Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Alright guys, listen, I have this idea that we can do this turn. I say, we use one of our options to begin production on Macross: Do You Remember Love? so that way we have it ready for distribution by next year, the canonical date when it debuted. With one of my rewards being that Japanese Pop getting more tractino and fans, this means the movie would have the support of said fans with the songs and the growing fan base for Mari Iijima.

Also, we should definitely take the option to make Beverly Hills Cop. That movie is going to be amazing, and we will avoid the mess of trying to make a trilogy when we're not ready.

And of course, for the Conan options, I say we try for preparing for the water filming and try to research locations to film in. A couple of options for now would be for the best.
Guess Bruce has to get back his Conan muscles. And maybe learn to sail.

For locations we can always call in the favor the Prince of Monaco owes us. Or just set up in Italy.
I wish you would have included one of our first political action in this quest, our support for lower taxes on veterans in California with support from Reagan. Also love how Bruce is playing himself down with 'semi-active' conservative, buddy you started a new faction in the party.

Sorry for forgetting that, admittedly a missed opportunity from me. Although at the same time, one can interpret this as Bruce viewing his charitable actions as non-political and more basic decency, or he doesn't think such causes should be political which can be interesting narration.

Also what would Nixon and other hard line party members think about this?

Probably think Bruce and Curb are naive idealists who are sabotaging the War on Drugs for their fluffy nonsense, only for them to realize sometimes love and compassion is better than guns blazing.

As a European in a parlementry democracy with many parties it is very fasinating and confusing to see such wierd and contradictory coaltions in the same party. Like how Hubert H Humphrey and Ted Kennedy shared the same party as Strom Thurmond and George Wallace. And now in this quest Mike Curb and Bruce O'Brian with Pat Buchannon and Pat Robertson. But in the name of turning Califonia into a red state in the election ,the religious right need to shut up and focus on their own state, LOL.

American political parties have always had high degrees of factionalism and independence since the first party system with the Democratic-Republicans and Federalists. Nowadays both parties are extremely uniform, but in the 20th century it wasn't uncommon for each party to represent to have divisions based off of interpretations of liberalism and conservatism. I think it's a consequence of us not having a Parliamentary system and fixed terms, not to mention focus on federalism so politicians are more focused on personal platforms, carrying ideological banners, and local needs than rallying to the party for the sake of it.

In terms of presidential elections and control of congress, both parties had their own regional strategies that they had to compromise with regional interests, most infamously Democrats and the Dixiecrats. The different power plays of the factions will be interesting going forward, though for now Rockefeller Republicans still persist in the East Coast and combined with California Club Republicans it'll make for very interesting party agendas and administrations.

Another butterfly in the "O'Brian Hall" with very intresting ramifications. I think the some dems are exaterating Bruce's influence here, refugees from communist nations have a tendency to vote for anti-communist and anti-socialist polticians, though Bruce still has a influence as 92% is a bit too large on anti-communist grounds alone. Also like how one half of the Republicans denies the O'Brian hall allegation and the other half is like "More untapped voters?! Yes, please!" might see some softening on anti-immigration in the Republican party though greater voter engagment for immigrants is good for everybody.

Well Magoose did mention that Vietnamese and Romanian refugees heavily idolize Bruce, and when your hero and the man who saved your family endorses one party, then you vote for said party. Both demographics tended to vote heavily Republican OTL and it probably makes a difference in thatCalifornia is Bruce's state whereas say Cubans and Dominicans living in Florida would see a tad more diversity. Also, it kind of didn't help that the Democrats never really made any plays for this ethnic group, and Vidal's dogshit campaign combined with immigrant anxieties to voting for a Black man in Bradley would push to GOP.

Although that being said on Romanians, while most may be Republicans, they absolutely love and adore Jimmy Carter and had the Romanians gained citizenship before 1980, Carter would carry them. Carter for his aid to Romania is probably heavily idolized and adored throughout the country and I can see stuff like streets named after him, statues or Romanians liking peanut butter more. Internal party drama towards Carter like Ted Kennedy's primary run and most of the party being more towards the Left would push most Romanian-Americans towards the GOP, helped by Reagan's more fervent anti-Communism.

