Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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[X]The Puppet Master: Frank Oz looks at you with a smile. "So you're the one that Jim has been talking about? First things first, Does Mary still want to meet Kermit?"

If the question is: "Do you want to meet Kermit the Frog?" the answer is yes.

[X]Of Smoke, Mirrors, and Mark's face: Okay, a Vader helmet, a smoke screen, and a mask… Um… Mark, get over here, I have an idea?!

[X]Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.


[X]Billy's Opening Salvo: You have never worked with Billey Dee Williams before, but by got, he really wanted to make an impact. The perfect first impression.

[]Cloud City: You need to look at the Cloud City before you leave Japan.

Unsure between these two, so coin flip it is!
geogio13 threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
[X] Plan Strong-arm of Prepwork
-[X] Desprate Flight Fighting
: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
-[X] Preparing the Swamp: It smells like shit. It's perfect. Now about the snakes?
-[X] Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
-[X] The Heavy Armor of ILM: You wanted to- OH MY GOODNESS! "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?"
Hoth Top Gun (Camera)
Hoth Top Gun (Camera)

The barracks were neat and orderly, and the bed sheets were tucked tight enough to bounce a quarter. At the foot of each bed stood an airman of the Japanese Self Defense Force at attention. Much stood on this inspection. A small team had been ordered to go to Hokkaido to assist Lucasfilm in general and Bruce O'Brian Lucasfilm's Japanese-speaking director, Specifically in any way he Saw fit. If they happened to upstage the multiple units of the Ground Self Defense force in the process, all the better.

Japan as a nation loved Lucasfilm. In their internationally Successful movie Star Wars, Lucasfilm had not only adapted the Japanese Classic "The Hidden Fortress" for a Western audience but rightfully cast Toshiro Mifune back into his role, showing considerable respect. If that was it, Lucasfilm would have been given consideration in Japan, but it did not stop there. Not only did Star Wars Become a Giant success and won Toshiro Mifune an Oscar for his role, an impossibility before Lucasfilm, but Lucasfilm actively promoted Japanese films and Japanese Culture respectfully in the United States. Then, when creating an animation department, A Japanese head was selected, and a half-Japanese animation team was hired to work on a project developed by that Japanese head. Naturally, the Gundam series was again a genre-defining classic that was watched and enjoyed by all.

Moreover, it was entertaining, baking up and justifiing Japan's pacifist stance while subtly boosting Japan's geopolitical Goal of encouraging America to work with Japan by demonstrateing what they could do together. There were rumours that the Emperor himself had possibly watched the work and may have been mildly approving of the part Gajin work. So when the director of the next Star Wars movie humbly requested to film in Hokkaido, Permission was all but Guaranteed. Several units of the Self Defence Force "Spontaneously" donated their time to go and be extras In the next film.

Lucasfilm continued to Honour Japan for their generosity, casting the Extras as heroic defenders against White Western-looking invaders and fighting a futile but justifiable fight against an existential threat. For certain Japanese mindsets still traumatised by Commodore Matthew Perry's "Black Ships" visit, the scene and its handling were nothing but Poetry. Rumours whispered that the units involved in the filming might potentially gain other official recognition for their actions beyond those autographs and being immortalised on film.

While nobody would be so crass as to mention it out loud, the other Japanese Self Defense Force branches, the Air and Maritime forces, were jealous. While the Maritime self-defence force was impotent in their ability to go and join in meaningfully, the Air Defence Force could relocate assets with little issues. The only problem was how to arrive in such a way that seemed gracious and polite while not looking like they were attempting to steal the ground forces' glory while doing precisely that.

Then providence answered. Backchannels from Lucasfilm through one "Eagleman", the Animator Noboru Ishiguro indicated that Bruce O'Brian, the director of Empire Strikes Back, was looking to attach a Camera to an aircraft for some scenes. This was practically an invitation for "Blue Impulse", Japan's air demonstration Squadron, to go there in their new Japanese-designed, developed and manufactured Mitsubishi T-2 and see if they could assist.

