Your Reputation (Major Players):
American Movie Industry (5): You are an Emmy award-winning actor that is making a wave through TV, and through film thanks to American Graffiti. You have become one of the biggest financial draws on the planet, and almost every director and actor in America wants to work with you. The fact you are a good director and a helluva good producer makes you all the more likely to succeed.
International Movie Industry (5) People want you to be in their films, even for a cameo because they know that you can bring people into seats.
Warner Brothers (-10) They are almost too dead to care, and they blame you, even though you had nothing to do with anything. And honestly, good fucking Riddence.
Universal (-5) You made them a lot of money, at one time. Now they see you as one of the greatest enemies to their existence and will do anything to beat your films at the box office and the Oscars.
20th Century Fox (-2) They know your name… And they know you can beat them in the film game.
Disney (-1) So the House that Walt Built seems to like you. Or something, they are sending mixed messages.
George Lucas (+10) "You saved my career and probably helped me save my marriage, Bruce. I don't think I can ever repay you." He'll follow you to the ends of the earth.
Francis Ford Coppola (+5) George's Friend, and another producer want you to be part of one of his next projects, Though he said that it would "Be a good one"
Brian Depalma (+5) He's one of George's Friends, and now, one of the boys. He's happy that he is able to be creatively fulfilled without being screwed over.
Martin Scorsese (+3) He's another member of the crew, but he also doesn't trust you like the others who work for you. Now that may be just his nature. But he hasn't had any reason to trust you.
Paul Schrader (+2) A wonderful writer that is interesting... to say the least. But you like him well enough
John Millnus (+3) He loves Conan as much as you do, so you think you will get along Fine.
Robert Zemeckis (0) You don't really know him.
Gary Kurtz (+7) A Producer who works primarily with George, and the man who is as ride or die as you are with George. He knows you won't do him any wrong.
George A Romero (+4) You saw his movies and you were impressed by them. He just saw a kid who understood the whole damn industry, and then… just decided to burn it down, in mutual respect. He likes that
Steven Spielberg (+4) is Another one of George's Friends, though he is a director through and through. You think he has some ideas he wants to talk to you about.
Bruce Lee (+10) You are the student. He is the master, it's that simple. You still miss him every day.
Clint Eastwood (+7) Thankfully, you no longer sleep on his couch. But hey. He's a fun guy to be around, though a bit serious.
American TV Industry (-2) They are… needless to say, very wary of you. But you've become part of the Hollywood system, and are now… mostly, playing by the rules. So they will allow some… friction to remain.
James L Brooks (+4) A guy who helped you with a job. He's also been silently rooting for you every step of the way.
Lucille Ball (+4) She views you as one of her new Cash Cows, and if she can, she will try her best to ruthlessly keep you under contract, and happy. Seeing as you are one of the reasons CBS is still floating.
-CBS (0) With new Leadership, comes new opportunities. They are also scared of you.
ABC (0) They know of you, and know that you are… someone who needs to be kept happy. Or away from troubled productions.
NBC (0) They know of you, and know that you are… someone who needs to be kept happy. Or away from troubled productions.
PBS (+3) Apparently, Fred Rogers is a Huge fan of yours, a lot of the people working at PBS love your work.