TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands.
To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.
I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.
I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.
I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all.
Well one thing that is for sure is that when Reagan enters into office that Bruce will be the first person he awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to.
As for 1978 TIME, Bruce is definitely a contender and if not him them probably the Romanian Revolutionaries. Bruce definitely deserves it more then Deng Xiaoping.
Sorry if you are annoyed or frustrated with the complaints Magoose, me especially. The Quest is still amazing and awesome to read, just that with the recent escalation and Bruce now being a leader in Hollywood and America then people want to be more ambitious and take advantage of the wealth and soft power we have. Keep doing the great work, whatever you come up with will be good.
Now for strategizing for the future, since we got a 2 billion dollar fund then we should definitely do Lucasfilms TV. Really highlight our wealth and high quality to get as many people to join us as possible. Two films we can get in our pocket would be Airplane and Tron. One highlight Warner Bros film is Caddyshack which would be great with our sports reputation and we can connect with Harold Ramis.
As for the debate about The Shining, I think I found a reason why we can get it and why Kubrick would not have worked on it. So OTL, after Barry Lyndon was highly criticized and made only modest profits, Kubrick was frustrated and wanted to make a movie that would be very commercially successful and would interest him artistically. So Kubrick had his staff bring in lots of horror books and after several days of reading, he stumbled upon The Shining and became interested in it. Here, that might not happen since after Barry Lyndon, Kubrick got a blank check from Universal to make Napoleon and while it was domestically a meh performance, it was a smash hit overseas, made almost a billion dollars and critics are going wild for it as Star Wars equal. So Kubrick might not want to make the Shining because here he has his magnum opus with Napoleon, hell having just made nine films he may want to take a break.
Magoose is Kubrick making The Shining or no?
For stocks, if we wait another year for Apple we can immediately purchase a large ownership stock since they become public in December of 1980 so we don't have to wait longer and once we have ownership we can push the Steves to have a partnership with Pixar. For something in the short-term that's safe, Walmart is ridicuously cheap right now with their stocks costing a dime. Right now Walmart is at a high of 165, so that's some stock that will be well worth it in the long-run and if nothing else is a nice rainy day fund.
Also I just realized something. Since we own 48% of Lucasfilms and it's a multi-billion dollar company, then by net worth that makes us a billionaire. We did it boys! Bruce the Billionaire!
For stocks, if we wait another year for Apple we can immediately purchase a large ownership stock since they become public in December of 1980 so we don't have to wait longer and once we have ownership we can push the Steves to have a partnership with Pixar. For something in the short-term that's safe, Walmart is ridicuously cheap right now with their stocks costing a dime. Right now Walmart is at a high of 165, so that's some stock that will be well worth it in the long-run and if nothing else is a nice rainy day fund.
For stocks, if we wait another year for Apple we can immediately purchase a large ownership stock since they become public in December of 1980 so we don't have to wait longer and once we have ownership we can push the Steves to have a partnership with Pixar. For something in the short-term that's safe, Walmart is ridicuously cheap right now with their stocks costing a dime. Right now Walmart is at a high of 165, so that's some stock that will be well worth it in the long-run and if nothing else is a nice rainy day fund.
...If we do that, we could also potentially adjust the path of Apple as he basically was kicked out because he was 'wasting money innovating', only to be brought back to save the company from the consequences of not doing what they kicked them out for.
Public corps have a tendency to obliviously self-sabotage themselves. I mean, Famous Amos had loosely the same situation where after the founder left the company, they begged the founder to come back to save the company.
Kubrick got a blank check from Universal to make Napoleon and while it was domestically a meh performance, it was a smash hit overseas, made almost a billion dollars and critics are going wild for it as Star Wars equal. So Kubrick might not want to make the Shining because here he has his magnum opus with Napoleon, hell having just made nine films he may want to take a break.
As for 1978 TIME, Bruce is definitely a contender and if not him them probably the Romanian Revolutionaries. Bruce definitely deserves it more then Deng Xiaoping.
