells you that Lucasfilms somehow had a push to the nation's increasing slide to the West.
Considering how bold and daring your films tend to be, it was a given that the Middle East was never gonna be your fans. With each passing year, this came increasingly more so as Afghanistan and Iran which had strong Lucasfilms showings delved into chaos as a failed state and radical Shia theocracy, depriving you of two very friendly markets. Turkey is also still sore about the Ottomans portrayal in Dracula and Turkish filmmakers are trying their best to make blatant knockoffs of every Lucasfilms movie to absurdly hilarious failures. The only MENA states which are reliable fans of Lucasfilms are Morrocco, Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia, the latter two for playing host to Conan and Star Wars, most especially Tunisia where "Star Wars pilgrimages" to Tunisia have become a major tourist industry.
Africa 40
Sub-Saharan Africa is firmly neutral about you. No Lucasfilms movies have anything to do with Africa so there's not really an instant appeal to them, thus whether or not a Lucasfilms movie hits is really a toss of the dice. The one exception is Star Wars as almost all of Africa is intensely in love with that film as an anti-colonial film. It's the one piece of Lucasfilms material that isn't subject to censorship in dictatorial nations, which cannot be said for the rest of your catalog as the African dictators, whether Western or Soviet aligned are keen on not starting revolutions. Sub-Saharan Africans in general are either indifferent or mildly positive about you as a person.
South Africa 12
Before Rocky was released, you made it policy that Lucasfilms would never distribute a single film in South Africa as long as Apartheid was practiced. This and your rising cast of Black stars in Lucasfilms and the ongoing production of Small Giant and John Henry has made sure that Pretoria despises you, they're also very much panicking that you seem to have Reagan's ear. Also similarly to the Warsaw Pact, there is a growing underground film circuit in South Africa showing Lucasfilms movies which give inspiration to South Africa's Black population and reformers in the white community.
Southeast Asia 75
A very reliable market, every nation save for Indochina can usually be counted upon for steady profits with Lucasfilms releases and they're most especially eager for Dreamworks products with Gundam being a hit in regional television. You're also broadly liked and in the view of many residents, the embodiment of everything American as the most talented cowboy in cinema.
Vietnam 37
Vietnam is to a heavy extent frightened of you. It's not to the same murderous intent as China, but they are deeply scared by the power you seemingly hold over Vietnam's future. As the savior of 2 million Vietnamese refugees, Hanoi thinks that you have been influenced by the refugees to become an advocate for restarting the Vietnam War, something you have no intention of doing and most Vietnamese refugees you conversed with just wanted to start new lives in America. With the Soviet Union showing its genocidal colors and China looking hungrily on Indochina, Vietnam is doing everything they can to distance themselves from Marxism and normalize relations with America. Two factors that weirdly make you hold a degree of favorability for Vietnam are you being an enemy of mainland China, thus the enemy of my enemy must be good; and your starring and producing of Star Wars which is openly pirated in Vietnam as the Vietnamese like Yugoslavia see themselves as the Rebels...something that actually holds a great weight of truth as George modeled the Rebel Alliance off of the Viet Cong surprisingly. Perhaps if relations are ever normalized between America and Vietnam then they can become a lucrative market.
India 17
India not liking you should have been a given. Even in spite of the ongoing horror show that is Romania, India still clings to the Soviet Union as a friend and thus you by proxy are no friend of India. It's not outright hatred, but unless Carter, or Reagan turn India into an American ally, then your films are never going to be a hit over there.
Japan itself has gotten a very interesting... situation. There are two camps in Japan. The nationalists who really don't like you from buying Sunrise to bringing Kurasawa, Japan's most famous director, to Hollywood (and also paying him a boatload of money because he deserved it) along with ruining their prestige in the film industry abroad.
And everyone else.
And by everyone else, you learned, was also the fan girls. To make things interesting, they were utterly rabid, dedicated to you, and frankly frightening. Your fangirls were dedicated to your movies like a damn cult, with many staying outside the theater for weeks to see a trailer for an O'Brian picture. And you learned that the bodypillows that were produced were sold at auction to those kids. upwards of over 200 million yen per pillow. It was madness. Goosemania was also simmering down but there were two things you took away.
Men wanted to be you, and women wanted to fuck you.
Korea 3
South Korea used to be a huge fan of Lucasfilms and you in particular with MASH being beloved by almost all Koreans and because of that, you became one of the most famous Americans in South Korea. This has changed nearly overnight in a complete 180 thanks to the assassination of President Park Chung Hee and the rise of military dictator Chun Doo-hwan who used his newfound control of the country to ban all Lucasfilms movies and prohibit you and most of our friends and family from visiting South Korea.
It was a reactionary move that made you and the rest of America confused as you had a very high opinion of South Korea and had supported many Korean vets through the O'Reily Foundation. Apparently, Doo-hwan like the Communists viewed your films as a threat to his regime. However, Doo-hwan severely miscalculated because, unlike the Warsaw Pact where American films were illegal, South Korea had access to American cinema. They loved Star Wars, they loved MASH, they loved the Goose. By making you out to be just as evil as the Kim dynasty, Doo-hwan had in the process broken the masquerade of national harmony as South Koreans were deeply pissed that Doo-hwan took away their movies and is intent on killing their Democracy.
Millions of South Koreans are taking to the streets and demanding that the military step down and free democratic elections are held. Carter, exhausted with Romania and Iran and fearing another Domino fall like South Vietnam, has had enough of Junta bullshit and is openly siding with the protestors and demanding that martial law end. Chun Doo-hwan banned Lucasfilms to prevent a Revolution, and all he did was create a self-fulfilling prophecy that may mark the end of his regime just as it began.
D100 => 79
When you learned from several sources from the family, that Ireland loves Lucasfilms and you. That wasn't the thing that surprised you about the Emerald Isle. What surprised you was that it went to your friends and coworkers as well, with Sly and Brian seeing huge upticks and interest in their films, with producers flying in from Ireland to have them work on future films.
You have even heard of a fantasy director making an Arthurian film wanting to use ILM for the effects, and maybe even build some fake castles to destroy.
Well you think.
AN: Enjoy and thank you
@Kaiser Chris for helping me out with the international stuff.
Since you asked to do it I added it in.