Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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So big thing to say:

Carrie might get her own turn at the end of the year for her buissness to see if the simp dice is truely transcendent!
I hate to triple post… but this is too important

D100 => 94 #Meanwhile With Disney

Oh… oh no.

New action avalible.

Why...just why is Disney always keeping up, or pulling ahead, of us?!

Curse you Roy Disney and your brilliant and until now underapreciated leadership!!!
Roy took the lessons learned from everything that Walt and everyone else.

And he also has an O'Brian in his corner. Who told him this. "Children are much smarter than you think and they should be respected. And I know kids. Sometimes they want stories where there is risk. Where there is darkness to make the light far brighter."
"Its Learning!"-A Sunrise animator after visiting Disney for a swap meet.
Hey she does have her own career to look out for.
I never understood that line of thinking. She already has a career with books, if she wanted to break in to Hollywood again but doing so without 'relying' on her brother ( because that's what family is about right), it's already too late. Because before Bruce, she got kicked out of Hollywood without mercy and it only took Bruce becoming a sentsation before she got offers again (I wonder why) and instead of helping her brother she workes for his competitor. If I was Bruce I would be really insulted if after all my hard work was rebuffed by my own sister.
Also, it could be worse. Cat could have gone to universal.
Potato, Patata she still workes with a direct competitor.
All I'm going to say is that her husband and kids influenced her decision. That and she didn't want to go to Bruce because she thought it would hurt her career
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You know, I'd really like to know if Cat ever felt some resentment, or felt like Gavin did against us at some point in her life.
I imagine it would also be a matter of pride. Hard to live down the idea that you only have work or success because of nepotism, even if the only one thinking that way or judging is yourself. Nothing wrong with wanting to make a name for yourself.
I'm not saying that's impossible but rolling a 95 should not lead to our sister joining our competition and the only reason we know an inkling about it now was because of our questioning. Also I would have liked if Bruce had a more firm reaction than 'oh well' if nothing more than to flesh out the person.
You know, I'd really like to know if Cat ever felt some resentment, or felt like Gavin did against us at some point in her life.
Bruce did nothing wrong why would Cat hate him, for chist sake's the only reason Disney hired her was because she was an O'Brian.
First off, Cat was hired by disney last year.

And she has, in less then a year, become very influential in Disney's animation and Live action storytelling departments.

She also is really good friends with over half the Imagineers who work in the park.

That 94 I rolled, is not for Cat. I would have rolled for her otherwise.

Its for Disney's leadership, and in particular, Roy.

He started to listen to her ideas because the other ideas were utterly horrible by comparison.

Its a very good idea.
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Bruce did nothing wrong why would Cat hate him, for chist sake's the only reason Disney hired her was because she was an O'Brian.
That's incorrect. Cat took her husband's name, and we have Word Of God saying that they didn't know she was related to Bruce when she was hired and that they reached out to her because of her success with her books. She absolutely does have reason to resent us because we're the reason she got blacklisted from Hollywood originally and had to go back to Ireland. This was earlier in the quest.
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First off, Cat was hired by disney last year.

And she has, in less then a year, become very influential in Disney's animation and Live action storytelling departments.

She also is really good friends with over half the Imagineers who work in the park.

That 94 I rolled, is not for Cat. I would have rolled for her otherwise.

Its for Disney's leadership, and in particular, Roy.

He started to listen to her ideas because the other ideas were utterly horrible by comparison.

Its a very good idea.
Okay. I get it. I just want to say I really like this quest and I'm currently suffering from sleep deprevation and food poisining so sorry if I sound a little snappy with you .
History books of this time period are going to be wild. I will bet that there will be a lot of Alternate history threads about Daddy O'Brian succeeding in Hollywood and somehow extending its golden age given what his children are doing. But Oil under the LA hills how long have you been sitting on that one as a possibility? For sheer unexpected awesome, even if it goes nowhere. five stars.

a few questions if i May @Magoose

Are we anywhere near getting Time Man of the Year this year and if not what actions would make it more likely to happen?

What is Mary's favorite food? Carrot sticks? Cherry tomatoes? individual grapes? Something else?

Would it be possible for Bruce to have an action to get better with the media by going to Clint / Carrie / Debbie /Mike Etc. for advice and see how they manage the media or is this make an Omake territory?