For stocks, if we wait another year for Apple we can immediately purchase a large ownership stock since they become public in December of 1980 so we don't have to wait longer and once we have ownership we can push the Steves to have a partnership with Pixar. For something in the short-term that's safe, Walmart is ridicuously cheap right now with their stocks costing a dime. Right now Walmart is at a high of 165, so that's some stock that will be well worth it in the long-run and if nothing else is a nice rainy day fund
So, I was doing some research for my Spider-Noir pitches and was looking through Jim Jones's Wikipedia article when I realized that the Jonestown mass suicide happened just this turn.
So, uh... How's that going to affect local California politics, specifically San Francisco? Because Jimmy Carter had ties to Jim Jones before all this, and he's president right now. Me thinks that this could be potentially used by Reagan against him if that's the case?
Also, perhaps we could do a charity action to help support the survivors and other former cult members.
It certainly won't make him look good, though I think it was only his wife who had connections with Jones.
IIRC the real breaker in the 1980 election was the Iranian hostage crisis which will happen in a year. Carter being unable to quickly secure the release of the hostages and the failed rescue attempt by the military really hurt his image.
Though really Carter is playing both sides in Iran. He thinks the Shah is unreliable as an ally and wants him gone. Efforts are focused on making sure Iran's military stays neutral in any coming revolution.
All The President's Men Directed by: Alan J. Pakula
Written by: William Goldman
Produced by: George Lucas
Production/Distribution Studio: Lucasfilms Unlimited
Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam, Hal Holbrook, Jason Robards, Jane Alexander, Stephen Collins, New Beatty, Meredith Baxter, Penny Fuller, Penny Peyser, Lindsay Crouse, Robert Walden, F. Murray Abraham, David Arkin, Nicolas Coster, Joshua Shelley and Ralph Williams.
Budget: $8.5 Million Lucasfilms Unlimited Profits: $34,641,943
When you first met Robert Redford all those years back you'd done so with the hope of finally telling the story that had been so cruelly cut off with the death of Warner Brothers. Don't get you wrong, it couldn't have happened to a worse studio (and the memories will hopefully one day fade from your mind) but the consequences were not something you had considered when you and Mike attended the meeting to dismember the carcass with the other studios in Hollywood.
Only after, when you heard through the grapevine about how the republican party could breathe easier about a movie that had been cancelled, did you decide to dig in deeper, and realized the travesty that had happened.
For if there's one thing you'd hated all your life was injustice, and the idea that the film that would expose one of the greatest examples of such in this country was not only cancelled, but not being picked by any other studio just rubbed you wrong. This movie deserved to be made, shown and serve as a warning for anyone that would try to do anything similar; that no matter what, the truth will always come to light.
Robert Redford was agreeable...after you gave him your word for both director and cast. George was even more than agreeable to the conditions, even downright giddy from what you saw him, immediately putting himself forward as producer for the film. You knew that he had an intense dislike for Nixon, but damn if this didn't just put him right back in the saddle and away from his work at ILM for at least some months.
That letter from the Nixon family did not do anything but just motivate him and the rest of the production team to work harder...something which, thankfully, Marcia did not take too much umbrage at.
As for Mike...well, he did his job at marketing, but this is the first time you've ever seen him be hesitant about releasing this film; on the one hand, as he told you, this movie was a shoe in for the Oscars if released now, and both of you were sure there would be stiff competition if released at any other time. On the other hand, both Superman, and your own Dracula film, were still dominating ticket sales, so though the movie will surely make a profit, Mike doubts it will be a big one.
So, for the first time ever, you see Mike put forward art over money as he releases the film and prepares for the news.
Which were...not that bad actually. Sure, it was not an overwhelming return as you'd gotten used to, but frankly you did not care. Sitting down in that cinema and seeing the real-life events of how a couple of reporters blew the lid open on one of the biggest corruption cases in the country, seeing the film that so many would have preferred it had never seen the light of day...it makes it all worth it.
All the President's Men has no hidden morals, messages, or meanings. It's just a true story about something that happened, brought to life on the big screen by a great director, an influential screenwriter and two of the best actors of all time. It's not something philosophical that will leave you thinking it over once it's finished, but it's the type of movie that will certainly generate a lot of talk.
Not that it won't have anything thematic or hidden, but that it's not necessary to think of it to enjoy or understand the film.
