Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Dracula has to be released on the Halloween.

I'm still Committed to Lucasfilms releasing a horror movie on Halloween every year.
Now i do hope that after this that we Invest in something else other the Lucasfilms warchest, i dont even think we get the money back from it
I'm not against making a big splash with our movies, and making Treasure Planet would be amazing in my opinion (heck, if we play our cards right we could even have an animated show after the movie detailing the adventures of Will as he moves through the ranks of the Navy in that world and explore so many aspects of it). However, given that we already have a script ready for Hiawatha and as such it could be done faster, perhaps we could go with that movie instead?

Maybe. If we're unable to make a Treasure Planet script and Dreamworks is itching for something to make then I guess we could do it with that being a decent way for our animators to sort of dip their toes and test what it's like to be part of the team. I really want to go for that Toy Story/Snow White debut effect and I think Treasure Planet would be much stronger. If it's not first though, I'll definitely support Hiwatha as second.

Dracula has to be released on the Halloween.

I'm still Committed to Lucasfilms releasing a horror movie on Halloween every year.

Eh, artificial date mandates and rushing things to completion tend to make the absolute worst versions of a product because the craft hasn't been given enough time to cook to perfection. We don't really need to release a horror movie on Halloween considering most studios don't and with Dracula being a Blockbuster instead of a small scale horror movie, it would be more profitable to release it in the summer or Thanksgiving-Christmas window than Halloween. Just let Brian go at his own pace and if it gets finished next year and we got summer filled up then we can consider doing it on Halloween.

Also I gotta say I just did a read through of the Mike Eisner Quest and I find the contrast hillarious how in that Quest all the major studios were pretty amicable with one another and Universal and Warner Bros teamed up with Disney to make a theme park in Disney World while here Hollywood politics are cutthroat and everyone wants to drive each other to bankruptcy.
The Casting of Conan
The Casting of Conan:

You looked at Steven and then the List. "Well I was not expecting so many people."

"Well, it turns out when Lucasfilms is doing something big, they want in for a payday. Though do we really have to follow the books so closely? With so many characters."

"I got a little carried away." You replied. "The problem is I uh… Didn't get a full list."
As you are the Executive Producer, you can add characters and take them away for the cast, as you can change the story around with the product.

In fact, I highly recommend that you choose.


Choose 3 Actors for each character, to go through the casting call.

Note you may add more characters in Conans story, and I encourage it. Since he has so many, I only put the most important ones here.

The Prince: The prince who is being told the story of Conan
[]Write in

The Advisor/Narrator
[]Write in

Amon Thoth:
[]Write in

[]Write in

Thulsa Doom
[]Write in

[]Write in

You can add characters as you wish as the script can accommodate them.

AN: enjoy.

I only put some of the major charecters in the Conan Stories.

There are many more we can add in, to... you know flesh out the world and such. I just did not feel the desire to add in hundreds of names to cast.

So I kept it sparse and simple, but with enough room to grow.

Moratorium till we have a thing.
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Anyone have any ideas of extra characters for the film? As someone whose only experience with Conan is the movie, I don't know who the hell to add and while my mind has some ideas for the established cast, I want to see just how large of a cast it will be and who is prominent before I commit.
Here's an idea I got for the Prince. Nicholas "Not Yet Cage" Coppola.

It all depends on how old the character is supposed to be. I've gotten it into my head that he's rather young. Which would alllow the roughly 14-year old Nic to play the role.
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Anyone have any ideas of extra characters for the film? As someone whose only experience with Conan is the movie, I don't know who the hell to add and while my mind has some ideas for the established cast, I want to see just how large of a cast it will be and who is prominent before I commit.

It's been a while since I saw the movie But, we could have Antonio Banderas serve as the Prince, and we can replace the character of Valeria with Red Sonja as we can then hace more characterization. Since we seem to be adding the character of Belit I would suggest making her an ally of the bad guy (which I'm still not convinced should be Amon Thot). Also, we oculd have Conan's friend not be Subutai, but rather Tito, who Conan befriended in the same novel that Belit was introduced. We create a greater connection that way.

