Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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More like the more crazy rolls.
Yeah fair enough...

Because I have just realized that if we want to break the system we can simply buy Merchandising producers like Hasbro, Mattel, or Bandai and profit as the middleman of the crazy merchandising sales
The Carrie fluff won't end till both of us are dead, and that may not happen by the time we hit 2000.
That is great news... I expect that with us being the poster boys of healthy life habits we will live really long lives...
Since Toho has seen fit to burn their bridges with us it seems we need to make partnerships with other film and TV studios. Then it struck me like a bolt of lightning. In Japan it's currently the Showa Era. We could literally bring Tokusatsu such as Super Sentai and Kamen Rider to America early. Tho I'm slightly biased towards Kamen Rider since it could potentially fit into the Superhero genre here. A Lone masked warrior of Justice fighting against powerful and dangerous mysterious beasts in order to save the day.
We could literally bring Tokusatsu such as Super Sentai and Kamen Rider to America early. Tho I'm slightly biased towards Kamen Rider since it could potentially fit into the Superhero genre here. A Lone masked warrior of Justice fighting against powerful and dangerous mysterious beasts in order to save the day.
You know who also had that idea?

Stan Lee.

He will be meeting with us sometime next year for that.

If MArvel does something stupid like fire him... which is entierly possible right now considering he is basically rebelling against his bosses, saying they are stupid for not taking the chance with Lucasfilms, and not getting Bruce the Goose to be a friend.
The Fishers
The Fishers

"Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go! The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow!" Bruce sang happily to Carrie, or more specifically their child growing within her womb as the spouses along with Natalie and Ginger trekked across the backyard to the fence that lead to Debbie's house.

Carrie giggled at her husband's musical piece, "Are you going to sing that every time we go to Mom's after the baby is born?"

"I'm legally required to do so Carebear." Bruce replied playfully.

"We're just walking across the backyard, we're not even going through a river and woods." Carrie said in deadpan.

Bruce then pointed to the pool, "River." then directed his finger to the palm and oak trees. "Woods." He clarified, to which Carrie shook her head with a smile, then scratching the snout of accompanying Natalie.

Debbie moving in next door, or more "next fence" as she was positioned diagonally to the east of the O'Brians, was like having a mother-in-law for a roommate in Bruce's eyes. While Debbie went to bed in her own home, on most mornings she would head to casa de O'Brian and join in breakfast with something that Bruce would make. Whenever Carrie stayed home while Bruce was working, Debbie was likely to join her daughter and sometimes when it was Bruce and Carrie home alone she'd join them as well. In addition to breakfast, Debbie was a reliable participant at dinner and Sundays usually saw her along with Todd hang out at the O'Brian household.

Bruce had asked Debbie once why she didn't just move in entirely instead of buying a whole house, but Debbie had stated that she knew there would be days and nights were Bruce and Carrie just wanted to be by themselves, whether peaceful casual or romantic, and she didn't want to mess with the atmosphere or be a bother when they had friends over, not to mention that on some days Debbie just wanted to be on her own or host her own gatherings with her social circle.

To many men, having their mother-in-law live next door and visit on a daily basis would be a nightmare, but not at all to Bruce. He truly did see himself as having two mothers, Sarah O'Brian and Debbie Reynolds. Debbie was a sweet and comforting presence that lit up a room and brought happiness just like Carrie did. Her presence was always a welcome addition to liven up the days of the O'Brians. If nothing else, Bruce was happy with the arrangement for how happy it made Carrie, getting to make up for so many lost years with her mother and keeping the bond strong instead of drifting apart after marriage and moving out.

Still, going to Debbie's house was odd as it was almost always Debbie going to visit them, and even then for the few times it was reverse, she rarely if ever requested to see them.

Carrie opened the gate connecting the two properties, where in the distance both could see Debbie conversing with a middle aged blonde woman who Bruce didn't recognize, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Carrie flinch slightly.

"Carrie, is everything alright?" Bruce asked in concern.

"I....I think so. That woman mom's with, she's Connie Steven's. She was Eddie's third wife."

Bruce narrowed his eyes in heavy suspicion, "You think she's trying to pull some bullshit, weasel her way into the next Star Wars?"

Carrie appeared uncertain for a second but shook her head, "I've never talked with her but Mom reached out after Eddie cheated on and left her, and they've been good friends like her and Elizabeth Taylor."

Bruce shook his head. It still baffled him that Debbie chose to reconcile with the woman who was half responsible for the end of her first marriage, and that it had all been done thanks to Carrie's intervention before they met. Were Bruce in the same situation as Carrie, he'd never forgive Taylor and despise her til his last breath. He couldn't understand how anyone could look fondly upon a serial adulterer, but apparently her and Debbie had been good friends since the reconciliation and Carrie thought highly of her. At least to his knowledge Connie Stevens was never unfaithful to anyone, just another unfortunate victim of Eddie Fisher's scuminess.

"We can just head back home. You don't have to deal with any of Eddie's exes." Bruce offered, not wanting Carrie to be hurt again like with her father.

Carrie gave Bruce a soft peck and smile, "It's okay. If the worst happens I won't be surprised but I'm not gonna run away. If mom invited us to meet her then it's for some good reason."

For better or worse, Bruce and Carrie didn't have a retreat as the girls ventured on ahead, with Natalie sniffing out the backyard and Ginger climbing on top of Debbie's lap, announcing their presence. "Carrie, Bruce!" Debbie waved to her children after noticing them.

Carrie entwined her right hand with Bruce's left, nodding with Bruce releasing a sigh and the two heading over.

The two strolled over and took seats opposite the pair. Connie smiled at Carrie but would stiffen at Bruce's glare, "Kids, this is Connie Stevens, she....was formerly married to Eddie." Debbie awkwardly greeted as she pet Ginger.

Connie slightly nodded to Debbie and shook hands with Carrie, "It's so nice to finally meet you Carrie. Debbie always loves to talk about you and from your first two films you've already grown to be just as talented and beautiful as she is."

"Thank you." Carrie said politely.

Connie then extended her hand to Bruce who merely crossed his arms, "Look, I'm not going to waste time here playing nice so let's just be honest. If you came here to take advantage of Carrie, admit so and leave now and I'll forget this ever happened. If you lie to me and try to weasel your way into our lives, I will blacklist your ass and drive you out of town."

"Bruce!" Debbie chastised, with Carrie giving her husband the silent stink eye while Connie appeared bewildered.

Bruce shrugged his shoulders, "Last time something like this happened, we wasted three hours and Eddie broke your heart. Which was never your fault." Bruce quickly added at seeing Carrie's face darken, wincing at how he didn't think this through, "I don't want Carrie to be hurt like that ever again. I'm not saying I don't trust you Mom, but I have no reason to trust her" Bruce said pointing to Connie, "When you were never once in Carrie's life and now we have this arraigned meeting."

Debbie looked to be ready to give Bruce a lecture before Connie placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay. Given what happened with Eddie last year, I can understand you being suspicious of my appearance and I don't blame you." Connie explained.

"You know what happened?" Carrie asked in concern.

"The day after, I called Connie to share what had happened, to warn her so that Eddie would never pull the same thing with her daughters." Debbie explained.