Thanks again for the awesome quest.
@Magoose, sorry to bother you about something not that consequential, but I just realized that I forgot to list my Mavis Kingsley character as the writer for my last two pitches like I did for Mad Father. Would it be okay if I went back and added that? I assume it would be fine, but I'd just like to ask and confirm. Just in case.
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Mary and the Doppelganger.

Mary had seen the Muppet movie, which had been very good. The best part was at the start when Grandma and Uncle Todd had brought her, and she had seen Mummy and Daddy talking to Jim and the person who had been wiggling, Yoda, Frank. For this Game, Frank had Miss Piggy, and Jim had Kermit. Mary wasn't sure she liked the Miss Piggy and Kermit game. Miss Piggy didn't listen properly to Kermit. If Miss Piggy wanted to be like Mummy and Daddy, she would have to listen more than talk.

Mary was going to wait until Mommy and Daddy had finished their Game, but she saw Mummy getting anxious and Daddy getting Grumpy. There were people with cameras that HER people were trying to ignore that weren't going away and letting them finish their Game or involve themselves properly like Uncle Todd did when he had a camera. So, it was up to Mary to fix the situation. Grasping her Kermit, she ran ahead of Uncle Todd and Grandma to go and distract Mummy and Daddy and make them happy.

It worked so well. Mummy and Daddy were a bit panicky when she appeared, like when she surprised them from high places. That was surprising as there were no high places here. They were not too scared, so she didn't get her full name used. Daddy picked her up, and she got to wiggle her Kermit with Jim and his Kermit. Jim was the Best at wiggling Kermit and was really good at making up stories. Jim's Kermit had a nearly invisible stick on each arm and a hole where Jim put his arm for Kermit's Head. That was very clever. It was also easier to see how Jim properly wiggled Kermit using the stick and hand inside instead of holding the back of the head like she did. She did her best to wiggle her Kermit and do the voices, but Jim was still much better. Jim was very good at making things up that sounded good and moved the story along, like when playing Squire Brandon. So now her Kermit was Kermit O'Brian and had a Sally and a Patrick.

She liked seeing Kermit wiggled properly by Jim and Frank, even if they hadn't been as good at hiding as usual. They had been MUCH better at including Mary than when they did it on the Kermit box. Then, when they were finished, she got to go and sit on Daddy's lap on the most enormous couch in the world. It had lots of seat sections up and down in front of and behind, too. The inside of the room the couch was in was so strange that she wondered if that was what the inside of Kermit's boxes looked like. It was dark, and sound was all soft and didn't echo. It was all sloped, too, like the back of the Kermit box. A big flat thing on one wall looked like the glass on a Kermit box. Maybe this was the inside of a huge Kermit box? Or maybe it was a normal-sized Kermit box. Kermit boxes would have to be bigger inside to hold all the people she saw in them and this was the biggest room she had ever been in.

Mary nodded to herself. That sort of made sense. This was a special Kermit box you sat inside. And made Kermit and his friends really big on the screen. She would have to watch carefully and see if her figuring out Hippopotamus (or hypothesis? No Hippopotamus sounded better so it was probably that), was right. She would not get tricked again. She had heard something about Movie Magic, but nobody had explained it adequately, leaving her to figure it out herself, like usual. Mary knew about Magic. Magic made things that wouldn't otherwise work happen. Some of the Irish stories Grandpa had read her had included Elves and Magic and Being Tricky and Mean. Mary hoped that this Magic wouldn't be Tricky and Mean because she didn't want to get stuck inside a Kermit box. That would make Mummy sad. Other people might be unhappy too but Mommy mostly because she had said that Mary couldn't sleep in the soft toys box, despite being the most comfortable, with all the soft toys because Mary might get stuck.

It was exciting watching Kermit and his friends have an adventure. The story was a bit silly. Kermit had the Theater and Sesame Street, so why was he pretending he only had his swamp? Kermit should have known Fozzie Bear, too. They worked together all the time in the Muppet show. Maybe Jim was playing some of the Kermit game out of order then? But why? It was a good game, though, and Mary liked it, but it took a while to finish, and Mary was very tired by the time it finally Did. Mommy and Daddy took her home and put her in her crib, and she Got kisses from both. It was very nice, and Mary Slept well.