Before 9/11, there were many wings and groups of the Republican Party who genuinely wanted to reach out to certain ethnic groups, and ironically enough Muslim and Arab Americans favored Republicans due to conservative culture. It's also kind of interesting IRL how certain Hispanic nationalities tend to flock heavily towards the Republicans, keeping Texas and Florida Red and making Hispanics overall very competitive instead of monolithic. Whether it's due to bigotry, electoral pragmatism or genuine idealism; I think many Sunbelt Republicans would be pro immigrant with Asians and Latinos being courted heavily to balance the Black vote.

I'm reading a book called 'Wake us up when it's over'. It's about the 1984 election, but also about the events leading up to the election with the decline of 'New Deal' democrats of LBJ and Carter and the rise of Conservatism once espoused by Goldwater in '64 culminating in the '84 election redeeming the loss of '64. So it's nice that Barry Jr. is continuing his father's redemption in being elected in CALIFORNIA as a Goldwater, imagine if he tried to do it in '68 or the seventies.

I thought it'd be fun to have Barry Goldwater Jr. win his Senate race on a landslide versus his Dad's landslide defeat, although Sr. still served on the Senate will into the 80s and sort of got the last laugh ideologically, even if in the 70s and 80s he became more of a true Libertarian and adopted some Left cultural positions. When researching the Republican Senate primary, I figured that Jr. thanks to working on committees which are far more successful here and his anti-government and privacy planks mixing well with Hillsgate would win the primary versus Pete Wilson. Shame Bruce couldn't endorse anybody, but I think he'd align with Goldwater.

It also helps Barry if his opponent is a moron, my God what was he doing with that Romania and Pearl harbor comment? I thought that Dems should uphold FDR as an idol and as an icon a la Lincoln for the Republicans, also that Romania comment would have people call him a pinko, even from his own party form the blue dog dems. And that Polanski comment, yuck. Good luck in LA and SF. The Democratic party of California might reform the selection process to prevent such a loss again.

Those controversies weren't me rigging the game so Goldwater would win on a landslide, they are legit positions that Gore Vidal held. He lambasted FDR's embargo on Japan and proclaimed that Pearl Harbor was a provoked response and FDR had insider knowledge the attack was coming. He also did genuinely state that Polanski's 13 year old victim was a hooker and it was a non-issue. Vidal is honestly a Far-Left wacko but OTL he did place third in the Democratic primary, and with the guys who were before him resigning with Jerry Brown or getting arrested by Hillsgate, then Vidal would manage to eck out a victory off of plurality.

For the Democrats, it's not that the party has a bad primary system, it's just that Vidal was the candidate with the most national spotlight and name recognition, had extensive support from established party leaders and Liberal icons (most of whom distanced and condemned him here when his crazy stuff came to light), probably had good funding, and benefitted from Progressive anger towards Reagan.

That's one of the downside of American primaries. Anyone can with enough momentum and support clinch the nomination for their position even if they're an unstable character or heavily out of line with party dogma. That being said, the DNC will do all it can to make sure the next couple of election cycles will have likable Liberals or Centrists win the field depend on the state, and for the California party the winners outside of progressive bastions like San Francisco will most likely try to copy Bradley.

[]There is something that we need to do first. (THe USFL will not suffer some... setbacks)

Let's go USFL.

[]The Beatings will continue until the Cartels are Stopped (Meanwhile at the Border, Local police are getting help from a DEA special task force, who have one mission. Stop the drugs.)

Damn, all three are pretty great choices. I think I'll go with this, because rehabilitation needs the elimination of supply in order to be its most effective.

[]Wait Nick What now: Jack Kirby has all but demanded you play Nick Fury in the new animated TV show he's cooking up. Something about… having the Eastwood Astetic, without needing Clint. Alright, you'll go for it. DC: ???

So does this mean that the Marvel anime will be releasing this year?

[]An unforeseen surprise: Carries in labor, and you both thought she had another two weeks. But it seems that God and the baby had other plans. DC:

How long will we stay at home to help Carrie with baby George until we begin Conan? We should have some paternity leave and be a good day and help our family with the new Gosling.

Also poor Sarah and Joseph, they already had toshare a birthday and now their little brother is gonna have his birthday right aftewards.
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Videogame Pitch: Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
Just a few days ago I found these images from a supposedly unreleased Star Wars videogame from the 80s, a click-and-point adventure from what it looks, and I remembered that time when I made a pitch for a Star Wars videogame for a different thread. Looking back on it, I think it can also be done here, and it there should be no problem to modify it somewhat to have it fit better with the setting and the gameplay as the images suggest it should be.

