Miracle of a Modern Wonder
-[X] Holding the Flag: You have been asked by Team USA to be the Flag Bearer. It would be foolish to refuse… right? DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 93
It was going to be your honor to be the flag bearer for Team USA.
And you are going to do something that hasn't been done for a while. Be an Irishman who was holding the American flag for a British… sorry Canadian Olympics.
The irony hopefully will not be lost on them. Or anyone for that matter.
Reward: You are holding the flag that shall never dip to earthly kings.
-[X] Olympic Training: It's time to get serious about training to win a gold. You really need to back up your documentary that made everyone else out to be winners. DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 + 30 => 79
Honestly, you were just keeping your body ready. No need to do anything to strenuous and get things done.
Reward: things are looking okay.
-[X] The Friendship and Brotherhood of George Lucas: George wants to hang out and have fun. DC: 30 Rolled:
D100 => 86
George was sitting at the beach, as you looked at the sunset, the sun going down, and you were feeling all sorts of struggles in your mind. "So… What now?"
"I mean, wait what?" You asked.
"I made Star Wars, it's going to be done. What now?" He asked.
"The sequel?" You asked. "I mean, you have written most of it… unless-"
George just laid back. "I don't know. The production is like that… what it is now. How can I make it better? How can I surpass something like that? You've seen it."
You shrugged. "I don't know George, but maybe do something different. You chose to make things by doing everything you did. Find that drive that made yu want to make it."
"The problem is, I don't want to do that again." He said. "I just… want a break from being behind the chair, I wanna do more production stuff, make ILM better, you know things like that?"
"What about the Merch?" You asked.
"In 40 years, it will be so popular that people will hate the new stuff that I create for it." He laughed. "But really though, I might have someone else direct the next film. Maybe you?"
You laughed. "Really me? Out of everyone you could ask in Hollywood you want me to sit behind the chair? I'm flattered, but the problem with that is, I don't know if I can?"
George then just laughed. "I'm just throwing it out there man. Maybe we'll get that Prince of Persia movie you're going on."
"Wait, didn't you and Steve come up with something, because didn't get that James Bond director job?"
"Yeah, you heard about that?"
"John said he was going to make a script for it, before he got distracted." You replied. "What was it called again?"
"Indiana Smith or something, I can't remember," George replied. "We'll talk about it when you get back."
Reward: The Seeds of Franchises have been planted.
Also, George thinks that you might be the best director for the next Star Wars, even though you think you're not ready.
-[X] A Charitable Heart: You want to invest your newfound wealth. Maybe even save some lives while you are at it. (Linetail what you wish to invest in below this action, and the amount of money you want to donate in)
--[X] O'Reilly Foundation [$20 Million] Rolled:
D100 => 100
-[X] Pray: It had been a long time since you went to Mass. You wish for the Lord to give you strength. DC: ??? Rolled:
D100 => 99
Some would say you were doing God's Work. Others would say you were just doing it to stroke your own ego. You didn't care what the naysayers said. But instead, you just kept doing what you wanted.
You were a young man going all out in one thing.
Charity, and the goodness of your fellow man. That would be enough. You just did some random acts of kindness. Helping some shop in trouble. Things like that.
However, the biggest thing that you did, was just, do some help… you said that in an interview you just wanted to help people and do your best to see it done.
Now obviously, you had no idea what that did to people…
But it did.
The O'Riely Foundation was self-sufficient, yes, but now it was truly working to help the veterans who were in need.
You struck a chord with the American people in a way that most people never realized. Just having people help even when they did not think they need it.
And you were just happy…
Reward: A Massive societal and cultural shift has begun to occur in America. One that you did not know would happen. But unwittingly caused through your actions.
Veterans are no longer stigmatized for their actions overseas or their traumatic experiences. Many are now seeing help or helping one another. And that made all the difference for one last thing.
A little more unity from those who thought they did not understand. A little more understanding from unlikely sources. A Little less prejudice from those that would be enemies or rivals.
And a little more love for their fellow man.
People were more open to their problems, and that may make all the difference in the world.
-[X] Calling You're Parents: You are going to call your parents and see what they want. DC: 10 Rolled:
D100 => 72
Dad answered the phone, but instead only told you one thing. "Son, I know what you are doing and it's rather good of you to do that. And really I don't know what else to say for you anymore, because you have exposed and become everything that we could ever hope you could be."
"I just want you to know this though… keep a room open, I might come back for some work, once the Bar has some more employees I can trust."
Reward: You have finally gotten your father to accept that he still wanted to Act.
-[X] Research stuff, see if anything piques your interest: You may have graduated High School as a kid, but you never stopped trying to learn. DC: 15 (Write-in what you want to learn about below)
--[X] Singing: Considering the amount of effort Carrie has put into you learning how to sing, even getting her mother involved, now might be the time to pull the trigger, especially since you know that Carrie only wants to spend quality time with you, before having to share you with the whole world. Rolled:
D100 => 67 (Autopass)
Debbie was a lifesaver and just the fact she was a little gentler with the whole.
And you learned you were a strong bass… and a good enough tenor.
Reward: You are now a really good singer.
-[X] The Olympics: You are going to go to the Olympics and represent the USA to the World. DC: 0 Rolled:
D100 => 96
You were going to show the world a truly insane feat.
Bruce O'Brian getting gold while the whole world Watched.
(Continued in: The Olympics.)