The next day, something awful happened. She was awake and playing with Kermit O'Brian in his new blue suit when she heard Mommy and Daddy and Kermit and Miss Piggy. This was strange. Kermit didn't usually happen at this time. Normally, this was news that Daddy sometimes watched, and Mommy watched when she was having a slow day. Mommy had a fast day yesterday and had a lot of energy to do things. Today, Mommy was having a slow day. On slow days, Mary tried to be quiet and play slow games because Mommy got sad if she couldn't keep up with Mary. But even on slow days, Mommy would get Mary so she could watch Kermit wiggle. But there was no Mommy Coming. Worse, Mommy was doing that strange thing in her voice when she wasn't happy but trying to pretend she was, the same as she had done last night. Mommy's voice was wrong, like she had more energy than she had this morning. That almost never happened.

Mary had to investigate this strangeness and fast. Mummy might need rescuing. As she went towards where she could hear mummy's voice, the TV room, she also heard daddy's voice. That was really concerning because Daddy had gone earlier and he always said hello and gave her a kiss, hug, or both when he got back. Was this a lying thing she had to stop?

As she entered the TV room, she heard Miss Piggy and Kermit talking to Mommy and Daddy. Like they had last night, but no Mommy or Daddy was in the TV room. Then she heard it, a new voice a WRONG voice. "Mommy, Daddy," then "Kermit Piggy Wigglers."

The voice was strange. It was high-pitched like Wally's and even higher than Mary's. Who was this? She slowed in front of the Kermit box, and what she saw horrified her.

The Kermit box showed Daddy and Mommy playing Wiggling with Jim and Frank. But a strange girl was holding Kermit O'Brian and being held by Daddy. Mary was Furious. Daddy was only supposed to Hold HER like that or Wally, but only if Wally asked, and this girl hadn't. She had just run up and demanded. She found her fists clenched in rage and went to knock on the Kermit box to stop the lies.

Before she could, Miss Piggy asked the question. The response terrified Mary. The thing in the Kermit box with the wrong voice answered, "Hi, I Mary."

This thing was pretending to be HER? No, No, this couldn't be happening. If Mummy Saw, she might get worried Mary had gotten stuck in the Kermit box. Or worse, Mummy might Believe this Lying thing was Mary and Give the lying thing Hugs and Kisses and not give Mary any. She needed this Horrible lying thing pretending to be Mary to stop Now. She could see Mummy and Daddy in the Kermit Box, so it should be easy to stop the thing. All she had to do was make enough noise, and she would get their attention. Mommy and Daddy always came when Mary Made herself known. Then they would stop with the lying thing, pretending with Mary and go and give Her, the real Mary, her hug.

She banged on the glass and yelled, but it wasn't working. The Fake kept playing wiggle with Mummy and Daddy and Frank and Jim, playing out precisely the wiggle game they had played last night. This fake Mary with the wrong voice was very good at pretending to be her. Frighteningly good. Couldn't Mommy and Daddy work out that She was the real Mary? Or was the Lying thing too good at Being Mary? It was scarily good and was frightening Mary now.

Mary Banged harder and harder, but the People in the Kermit box paid no attention to her, playing the same Game as last night with the Fake Mary with the wrong voice. Like they had forgotten Mary was here. Like to them, Mary didn't exist and wasn't worth spending time with.

Mary was trying to be brave but found herself exhausted and having to stop banging, crying and practically falling, forced to watch the people on the Kermit box finish their Game and start to walk away. She tried to force herself back to her feet to start banging and calling again to catch their attention, but she was crying so hard she couldn't speak and was so tired that her legs weren't holding her. She fell back again and …

Then, wonderfully, someone had caught her and hugged her tight.

"Mary", came Mommy's voice. "Can you tell me what is wrong?"

Mary just shook her head and grabbed onto Mommy tighter. Trying to control her crying so she could speak. Here was Mommy. Mommy had not been tricked by the lying thing pretending to be Mary and left Mary alone. Mommy had come back for Mary. Mary was safe. Mary wasn't going to be forgotten.

Mommy just held Mary and rocked her until her crying softened and became hiccupping.

"Mommy. Lying thing being Mary." Mary tried to explain between hiccups.

"I am going to need more than that, Mary. Who, What, When, Where, and if you can, Why."

Mary nodded against her mother, still not letting go.

