Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Though try closer to five or six. just in case of multiples.

Honestly I'm hoping their first children will be a set of boy and girl twins to mirror not only Luke and Leia, but Jacen and Jaina Solo. Would make for a pretty hilarious parallel, although perhaps a bit too difficult for first timers. Then again, perhaps the 80s would be best for twins so we can push for the Young Jedi Knights series that was killed in concept OTL and Jacen and Jaina can be played by the real life O'Brian twins.
Toys...we forgot about the Star Wars toys. I hope Eisner pulls another nat 100 to set up a better outcome then OTL.

Is there some sort of history that I'm missing? Cause as far as I'm aware the Kenner/Hasbro toy deal worked out pretty well for Star Wars, especially for George who made most of his fortune off of it until he got the Disney money.

Why not just outsource to Sunrise, so we can pay for Gundam by proxy.

It builds sunrise and I want that gunpla money!!

I'd rather we just make a contract with Bandai where they make model kits for Star Wars ships and vehicles. Speaking of Gundam, I wonder if we can convince George to introduce mecha into Star Wars. Sure at the end of the day Starfighters reign supreme and it's not like I want to get rid of AT-ATs or AT-STs, but it'd be cool to have mobile suits for some planetary battles, maybe them being reserved for extremely hostile surfaces.
Is there some sort of history that I'm missing? Cause as far as I'm aware the Kenner/Hasbro toy deal worked out pretty well for Star Wars, especially for George who made most of his fortune off of it until he got the Disney money.
It could have been a far better deal for George if he had been a better negotiator.

Lets leave it at that.
I'd rather we just make a contract with Bandai where they make model kits for Star Wars ships and vehicles. Speaking of Gundam, I wonder if we can convince George to introduce mecha into Star Wars. Sure at the end of the day Starfighters reign supreme and it's not like I want to get rid of AT-ATs or AT-STs, but it'd be cool to have mobile suits for some planetary battles, maybe them being reserved for extremely hostile surfaces.
But... Why?

Why would we have Mecha in Star Wars when we could make an entirely new franchise?
Quick question.

Jaws is Spielberg's last movie for his current contract right?

And he's friends with Lucas and interested in joining Lucasarts right?

Does that mean there's a good chance he would come over and film Close Encounters with our company?

By that point Star Wars should be in the editing room, and if we can hit 1977 with Star Wars in the first half of the year, then Close Encounters in the second half, that essentially means Lucasarts first year creating its own films instead of being a distributor or effects company is very likely to produce two box office hits.

Possibly three if we get Rocky out in the middle of the year.
Jaws is Spielberg's last movie for his current contract right?
And he's friends with Lucas and interested in joining Lucasarts right?
Does that mean there's a good chance he would come over and film Close Encounters with our company?
Highly Likely.
By that point Star Wars should be in the editing room, and if we can hit 1977 with Star Wars in the first half of the year, then Close Encounters in the second half, that essentially means Lucasarts first year creating its own films instead of being a distributor or effects company is very likely to produce two box office hits.

Possibly three if we get Rocky out in the middle of the year.
Well the problem is, Star Wars begins production in March. if we are lucky, Close encounters will once Jaws is done, as steve has his script ready already.
Possibly three if we get Rocky out in the middle of the year.
Tell that to Mike?
Was going to ask everyone for advice on a major problem I was running into while writing up Undertale, and then solved it for myself as I was writing up the post. Got to love it.
Was going to ask everyone for advice on a major problem I was running into while writing up Undertale, and then solved it for myself as I was writing up the post. Got to love it.

Undertale works as a whole because of its deconstruction of it being a video game.

not exactly sure how it would work as a movie
Undertale works as a whole because of its deconstruction of it being a video game.

not exactly sure how it would work as a movie
I disagree with the idea that Undertale works because it's a deconstruction. I know that it's meant to be one, but I don't believe that to be integral to it's success.

We've already been discussing doing an Undertale animated film for quite some time now and it works just fine as a film. Frankly, there were really only 2 glaring issues that I've run into while mocking this up, those being the run time and the order of the endings. Technically speaking you could just make Undertale as the True Pacifist ending and it would work just fine, but I wanted to work in all 3 main endings. The two main problems are a result of this decision. Having all 3 routes showcased would normally be fine for something like a TV show, but I know we wanted it as a movie, and without cutting out too much, it ends up being pretty damn long. This shouldn't be too big of an issue however, as long as good pacing is maintained and frankly, it's a bullet I'm willing to bite for the sake of having the most complete story I can get. Then comes the ordering...and hoo boy! That was giving me trouble for a good while. I obviously wanted to showcase all 3 routes and bosses, but the problem with doing this for a film is that it's going to get repetitive. This isn't a problem for the video game, as it's part of the nature of the game, but it would be one for the film. Initially, I wanted to arrange it as Neutral Ending first, then Genocide Ending, and then True Pacifist. Neutral first goes the least in depth about the deeper bits and bobs in Undertale and is pretty straightforward overall. There are other things I could say, but basically, Neutral Ending first was a no-brainer. But then I wanted to do Genocide next and ending with True Pacifist because I wanted to end the film on an uplifting, optimistic, cheerful, and all-around feel good note, and so True Pacifist had to be the ending, but this doesn't work with Genocide coming before it because of the tonal whiplash and overall wouldn't mesh well with getting the feel-good "everything worked out in the end"-ending right after genociding everything. Not to mention that one of the requirements for Neutral Ending in the game is not going through all of the friendship stuff with the other characters. The other potential requirements(you only need one) are to kill but not kill everything, and I didn't want to do that at the beginning of the film as I felt like it would fit tonally, or not exploring the True Lab, but that wouldn't feel right to explore in the True Pacifist ending at the end of the film or in Genocide Route, so the relationship one had to be the requirement that happened, but that would undercut the shock and emotional impact of the Genocide ending, as the relationships and bonds aren't as strong as the could be. Not to mention that you can't expand on them as much as in True Pacifist because then it becomes repetitive seeing the same scenes, and so in order to work, Neutral Ending has to have less strong relationships. Overall, nothing was working, everything was clashing, it was all a freaking mess, but then I decided to think about how it would work out if I put the Genocide Route at the end and True Pacifist as second. This worked out much better. Not only does it justify the reset in Neutral Ending as not everyone having escaped or had a happy ending and so it makes sense to reset and do things right the 2nd time, it would also strengthen the relationships much further and get you firmly invested in these characters and their success while spending so much time with them before Genocide occurs. Everything remains tonally consistent and you get the rousing optimism of True Pacifist before the soul crushing Genocide Route. It also gave me a very convenient ending, the True Reset with Chara. This would allow for a more bittersweet ending as opposed to just ending with murder and death, as Frisk gives up their soul in order to reset the world and try and make things right again. And given that no one remembers due to it being a True Reset, it feels all more natural. I may not be able to make it the happy ending that I wanted it to be, but I can still leave it off on a bittersweet ending with some hope that things can get better.