For the film's opening sequence, in which Woodward and Bernstein's condemning news is written on a typewriter, using the sounds of gunshots to clarify each separate key of the device striking downwards fits with the overall events when you consider how Nixon was sentenced to a sort of political death with the publishing of that article, and the bold gunshots add an extra depth and meaning to this fact. The break-in at the beginning is accurate in how much of a mess it was; In preparation for the break-in, someone had gone around the Democratic headquarters and put tape on all the doors so they wouldn't lock automatically. And one of the first things you see is a guard finding one of the taped doors... that was the actual guard, and he was considered the hero of the night.
Woodward and Bernstein were like dogs with a bone, beautifully shown here as they continually pursue a story originally thought of as a waste, later called a witch hunt, and finally above-the-title news. They suffer from both political shenanigans, CIA monitoring, and perhaps one of the delinquent abuses of power when they actually use agencies that are there for the common good of the country in a political way.
God protect you from it happening again.
The movie is a mystery but not in the traditional sense. Almost everyone watching the film already knows how the story is going to turn out, but the way it makes its dynamic revelations seem surprising and its story tense and exciting is one of the greatest examples of compelling filmmaking you've ever seen. Then final scenes, where both Woodward and Bernstein are told what is at stake, in the most normal and dry tone possible, actually enhances, in your opinion, the critical yet often underappreciated role of the press; to serve as a bastion of free news, of liberty, to hold those above them accountable for their actions.
You've never felt more certain that this movie deserved to be made than at that moment.
And critics all around the country agreed with you. The stellar performance of not just Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford (who, by the way, looks NOTHING like Bob Woodward) but the stellar supporting cast. An appropriately tense and well directed thriller. As one of the critics said: "You know you're being watched, surveilled, spied upon - you might not know by whom or by what or when" that was the area that brought the attention and the foremost acclaim. There's already talks of an Oscar nomination for the movie and George, his reputation already soaring more seeing he has the eye for movies that many would kill for.
You're just a bit sad that the movie could not make as much as expected...but you're content that everyone can recognize it as a great one nonetheless.
To be honest, now that I think about it with Lucasfilms having 2 billion dollars probably the only reason I want Bruce to have a lot of money is to go Mr. Beast and then donate a crap ton of his wealth to charity so we can do a lot of good in the world. Thinking it over, and a lot of our business strategy is satisfied by using Lucasfilms money to expand the company and create movies and shows and at the moment Bruce has more than enough wealth with the current dollar value and contemporary economy to really have some fun in business. Not to mention that while we reinvested our dividends into the company, this year we are going to get a lot of personal income with the Director's Cut of Star Wars, Conan the Barbarian and merch and gross for Batman, so Bruce is gonna be fine on personal income to do what he wants for charity and business pursuits.
Also thinking about it, the current action economy is very generous and it's not really Magoose's fault. Taking a look at most of the recent turns, and the reason the action economy seems bad is because there tends to be a number of actions which we fail and have to repeat again like our infamous quest for a producer and because there are actions added in that frequently come from our own suggestions and become mandatory. Plus admittedly I screwed up and there were a number of plans where I took away an action for Lucasfilms releases and imports when it was free thanks to the Mike Eisner Division. So sorry for the complaints Magoose, everything is fine and you can make the 80s rewards back to how you intended it.
Well we own 48% of Lucasfilms who has liquid assets of $2.4 billion and physical assets likely worth in the hundreds of millions at minimum, so that means that Bruce is a billionaire because a billionaire is measured by net worth in physical and liquid assets.
As for Carrie charities, OTL she was involved in charities advocating for women's rights, animal welfare, and LGBT causes. She also donated a lot to HIV/AIDS research and treatment so that's probably something she'll be involved in for the 80s. From her butterflies here probably might be involved in charities for drug addiction and child welfare. If not any of those then she can always lend some of her money to Bruce's charities.
It certainly won't make him look good, though I think it was only his wife who had connections with Jones.
IIRC the real breaker in the 1980 election was the Iranian hostage crisis which will happen in a year. Carter being unable to quickly secure the release of the hostages and the failed rescue attempt by the military really hurt his image.