"Mary heard you and Daddy being upset. Then Jim and Frank being Kermit and Piggy, then wrong voice that look like Mary on Kermit box. Then Kermit box have Wiggling Game with Mummy Daddy Frank Jim and Fake lying Mary with wrong voice. They do Game right. They say like we played last night. Trick Mary. No listen when Mary Say Stop Game not fun. No listen to Mary. No hug Mary. Go away and leave Mary Alone."

Mary cried again and buried her face in her mother's side. Her mother just let her and started rubbing small circles on her back. After a little, Mary found herself able to speak again.

"Then, Mommy come and hug Mary." Mary pushed herself back so she could see her mother. She needed her mother to understand the danger. "Lying thing that pretends to be Mary with wrong voice. Mummy, no get tricked. Mary be very sad if get tricked."

"I promise I won't get tricked. I will always know it is you. Where did you see this fake Mary?

"Kermit box. Says News"

A small smile twitched its way onto Carries face. "I think you might have seen yourself on the news."

"nu hu. Voice wrong. Too squeaky."

A proper smile bloomed on Carrie's face.

"Your voice is always different when you hear yourself recorded. I think you saw the Game you played on TV, sorry, on the Kermit box and didn't recognize yourself."

A deeply suspicious look crossed Mary's face as her mother continued. "Do you want me to show you? I could ask your uncle Todd to bring a camera next time he comes over?"

"Noooo. Too long. Need fix lying thing NOW. Please, Mummy Portant."

"The word is IM port Tant. You broke the boomboxes, and my recording equipment is in deep storage… I guess we could go to Lucasfilm now and see if George has a spare camera we could borrow…"

Mary nodded and answered Quickly, "Yes Now. IM portant. Mary Know Mummy tired and having Slow day but Important Now Lying thing with Mary voice BAD."

It wasn't quite as easy as just deciding. There was Brandon to consider and make sure the Pets were okay. All through getting ready, Mary had been unsettled and clingy, wanting to keep in sight of Carrie and then, when he arrived, Brandon. Mary refused her nap, somehow repeatedly escaping her crib and coming and finding Brandon or herself. Each time, she was almost inconsolable. When settled enough to speak, each time, she reiterated that she was the real Mary and was afraid that the Lying thing with the wrong voice would Trick them into thinking that it was Mary and not to forget her or get confused. Thank God for Brandon Volunteering to sit beside the crib with his assigned reading where Mary could see him. Even so, Mary still woke up screaming twice from her nap.

That, more than anything else, convinced Carrie that she needed to try and get Mary to understand what was happening with the TV as soon as possible. Certainly, her misunderstanding had been cute and funny, but now Mary's lack of understanding hurt her and needed to be resolved immediately. Another child might have taken reassurance, but Mary was almost too brilliant for that to be effective. She needed to see and understand before she accepted things once she had an idea in her head.

The drive into Lucasfilm was tense. The traffic in LA was no better than usual, and the amount of action was pushing at the Bipolar. If Carrie had a choice, she would have remained at home, but Her daughter needed her and needed Recordings explained in a way that didn't result in her screeching in terror and breaking into heart-wrenching tears.

Brandon was a godsend, keeping Mary Mostly settled in the back seat, and George, Bless that man, had promised to set up a camera and offered to bring Wally to hopefully distract Mary if she still was having trouble settling.

Parking was easy, and they quickly waved inside. Brandon Carryed Mary, refusing to be Put down, wanting to keep touching her important people.

She started the conversation when they reached the promised sound stage, a leftover from Star Wars that had not been packed away yet.

"Mary, do you know what we do here?"

"Play acting game?" The response From Mary was a good sign. Mary was willing to ask questions rather than insist the world was wrong and the version she had figured out was right.

"Yes. We are currently playing Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. Your Daddy is running the Game and ensuring everyone plays their parts right. Do you know why we are playing the Game?

Carrie involuntary smiled at the look on Mary's face at the new idea of needing a reason to play a game.

Mary shook her head and looked expectantly back at Carrie.

"Because people like watching us play Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. Watching us play makes them happy."

"Like Mummy and Daddy and George and Marsha like watching Wally and Mary play." Mary responded, nodding. It was good that that she had picked up a new concept. More importantly, Mary was still willing to think and change preconceptions. That meant there was a possibility would not be a suddenly appearing Mary ending up in her bed repeatedly overnight.

