Alright, lots of questions. Here we go.
If our next charity efforts are lobbying for the conservation of nature, especially the oceans and the whales... Would be possible to recruit James Cameron Down the line?
Potentially, but not likely as most people will see you as just trying to make a name for yourself. rather then actually helping out with the problem.
What has been the effect of Star Wars on NASA? I mean due to its cultural significance I suppose that it has become significantly more popular...
All I am going to say is this.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, you may see a mission for permanent Moon settlement.
Or at the very least, going back to the moon.
What would give us if we use some actions of networking with NASA? Expert consultants? Hiring us to make some movies (Like Apollo XIII)? Or maybe something else?
I am going to leave that open for me to improvise.
Ok, But would be possible to purchase Disney once they hit rock bottom in the 80s?
Very unlikely, considering what they have just made.
What about Basil of Baker Street?
Open for a purchase, but better be quick about it.
Would Ursula K. Le Guin be more open to Lucasfilms buying the rights to her books?
If the price is right, and she is impressed by us.
Would we have the technology needed to make "The Hobbit" in 1982?
Technichally, you could do it now. It wouldn't be great, but you could. Technology isn't the only thing holding it back. It's the fact that most people aren't willing to see fantasy as a money maker.
At least like Star Wars.
If we have our own TV Studio, can we make it so that our channel is like HBO, where you have to pay to see?
You can. In fact, I highly recommend it.
Can we convince Paramount to show Star Trek and whatever new Star Trek show they make in our channel?
No comment.
What is the opinion in Britain of Bruce O'Brian? (Just curious here).
In Britian, Bruce is considered a maverick and someone who is not interested at all in the craft of acting and are pretty much thinks he's only interested and capable of being a movie star, rather than be a serious actor.
I might as well ask about the opinion in Ireland as well.
They view him as a son, though not a favored one as he is not working there.
Is Paramount planning to create PTS or Star Trek Phase II?
Star Trek, yes, but PTS is still up in the air.
When is Napoleon coming out?
Not until 1980. And even then, Stanley has only shot the first two "films" in a year of production.
He will most likely get 9 films in total, about 3 hours long.
And yes, that 100 million is showing itself in every single frame of celluloid.
Sid is going to get multiple, multi million dollar budget films out of Stanley's creative process. And they might be the best damn films ever made.
Have there been any major films that didn't exist OTL that are currently in production or about to be released besides the one above?
Not as many as you think.
Warners Catalog may be gone, but the ideas and films are still out there to be produced. That is all i will say.
Since Fox didn't even show up at the Warner Bros partition, I'm guessing with no Star Wars they're now mostly irrelevant and financially struggling?
to put it bluntly. Yes.
What is Toho's opinions of Lucasfilms?
Toho: THe Fucking print money, lets make sure we stay on their good side.
How did MASH handwave Radar's departure from the show?
Easy. They just said he got promoted and transferred to another unit.
Is Clint currently making Dirty Harry with Columbia?
Yes he is.
How is Disney taking to the creation of DreamWorks?
Not well.
And they will not take it well once we decided to get it up and running.
After all, there can be only one.
Has Television changed greatly since the beginning of the Quest besides the CBS leadership shakeup and increased game show popularity, and if so in what significant ways?
All I will say is this on the subject.
TV has seen a slip in quality, they are not as well regarded. Cartoons are still silly and poorly animated, and most sitcoms are low budget and frankly appalling. There is an appetite for long-form storytelling that people want, but will never be itched until the 90's.
When it comes to Bruce's presence in pop culture, how often and how do movies and shows usually reference him or his characters?
not much, as they don't have Bruce's Likeness, and don't want to pay bruce any money for his likeness.
But most people say that Goose is a powerful man, usually refering to Bruce himself.
Has Carrie released her rock album and did she sell the body pillows?
Rock album releases next turn, and will have an action, and she did.
But I'm keepign that profit a surprise.
In terms of Carrie's goals and working, is it that she just doesn't want to work again or for the next couple of years she wants to take it easy and go at her own pace along with focusing on potential motherhood and after that she'll consider work when she feels like it?
She's just wanting to slow down and be normal. Basically, she's sick of being the Hollywood princess everyone thinks she is, and wants to be, and I quote "A normal woman, with a normal husband, trying to live a normal life."
Of course, she will still act, write, or otherwise work sometimes, but it it not her primary goal in life.
Oh but she will still get that +150 to her rolls when she's working, but now it will... well spoilers.
How do Ginger and Natalie usually get along?
Ginger sleeps on the bed to cuddle up, and Natalie gets the couch, and snuggles.
Their agreement has kept the peace so far.
Do Bruce and Carrie have any notable neighbors?
Not yet.
But they will soon once people decide that being their neighbors will be better to keep the Paparatzi away.
In the last turn it was mentioned by Carrie that Todd was thinking about majoring in computer science. Does that mean that he wants to focus on that for a career or is it an interest?
a collage interest, trying to find a way in the world. Do not expect it to be a think he cements to.
What kind of movies does Joseph want to act in in the future?
He's going back to the Western, and the War film.
And there are plenty of war films to be made, and they may see him as a good enough man for the job.
Hint: Universal has a Vietnam movie that they want to make, with him as the star of the show.
Does Cat plan to have any more kids?
she's pregnant right now.
Has Robin had any initial success in Hollywood after he acted in Five Dates?
He's been selling out shows in LA and New York. He'd going to be fine.
What does Ronald Reagan think of Bruce?
Here is the thing I will say about Ronnie Raygun and his opinion of Bruce.
He very much thinks he's a wonderful American, who is inspiring more people to achieve the heights that the lofty American Dream can seem to be.
He also thinks that we have a violent destructive streak against our enemies that needs to be toned down, because we would be runing lives if we aren't reigned in.
And he also believes, and this is his private opinion, that he is the best young actor in Hollywood. Everyone else is either too loud, to subdued, or not experienced enough. Bruce carries the whole damn thing and it impresses him.
He also, may or may not want to use Bruce as an endorsement for his next presidential run, because oh boy, does he have a plan to sweep carter.
Can we make the Star Wars holiday special?
You can...
But why?