I don't feel like I explained it all as well as I could have or how I'm picturing it, but I feel as though it's good enough.
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You might be forgetting one thing.

At the end of the true pacifist run, if you do a true reset, it's shown that Chara has taken control of Frisk's body, and goes on to murderize our friends.

So it's less bittersweet, and more of a downer.
You might be forgetting one thing.

At the end of the true pacifist run, if you do a true reset, it's shown that Chara has taken control of Frisk's body, and goes on to murderize our friends.

So it's less bittersweet, and more of a downer.
That's wrong actually. That's not the True Pacifist Ending, that's actually a "hidden ending" called Soulless Pacifist Ending. It's what you get if you do Genocide before True Pacifist. You don't get that if you do True Pacifist first before Genocide. And as I'm writing this, I actually just remembered that you need to complete a Neutral Ending first in order to get a True Pacifist Ending, so my order is actually better and makes more sense than I even initially realized.
l clearly misremembered my undertale lore, so that's on me.

But considering we're going for all three endings, the runtime of such a movie might be very long. It could be three different movies for each timeline. Plus, I don't know why our boy would go for a genocide route after getting the best possible conclusion.

I like the idea, just ironing out a few details
I think we should stick only with the True Pacifist ending. We're already going to be breaking the mold with Undertale as it is, and to try going beyond with the Neutral or the (God forbid) Genocide ending at this stage might just make it a bit too much.

I would suggest going for the True Pacifist for the movie. The after a few years we offer the Genocide and Neutral routes as "What if?" versions, but making it clear that the True Pacifist is the Canon ending.
l clearly misremembered my undertale lore, so that's on me.

But considering we're going for all three endings, the runtime of such a movie might be very long. It could be three different movies for each timeline. Plus, I don't know why our boy would go for a genocide route after getting the best possible conclusion.

I like the idea, just ironing out a few details
It's no issue.

Yeah, runtime was one of the issues I pointed out as the 2 glaring issues with my plan of including all 3 main endings. I'm trying to find as many ways to trim down as much as I can, but honestly, I think it's just going to have to be a matter of biting the bullet on it. Whichever way I slice it, it's going to be a very long film. The goal at this point is to ensure that the pacing is strong and that it doesn't feel long.

I considered splitting it up into different movies, but everytime I thought about it, it didn't feel right. Undertale felt like it needed to be self-contained into one project, whether that be a television show or a film, and since we wanted a film, I'm going to make it work. It felt like to do anything different would be a betrayal of the spirit of what Undertale is. Not to mention, I don't think that the bulk of each Route is different enough to justify 3 different films, as I believe that they'd end up being too similar of an experience, and with little differentiating them beyond the major points, it felt difficult to justify making more than 1 film.

I already thought about why Frisk would reset into a Genocide Route, and the answer came pretty easily. Chara is the reason, simple as. Throughout the game, you get many different little instances of Chara peaking through, particularly in regards to certain actions and narrations, and the narrator for the whole of Undertale is truthfully up for interpretation. It's also stated by Chara during the Genocide Ending that Frisk's DETERMINATION and SOUL was what brought them back from death. So the answer from there becomes obvious; Have the Neutral Ending and True Pacifist Endings happen first, the constant RESETS and DETERMINATION lend enough power to awaken Chara from death, Chara begins subtly influencing Frisk and Frisk's choices, the True Pacifist Ending gets completed, the Ending is complete but not everything is as good as could be (Asriel stayed in the Underground for instance) and so is convinced by feelings(Chara's influence and Frisk's own desire to help everyone) they're getting to RESET and try and create a happy ending for everyone, Chara takes much stronger control and influence over Frisk including possessing Frisk at times(which is something we see occurs in the game. These are moments with the red Chara eyes and would be crucial earlier on in order to justify actually taking the plunge on the Genocide in this Route), continues through the Route as normal, and then you have the Ending of the Route and the film. The film would end after the discussion between Chara and Frisk that they have at the end of the Genocide Route and getting the True Reset, and after that would be actually starting at the very beginning all over again meeting Flowey and it ends on this somber but bittersweet note that, even despite everything that's happened, there is still chance to make it right. To borrow from an amazing line in the game, "Despite everything, it's still you."
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