"It was a rational fear, as the Saturday after, Eddie shows up to my house with no warning, trying to appear the loving father wanting to reconnect with his children and take responsibility. If Debbie hadn't told me, I might have let it happen. Turns out, my girls were just the sloppy seconds, he lost his chance with the great Carrie O'Brian, and thus Joely and Tricia will be his backups to ride to fame in a decade's time. Kicked him out of the house, got full custody by Thanksgiving and now my girls are Joely and Tricia Stevens."

Both O'Brians relaxed and gave looks of sympathy at the information, with Bruce also feeling a heavy tinge of guilt, "I'm sorry for thinking you were acting like Eddie." He apologized.

Connie offered a kind smile, scratching Ginger who moved to lay in front of her, "It's okay, after how this town has treated you I can understand the paranoia. To be clear, I don't give a damn about being casted in Star Wars and if I'm never in a Lucasfilms production then that's fine with me. However, I didn't ask to meet you out of simple curiosity. I came because I was hoping that Carrie could meet my daughters."

Carrie froze in anxiety over hearing such a request from her half-sisters, two young girls she had never met and who for a part of her childhood she had hated for stealing her father. Carrie would relax at feeling Bruce's strong and comforting grip of his hand intertwine with hers, with the Goose acting as a security blanket as he could usually be relied upon.

"Why do you want me to meet with them?" Carrie cautiously asked.

"Oh it's not a request from me, Joely and Tricia are dying to see you." Connie informed, "Like everyone in the free world, they watched Star Wars last Christmas and it's become their favorite movie, with Princess Leia being their favorite character and hero."

Such a statement was far from unexpected as that was indeed how millions of little girls looked up to Leia and by extension Carrie after the film. Leia had been heralded by critics as a rather revolutionary female character as someone who was brave, bold and a dynamic damsel in action instead of being distressed, taking charge of her rescue and being an equal to Han and Luke instead of a reward. A frequent example of a public encounter would be some little girl running up to Carrie and gushing over how awesome Leia was and how they wanted to be just like her when they grew up.

"All they've been talking about for months is Star Wars, it's what half their room is covered in, and everytime they want to play pretend they always fight over who gets to be Leia, she's their role model. They knew about Debbie, but they don't know much about you or Todd, and until recently all Carrie O'Brian meant to them was Princess Leia, a cool singer, and Bruce's wife. The other day Tricia overheard a talk I had with one of my friends where she remarked how lucky the girls must be to be Carrie O'Brian's sister. After they bugged me nonstop, I told them about you and Todd, and they've been begging me to see their big sister, Todd as well." Connie explained.

"Oh, that's good." Carrie said blankly. The revelation was a bit overwhelming to her. She knew that Joely and Tricia existed, but up until now they had always been strangers and a reminder of her father's abandonment. Carrie didn't wish them any harm, but she would have preferred if for the rest of her life she just pretended they didn't exist. She already gained one sister in Catherine O'Brian, she didn't need more.

Connie sighed, easily able to sense Carrie's mood, "If you don't want to meet with them I completely understand and respect your decision, it is your right. It's just that...they're getting to the point where they are starting to understand about the world we live in and are thinking about acting in movies like their mom, and I want them to have a good role model, someone who can show them what to do and how not to be their mother. Also so that they can experience some good that came from being their father's daughters." Connie said solemnly.

There was a quiet air of uncertainty that hanged in the air, with Bruce and Carrie tightening the grip of their hands while Connie started to look regretful at having introduced the situation, "Mom what do you think?" Carrie asked.

"The girls are really sweet and they remind me a lot of you at that age. I think it would be a splendid idea for you to get to know each other, but I can understand if you want to keep your space and I apologize for my part if you are feeling uncomfortable right now dear." Debbie said.

Carrie then looked towards Bruce, who normally would have been deadest against situation like this, but he had a gut feeling that Connie was being sincere and he didn't want to be the ones to deny two innocent girls the chance to meet their sister and hero, as he knew whatever he had to say Carrie would follow.

After a couple of seconds of contemplating, Bruce responded, "Well they're your half-sisters so it's your choice. Any course you decide would be the correct one and I'll support you all the way." Bruce promised.

Carrie leaned over and gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek, then spent some time in internal debate. She really didn't want to get hurt again, but Bruce did make the threat very clear and with an expectation of possible tragedy, she didn't think she would collapse like last year, not to mention she knew Bruce would support her as he did then. Perhaps it would be best to see if this was true, like how it was better to learn her father was scum and cut ties sooner than later when he could have clawed his hands into her unborn child. And if everything worked out, then her baby would have two more aunts.

"I guess I won't mind if they stop by one day. I'll try to get Todd over to meet them as well." Carrie said, to which she received a deep show of gratitude from Connie.

The next Saturday would see the sisters be brought over with Todd having accepted Carrie's request to join. Bruce and Todd were currently in the living room catching the end of a Dodgers game while Carrie fixed her hair in the bathroom.

"You know it's gonna be real lonely having you ditch me and the youngest sibling club." Bruce joked.

Todd snorted, "You got your membership to their revoked when you married my sister."

Bruce smiled at the meaning, "How are you feeling about all of this?"

Todd looked mindful staring out into nothing for a short period before responding, "I don't know. One time I met Eddie in the late 60's, he let me and Carrie knew we had sisters but he didn't really seem to care and I didn't really process what that meant, Carrie was all I ever really needed and I didn't want more sisters because we'd never share what Carrie and I had. I just didn't care about them.

I kind of went along with this at first just to support Carrie, but the more I thought about it the more I was kind of hoping things would turn out alright, that I could have what you and Gavin and Sarah have, one big happy family of siblings." Todd shared.

Bruce went slightly at that, as even while he had recently grown closer with Gavin over many phone calls and a visit, he still lived six hours away and Cat was in Ireland, with Bruce maybe able to see her once a year at best. The love between the three O'Brian siblings was always going to be there, but the bond would never be as strong as in childhood.

"It would be nice to finally have some good come out of being Eddie Fisher's son." Todd lamented.

Before Bruce could respond, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the Stevens. "Well it's showtime." Bruce said.

"Today I'm gonna be a big brother, in seven months I'm gonna be an Uncle, '77 is shaping up to be a hell of a year." Todd commented.

Bruce went up to the door with Natalie following his heel and Todd walking just a few steps behind.

Bruce opened the door and was met with Connie Stevens along with two young girls who nervously clutched to her side. After six years of being in Carrie's life, it was easy to tell that the two were Fishers, having the same brown hair that Carrie and Todd had and sharing a lot of similar facial features, if one were ignorant of Connie then it would be fair to assume they shared the same genes as Carrie and Todd.

"Hello Bruce, thank you so much for hosting us." Connie thanked.

"No problem, any family of Carrie is mine." Bruce said.

The older sibling, presumably Joely gasped, "You're Han Solo!" She said in excitement.

Connie lightly chastised her daughter for being rude, but Bruce waved it off, having the same exact encounter hundreds of times by this point, "Yes I am, smuggler extraordinaire and recent hero of the Rebellion." Bruce said, falling back on his suave manner from the film, keeping both girls starstruck, "Now who might these two little pretty ladies be?"