"Precisely. Now look at this room. Is there room for lots of people who want to see us play the Game?

"No." said Mary, looking around for the missing space for the audience. "Big Uncle Todd Camera thing in the best place to see game."

"You almost have it." Carrie praised, "Can you work out what is going on here? How do people see the Game? What if I told you that the Camera produces pictures on the Kermit boxes. You know what a Photo is."

"Lying thing that be quiet. Only look pretend to be person."

"Do you know how Photos are made?"

Mary nodded "Uncle Todd goes Cheese. Flash. Camera goes wir wir wir and picture comes out."

"That is how instant photos are made. There are other ways to take photos. One of them makes lots of pictures happen so it looks like they move. You need a special device to look at those pictures…"

Carrie trialed off, gesturing to the Screen on the Camera.

"Kermit box?" the disbelief in her voice was evident.

"Yes Mary Kermit boxes. Let me show you." Came Carries indulgent reply "This is a camera and it has a small Kermit box to the side showing what it sees, so if you wave your hand in front of it…

"Like mirror." Said Mary, staring at the results on the small screen.

"Very much so. This part records the Photos so you Can see them later. Brandon. Can you Go and be a heroic knight?"

"The character doesn't suit the set Aunt Carrie. If you laugh, I will take your Coca-Cola from the fridge and let them get warm." Brandon called as he walked over in front of the Camera. The humour in his reply didn't entirely cover how off he appeared and how he kept glancing at Mary to make sure she was Okay.

"Ready?" we push this button and say action to start this part of the Game so everyone knows when to start playing. Do you want to say "Action", Mary?"

"Yes. Action Squire Brandon"

Brandon, Bless him, played along and took a somewhat comical Martial pose while monologuing.

"I am the Brave Sir Brandon. Who teleported me to this strange land? Was it the Wizard George? Know this,Wizard George I shall fight all who challenge me and seek to prevent me from going home and claiming the dragon Mary. Is there any who will seek to challenge me? No? None? Do I just open this door? Oh that was easy. Now to seek the dragon."

"Cut. Thanks Brandon. Can you come back here and hold Mary up so she can see.

"Coming", Brandon called back as he reemerged from behind the door on set. "There's really nothing behind there, is there? Weird how it looks so real here and then, nothing," he continued, waving his hand and looking directly at Mary."

"That's the illusion of most movie sets. A small section of a world that only looks right from one angle. Mary, if I have done this right, I am usually on the other side of this device. There we go."

The scene repeated itself on the Small screen on the Camera. Brandon's voice, while tinny, was easily recognizable to Carrie and hopefully to Mary too. But if it wasn't, then …

Brandon's authentic voice cut across her spiraling panic. "Do I really sound like that, Mary?"

"Yes. Brandon sounds like Brandon in Kermit box. Like hero."

Brandon laughed slightly and briefly squeezed Mary. "I would be happier with the compliment if you knew what a hero really was."

"Brandon hero." Came the indignant reply.

"Mary, if I push this button, we can watch Brandon be a hero again. Like looking at a photo."

That instantly caught Mary's attention

"Watch. Brandon good Hero."

A button was pressed. Mary seemed entranced until the clip ended, and Mary instantly frnatically twisted to check on her and then back to Brandon as if to reassure herself that they were still there.

Now settled as she knew where her people where she asked hopefully "Watch 'gain?"

The button was dutifully pressed again. Mare watched closely again, checking Brandon and then the clip in turn. After the clip ended, she scrunched up her face, thinking, then turned back to the both of them.

"News thing do with Kermit wiggle game?"

"Yes, Mary. That is why you were on the Kermit box."

"NO Lying thing, not Mary. Mary not squeaky." But there was a small edge of doubt in Mary's voice that Carrie desperately hoped she wasn't imagining. "Would you like to go in front of the camera and see?"

"Yes." Mary nodded "Brandon, Play rescue Mary. Then Mary sees if squeaky."

"I guess we have our scene." Shrugged Brandon. "Looks like I will thank Bruce for all those improv lessons sooner than I thought."

