Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Peter tried to go easy on him for the scenes where Luke needed to have the upper hand, and it showed…
This still makes so much sense in retrospective for the fans. After the reveal they can easily see that this si proof of how much Vader did not want to hurt his son at first/ was just playing with him all along before he delivered his brutal counter.

In other words; we got what we wanted from the fight scene.
-[X] The Vader Issue: Peter and David are… both not happy. David wants to know what the big secret is to improve his performance. And David is trying to get as many sword masters as possible to help him out with this. Rolled:D100 + 50 => 79
-[X] The Secret: George, what the fuck is the big secret. I need to prepare. Rolled:D100 + 50 => 144

To say that you were pulling hairs, was a bit of an understatement, mostly because George was on set this final few days, mostly because he had with him the almighty true script that was carefully secured onto his wrist when he arrived. The fact he actually handcuffed it to himself was something that was going to be something that brought the attention.

But Peter, David, and Mark were with you, and you were the only three men who were about to be told about the great secret of the final scenes that George Lucas was hiding. "I told you, I wand David in the Suit for it." George was adamant.

"Yeah, but the fight will be needed and I want to make it seamless," you replied. "Peter can be in the suit for it."

George shook his head. "You don't understand, I want David in the Suit, because he can deliver the line I want him, and Mark will have an easier time with it."

Mark just shook his head. "Then what is it that you want me to react to? Don't take me or Bruce for idiots. We know you're hiding something, and that it's important enough that you kept it a secret from literally everyone on set. Even Bruce!" He pointed to you. "The guy you want directing the film."

A moment passed, before George just sighed. "Bruce and Mark stay… Please."

Peter and David did as he asked and left, though there was something that was ill in the air.

When you were all alone, there was only the three of you. He had a single script page. "This is what it is."

And you read it, and almost gasped when you read the line.

Vader (Breathing Heavily, holding out his hand towards Luke): No Luke. I am your Father!
Mark almost gasped like you, before he said. "Oh."

Reward: You learn what is the line is… and it is going to be something great.

Unknown Effect.
You know, with how much better this film is than the original(which is an extermely high bar to clear), I really want to see an omake just of people reacting to the Darth Vader reveal and the utter gut punch that comes with it.
Unless the editing includes the fancy lightsaber effects and stuff.
These two are the only things we can really touch up with editing. Otherwise the film is as good as it can be. Hell, I would be fine if ALL of the editing went into the Big Battles to get that part into line with the rest.
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Vader beating Luke like a redheaded stepchild really helps with his canonical dreadnought reputation. There is a reason one of his most iconic lines is, "All I'm surrounded by is fear, and dead men."
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That sounds like Shounen shit and I'm here for it. Goku Bruce and Vegeta Arnold, let's go!
Or Gai Arnold and Kakashi Bruce

Arnold - Alright little man time to truly prove which of us is the superior man ya.

Points dramatically at Bruce, "name your challenge and I will crush you!"

Only for Bruce who was looking at drawing his daughter made him this morning to lift his head with a blink, "I'm sorry sir did you say something?"

"Arg damn your hip cool attitude Goose!"
The thing with Bruce is, he's practically a perfectionist. But he always finds a way to keep things grounded, and keeping things from falling apart. If there is a mistake there is a great way I'll say... He's just able to not only use that mistake, and make it serve the story, but it also kinda of makes him laugh, and forget about the pressure. That's one way things work. It's a push and pull of perfection, but also of fun.

You know I wonder how Carrie interprets this side of Bruce. She seems to have some self-esteem issues and Bruce as this reputation as a Director as a perfectionist that wants the best film, and when Carrie is having doubts or great difficulty with performing, Bruce is always patient, understanding and believes she can do great things. Great husband to work with.

Directing:D100 + 50 => 148

You wanted to do so much more… but according to Everyone… at least when watching a rough cut…

It was the greatest film that they had ever seen.

And that made you feel good.

Reward: Bruce's Acting skill is now automatically set to 90.

Bruce's Directing skill set to 75

Action director trait increases to rank 3. Now giving it +30 to directing action movies.

Culture roll and Film quality increase substantially.

AN: enjoy.

I love how after an okay and casual run of Five Dates, Bruce hit grand slams for Batman and Empire Strikes Back and here was perfect from start to finish and arguably made a GOAT contender and something superior to TTL's New Hope. Love that we got the Directing skill boost because now all films we direct have a +40 and barring consistent low rolls we'll at least make a decent movie. I can see whatever movies we direct from this point on, we'll have every Hollywood A-lister who doesn't hate Bruce desperate to grab a role.

Seems like we're gonna transition from an Actor to a Director Quest, lol.