"I'm Joely and this is my sister Tricia." Joely announced happily.

"Hi." Tricia shyly greeted.

"Are you related to us?" Joely eagerly asked.

"Well Carrie is my wonderful and beautiful wife so I guess you could say I'm your brother-in-law." Bruce informed, with both girls giddy at the news. "But if you want a brother in more than law, then I got the coolest and smartest guy I know." Bruce said, then gestured to Todd who reacted by freezing for a moment like a deer in headlights.

"Oh um, hi. My name's Todd. I guess I'm your older brother." Todd said with an awkward wave.

"Do you act in movies like Carrie and Bruce?" Joely asked.

"No I don't, acting's not really my thing, that's always Carrie's." Todd sheepishly admitted.

"Todd does something even cooler than be an actor, he's an inventor. This smart fella has dozens of inventions including cameras. You know a lot of the hallway scenes in Star Wars, they were made with his camera." Bruce hyped.

The girls were in awe of Todd who shot Bruce a look of gratitude as he invited the Stevens into his home. For a while Todd had their full intention, sharing a bit about himself as the resident genius and talking about what college was like, although he faced tough competition when they noticed Natalie along with the entrance of a curious Ginger, being very excited over the pets and doing their best to shower them with love and affection with Joely giving Natalie belly pats and Tricia trying to hug a surprised Ginger who almost became cranky before Bruce intervened and showed Tricia how to hold Ginger correctly who relaxed and purred over affection.

"How come her ears are all bent over?" Tricia asked.

"Well Ginger's what they call a Scottish fold. Her great grandmother was found in Scotland with folded ears, and she had kittens, who had kittens which lead to Ginger. She can hear just as well as other cats, it's just a cute little quirk." Bruce explained, and thankfully Ginger was a miracle in and of itself in that she missed out on the skeletal weakness of her siblings and cousins.

"Is taking care of cats hard?" Tricia asked.

Bruce smiled at the thought of all the many misadventures with Ginger and all the trouble she could be, "It's a lot of work and responsibility like being a parent with a furry baby. After a while, you two have a routine going on and know each other's boundaries, you just gotta make sure to show lots of love and always be a present and fun friend."

"Am I doing something to make her sad? Ginger keeps on looking like she's about to cry." Tricia noticed.

Bruce chuckled, "That's just how Folds are, if she was really sad she'd scamper off and hide in another part of the house. I think she's a little bit unsure, but she's just getting to know you is all. If you really want to make her happy, then scratch her like this." Bruce said, then showing Tricia how to scratch one of Ginger's favorite spots, which had the Fold purring and nuzzling Tricia's hand which gave her a great soft smile.

"Sorry I'm late, Bruce, your mom called suddenly and she was wanting to know about-" Carrie informed, and then froze at the sight of her husband and brother interacting with her two half-sisters, the reality of the situation settling in very rapidly.

"Carrie!" Both Joely and Tricia cried out in joy, forgetting about the pets for a moment and rushing to hug their big sister and idol.

Carrie was caught heavily off guard by the sudden surge of affection, awkwardly patting both girls backs as they bear hugged her, but at the same time enjoying the warmth that reminded her of a young Todd.

"Do you really know Karate? How did you beat up those bad guys, can we learn?"

"How are you so pretty? Since your our sister does that mean we'll also be pretty?"

"Is playing a guitar hard, how do you read music?"

"How did you fall in love with Bruce?"

"Are you writing the next Star Wars movies?"

"Does Natalie have any puppies?"

Connie then intervened and pulled her rather excited daughters back, "Girls, you have a whole day to talk with Carrie as much as you won't, don't overwhelm her, we're guests."

"Sorry, but we're your biggest fans and you're the coolest most awesome person ever! I'm Joely by the way."

"I'm Tricia, and I wanna be just like you when I grow up."

Carrie was definitely caught off guard, but seeing the pure joy and excitement in the girls helped to put her at ease and understand that this was a good thing and she had a chance to be a good big sister to two young girls and help them experience a better life than she did. "Hi Joely and Tricia, I'm Carrie and it's a pleasure to meet you both. Sorry we didn't know each other for so long, but it's nice to finally have some sisters, and you girls are both lucky in that you have the best brother anyone can ask for in Todd." Carrie said, bringing a smile to her younger brother.

"Can we play Star Wars?" Tricia requested.

"With some toys?" Bruce asked.

"No, acting like we're in the movie. You're Han and Leia, we gotta play Star Wars." Joely said as if it were law.

"Sure, it would be nice to warm up on my improv skills." Carrie said.

"And can you please wear the buns?" Both girls requested, causing Carrie to freeze in mortal terror of the dreaded cinnamon rolls that to her complete shock and horror became a fashion icon the world over.

"Are you sure? That'll take a lot of time and Leia likes to wear her hair in more than just the buns." Carrie pleaded.

"But it'll be just like the movies. Please?" Joely pleaded.

"Pretty please?" Tricia requested, who then stretched Natalie's face gently to wear she had actual puppy eyes, followed by Todd joining in on the fun by raising Ginger to Carrie's face with her silently joining in with her sad owl-like eyes.

Thus at the heavy unconquerable pressure of puppy eyes, Carrie broke her eternal oath to never don the Leia buns with a soon arriving Debbie helping her daughter craft her hair to how it was in the movie. In addition to the many toys and figures the girls bought, the experience was enhanced thanks to Bruce being a hoarder collector like Debbie and saving a plethora of props and costumes from Star Wars, including Han and Leia's costumes for the O'Brians to return to their iconic roles.

The whole house would become a galaxy, far, far away in a situation that reminded Bruce heavily of The Playground. A scenario was set up with Joely and Tricia playing the roles of extraordinary Rebel agents and Jedi Knights in training with Joely being a starfighter ace and Tricia a wonder spy. The two would team up with Han, Leia and Chewbacca (Played by Natalie) to destroy a Dark Trooper program which would create an army of super soldiers that would help the Empire cement its rule over the galaxy. Against them was Darth Jerek played and coined by Todd who took on most of the villainous roles along with his partner Moff Scarlet, AKA Ginger.

Debbie and Connie would take on supporting roles with Debbie being Mon Mothma (A character Bruce knew from Dave's notes) and Connie being the girls wise Jedi master along with on occasion a number of small supporting roles for both. Through a combination of imagination, props and fun usage of furniture the group was able to stimulate Star Wars scenes and taking a page from D&D, Bruce and Carrie would spice things up with rolls to add a strict parameter and give a challenge.

One such scenario was the Falcon flying through an asteroid field to escape Jerek and his Star Destroyer while TIE fighters were in hot pursuit.

"This is some situation you got us in flyboy, you know before I met you I had an almost perfect mission success rate, now everytime we fly it's always bounty hunters or Imperial patrols." Leia complained.

Han turned to her with a look of exasperation, "Well excuse me your worship, it's not my fault we get saddled with the Alliance's most dangerous missions, and last I checked the only reason the Empire knows we're here is because "your trusted source" was a double agent."

Neither Bruce nor Carrie had wanted to be at odds like in the movie, but Joely and Tricia had insisted on an authentic experience and it was definitely a fun acting exercise, though neither spouse was at their usual gang as their snappy exchanges were accompanied by loving smiles that betrayed the tone of their voices.