Brandon carried Mary back behind the set carefully, her clinging to his frame tighter than usual. Typically she would be looking around, trying to see more of the world, not gripping tightly, desperately afraid he would disappear. This felt wrong on several levels. Mary should be excited to play a new game, not terrified. She should investigate every new thing she saw, not cling to safety and the old. She shouldn't Be this Scared. Mary was always confident that things would be okay because she had never experienced a world where they wouldn't be. Brandon didn't want to be responsible for that, to change her outlook, even if life inevitably would.

Giving Mary a smile and receiving a slightly teary one in return, he called out. "Ready when you are, Aunt Carrie!" He yelled, entirely concealed from the Camera behind the set door.

"Action." Came Mary's mother's distant call.

A moment to get into a suitably heroic pose and then…

Squire Brandon stepped bravely through the door carrying a transmuted Dragon Mary. "Well, Brave dragon Mary, we are back in the room the wizard George teleported us to. How shall we get home?"

"Brandon put Mary down. Then do Same pretty dancing." She declared. With almost all of her usual enthusiasm for "pretty dancing". She had left off her standard addition to the routine. And well, it was good for breathwork if her choices were usually a little silly. So Brandon had to suggest it.

"Do we need to sing a song?"

"Yes. Sing C is for Cookie."

A giggle made itself known from the Camera where Carrie was still standing.

"Warm Coke." mouthed Brandon as he put Mary on the ground so she could move.

What came was cute but almost certainly wouldn't be approved by Cookie Monster. On each move change, the next word in the rhyme was said gradually as Mary followed Brandon through a basic Kata.

"C. Is. For. Cookie. And. That's. Good. Enough. For Me. C. Is. For. Cookie. And. That's. Good. Enough. For. Me. C. Is. For. Cookie. And. That's. Good. Enough. For. Me. Ooh. Cookie. Cookie. Cookie. Starts. With. C."

And with the final C, Mary mirrored his move as best she could and returned to the start position.

"Cut." Called Aunt Carrie. "Come over here and see why you have made."

Mary instantly turned back to him and lifted her arms in the pick-me-up gesture. A sign of how off she was as she usually would have dashed over to her mother instead of wanting to be carried over . What else to do other than scoop her up and not quietly Sqee over how she relaxed in his arms. Guys were not supposed to do that unless it was your kid. Or so his friends said.

Still, it was funny watching her expressions as she watched the bit of improv acting. The whole scene was very short. A blank room. Brandon suddenly appeared out of nowhere, declaring himself Squire Brandon in the wrong outfit. (Mary's gasp of surprise when "Squire Brandon "appeared out of nowhere was adorable). Walking out of the room only to come back seemingly instantly with Mary. Seeing Mary keep sneaking looks at his form and doing her best to adjust her to match while singing that song was adorable. Finally, both disappearing, leaving the room empty.

Mary clapped rapidly at the end and then turned to her mother. "Mummy Uncle Todd toy Broken. Get Brandon's voice right but no Mary voice. Not member game right."

"Do I, really sound like that Mary?" Brandon found himself asking almost involuntarily. "Cause if I do. Makes sense Bruce insists on enunciation and projection."

Mary looks indignant. "Brandon sound like that. It Mary voice wrong on Kermit box thing.

A small giggle from Carrie interrupted their little disagreement. "Everyone sounds wrong. That's the bone in your head catching your voice and echoing it back to your ears Mary. That's why your voice sounds deeper to you when you speak."

"Everybody sound Squeaky?" Mary asked.

"When people hear themselves for the first time, they often go like Brandon and ask if they really sound like that. Some people find it funny."

There were a few moments of deep thought on the face of Mary before she pronounced her verdict.

" oaky not mean Kermit box. Just tricksey. Kermit Box show Game so people happy. Make Mary not happy to be tricked." The look turned suspicious. "Really make people happy to see game?"

"Having fun back here?" a familiar voice called, interrupting whatever answer Carrie would have given.

Carrie turned. "George, good to see you. Mary is just learning about how a camera works. We have shot our first scene. She is just unsure if people will like it."

"Well, let me look, and I will give my opinion as an industry professional," George answered as he walked up, excitement visible in his step.

The recording was dutifully played again to the excitement of George.

"Well, I can honestly say I enjoyed it, and I am sure Wally would like to see it too. Would you mind if we made some additions to it?"

Brandon had a slight grin on his face. While it was a technicality, he could legitimately say he had George Lucas work on his first recording gig. Street cred or funny story for the future it would be worth remembering. "Sure, I don't mind. Mary?"