I'm giving this game the name of that fucking abomination of a movie that Abrahms created since I truly hope that said name can be redeemed somewhat with this. Also, I don't think I'll feel comfortable using The Last Jedi with any other game, movie, etc., so this was the other option available.

Thus, I give you:

Videogame Pitch:
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker

Set Up: Based on the Star Wars Franchise and set in between the second and third movie. The game has Luke Skywalker go on an adventure through different areas of the Galaxy as he looks for different components to build his new lightsaber as guided by The Force, moving to different locations where his aid is needed, all the while being pursued by the Empire and his father, Darth Vader.

Game Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
Director: Hal Barwood
Genre: Point and Click, Adventure

Luke Skywalker: The hero of the franchise and a Jedi Knight-In-Training. During the game he is moving from planet to planet, letting the force guide him to the location where he can find the components to build his new lightsaber. He interacts with people, looking for clues in how to help in order to achieve the mission and leave before the Stormtroopers, or Darth Vader, can find him.

Yoda: He is Luke's Master who resides in Dagobah. He gives Luke his mission once he believes him to be ready, and can occasionally appear to give hints to the player if they feel stuck in a section for too long.

Darth Vader: He is Luke's father and a servant of the emperor. He usually appears in Luke's mission to capture him if he takes too long, though if he can be avoided then there is still a chance to escape.

Boba Fett: An occasional enemy that Luke can bump into if the conditions are right in each of the different planets. Though at times Luke will have to fight him, on others he can be bargained with if Luke has just the right amount of credits with him.
The game is set just after the second Star Wars movie. Luke Skywalker returns to Dagoba in order to resume his Jedi training, which is where Yoda tells hm of one of the steps needed to become one: Constructing one's own lightsaber. It's a tradition that has been passed by the Jedi through generations, with each lightsaber being unique to its own wielder. When Luke asks about how he can start constructing it Yoda explains that in order to do so he will have to open himself to the will of the Force, as it will guide him to the materials which he will need to begin construction. Luke thus meditates, and feels the force guiding him to different planets, yet in doing so he also opens himself to others who might be looking for him.

Luke will go to different planets in order to obtain different artifacts which he will use to construct his lightsaber at the end, and each of these planets will have their own dangers, be it monsters, criminals, gang members, stormtroopers, and even Darth Vader himself at one point. Each planet rising in difficulty as Luke is more and more exposed.

The final scene will happen when Luke has to search for the heart of the lightsaber, a Lightsaber Crystal, which because of its attunement to the force it can grant the lightsaber the connection between it and the Jedi who wields it. In order to obtain it Luke will open himself further until he finds the resonance through the Force, leading him to Dantooine, to the Crystal Cave, where he could find his Crystal, however, by doing so he has finally gained the attention of Darth Vader, who knowing where he is prepares himself as well as a battalion of Stormtroopers to go after him.

During the game Luke would have access to the Force' abilities: Force Push, Force Lift, perhaps using the Force to speed himself up for small amounts of time and also using the Force to form a barrier. Also, the objects he will collect throughout the game can be used (Hookshot, Blaster, a relic Forcefield Shield, some clockwork piece of armor) and all of them will be needed for the final planet where he will have to find the lightsaber Crystal before he is found by Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers in Dantooine.

The gameplay for this videogame will be similar to a point-and-click adventure game in the vein of the Indianan Jones and the Fate of Atlantis videogame. The player explores the game's static environments while interacting with sprite-based characters and objects; they may use the pointer to construct and give commands with a number of predetermined verbs such as "Pick up", "Use" and "Talk to". Conversations with non-playable characters unfold in a series of selectable questions and answers. Side-Quests will also be included, and the opportunity to explore different sections of the planet.

When Luke is meditating in order to find the objects which resonate with the Force there will be a minigame which determines how fast you find them, and the difficulty and Empire interference will depend on how long it takes to solve them, as that gives Darth Vader a greater chance to find Luke's future location faster.

The game levels will be as such:

Corellia: A planet in the inner Core, Corellia is a planet home to some of the best pilots that exist, and long has it chaffed under the tyranny of the Empire, which is why the emperor has set a garrison of Stormtroopers there in order to squash any ideas of rebellion. Luke must hide himself and not let himself be seen by the Stormtroopers or he will be immediately swarmed by them. Once he arrives at a certain point he will meet the leader for the Corellian Resistance, who asks for him help in destroying the Stormtrooper base, so that they may launch a rebellion against the Empire. Luke has to sneak into the base and set some explosive devices to take down the base.