"Chewie, what's the status of the hyperdrive?"

"Woof." Natalie responded, surprisingly she seemed to be rather alert at speaking for the day and could often respond when being spoken to in the game with whines or brief barks.

"A couple more minutes? Are you sure you're doing the math right?" Han complained, with Natalie then circumstantially sneezing on his jacket.

"Alright, alright, just get us out of here as soon as you can."

"Rebel scum, you are within a trap of your own making and none of your friends, not even your pathetic Skywalker shall come to your rescue. Surrender now and I might make your deaths painless." Todd as Jerek cackled while carrying around TIEs to show the Falcon, which was currently the living room, was being harassed.

"We could sure appreciate some help here!" Leia "yelled" to Joely and Tricia who were propped up on couch cushions acting as the Falcon's gunners.

"We're trying, but they keep on using the asteroids as cover." Joely complained.

"Alright, let's roll and see how good of a shots you two are." Carrie then rolled the d20 dice, "Joely just barely misses her marks and Tricia manages to shoot two down."

"I got one, I got one." Tricia shouted in joy.

"Great kid, now don't get cocky." Han called out, with the girls squeeling at the utterance of the iconic line.

"Alright, looks like we're about to make the jump to light-"Bruce then stopped and rushed to pick up a hacking Ginger, "No, no, not on the carpet." Bruce whined, but it was too late as Ginger coughed a furball on the living room rug.

"Ew!" The girls exclaimed.

"Um...oh no, a giant asteroid is about to hit us. Roll 8 or above to avoid." Carrie suggested to keep the game going with the dice just giving them a pass with a nine. "And Chewbacca makes the jump to lightspeed." Carrie added, raising Ginger's paw and moving it in a downward fashion to show her pulling the lever.

"NOOO!!!! Todd cried out in anguish. "Well thankfully, Grand Moff Scarlet was wise enough to place a tracker on the Falcon, and now I can follow them wherever they go."

"What! That's cheating!" Joely protested.

"Yeah, that never happened." Tricia joined.

"Vader did it, why can't I?" Todd questioned, even in a fun game with his sisters taking the moment to rule shark and push the cart to a new track as he usually did in roleplay.

"Because you didn't say you did so it doesn't count."

Sighing, Carrie used her GM powers to favor Todd with movie precedent and then moved to roll for the tracker.

After many hours adventure would end with Han, Leia and "Chewie" blowing up the Jedi hunting factory while Joely and Tricia would tag team and through a display of elementary-grade gymnastics and swordsmanship, would slay "Darth Jerek" with Todd going the extra mile of "plummeting to a lava-filled doom" in the pool to make things fun while "Grand Moff Scarlat" vowed revenge against the Rebels.

After Todd had dried off things calmed down with Bruce leading the way in everyone making dinner with a personal pizza night with him as the resident chef showing Joely and Tricia how to make their own pizzas and then cooking it in a pizza oven they had just bought, which made the Irishman even cooler to his half sister-in-laws than he possibly could have been.

Following a lively dinner where the Fishers shared both halves of their family history and connected over a near decade of lost time and Bruce wowing the girls with many of his wild Hollywood stories came an intense game of Monopoly with Carrie dominating through luck and investments in corner spots and utilities, and with it being very late at night the fun day came to a satisfying conclusion.

"Now what do you say girls?" Connie reminded.

"Thank you for having us over." Joely and Tricia said at the same time.

"You're more than welcome, always happy to host such great guests. You can come back anytime, just call and let us know beforehand." Bruce offered.

Joely and Tricia then moved and hugged the waists of Carrie and Todd respectively, both elder siblings being caught off guard, with them then crouching down and returning the hugs.

"I'm really happy I have an awesome big sister." Joely said.

"And a cool big brother." Tricia added.

Both Carrie and Todd shared a brief look, saying a million words in a single second which no one else but them would understand, "I'm also really happy to have two great little sisters." Carrie said.

"Same." Todd agreed with.

"Can we keep Ginger?" Tricia interrupted, generating a laugh from everyone present and from there the goodbye turned into a very long one though eventually the Stevens would leave to return to their home, with both Joely and Tricia waving out the back window with the O'Brians and Reynolds waving back.

After Todd left and Debbie returned to her house, both lending their hand in cleaning before leaving, the O'Brians would collapse on the couch in happy exhaustion. Both Natalie and Ginger would follow their owners example, with Natalie laying flat on her favorite pillow while Ginger used the Dalmatian as a black and white pillow.

Bruce was content to just take a break, but his relaxation was disturbed by continuous poking from Carrie. Bruce looked to his wife with a bemused face, "Carry me to bed." She requested.

"Oh? I thought you didn't like when I picked you up and carried you around?" Bruce teasted.

Carrie rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a tired smile, "If you don't take me to bed then I'm sleeping on the couch tonight." She replied, with a very serious tone that made it clear she wasn't joking.

While Bruce didn't mind such nights together, he much preferred a mattress so he did as his princess requested and lifted Carrie, carrying her bridal style to the bedroom where he gently deposited her with the same love and care as on their wedding night.

After a quick change, both spouses settled under the covers and snuggled together, "Today was a nice day." Carrie hummed happily.

"Yeah, it was." Bruce agreed. "Not only did our family grow a little bit bigger, but we got some nice practice for when this little one is midway into her childhood." Bruce said, lightly poking Carrie's stomach when then devolved into tickling which made Carrie giggle heavily.

"They're really sweet girls and it's nice to have little sisters, I just wish they were Mom's and didn't have to come from Eddie being a bastard." Carrie mused, with Bruce hugging her in response.

Carrie then sighed, "But it is what it is, and our kid is going to have to great aunts." Carrie said happily.

"Along with a great mom." Bruce complimented.

"And a great Dad." Carrie returned, then nuzzling Bruce.

"I love you." Bruce said adoringly.

"I know."

A/N: So OTL while Joely and Tricia did know of Carrie, they never formally met her until the late 80's, but in the meantime did idolize her as Leia. After they met, Joely and Tricia along with Carrie and Todd all became very close siblings and Todd remains close with his half-sisters after Carrie died. I imagine that Star Wars being huger would cause some butterflies leading them to meet and both Carrie and Todd would like them like later in life.
The Mike Eisner Action Plan… Once Again
The Mike Eisner Action Plan… Once Again

"Those fuckers messed with the wrong company," Mike said as everyone in leadership was there. "They will fucking Pay!"

Dreamworks directors were there, Steve and company were there, along with Francis, and even George was down from San Francisco to keep this going.

Of course the newest of these members of Sunrise, the now President of Sunrise, instead of CEO, Makoto Asanuma. Who was very uncomfortable being here, considering that he was now only a cog in the greater machine of Lucasfilm.

Yet the fact he was here, said everything. They were equals in this hierarchy… mostly.

Mike was pissed off to all hell, and he wanted to make war with Toho. so that may have lowered them on the Totem pole for a thing.

"Well?" He looked to you. "Any plans here Bruce?"

"Why are you looking at me like that, I'm about to work on Star Wars, and we have hundreds of millions of dollars to work with, so why do I have to get involved in this? You're running the show Mike?"