"Can fix voice?" She asked hopefully.

George looked puzzled and tuned to Carrie, hoping for more explanation.

"Mary saw herself on the news and decided the person on the Kermit box was an imposter because it didn't sound like she thought she did. She has been quite upset all morning."

"Oh. In hindsight, that explains an awful lot about Mary? Makes sense she would destroy anything that looks and sounds like you if she thought they were impostors. I am glad I never had that problem with Wally. He was always more interested in the stories involved than how it was delivered. Sorry, Mary, I don't think we can fix your voice, so it sounds like you do in your head."

"All recording things do same with Mary's voice?" seeing three nods from her position in Brandon's arms, she nodded. "Then Mary, learn what Mary's voice on recording things is so not be tricked."

She paused and turned to George. "Most lying things stories?" her lower lip began to wobble "Lying things be like Daddy doing funny voices for stories? Pretendings for fun. So people happy?" Mary asked like she had finally found the last piece of the puzzle and didn't like it at all.

"Well, here in Lucasfilm certainly that is the goal. I spend a great deal of time ensuring things look and sound right so people can enjoy the story better."

"Okay. If make people happy, then Mary learn." Mary nodded sadly "But No Mary monster to take family? Cameras make Wiggle game on Kermit box can happen later and over and over? Okay, but Mary needs hugs to make up for scare." before yawning massively. "and nap. Mary Tired"

Carrie grinned before yawning herself. "Might be time to go. I need a nap, and Missy here has not had a proper one at all today. George, can I leave you to tidy up?"

"Gladly, Carrie. Do I have your permission and yours too, Brandon, to show this film around and do a little to it?"

"Certainly" "Sure" Came the almost simultaneous replies.

"Then I will take this to Wally and see if we can turn it into a proper story. Mary. Let us show you that lying things can just be a story thing. Not all of them are trying to be Mean. With your mother's permission, I will bring the results and Marsha and Wally to your place on Friday night?"

"We will tell you if it doesn't work for us but plain to see you Friday, George. Thanks again for this..." Carrie waved to the room as Brandon and Mary made for the door.

As Brandon carried a yawing Mary back to the car Mary piped up with one last question. "If recording game can play later on, Kermit box is Jim sneaking in house or we just seeing Muppet game later?"

"We are watching the Muppet show after he has produced it, Mary. He is usually about as good at hiding as he was last night. Why do you ask? came Carries reply

It was almost a corridor later when Mary answered. "Jim, not sneaky at all. Trick Mary." And with the adorable put on her face, Pouted her way Home

Squire Brandon and the Blue Monster

Directed by: Wally Lucas
Written by: Uhh, we will get back to you. Collaborative effort improv, maybe?
Produced by: George Lucas
Production: Lucasfilm

Distribution: Not happening.
Starring: Brandon Lee, Mary O'Brian, Wally Lucas and George Lucas

Film quality: Children's Game
Audience: The kids had fun making it and seem happy to rewatch it time after time.
Critics: Banned

Budget: Several afternoons and borrowed Lucasfilm equipment.
Domestic: (O'Brian household) Mary enthralled, Brandon Secretly happy and trying not to show it, Carrie happy that Mary is not Breaking things anymore, Bruce annoyed he wasn't a part of this.
International: (Lucas household) Wally Enthralled, George Had fun using his magic touch on a silly project with his son. Marsha is Happy that she holds tangible proof that filming and editing are directly linked to family.
Total Gross: Two happy Families

The Cookie Monster has eaten all the cookies and blamed Dragon Mary, causing the wizard George to banish Her. Squire Brandon, on hearing of the injustice from the Cookie Monster himself, uses a magic cookie to teleport to the strange world of Star Wars Cloud City, where he finds and rescues the transmogrified Dragon, and together, he and Dragon Mary do the super special cookie dance to teleport home. Then, once home, the cookie monster tells everyone he ate the cookies, and it was mean to Dragon Mary to assume she did. So Mary needs hugs and kisses to make up for the bad time she has had recently.

The movie is a hybrid of live-action (for the Star Wars universe scenes) and soft toy puppetry with very obvious hands visible manipulating them. Voice work is variable, to say the least, with Brandon's lines in the puppetry section sounding like he did them over a house phone ( he did). The introduction and credits are up to Lucasfilm's usual standards, and the stuffed dragon toy's flight shots look like someone borrowed ILM for an afternoon.