Though really Carter is playing both sides in Iran. He thinks the Shah is unreliable as an ally and wants him gone. Efforts are focused on making sure Iran's military stays neutral in any coming revolution.
Don't forget Stagflation and the Second oil shock when the economy was at its absolute worst after WWII until the Great Recession. That plus Iran basically obliterated any and all chances that Carter had for re-election and were it not for John Anderson then Reagan might have done a 50 state sweep.
Black Hole Directed by: Gary Nelson
Produced by: Ron Miller
Distribution: Walt Disney Productions
Starring: Maximilian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Robert Forster, Joseph Bottoms, Yvette Mimieux, Ernest Borgnine, Tom McLoughlin, Roddy McDowall and Slim Pickens.
Domestic Profit: $21,961,073
International Profits: $55,912,073
You don't know what you were expecting to be honest. When you heard that Disney was trying to make their own Star Wars-like movie you'd actually burst out laughing so loud that you'd startled both Mike and George during the meeting. But how could you not! All these studios can't seem to realize that Star Wars is not something you can imitate. It's not a formula, it's not a cheating strategy to success; it's an original story that managed to be successful thanks to the work and planning of one of the most visionary directors that ever existed, and to try and ape it is an exercise in futility.
Then you heard how they'd reworked the story to make it more of a horror than a Science Fiction tale and you got worried. Whoever was behind this had wisened up and was trying something different and unique, something that could very well succeed if properly handled. You'd already been surprised with the advent of the resurging animation department in Disney, that they could very well deliver a new and interesting Live Action film would show the entire company to be in the up and up.
Well...it seems you had nothing to worry about, or at least not completely.
Alright, to be honest, Black Hole is actually not that bad of a movie; It is fairly well-paced, touches on some interesting issues, and while the fact that they actually decided to not go the Sci Fi route and go for the full horror experience might have hampered them a bit due to it still being a Disney movie, it also managed to entice many of the audience and reviewers who wanted something different form the usually family friendly corporation.
Not like that will aid them during the next film, but for now, the story is quite interesting...
It centers around a small spaceship (the Palomino) and her crew who are charting the deepest depths of space in the search for new life. Early on, they come across a giant Black Hole and notice a long-lost ship (the Cygnus) which seems to be parked right by it. The ship appears to be empty until closer inspection reveals it to be full of robots, humanoids made up of the old crew, and a mad scientist type of guy in charge of it all. He plans to take his ship through the Black Hole to see what wonders are beyond it. Needless to say, most of the Palomino's crew can see that the guy has a few loose screws and try to escape before he can take them with him. An intense, if not very interesting, fight happens, and they actually move through the Black Hole, showing that there is actually something there before the movie ends.
You find yourself conflicted here; on the one hand It has great sets and model work which makes the giant space craft, where the majority of the action takes place, an evocative setting. The special effects are just magnificent and thought provoking (and of course they are, ILM worked on them). And the visuals themselves give life to nearly every part of the movie, and its atmosphere as a whole; they ultimately are used also to set up the strange and ambiguous ending which involves visions of Hell and an alternate universe. Pretty daring for Disney, they actually seem serious on their horror experiment on the whole, what with the rumors of what John Carpenter may be cooking up for future distribution. In a way, this could be seen as a canary in the coal mine situation, putting it forth in order to see what the public's reaction is, and whether to continue with their route.
Well, if that's what they had planned...then they failed successfully. Audiences did go to see the movie, yet that's where the entire situation turns...weird. on the one hand, you have the moralists that are raking Disney on coals for actually daring to put a Horror movie, and betraying their trust in the family friendly brand, then you have the critics who are praising the movie to the stars and through the Black Hole itself, though most of that praise comes from the visuals and atmosphere (You're welcome Disney!), and then you have the audience who seemed to just go to the movies because said moral agitators started going apeshit, just to find a movie that, well, alright seemed okay, but aside from impressive effects and a horror atmosphere, did not have anything else to go with it.