"Last I checked, you owned the company with George, and you two need to sign off on this," Mike replied. "Because last I checked, we don't have shareholders to answer to, just you."

Point. "George?"

"Hey you all haven't asked me to come down more than once a month, and I've been with ILM getting Patents up the Wazu." He then smiled. "You're the one here."

Fuck, you had to be the responsible one and risk all your money.

Oh well, with all the money that came in this year, you were sure that things would be great.


The current Lucasfilms Warchest:

2,405,060,235 (This is the money you have available for producing the movies.)

Now what do you do?:

- Steven Spielberg: Steve is really an imaginative storyteller, someone who loves doing adventures that harken back to his youth. While currently, he has the ambition to prove his critics wrong, because they think he cannot do anything without a gimmick. He's best used for Adventure stories, ones that are more akin to the serials that he grew up on. For now at least. He's young, just like you. But he wants to do other things that make him artistically fulfilled. He has proved that he can stay on target with Conan, despite crazy crap going on.

- Martin Scorsese: Martin is easily the greatest artist of the Group of Directors, and that is everyone's opinion, even your own. He wants to make thought-provoking films that are interesting, for everyone. He's a sucker for the Urban dramas that have been made, but he also isn't afraid to tackle new challenges, from epics to biopics… to even something as simple as an adventure story. As long as it strikes a resonating chord with him, he will get it done. Though he also has struggles going over time, all of those things were not his fault, and a result of studio interference. The problem is… well, he wants to do his own thing sometimes… and that thing might not even be created yet. And he doesn't want to make popcorn films like other directors do in their spare time. Even if he might have to.

- Brian De Palma: Brian is the odd one out. He likes directing, has a strong directing talent and he's great for budget and other things. But he has a problem that, in his opinion could be a problem. He's not the best at working with original screenplays, preferring to adapt novels, stories or even outright remaking others than trying his best to make his own. He said that he strongly believes that if he has a framework, he can make it better because he can contort the story to the cinema. And well, he's the only one who hasn't really gone over budget or schedule. Yet he hasn't really worked on huge projects before, so it would be a change for them.

- Paul Schrader: Paul is one of the great writers of The Writers Room, who has a great track record of making good movies. As a writer. As a Director, he's not unproven, but not the most... Creme de la creme, as much of the studio is known for. Honestly, his output is really focused on solitary, art pieces, that are not going to make money. Though it has also led to his reputation as being... creative, but untalented. But you don't believe that is right.

- Francis Ford Coppola: Between the directors, he's the most... controlling, unknowing, and honestly, he's kind of arrogant. But there is one thing that you know. He can make a damn fine film. The problem is, he's not interested in making a quantity of films. He was an art man. You don't care about that too much, but you are running a business. And you do need to make money.

-George Lucas: George has basically pulled rank and said he was not interested in directing right now. He was far to fulfilled working with ILM and making cool shit. (George is unable to direct for this round)


- Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino: Head of Animation of DreamWorks, and easily one of them more talented men who work, and the man you put in charge to get your grubby little hands on Gundam. He has since proven himself to be one of the most valuble assets in Dreamworks, and despite all the work and culture clash that his arrival and subsequent hireing has caused to the American and Japanese staff, he's wonderful, though a bit depressive, and needs some help to remind himself he's truely great. He gained his nickname because Gundam had the highest body count of an Animated show... it even made it into the world record book. And he wants to make it bigger.

- Noboru "The Eagleman" Ishiguro: Another director who you hired and haven't worked with at all, mostly because he's either helping Tomino, spending time with John and Ron... or trying to get his American pilot's license. He also has been going around every airport and military base in the state to get footage of an F-16 flying, which have only been out for a month. The man loved his aircraft, and most flying scenes were under his watch, and they were the best in the industry.

- John Musker and Ron Clements: John and Ron are those two guys that work on everything, don't say anything, but always want to be doing well. Ever since their debut with "A Classical Tale" they've gathered a following of those animators who much enjoy working in more traditional projects, as well as those who keep themselves on the sidelines. You don't know how, but they just seem to bring out the best of everyone under them. They are great. And really that's all you have to say. They are great.

- Don Bluth: The Second in command, and you are damn sure he sees himself on that when it comes to Animation. Not that you could gainsay him. Out of every one of your new set of animators he is the most experienced, and the most dedicated to the art of 2D animation, to the point that he's already being called "The Old Man" by the rest. Bluth's style is still miles above everything you've ever seen, and it actually makes you wonder what the hell was Dinsey thinking by cancelling his debut movie. Well, their loss is DreamWorks' gain.

- Brad Bird: Also called "The Fledgling", Brad is a graduate of Cal Arts that decided to go with the new up and coming companny rather than the already established Disney. So far he hasn't regretted his decision, making Director at such a young age, and already trying for new assignements. So far he's working on whatever you're able to find for him, but his ambition is on new and untested stories, ideas that have yet to be given a chance.

- John Lasseter: Graduate of Cal Arts that also joined at the same time as Brad, but his interest clearly lie in computer animation and the newly established Pixar division where he spends nearly the entire day; helping with the technicians and the computer experts, learning everything about this new way of creating animated images, and pushing the boundaries on what it can accomplish for the future of animation. He's a hard man to dislike, with his own brand of humor and charm. Just don't put him and Bluth in the same room!
Live Action Scripts!

- Killer Queen: A personal Project that Carrie Wrote for herself and mom. A family drama that is incredibly detailed and personal. Everyone knows that is more of you and Carrie's Project, and do not want to touch it.)

- The Kung Fu Kid (Another one of your ideas, which Brian has expressed interest in. If only because he finds the idea of shooting in Hong Kong to be absolutely delightful, and just being able to tell another simple story… But again, he's not very comfortable with not having anything to work with, and would need quite a bit of help to do it right)

- Marathon Madness (A Screwball Comedy for the Ages. Steve could absolutely do it just to fill out the roster while he works with George on his special project)

- The Playground (A Fantasy Coming of Age film that splits between kids and adults like a simple DND Campaign. No one but Carrie knows what that is, but no one said they weren't interested in it.)

- Tijuana Takedown (Dave's… Okay, you'll say it, Cyberpunk Epic. Honestly, you don't see the appeal. George likes it, but that's just because the technology required to make it is beyond anything that anyone else has. But you think someone might like it… You think. No one has any idea on how to make it)

- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Now honestly, no one is really seeing the potential in the script, not yet at least. But what they do see is an adventure story that is worth making for the helluva it.)

- Prince of Persia: The Thousand and Second Night (Sands of Time Must be completed before this one can be made)

- Prince of Persia: Thus Spoke Zoroaster (Sands of Time and The Thousand and Second Night mmust be completed before this one can be made)

- Devil's Hour: Dead Man's Gold (Actually, Paul wants to try to make this film, wanting to redeem himself with good money making, just so he can get to make more art.)

- The Slenderman (Mike wants to make a Horror movie. And he wants to scare the shit out of everyone.)

- Deliver us From Evil (Mike wants to make a Horror movie. And he wants to scare the shit out of everyone.)