Mark Hamil:D100 + 200 => 278
Carrie O'Brian:D100 + 200 => 286
Bruce O'Brian:D100 + 450 => 499
Toshiro Mifune:D100 + 200 => 243
Peter Mayhew:D100 + 200 => 258
Kenny Baker:D100 + 200 => 218
Anthony Danials:D100 + 200 => 278
Jeremy Bulloch:D100 + 200 => 261
Billy Dee Williams:D100 + 200 => 295
David Prowse:D100 + 200 => 255
Ian McDirmand:D100 + 200 => 298
Frank Oz (Yoda Puppetry):D100 + 200 => 290
Background Actors:D100 + 200 => 231

Interesting that the three highest performing actors based on nat rolls are Billy, Ian and Frank, all three of whom are noobs to the franchise. With Billy's performance along with hopefully great movies in Small Giant and John Henry we can push for Hollywood to start featuring Black actors more prominently. Also with Yoda having as much star power and importance as OTL, maybe this and a successful Muppet Movie can convince Jim to develop a close relationship with Lucasfilms, or later be eligible to a buyout. Really hope Mark and Carrie win Best Actor and Actress this time.

And Han and Leia have now been officially cemented as the greatest romance in film. Always love to see the dice being a Carrie simp, and it looks like previous low rolls for production have been worth it to have them be a nat 100 in chemistry where we gave them a greater romance, perhaps Carrie's already pregnant, lol. Always like to make films with Carrie and hopefully we can do more fun stuff in the future.

With this I think it's clear that we should be the one to direct Attack of the Clones since the core of that movie is Anakin and Padme's romance. With our mastery let's make sure that it's as great as Han and Leia and doesn't have any of the cringe as the romance in my eyes is literally the only thing wrong with Attack of the Clones. Also it would be hillarious if for Anakin and Padme we got Wally and Mary casted as them.


Current Film Quality: Before the Edit:

D100 + 500 => 599

Man, a nat 99 plus 500 and this is BEFORE Marcia does her editing magic. I can easily see us having a 700+ quality film and the Empire fanboys are going to be very loud and obnoxious TTL with them being pretty much justified. Poor Steve, not only did he have to measure up to George, not he's gotta deal with Bruce. Although if it's any consolation, Bruce only got so far thanks to George and Steve's example.

You know… it's highly likely the Prequels and Sequels end up being heavily panned like OTL due to just how good we're rolling on the original trilogy. Sheesh.

I have faith they'll turn out alright. Bruce is most definitely going to be working on the Prequels in some capacity, if not as Director for one of the films then as a Producer on all three. He'll help George all the way and this time George is still going to be married to Marcia who will keep George's flaws in check and add her editing magic. Plus it's important to remember here that even if George is on his own again for some reason, he's improved dramatically in all of his areas and the tech to make the Prequels is gonna be even higher quality than OTL. So I think we'll at least end up with the Prequels better than OTL and I doubt they'd get canned. Just need to delete Jar-Jar and have Anakin in Phantom Menace played by a teen actor.

So with Empire being done, unless Alan does something that pushes us to do a joint project with Columbia like making the Batman sequel, I have to ask, what's our next big gameplan for making movies and acting? I think the biggest factor to influence is if Carrie still wants to make another kid right after. If so we should definitely have Bruce honor her wish and have them go for Gosling II so I guess we can't try anything too ambitious. Maybe do some TV work again or just audition and act in something that would have us be in LA. Tron is just starting production so we can be Flynn or we can do a fun role in Airplane. I do want to make another movie with Carrie, but obviously we can't place any stress on her or the baby. Guess we would have a small window until she's two-three months pregnant. Probably for the best to just take a vacation next turn and so some nice social fluff to relax.

Of any movies to do for the rest of the year, I was thinking of either directing Moonlight Dinner or A Dream of a Dream. Former is a simple movie for us to remain in the horror game and we direct a Carrie script, and for the later we help Debbie to make another great film which she said she'd be happy to have as her last film and would be content for the rest of her life if she made so. @Magoose Did Carrie want to play the younger Debbie for the film or is she fine if the role goes to someone else? Would love to do Killer Queen but I want Carrie as Debbie's daughter in that.

Aside from that, our only long-term commitments at the moment is making more Batman and Conan movies. Batman sequel we should do in the next five years at most, while with Conan we can thankfully take our time so a Conan the Destroyer coming out in the latter part of the 80s is fine.
Or Gai Arnold and Kakashi Bruce

Arnold - Alright little man time to truly prove which of us is the superior man ya.

Points dramatically at Bruce, "name your challenge and I will crush you!"

Only for Bruce who was looking at drawing his daughter made him this morning to lift his head with a blink, "I'm sorry sir did you say something?"

"Arg damn your hip cool attitude Goose!"
Oh please, Kakashi could only wish to be a tenth as hip as the green beast of YOUTH!