Yeah...the movie is a bit like that. It's not a bad movie, but neither is it a good one that will shatter all expectations. From what you've heard, Disney itself is not sure whether to continue with this kind of experiments or just abandon it all and go back to the old and tried formula of family friendly movies and comedies. Ron Miller himself has shown uncharacteristic support and leadership on pushing forward, and is only a tenuous alliance with Roy Disney that is keeping the more conservative elements (led by "Card" Walker) from taking over the Board once more and "righting the ship" as it were.
As for yourself, you have no thoughts one way or another. You went to see the film, and like many others, you only felt some degree of enjoyment. Like one of those things you just see and think "that's nice" before moving on. It at least made its budget back, and gained some profit from what you've heard; it's reception internationally being more than enough, with great success in Latin America, though not so much in Europe and Britain. France seems to love it though, requesting repeat showings again and again.
At the very least you got paid for the effects, now you just have to wait and see whether this will affect Disney in any significant way in the future. You don't hold much hope for Live Action, not after seeing what they could do with War of the Worlds. Then again, if they try to cut the budget even more after that masterpiece then frankly, they deserve what's coming for them.
Having watched this for the first time last night I have to say that I'm pretty glad that Black Hole was a success. Sure it's a poor man's Star Wars, but there's a certain charm to it and you have to admire the effort with Disney showing a lot of creativity in set design and visuals. With the horror emphasized and ILM doing the SFX then it could be a pretty great movie, although I find it hillarious that it's the perfect Sci-Fi to critics and at the same time it had no effect on culture and everyone forgot it existed after leaving the theater, lol.
All The President's Men Directed by: Alan J. Pakula
Written by: William Goldman
Produced by: George Lucas
Production/Distribution Studio: Lucasfilms Unlimited
Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam, Hal Holbrook, Jason Robards, Jane Alexander, Stephen Collins, New Beatty, Meredith Baxter, Penny Fuller, Penny Peyser, Lindsay Crouse, Robert Walden, F. Murray Abraham, David Arkin, Nicolas Coster, Joshua Shelley and Ralph Williams.
Budget: $8.5 Million Lucasfilms Unlimited Profits: $34,641,943
When you first met Robert Redford all those years back you'd done so with the hope of finally telling the story that had been so cruelly cut off with the death of Warner Brothers. Don't get you wrong, it couldn't have happened to a worse studio (and the memories will hopefully one day fade from your mind) but the consequences were not something you had considered when you and Mike attended the meeting to dismember the carcass with the other studios in Hollywood.
Only after, when you heard through the grapevine about how the republican party could breathe easier about a movie that had been cancelled, did you decide to dig in deeper, and realized the travesty that had happened.
For if there's one thing you'd hated all your life was injustice, and the idea that the film that would expose one of the greatest examples of such in this country was not only cancelled, but not being picked by any other studio just rubbed you wrong. This movie deserved to be made, shown and serve as a warning for anyone that would try to do anything similar; that no matter what, the truth will always come to light.
Robert Redford was agreeable...after you gave him your word for both director and cast. George was even more than agreeable to the conditions, even downright giddy from what you saw him, immediately putting himself forward as producer for the film. You knew that he had an intense dislike for Nixon, but damn if this didn't just put him right back in the saddle and away from his work at ILM for at least some months.
That letter from the Nixon family did not do anything but just motivate him and the rest of the production team to work harder...something which, thankfully, Marcia did not take too much umbrage at.
As for Mike...well, he did his job at marketing, but this is the first time you've ever seen him be hesitant about releasing this film; on the one hand, as he told you, this movie was a shoe in for the Oscars if released now, and both of you were sure there would be stiff competition if released at any other time. On the other hand, both Superman, and your own Dracula film, were still dominating ticket sales, so though the movie will surely make a profit, Mike doubts it will be a big one.
So, for the first time ever, you see Mike put forward art over money as he releases the film and prepares for the news.
Which were...not that bad actually. Sure, it was not an overwhelming return as you'd gotten used to, but frankly you did not care. Sitting down in that cinema and seeing the real-life events of how a couple of reporters blew the lid open on one of the biggest corruption cases in the country, seeing the film that so many would have preferred it had never seen the light of day...it makes it all worth it.