- Moonlight Dinner (Part of you wants to do it, but are leaving it on the table for others)

- Across America in 90 Days: (A comedy that is all the better for being true)

- The Dark Forest: (The story inverts the role of humanity and aliens by making the latter the hunted)

- La Victoire En Chantant: (The tale of Napoleon from his first assignment till his exile. Might be a bit redundant now that Kubrick is releasing his saga, but perhaps it's still salvageable).

- Undercover: (Biopic of Elizabeth Cochran, the real-life Lois Lane. A story deserving to be told).

- Used Cars: (The satire is strong in this one, and the whole deal with used cars make it a fun movie to make).

-The American Saga: (The Telling of a nation's history. Mike wants to wait for the 80's, and a dawn of a new decade before he sends the boys off to this)

- Romancing the Stone: (An adventure story, one that truly seems to live up to the name).

- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: (First part of the Hobbit tale, hopefully Christopher will agree to the changes made to the books).

- Dune (Part 1): (First part of the Dune book, you envision Francis Ford Coppola to direct this one, and he seems to be willing to take on the challenge)

- Messiah of Dune: (You'll need to finish making Dune (Both parts) before starting this one).

- Gilbert and Sullivan: The Musical: (The tale of some of the best composers told in the musical style and with compositions they created).

- Big Wednesday: (This story just sounds like a beautiful, and tragic, coming of age story. Perhaps with the right actors it can be a true contender).

- Red Dawn: (Huh, you're not going to lie, this movie just screams to be made now, though you're not sure if to make it bigger).

- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters: (You don't know what it is about it, but the dark re-interpretation just sounds so cool).

- A Dream of a Dream: (Carrie wrote this for Debbie, and if her reaction is anything to go by, then this is one that will hit you in the feels).

- The Bros: (Huh, sounds like it would be a great comedy and something you could do now if you wanted).

- The Emerald Pimpernel: (It may be the Irish in you but you can't wait to see this being made, not to mention that it has an enemy that everyone can rally against).

- The Score: (Hmm, the characters are a bit unlikeable, but nothing that can't be fixed if you want. It may give you a franchise, but it would depend on how the audience reacts to it).

- Small Giant: (Biopic of Robert Smalls, a true American hero, and a man that deserves to have his story told).
Animation Scripts:

- The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker Street: (John and Ron said they want to do it, mostly because they are huge fans of Sherlock Holmes).

- Atlantis: The Lost Empire: (Everyone in the animation department wants to see this one done, though you think you can do a better job if you wati for a little while).

- Tarzan: (No one has actually tried making an animated version, despite how obvious it should be that this is the best medium to better show his adventures).

- The Legend of Sinbad: (One of the most amazing stories that deserve more love, and hopefully more adventures in the future).

- John Henry: Man of Steel: (An American folklore tale with one of its most underrated heroes.)

- War for the Crystal: (An amazing original fantasy adventure that could rival Lewis' travels to Narnia if you're creative enough)

Currently, All the Directors are Available for production.

Francis Ford Coppola can serve as producer of 2 films while directing one film, or produce 3 films.

Mike Must produce one film, as he is producing Star Wars with Gary, George and You.

Sunrise Productions can help produce 1 Animated Film, or begin production of the Next Gundam Season.

Dreamworks can produce 1 Animated Film or can join Sunrise and grant a +200 to Quality of Gundam (Most likely Zeta Gundam)

Example Vote for one person:

What Film does Steve Direct:
-[]The Playground
-[]Budget:10 Million
-[]Producer: George Lucas.

Example for Sunrise/Dreamworks:

What Film does Dreamworks work on:
-[]Work on Gundam with Sunrise
-[]Budget: 15 million.

AN: There is a Moratorium for 12 hours to plan this out.
SEA'ING Big Thunder and more
As I have granted approval for this, I shall say this:

Disney Has this in the works. But that is all I will give.
I'm still wondering where it all went wrong for-

Oh wait, Eddie was a complete fucking asshole who tried to Gaslight his daughter.

[]Some Things are Better (Eddie Fisher has had a crisis. And it made him realize that he threw it all away)
[]Somethings are Worse (Eddie Recives a call from Sid, and sees the numbers. He's near the top of the charts again)
[]But We are Doing This Together (Carrie begins reconnecting with her half-siblings, and finds out just how much they need her help from Eddie's Bullshit. And she decides to pull a bruce and do it discreetly. Maybe they will get past or away from Eddie. Hopefully.)
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Hey @Magoose what's the Phantom Camera and what do you mean understanding Marcia?
You see MArcia and George both have a problem where Marcia belives that George is a workaholic who is to focused on film, then he is on family.

Which is not true here, but that is a legitimate fear. But with George and her both making strides in their relationship and communication, the both understand that George is actually finding a very good work life balance.

And the Phantom cam, is bascially one of the most powerful cameras in the world currently IRL for movie making, and can basically shoot slow motion really, really, really well.

The Sherlock Holmes films by Guy Ritche use them extensively.
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And the Phantom cam, is bascially one of the most powerful cameras in the world currently IRL for movie making, and can basically shoot slow motion really, really, really well.
I want to use the slow mo camera for Prince of Persia. Think of it, the fights literally slowing down as time speeds up and even rewinds! It would look so cool!

Oh boy I can't wait to invent the IMAX camera just think of the things we can do like they did with Nope movie when it was first used
Only problem with IMAX is we would have to rebuild cinemas to handle it, make them invest in these massive future tech screens, just to show our movies because it will be a while till anyone else reaches that level of tech once we do it.
[]But We are Doing This Together (Carrie begins reconnecting with her half-siblings, and finds out just how much they need her help from Eddie's Bullshit. And she decides to pull a bruce and do it discreetly. Maybe they will get past or away from Eddie. Hopefully.)

No way in hell I'm choosing the second one and while I am a sucker for redemption arcs, after reading everything I did about Eddie Fisher he hasn't earned one yet so far. Guy is a total creep and loser and while he did reconnect with his children later in life, that was only in his twilight years when he was senile, dying and harmless so it was more born out of pity. Hopefully the dice continue to favor Carrie and she helps out her half-sisters.

You see MArcia and George both have a problem where Marcia belives that George is a workaholic who is to focused on film, then he is on family.

Which is not true here, but that is a legitimate fear. But with George and her both making strides in their relationship and communication, the both understand that George is actually finding a very good work life balance.

Huh, I thought they both buried the hatchet after the second reward helping their relationship, but I guess with this recent roll they worked out all their issues and are happy spouses and parents of Wally. Reading on their marriage is sad as it could have been great, but George had poor luck, terrible stress and Star Wars took away his time. Plus when he wanted to show his affection to Marcia like building Skywalker Ranch so she could have state of the art editing facilities and to edit in comfort and close to home, she took that as workaholicism. Glad to see things are working out here, and hopefully they can get another kid, and failing that there's always adopting Amanda, Katie and Jett.

By the way Magoose, how did Mary and Wally take to each other? They become rugrat friends?

The Mike Eisner Action Plan… Once Again

"Those fuckers messed with the wrong company," Mike said as everyone in leadership was there. "They will fucking Pay!"

Dreamworks directors were there, Steve and company were there, along with Francis, and even George was down from San Francisco to keep this going.