Switch the roles around and we might talk.
So with Empire being done, unless Alan does something that pushes us to do a joint project with Columbia like making the Batman sequel, I have to ask, what's our next big gameplan for making movies and acting?
Bruce is young, ripped and more Irish than eating potatoes...

That makes him the best Cu Chulain possible and it would be awesome to watch and/or make...

And as a plus we would probably make that the Lancers in the Nasuverse no longer the butt monkey...
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So with Empire being done, unless Alan does something that pushes us to do a joint project with Columbia like making the Batman sequel, I have to ask, what's our next big gameplan for making movies and acting? I think the biggest factor to influence is if Carrie still wants to make another kid right after. If so we should definitely have Bruce honor her wish and have them go for Gosling II so I guess we can't try anything too ambitious. Maybe do some TV work again or just audition and act in something that would have us be in LA. Tron is just starting production so we can be Flynn or we can do a fun role in Airplane. I do want to make another movie with Carrie, but obviously we can't place any stress on her or the baby. Guess we would have a small window until she's two-three months pregnant. Probably for the best to just take a vacation next turn and so some nice social fluff to relax.

Of any movies to do for the rest of the year, I was thinking of either directing Moonlight Dinner or A Dream of a Dream. Former is a simple movie for us to remain in the horror game and we direct a Carrie script, and for the later we help Debbie to make another great film which she said she'd be happy to have as her last film and would be content for the rest of her life if she made so. @Magoose Did Carrie want to play the younger Debbie for the film or is she fine if the role goes to someone else? Would love to do Killer Queen but I want Carrie as Debbie's daughter in that.

Aside from that, our only long-term commitments at the moment is making more Batman and Conan movies. Batman sequel we should do in the next five years at most, while with Conan we can thankfully take our time so a Conan the Destroyer coming out in the latter part of the 80s is fine.
On acquiring films, i want us to ge tthe Friday the 13th movie to produce, and the Flash Gordon film to distribute. Hopefully we can give them the release they both deserve, while also making sure that the former does not go down the drain with each successive film becoming a rehash of the first with lower budgets and the same formula, while with the latter we can make sure it gets a proper franchise.

I also want us to appear in Columbo. We've already said no twice to them, and I really thinkk we could work great with Peter Falk, besides many A-Listers were part of the series at some point, so let's make sure we also are a part of said exclusive club.

Also, I want us to do the Kung Fu Kid movie now that Brandon wants to be an Actor, though we should run it by Linda first of course. Perhaps we could also start producing a new movie while we wait for 1981 when we can act/produce in Dune.

And also, let's get the rights for the Never Ending Story now that it has been published.
there some minor acting rolls i would not mind trowing a dice at but i am unsure it make it better in any way.
the 2 big battle might need a little work to be even better but overall i think we made a very good movie
And Han and Leia have now been officially cemented as the greatest romance in film. Always love to see the dice being a Carrie simp, and it looks like previous low rolls for production have been worth it to have them be a nat 100 in chemistry where we gave them a greater romance, perhaps Carrie's already pregnant, lol. Always like to make films with Carrie and hopefully we can do more fun stuff in the future.
Its not even the greatest romance, it's just an average day of Bruce and Carrie, and the cameras just happened to be rolling at the time. :V
Man, a nat 99 plus 500 and this is BEFORE Marcia does her editing magic. I can easily see us having a 700+ quality film and the Empire fanboys are going to be very loud and obnoxious TTL with them being pretty much justified. Poor Steve, not only did he have to measure up to George, not he's gotta deal with Bruce. Although if it's any consolation, Bruce only got so far thanks to George and Steve's example.
Steve can absolutely beat us. In fact, we're going to see him reach into his bags of tricks.

And that is an incredible bag of tricks.
Of any movies to do for the rest of the year, I was thinking of either directing Moonlight Dinner or A Dream of a Dream. Former is a simple movie for us to remain in the horror game and we direct a Carrie script, and for the later we help Debbie to make another great film which she said she'd be happy to have as her last film and would be content for the rest of her life if she made so. @Magoose Did Carrie want to play the younger Debbie for the film or is she fine if the role goes to someone else? Would love to do Killer Queen but I want Carrie as Debbie's daughter in that.
That depends on two things:

If Carrie is pregnant, and if Debbie is able to convince herself to work after enjoying being a grandmother and being out of the spotlight for so long.
Aside from that, our only long-term commitments at the moment is making more Batman and Conan movies. Batman sequel we should do in the next five years at most, while with Conan we can thankfully take our time so a Conan the Destroyer coming out in the latter part of the 80s is fine.
Alan might have something to say about that...

as for Conan... Well you have all the time in the world for that. But Steve won't be coming back to direct, for obvious reasons.:V