All the President's Men has no hidden morals, messages, or meanings. It's just a true story about something that happened, brought to life on the big screen by a great director, an influential screenwriter and two of the best actors of all time. It's not something philosophical that will leave you thinking it over once it's finished, but it's the type of movie that will certainly generate a lot of talk.
Not that it won't have anything thematic or hidden, but that it's not necessary to think of it to enjoy or understand the film.
For the film's opening sequence, in which Woodward and Bernstein's condemning news is written on a typewriter, using the sounds of gunshots to clarify each separate key of the device striking downwards fits with the overall events when you consider how Nixon was sentenced to a sort of political death with the publishing of that article, and the bold gunshots add an extra depth and meaning to this fact. The break-in at the beginning is accurate in how much of a mess it was; In preparation for the break-in, someone had gone around the Democratic headquarters and put tape on all the doors so they wouldn't lock automatically. And one of the first things you see is a guard finding one of the taped doors... that was the actual guard, and he was considered the hero of the night.
Woodward and Bernstein were like dogs with a bone, beautifully shown here as they continually pursue a story originally thought of as a waste, later called a witch hunt, and finally above-the-title news. They suffer from both political shenanigans, CIA monitoring, and perhaps one of the delinquent abuses of power when they actually use agencies that are there for the common good of the country in a political way.
God protect you from it happening again.
The movie is a mystery but not in the traditional sense. Almost everyone watching the film already knows how the story is going to turn out, but the way it makes its dynamic revelations seem surprising and its story tense and exciting is one of the greatest examples of compelling filmmaking you've ever seen. Then final scenes, where both Woodward and Bernstein are told what is at stake, in the most normal and dry tone possible, actually enhances, in your opinion, the critical yet often underappreciated role of the press; to serve as a bastion of free news, of liberty, to hold those above them accountable for their actions.
You've never felt more certain that this movie deserved to be made than at that moment.
And critics all around the country agreed with you. The stellar performance of not just Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford (who, by the way, looks NOTHING like Bob Woodward) but the stellar supporting cast. An appropriately tense and well directed thriller. As one of the critics said: "You know you're being watched, surveilled, spied upon - you might not know by whom or by what or when" that was the area that brought the attention and the foremost acclaim. There's already talks of an Oscar nomination for the movie and George, his reputation already soaring more seeing he has the eye for movies that many would kill for.
You're just a bit sad that the movie could not make as much as expected...but you're content that everyone can recognize it as a great one nonetheless.
Pretty decent performance. Sadly it seems we had to trade higher quality for half of the box office gross but it is what it is and at least it's a success. I guess based on the low nat audience score that your casual moviegoer doesn't really get too much of an impact and it doesn't change anything within the public consciousness besides making people who already dislike Nixon dislike him more. Hopefully with the mid financial performance of this and Hardcore along with Five Dates' critical slandering we can FINALLY get some producers to join us.
Alright then, just so we don't forget, we've made contact with George Miller to distribute his Mad Max film, so at one point we will need to do so. For movies that we want to either Produce or distribute I find that we have: Caddyshack, Tron and Airplane so far. The first one in order to get in contact with harold Raimis (Because Ghsotbusters, enough said).
Also, we should begin our TV Division, which we can use to make our TV shows (at last) and perhaps our own channel...which we will have to find other shows for as well. We don't have that many TV shows in our pitches (thoug I'm willing to work more on Marvel shows).
Then there's other business ventures like my desire to buy Daiei Films to get Gamera nad Zatoichi (not to mention that if we can invest in it enough then we become a very attractive place for filmmakers and directors from japan that would otherwise go to Toho instead.)
Now, i was hoping for a collaboration with Toei, not buying them, since I feel they're too big, and not a studio that would benefit from working under us. If si, ,we could get some of the best animes for our TV channel when the time comes (I would be agreeable to calling it Toonami),
And finally, The shining. Look, I also loved the Kubrick version, but we also have to admit the fact that Kubrick disrespected King by not even talking with him about what he wanted to do, and to add insult to injury he hired the kind of writer that King despised to create the screenplay. Hearing that, and knowing how Jack Torrance was basically King's Author-Avatar, and he wrote him in a period of his life that was rough for him and feared one day acting like him, then I don't blame King for basically disowning the film and trying to make another adaptation that followed his book to the letter.