Of course the newest of these members of Sunrise, the now President of Sunrise, instead of CEO, Makoto Asanuma. Who was very uncomfortable being here, considering that he was now only a cog in the greater machine of Lucasfilm.

Yet the fact he was here, said everything. They were equals in this hierarchy… mostly.

Mike was pissed off to all hell, and he wanted to make war with Toho. so that may have lowered them on the Totem pole for a thing.

"Well?" He looked to you. "Any plans here Bruce?"

"Why are you looking at me like that, I'm about to work on Star Wars, and we have hundreds of millions of dollars to work with, so why do I have to get involved in this? You're running the show Mike?"

"Last I checked, you owned the company with George, and you two need to sign off on this," Mike replied. "Because last I checked, we don't have shareholders to answer to, just you."

Point. "George?"

"Hey you all haven't asked me to come down more than once a month, and I've been with ILM getting Patents up the Wazu." He then smiled. "You're the one here."

Fuck, you had to be the responsible one and risk all your money.

Oh well, with all the money that came in this year, you were sure that things would be great.


The current Lucasfilms Warchest:

2,405,060,235 (This is the money you have available for producing the movies.)

Now what do you do?:

- Steven Spielberg: Steve is really an imaginative storyteller, someone who loves doing adventures that harken back to his youth. While currently, he has the ambition to prove his critics wrong, because they think he cannot do anything without a gimmick. He's best used for Adventure stories, ones that are more akin to the serials that he grew up on. For now at least. He's young, just like you. But he wants to do other things that make him artistically fulfilled. He has proved that he can stay on target with Conan, despite crazy crap going on.

- Martin Scorsese: Martin is easily the greatest artist of the Group of Directors, and that is everyone's opinion, even your own. He wants to make thought-provoking films that are interesting, for everyone. He's a sucker for the Urban dramas that have been made, but he also isn't afraid to tackle new challenges, from epics to biopics… to even something as simple as an adventure story. As long as it strikes a resonating chord with him, he will get it done. Though he also has struggles going over time, all of those things were not his fault, and a result of studio interference. The problem is… well, he wants to do his own thing sometimes… and that thing might not even be created yet. And he doesn't want to make popcorn films like other directors do in their spare time. Even if he might have to.

- Brian De Palma: Brian is the odd one out. He likes directing, has a strong directing talent and he's great for budget and other things. But he has a problem that, in his opinion could be a problem. He's not the best at working with original screenplays, preferring to adapt novels, stories or even outright remaking others than trying his best to make his own. He said that he strongly believes that if he has a framework, he can make it better because he can contort the story to the cinema. And well, he's the only one who hasn't really gone over budget or schedule. Yet he hasn't really worked on huge projects before, so it would be a change for them.

- Paul Schrader: Paul is one of the great writers of The Writers Room, who has a great track record of making good movies. As a writer. As a Director, he's not unproven, but not the most... Creme de la creme, as much of the studio is known for. Honestly, his output is really focused on solitary, art pieces, that are not going to make money. Though it has also led to his reputation as being... creative, but untalented. But you don't believe that is right.

- Francis Ford Coppola: Between the directors, he's the most... controlling, unknowing, and honestly, he's kind of arrogant. But there is one thing that you know. He can make a damn fine film. The problem is, he's not interested in making a quantity of films. He was an art man. You don't care about that too much, but you are running a business. And you do need to make money.

-George Lucas: George has basically pulled rank and said he was not interested in directing right now. He was far to fulfilled working with ILM and making cool shit. (George is unable to direct for this round)


- Yoshiyuki "Kill Em All" Tomino: Head of Animation of DreamWorks, and easily one of them more talented men who work, and the man you put in charge to get your grubby little hands on Gundam. He has since proven himself to be one of the most valuble assets in Dreamworks, and despite all the work and culture clash that his arrival and subsequent hireing has caused to the American and Japanese staff, he's wonderful, though a bit depressive, and needs some help to remind himself he's truely great. He gained his nickname because Gundam had the highest body count of an Animated show... it even made it into the world record book. And he wants to make it bigger.

- Noboru "The Eagleman" Ishiguro: Another director who you hired and haven't worked with at all, mostly because he's either helping Tomino, spending time with John and Ron... or trying to get his American pilot's license. He also has been going around every airport and military base in the state to get footage of an F-16 flying, which have only been out for a month. The man loved his aircraft, and most flying scenes were under his watch, and they were the best in the industry.

- John Musker and Ron Clements: John and Ron are those two guys that work on everything, don't say anything, but always want to be doing well. Ever since their debut with "A Classical Tale" they've gathered a following of those animators who much enjoy working in more traditional projects, as well as those who keep themselves on the sidelines. You don't know how, but they just seem to bring out the best of everyone under them. They are great. And really that's all you have to say. They are great.

- Don Bluth: The Second in command, and you are damn sure he sees himself on that when it comes to Animation. Not that you could gainsay him. Out of every one of your new set of animators he is the most experienced, and the most dedicated to the art of 2D animation, to the point that he's already being called "The Old Man" by the rest. Bluth's style is still miles above everything you've ever seen, and it actually makes you wonder what the hell was Dinsey thinking by cancelling his debut movie. Well, their loss is DreamWorks' gain.

- Brad Bird: Also called "The Fledgling", Brad is a graduate of Cal Arts that decided to go with the new up and coming companny rather than the already established Disney. So far he hasn't regretted his decision, making Director at such a young age, and already trying for new assignements. So far he's working on whatever you're able to find for him, but his ambition is on new and untested stories, ideas that have yet to be given a chance.

- John Lasseter: Graduate of Cal Arts that also joined at the same time as Brad, but his interest clearly lie in computer animation and the newly established Pixar division where he spends nearly the entire day; helping with the technicians and the computer experts, learning everything about this new way of creating animated images, and pushing the boundaries on what it can accomplish for the future of animation. He's a hard man to dislike, with his own brand of humor and charm. Just don't put him and Bluth in the same room!
Live Action Scripts!

- Killer Queen: A personal Project that Carrie Wrote for herself and mom. A family drama that is incredibly detailed and personal. Everyone knows that is more of you and Carrie's Project, and do not want to touch it.)

- The Kung Fu Kid (Another one of your ideas, which Brian has expressed interest in. If only because he finds the idea of shooting in Hong Kong to be absolutely delightful, and just being able to tell another simple story… But again, he's not very comfortable with not having anything to work with, and would need quite a bit of help to do it right)

- Marathon Madness (A Screwball Comedy for the Ages. Steve could absolutely do it just to fill out the roster while he works with George on his special project)

- The Playground (A Fantasy Coming of Age film that splits between kids and adults like a simple DND Campaign. No one but Carrie knows what that is, but no one said they weren't interested in it.)

- Tijuana Takedown (Dave's… Okay, you'll say it, Cyberpunk Epic. Honestly, you don't see the appeal. George likes it, but that's just because the technology required to make it is beyond anything that anyone else has. But you think someone might like it… You think. No one has any idea on how to make it)

- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Now honestly, no one is really seeing the potential in the script, not yet at least. But what they do see is an adventure story that is worth making for the helluva it.)