I'll give my thoughts on who should be the villain later.
Anyone have any ideas of extra characters for the film? As someone whose only experience with Conan is the movie, I don't know who the hell to add and while my mind has some ideas for the established cast, I want to see just how large of a cast it will be and who is prominent before I commit.
Well I tried to make a huge list of Conan charecters to use... but gave up after 20.
Okay, I think I have an idea. We have the story introduce Thugra Khotan, an ancient Wizard awoken from his 3,000 years old slumber, and once more embarking in a journey of World Domination. He assembles armies of Desert Nomads who raid, destroy, etc. His next target is the city of Zamoras, and he could hae an alias because his name was infamous back then, or for some other reason. This takes elements from the novel "Black Colossus" where Conan has to defend the city and deal with those who look down on him because of his Cimmerian ancestry.

We could also introduce Belit as an ally of convenience of Thugra Khotan, as she's been promised eternal life and riches beyond her dreams. She meets Conan as he is escaping the authorities with the help of his new friend Tito, a smuggler who is very good with the bow and arrow. They escape, but leave an impression on her (either Conan or Tito) as they arrive in Zamora. They can meet Red Sonja there, who is a mercenary making a living (or a brigand like the movies asks for Valeria)

What do you think?

Edit: Instead of Amon Thoth, we oculd have Canon Thoth-Amon, perhaps as an advisor or disciple of Thugra Khotan, the one that makes sure try and kill Belit when/if her support for the cause wavers. We could make him a coward as well, the one member who surivives and flees, swearing vengeance against Conan and setting up a sequel qith him as the main bad guy.
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Honestly I'm down to those 20 as options. Which books do you think would be used for this film?
Those 20 options however didn't make sense to me, as I went through the publication history of their appearances, rather than the chornological apperences.

I used Some of the Jordan and Howards works.
Honestly I'm down to those 20 as options. Which books do you think would be used for this film?
I suggest "Black Collossus", "Queen of the Black Coast" and "The Phoenix on the Sword" as it gives the adventures that are closer to OTL movie, and the characters that can be either added or dismissed. Save for Red Sonja of course.
So if we have Red Sonja here, we should not add also Belit...

I am partial towards the Tower of the Elephant.
Red Sonja wpuld serve as a comparison to Belit, and since they're both on opposite sides there won't be that much interaction or screen time that will have to be shared.
It's why I put an Add charecters/ Remove charecters option. Conan's world is so big, vast and full of stories that it is almost impossible to really grasp properly, even reading all the lore and books. and there are too many charecters to just put here without making it very very long.

And remember, that our script is mostly set near the beginning of Conans journey, rather then when he is at the height of his powers.

So keep that in mind.

The Legion of the dead is a good story I found, along with the Elephant Tower, and Black Colosuss.

I would personally use Queen of the Black Coast for another film.
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It's why I put an Add charecters/ Remove charecters option. Conan's world is so big, vast and full of stories that it is almost impossible to really grasp properly, even reading all the lore and books.

And remember, that our script is mostly set near the beginning of Conans journey, rather then when he is at the height of his powers.
True enough, and really, the entire movie seems like a small ripoff of "Black Collossus" in the end. Why couldn't they just use the characters from said movie I don't know.

So, what I suggest:

Remove: Thulsa Doom, Amon Thoth, Subutai, Valeria and King Osric.

Add: Thugra Khotan, Thoth-Amon, Tito, Red Sonja, Queen Yasmela and Dion the Fat.

Queen Yasmela could be either the daughter or the Queen of the departed King Osric, who would be dead in the film, thus making her reign more unstable. She hires Red Sonja as bodyguard and leader of Mercenaries because at the moment she can trust a mercenary more than her own countrymen. Dion the Fat could then work as a traitor who is working with Thugra Khotan to bring down Zamoras from the inside.

What do you think?
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I just got an idea for a story we can make when when anime explodes in popularity. And that's Genshin Impact. I love the characters and it'd be great to associate them with something other than a space-hogging gacha game.
@Magoose since this vote is less about choosing a few actors to fit a role, and more about choosing which novels to adapt, the character that we should include, and then the actors...

I suggest you to put a moratorium so that we can discuss things properly before making any plan
@Magoose With the Alan Ladd production bounus i thought he would occasionally bring flims to lucasflims for dristribution based of flims he served as producer on or do we have to specify in pitches or is it just a role you do every turn?
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