If we work with him from the beginnig, explain our reasoning, and perhaps make some compromises, I'm sure we can find a version that is in between Book!Jack Torrance and Kubrick!Jack Torrance that may be able to satisfy us.
My big goal is to have established a LucasArts theme park division (LucasParks?) by 1990. If we keep the theme park rights to our films, especially Star Wars, to ourselves, we'll be practically printing money. Hopefully we'll get the chance to poach enough imagineers to at least form the nucleus of such a division.
So next turn might be a good time to do the five year plan again since it's the start of the new year, although we could always push it to 1980 for the start of a decade. Anyone got any plans for Bruce to do? All I have right now is have a second child since that's what Carrie wants and win an Oscar, since I don't really count our first one as all we did was be the paycheck for Rocky. Anyone got any other ideas? Only thing I can come up with is maybe learning a couple new languages.
So next turn might be a good time to do the five year plan again since it's the start of the new year, although we could always push it to 1980 for the start of a decade. Anyone got any plans for Bruce to do? All I have right now is have a second child since that's what Carrie wants and win an Oscar, since I don't really count our first one as all we did was be the paycheck for Rocky. Anyone got any other ideas? Only thing I can come up with is maybe learning a couple new languages.
Can part of that plan involve a computer division?
I would very much like to see a Lucasarts computer game division. I loved Monkey Island as a kid and as a teenager loved the Jedi Knight series. the Star Wars : Xwing / Tie Fighter games I freely admit I was terrible at.
As for to other computer games i would love to Develop: the original Prince of Persia, the one that ran off the Apple Two and used rotoscoping for key frame animation making it one of the most realistic games of the period.
If that means cleaning up after Atari or building our new division wholesale I don't know but either way I am Interested.
Getting significant Stock portions of Apple Guarantees a stable platform for the games rather than having to develop and adapt to new hardware every year. More importantly it means that the board cannot vote to suddenly end out relationship and tank our product. I don't want another Toho situation.
Alright then, I know I've talked a lot about using Gamera once more as a counter to Godzilla, but I really hope we can do this in time before they try for that Godawful Gamera movie that killed the franchise in 1981. Hopefully, if we can get them to reboot the franchise that very same year with the current Pitch then we can start a new age before Toho tries to reboot Godzilla in 1984.
Overall, I like the reboot Gamera films; they tend to be darker, while also keeping to the spirit of the original, asking tough questions, and by showing the results of what war actually does by having Gamera change throughout the movies, another victim of war and fighting for so long. The final movie, Gamera the Brave, actually served as a reset, by having Gamera die at the beginning of the film defeating Gyaos, and allowing a new Gamera to be born, one free of all the baggage and tragedy. Yet it all starts with this movie.
Thus, I give you:
Movie Pitch: Gamera: Guardian of the Universe GENRE: Kaiju/Action
SUBGENRE: Fantasy/Drama
FORMAT: Japanese Movie
Set Up: Based on the character owned by Daiei films, the movie serves as a reboot of the franchise. When a ship carrying plutonium collides with an atoll near the Philippines, it heralds the beginning of an attack by creatures called "Gyaos", flying bioweapons created by the ancient Atlantean civilization which caused its collapse. Only Gamera, another creation made to destroy the Gyaos can save humanity. With the aid of Asami, a young teenager who has the amulet connecting them, Gamera takes the fight to the flock of Gyaos in order to save the Earth.
Director: Kazuki Ōmori Composer: Koichi Sugiyama
Asagi Kusanagi: She is a young girl who lives with her father, Dr Naoya Kusanagi, and takes care of him while also going to school. She forms a spiritual bond with Gamera after she received an ancient pendant found on Gamera's hide by her father and 1st. Officer Yoshinari, this allows her to understand Gamera, just as Gamera now has a link with humanity.
Played By: Yasuko Sawaguchi Alternate: Yuki Saito
1st. Officer Yoshinari Yonimari: He is a Coast Guard Officer Third Grade, and 1st navigation officer of the JCG Nojima. Enthusiastic and energetic, he's determined to find out the truth of the atoll and Gamera, joining Dr. Kusanagi's expedition and finding the amulet that Asagi eventually uses to connect with Gamera.
