[] Plan Into the O'Brianverse
-[] We are given Producer credit for every Batman movie.
-[] Reasonable creative control on scripts of movies that cast Bruce O'Brian as a main character.
-[] No demands or last minute edits from on high on age rating.
-[] We are the Director for all Batman movies
-[] Ability to shoot locally for Batman films
-[] Agree to appear in non-Batman films and shows for fee of $100,000. For Justice League, desire 1.5% of box office gross for films titled as Justice League, willing to waive standard fee for Justice League in exchange for box office.
-[] 2% of box office gross and 3% of all merchandise sales related to Batman films.
-[] Contract ILM to work on the SFX and VFX for DC films and shows at a negotiated price which will cover 1980-1990.
Okay so this is my rough plan. Roughly the same as our original plan of demands for Batman with some changes. We gain a producer credit for the Batman films. I'm more than fine with having Kathleen as Executive Producer, I just feel that with all the work Bruce puts in he should earn that credit. Director for all Batman movies so we have one continuous vision. We set up our payment for Batman cameos and guest appearences at a reasonable 100k which is a damn good price for Bruce's star power. Get 1.5% of Justice League gross because you know that movie is gonna explode. Upgrade Batman earnings to 2% of box office gross and 3% of merch, being reasonable but getting our fair share. Also get work for ILM.
I'm ready and open to other suggestions. Two others I thought of was having Lynda star in a Wonder Woman film, but that might already be a given. Another thing is that we have a set salary for Batman in exchange for Lucasfilms handling international distribution. Joint-distributions were a pretty common thing at the time and we'll get a shit load more money this way, but it's way more than the gross, I just want Lucasfilms to have some great say.
Any thoughts?
Magoose i just remember now, but how is the life of that one girl that we did try to date back in the early days of the quest ? like damm i forgot about her and i literally just remember because the my brain wanted :/
As the person who wrote Alison Ashmore's omake, my idea of her life at the moment is that she graduated UCLA majoring in fashion design and is either doing work for a high end fashion company or became part of Hollywood costuming as a fashion designer. Alison is modestly successful with a few great notable works. Is in a committed relationship with someone, either dating or soon to be married. Pretty decent and normal upper middle class life, likes to share her story of how she went on a date with Bruce O'Brian as a fun party topic.
I did have the idea of writing an Omake where Alison was hired by Lucasfilms fashion department and thus runs into Bruce or Carrie on occasion but never got the motivation. Alison was a very brief fling in Bruce's life where things were just meh on both ends and there's no lingering regrets on both ends, with Alison only being a small stepping stone on Bruce's journey to falling in love with Carrie. Wouldn't mind seeing her in future stuff but there's not exactly a crucial need.
Honestly, I kinda prefer the joke solution someone else said earlier in the thread (I think it was Kaiser 🤔) that Ares looks like Bruce because he chose to appear as him for his form. It just amuses me for some reason I can't quite pin down.
Yeah it was a joke by Ares and also because Ares knows well of the darkness within Bruce and thinks he's an excellent model for his avatar.