- Prince of Persia: The Thousand and Second Night (Sands of Time Must be completed before this one can be made)

- Prince of Persia: Thus Spoke Zoroaster (Sands of Time and The Thousand and Second Night mmust be completed before this one can be made)

- Devil's Hour: Dead Man's Gold (Actually, Paul wants to try to make this film, wanting to redeem himself with good money making, just so he can get to make more art.)

- The Slenderman (Mike wants to make a Horror movie. And he wants to scare the shit out of everyone.)

- Deliver us From Evil (Mike wants to make a Horror movie. And he wants to scare the shit out of everyone.)

- Moonlight Dinner (Part of you wants to do it, but are leaving it on the table for others)

- Across America in 90 Days: (A comedy that is all the better for being true)

- The Dark Forest: (The story inverts the role of humanity and aliens by making the latter the hunted)

- La Victoire En Chantant: (The tale of Napoleon from his first assignment till his exile. Might be a bit redundant now that Kubrick is releasing his saga, but perhaps it's still salvageable).

- Undercover: (Biopic of Elizabeth Cochran, the real-life Lois Lane. A story deserving to be told).

- Used Cars: (The satire is strong in this one, and the whole deal with used cars make it a fun movie to make).

-The American Saga: (The Telling of a nation's history. Mike wants to wait for the 80's, and a dawn of a new decade before he sends the boys off to this)

- Romancing the Stone: (An adventure story, one that truly seems to live up to the name).

- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: (First part of the Hobbit tale, hopefully Christopher will agree to the changes made to the books).

- Dune (Part 1): (First part of the Dune book, you envision Francis Ford Coppola to direct this one, and he seems to be willing to take on the challenge)

- Messiah of Dune: (You'll need to finish making Dune (Both parts) before starting this one).

- Gilbert and Sullivan: The Musical: (The tale of some of the best composers told in the musical style and with compositions they created).

- Big Wednesday: (This story just sounds like a beautiful, and tragic, coming of age story. Perhaps with the right actors it can be a true contender).

- Red Dawn: (Huh, you're not going to lie, this movie just screams to be made now, though you're not sure if to make it bigger).

- Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters: (You don't know what it is about it, but the dark re-interpretation just sounds so cool).

- A Dream of a Dream: (Carrie wrote this for Debbie, and if her reaction is anything to go by, then this is one that will hit you in the feels).

- The Bros: (Huh, sounds like it would be a great comedy and something you could do now if you wanted).

- The Emerald Pimpernel: (It may be the Irish in you but you can't wait to see this being made, not to mention that it has an enemy that everyone can rally against).

- The Score: (Hmm, the characters are a bit unlikeable, but nothing that can't be fixed if you want. It may give you a franchise, but it would depend on how the audience reacts to it).

- Small Giant: (Biopic of Robert Smalls, a true American hero, and a man that deserves to have his story told).
Animation Scripts:

- The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker Street: (John and Ron said they want to do it, mostly because they are huge fans of Sherlock Holmes).

- Atlantis: The Lost Empire: (Everyone in the animation department wants to see this one done, though you think you can do a better job if you wati for a little while).

- Tarzan: (No one has actually tried making an animated version, despite how obvious it should be that this is the best medium to better show his adventures).

- The Legend of Sinbad: (One of the most amazing stories that deserve more love, and hopefully more adventures in the future).

- John Henry: Man of Steel: (An American folklore tale with one of its most underrated heroes.)

- War for the Crystal: (An amazing original fantasy adventure that could rival Lewis' travels to Narnia if you're creative enough)

Currently, All the Directors are Available for production.

Francis Ford Coppola can serve as producer of 2 films while directing one film, or produce 3 films.

Mike Must produce one film, as he is producing Star Wars with Gary, George and You.

Sunrise Productions can help produce 1 Animated Film, or begin production of the Next Gundam Season.

Dreamworks can produce 1 Animated Film or can join Sunrise and grant a +200 to Quality of Gundam (Most likely Zeta Gundam)

Example Vote for one person:

What Film does Steve Direct:
-[]The Playground
-[]Budget:10 Million
-[]Producer: George Lucas.

Example for Sunrise/Dreamworks:

What Film does Dreamworks work on:
-[]Work on Gundam with Sunrise
-[]Budget: 15 million.

AN: There is a Moratorium for 12 hours to plan this out.

Pretty awesome stuff, and with two billion dollars we definitely got as much room to play as we want and not fear any failure. Magoose, will we get an update to Bruce's financials soon because I want to do some massive charity or personal business work.

Only one I'm set on so far for movies is Francis doing Dune. Magoose, for the movies is there any of them that the Directors particuarly want to do because a lot of Overmind's captions didn't include which Director is in favor of what beyond what happened for the last turn?

Also are we going to get new directors/producers soon because I think you mentioned a long time ago that with the new year we'd be getting a fair amount of new guys? What about Akira as well? Can we get John Milnius and Robert Zemeckis as Directors?

In regards to Dreamworks, I want us to do another movie to help expand the portfolio further and prevent Dreamworks from just being a TV show, plus with more experience than Zeta Gundam will be more awesome and we don't want to solely pump Gundam just like with Star Wars, not to mention we need to make Macross soon. Divided between Great Mouse Detective, Sinbad and War for the Crystal. In regards to Animation Directors, who wants to direct the films besides John and Ron for Great Mouse Detective?
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By the way Magoose, how did Mary and Wally take to each other? They become rugrat friends?
They certainly did.

And as you can guess it was as adorable as you think.
Magoose, will we get an update to Bruce's financials soon because I want to do some massive charity or personal business work.
Yes next turn in December everything will get updated.
Only one I'm set on so far for movies is Francis doing Dune. Magoose, for the movies is there any of them that the Directors particuarly want to do because a lot of Overmind's captions didn't include which Director is in favor of what beyond what happened for the last turn?
Now here is the onion.

No one wants to work on anything that isn't their own personal projects, but since they know we're asking them, they will do it.

Basically everyone kinda wants to do some fun stuff but realize we are needed, so all hands are on deck.

Also are we going to get new directors/producers soon because I think you mentioned a long time ago that with the new year we'd be getting a fair amount of new guys? What about Akira as well? Can we get John Milnius and Robert Zemeckis as Directors?
Kurosawa is coming in at the start of the next year, as he is not formally hired and John and Robert are getting their own special actions like Schrader got that will get them into the pool.
In regards to Dreamworks, I want us to do another movie to help expand the portfolio further and prevent Dreamworks from just being a TV show, plus with more experience than Zeta Gundam will be more awesome and we don't want to solely pump Gundam just like with Star Wars, not to mention we need to make Macross soon. Divided between Great Mouse Detective, Sinbad and War for the Crystal. In regards to Animation Directors, who wants to direct the films besides John and Ron for Great Mouse Detective?
The thing is, Don is still working on that one film and he's unavalible.

And everyone else dose not have one idea they like at this point in time.
The reason I do everything in December is so I have like 12 plus turns to not worry about everything.
Sunrise Productions can help produce 1 Animated Film, or begin production of the Next Gundam Season.

Dreamworks can produce 1 Animated Film or can join Sunrise and grant a +200 to Quality of Gundam (Most likely Zeta Gundam)
We should make this two work together in Gundam... Strike the Iron while hot and all that.
And @Magoose how much would cost to buy Bandai?
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