Played By: Ken Tanaka Alternate: Ishiro Serizawa
Dr. Mayumi Nagamine: She is a gifted ornithologist who is also a friend of a previous researcher who was eaten, was sent to find out the reason, and was attacked by Gyaos, thus becoming the one person who would know the most about them. Using her knowledge of what she knows in biology she tries to find a way to stop them, eventually becoming a friend of Asagi and helping with Gamera.
Played By: Yoshiko Tanaka Alternate: Ryoko Nakano
Gamera: The titular kaiju, Gamera is a giant flying, fireball-breathing turtle that was created by an advanced civilization (Atlantis) to exterminate the invading Gyaos. While not apparent at first glance, Gamera does have a soft spot for children. His connection to Asami allows him to understand humanity, creating a bond that allows him to defeat the Gyaos.
Played By: Kenpachiro Satsuma Alternate: Toru Kawai
Gyaos: A species of malevolent man-eating bird creatures reawakened by environmental pollution. They appear first in the movie killing researchers before terrorizing Japan and its people. It is theorized they were a creation from ancient Atlantis to save the plant from pollution, and they destroyed humanity before because of it.
Played By: Tatsumi Fuyamoto Alternate: Kazunari Mori
Naoya Kusanagi: He is Asagi's father and a researcher who is sent to investigate the atoll, finding in it a message written in an ancient Atlantean language. After translating it he learns the truth about Gamera and the Gyaos. He tries to explain this to the military and the government so that they may know to focus on the Gyaos, to little success.
Played By: Koji Takahashi Alternate: Yosuke Natsuki
Masaaki Saito: He's the Deputy Director-General of the Japan Environment Agency. He accompanies Dr. Nagamine as she tries to find out who it was that killed her previous colleague, as well as what the Gyaos are and how to defeat them. He aids her in trying to catch them and in finding out the truth about Gamera as well on behalf of the government.
Played By: George Takei Alternate: Kunihiko Mitamura
Colonel Satake: He is J-3 staff, from the Joint Staff Council, the Japan Self Defense Force. He is assigned with aiding Dr. Nagamine in capturing the Gyaos, and in launching attacks against Gamera, believing it to be the greater threat. After Gyaos attack on Tokyo, his objective changes in fighting against Gyaos and aiding Gamera.
Played By: Tōru Minegishi Alternate: Toshiyuki Nagashima
Major Ono: He's the assistant to Colonel Satake during his attacks on both Gyaos and Gamera.
Yukino: Asagi's friend and companion during the beginning of the film.
A.N: If everything works right we could also try and do the other 2 parts of the trilogy, which explore the character of Gamera, humanity, and show the consequences of the fights against Gyaos and all the other monsters. I do like that these set of movies actually have a continuity and story interwoven between each other.
It's just been a few days, but I already miss the sun.
Say, ,was there any reaction in Japan, or in any part of the entertainment circle, when we bought one of their companies? I mean, perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think that's something that's happened before.
It's just been a few days, but I already miss the sun.
Say, ,was there any reaction in Japan, or in any part of the entertainment circle, when we bought one of their companies? I mean, perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think that's something that's happened before.
Let's just say that we have sent shockwaves all over Japan's buissness sector, and they are not liking the fact that an American Company has decided to buy out a profitable enterprise like Sunrise (forgetting the fact they did not want to be bought out by Toho and they only came to us out of desperation...)
And come into the market, to battle with Japanese company. Problem for them, we treat our workers like actual people, and well...
It's caused them to all look at the place with more open eyes.
If we somehow prevent the Lost Decade, I'm going to be so fucking mad.
Eh, they'll just see it and justify it with it being in the entertainment sector, and tell themselves that they're all just a bunch of slackers anyways (forgetting how even Mifune died by overwork). So no worries, the Lost Decade was something that was decades in the mking, and is intrinsically connected with both the Japanese companies as well as their very way of life.
At best, I think we'll get some actors from japan who now see a light at the end of the tunnel.