From a Pride point of view, it showed the demonstration squadron had replaced their American Saber jets with a home-grown worthy successor. From a technical point of view, it had three hardpoints that could be reconfigured to carry multiple things like drop tanks, missiles or even specialist equipment modules like a tube containing a movie camera. From a security perspective, it concealed the specifics of Japan's even newer fighter developed from the T-2. The Japanese developed and manufactured F-1 Ground and Naval attack aircraft while still hinting at its capabilities. It was felt it was the perfect solution. It only needed exemplary pilots to be chosen to represent Japan and the Air Self Defense Force.

At precisely 0900 hours, the Commanding officer entered the barracks, and if anything, the Soldiers within stood to even further attention. "You have been selected for the Mission. For the honor of Blue Impulse, you will immediately proceed to Hokkaido and demonstrate the superiority of the Japanese people. Dismissed."

Hours later, a slightly bewildered Lucasfilm technician would have his security classification increased in an almost insane leap as he took custody of heavily classified documents on the specific attachments and wiring of the hardpoints and associated systems under the watchful eye of Security personnel. Evan as a technitian freaked out, the mind of Geoge Lucas was mentally pulling apart the cameras and calcualted resorces available for work. George had to do the impossible. Make a movie camera capable of taking the almost impossible shots he dreamt of that could be controlled from the backseat of a trainer aircraft while still being rugged and reliable enough to operate while being flown by some of the best stunt pilots in the world before Lucasfilm had to leave for the states to continue filming. On one hand, the technology either didn't exist or was so heavily classified that no one wanted to admit it did. On the other hand, George Lucas had his own mind, Lucasfilm and the Japanese air self-defence force motivated by both National and Interservice pride and several Regiments of soldiers who quickly got bored between scenes.

The first camera flew less than a week after Blue Impulses arrival to Hokkaido.

Short one but I couldn't resist. I love the idea of Blue Impulse helping with shots in Empire only for the Blue Angel Pilots to see it and demand the chance to act in Jedi. Besides can you imagine the look on Noboru Ishiguro's face?
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[X]Desprate Flight fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
[X]The Vader Issue: Peter and David are… both not happy. David wants to know what the big secret is to improve his performance. And David is trying to get as many sword masters as possible to help him out with this.
[X]The Secret: George, what the fuck is the big secret. I need to prepare.
[X]Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
[X]The Puppet Master: Frank Oz looks at you with a smile. "So you're the one that Jim has been talking about? First things first, Does Mary still want to meet Kermit?"

[X]The Secret: George, what the fuck is the big secret. I need to prepare.

[X]Of Smoke, Mirrors, and Mark's face: Okay, a Vader helmet, a smoke screen, and a mask… Um… Mark, get over here, I have an idea?!

[X]Desprate Flight fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
[X] Plan Sayonara Hokkaido
-[X]Desprate Flight fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
-[X]Cloud City: You need to look at the Cloud City before you leave Japan.
-[X]Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
-[X]The Heavy Armor of ILM: You wanted to- OH MY GOODNESS! "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?"

Since we got one turn left in Hokkaido let's take all the turn options for Hokkaido that'll be gone next turn. Do flight fighting because Xsplora's Omake autopasses it. Cloud City because it sounds important to check it out now with wording. Vibe with Mifune for wholsomeness. Check in with ILM and do some neat stuff with AT-ATs and others. Hoping we can use mobile suits.
[X] Plan Sayonara Hokkaido
-[X]Desprate Flight fighting: You looked at the film cameras and then got a very stupid, terrible idea. "I wanna strap a camera to your fighters while they are doing combat maneuvers." You had no idea how it would work, but goddammit you didn't care, maybe you could do something awesome.
-[X]Cloud City: You need to look at the Cloud City before you leave Japan.
-[X]Mifune's Home: Torshio is incredibly happy to see Star Wars is now in his homeland, and he seems to be redoubling his efforts, despite his scenes all going to be filmed in LA at the Lucas Lot… But here, he seemed to be far more… at peace.
-[X]The Heavy Armor of ILM: You wanted to- OH MY GOODNESS! "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?"