Mary no longer breaks lying things or is so worried about doppelgangers stealing her family but now asks more questions. She has a new favorite word. Why?

Absolutely loved this Omake! Might be my favorite for the Quest, definitely a contender for top 5. Mary had a really fascinating character journey where she grew to accept Lying Things but had to overcome a rough transition where she was scared out of her mind of being replaced and probably experienced her most traumatic event. There's also some nice layers like Brandon taking responsibility, George helping Wally grow into the family business, and Carrie being a great Mom even if she's in the midst of a depressive episode. Really cute and sweet and it's nice to see Mary grow and become more wiser.

@Magoose We gonna get rewards and a threadmark for this?

All I'm going to say is that her husband and kids influenced her decision. That and she didn't want to go to Bruce because she thought it would hurt her career

That moment when William and little Sarah's favorite movie is The Black Hole and not Star Wars, lol.

History books of this time period are going to be wild. I will bet that there will be a lot of Alternate history threads about Daddy O'Brian succeeding in Hollywood and somehow extending its golden age given what his children are doing. But Oil under the LA hills how long have you been sitting on that one as a possibility? For sheer unexpected awesome, even if it goes nowhere. five stars.

Part of me imagines in Alternatehistory stories where Joseph becomes a super famous movie star, a super common trope is that Bruce and Carrie end up growing together as childhood best friends and somehow still manage to fall in love and be awesome actors.
Mary and the Doppelganger.
I didn't know how to really get a reward for that, but I was busy watching the game right now, and all I feel like is good fun Mary Fluff.

[]Mary looks good on Camera (Mary and you film more interactions together)
[]Mary is a Genius (You come home to see Mary solving a math problem. A Calculus math problem)
[]Mary Wants to make friends (Mary begins making friends with everyone)
Are we anywhere near getting Time Man of the Year this year and if not what actions would make it more likely to happen?
Actually, next turn will have that action... but you might need to do more humanitarian work.
What is Mary's favorite food? Carrot sticks? Cherry tomatoes? individual grapes? Something else?
she likes Ice Cream, and surprisingly enough, red meat, and Brussel sprouts.

And potatoes, but shes the daughter of an irishman so thats expected.
@Magoose, sorry to bother you about something not that consequential, but I just realized that I forgot to list my Mavis Kingsley character as the writer for my last two pitches like I did for Mad Father. Would it be okay if I went back and added that? I assume it would be fine, but I'd just like to ask and confirm. Just in case.
Sure. I'll allow it.
Would it be possible for Bruce to have an action to get better with the media by going to Clint / Carrie / Debbie /Mike Etc. for advice and see how they manage the media or is this make an Omake territory?
Possibly... But it might be better if omakes take charge.
That moment when William and little Sarah's favorite movie is The Black Hole and not Star Wars, lol.
It's actually War of the Worlds.
Part of me imagines in Alternatehistory stories where Joseph becomes a super famous movie star, a super common trope is that Bruce and Carrie end up growing together as childhood best friends and somehow still manage to fall in love and be awesome actors.
I really wanna see that.
[X]Write in: Buying the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Kings
[X]Write in: Buying Dynamic Systems Inc. and the rights/technology to Vasco-Elastic Foam from NASA
[X]Write in: Buying the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Kings

Not really my preferred option, but I'm cool with it and we can buy or do the other things through Investment actions, so it's fine all around
[X]A New Toy Company: Thanks to your new contacts in Japan, Carrie has founded a new Toy Company, called "Sunset Toys" a sister company of Sunrise Studios, meant to create and manufacture toys for Sunrise's anime merchendising, and potentially more star wars toys once the Contracts with Kenner runs out at the end of the third Star Wars Movie.
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So from what I can tell online, Dynamic Systems is a Construction and Mechanical Engineering firm based in Texas. It's not like we're getting a elastic materials company to boost Carrie's pillow Empire, she would be jumping off course into an entirely separate industry heavily reliant on STEM when Carrie's strengths are in liberal arts and fashion design. I think she would have a much easier time with the toys or running the Lakers and Kings.

Also you kind of have to wonder if Jack Nicholson is gonna want to only work with Lucasfilms if Carrie goes with the Lakers/Kings purcahse.