Mar Sarka: A planet in the Outer Rims, it serves as a home to a large criminal underworld dominated by bounty hunters and crime lords. An ecumenopolis, the entire surface of Mar Sarka is covered in urban sprawl. Luke has to go through the different streets, trying to avoid getting into fights, as there will be a counter which when filled will cause the entire mission to fail. The mission in here is to rescue a group of people who are about to be sold as slaves. The moment the slaves are freed it becomes a race against time as they have to get to the spaceport as before the entire bounty hunters and criminals get to them (Bonus: Depending on the difficulty, Boba Fett may be there doing a job for Jabba).

Adunnis: A planet in the Outer Rims, it's a dusty, desert planet, once home to a large civilization, now all that are left is ruins of what the inhabitants once possessed. Luke has to move through the different ruins, finding different data slates which can possess the different codes to open the old, yet still operational, sliding doors. Luke will have to mostly fight the different lifeforms of the planet, which can vary between his size, and the size of a building, and keep respawning. This will be more of a puzzle level, which will take patience to solve. At the same time, some of the data slates will give information about the past of the civilization, perhaps some hint about the Clone Wars (Talk to George about this).

Ilos: A planet by the Middle of the Galaxy, Ilos is a city-planet who has heard the call of the rebellion, and has rallied the planets in his sector to rise up against the Empire. The Empire has launched a decapitating strike against Ilos, thinking that if the planet falls then the insurgency does as well. Luke will have to blast his way to the planet, and once there he will have to assist in fighting the different incursion, be it by fighting the Stormtroopers on the ground, or by manning the guns against the ships and fighters. This is a timed level, where Luke has to make sure that the planet doesn't fall for at least 20 to 30 minutes (There will be some cutscenes showing the Empire's Strikeforce reactions).

Dantooine: A planet near the Outer Rim, yet not that further in. it's a peaceful serene planet, one where no one would think there would be a treasure or anything useful, yet it is here where the Force guides Luke next in order to find the final piece: The Lightsaber Crystal which shall power the lightsaber. Luke here will have to sneak inside the caves and hide from the Stormtroopers and the greatest threat of them all: Darth Vader, as he will seek to confront Luke again and again. Here Luke can fight him, but only briefly as no matter what Vader will be stronger. In the end Luke has to survive until he finds the Lightsaber Crystal and manages to escape.

The final scene is of Luke in Dagoba with all the materials he's gathered, meditating as he levitates them, slowly pieces of the materials are taken off and reassembled into a new lightsaber, which Luke turns on.

A.N.: This is an old idea I had once in another thread for an early game using the title of that horrible movie, and trying to actually make it somewhat relevant by giving it to a game. Hal Barwood would go on to work for Lucasfilms in the 90s, but he is already looking for work in videogames due to his desire to work in his second passion. That we are now about one of the few videogame companies left should have him work for us sooner.
[]Casting Call: It's been a while since you have done this, so it's best to get it done and done early. DC: 0 (Begin casting miniturn)
[]Preparing for Conan: You are going to be honest with yourself. You are out of shape to play Conan. That was just the plain honest fact. So you will become Conan once again. DC: 70
[]B[]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0
everly Hills Cop: Don Simpson wants to make a cool movie with a new comer, Eddie murphy. And he needs a budget. DC: ???
[]Hanging out with the Friends: It's been far to long since you, John, and Robin hung out, so you will go out for some drinks and have some fun. DC: 45
[]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC???
[]The O'Riely Foundation Lobbying: You want California to help the men who have given nearly everything and more to this country. DC: ??? (Linetail how much money you want to throw at it, and what you want from the State)
[] Register in a theater: There are quite a few theater troops that are looking for some seasonal help for some play's that the regulars could not get to. Perhaps you can work there for a while. DC: 40 (Everyone wants to be famous here in Hollywood.)
[]The House of Ideas: Stan Lee and the boys and girls at Marvel are… Well, they have some ideas and you are just going to be giving a nod and a wave because that was all you want to do. Also a new guy named Akira… wanted to take pictures of you sparring and training as reference photos. DC: ???
[]Importing Foreign Films: So… you may have a way to get some films showing in American Theaters. Maybe you can go to other foreign film industries and… well, ask to distribute their films. Sure many of those foreign film companies never expected an American company to distribute their films in the US… but maybe you can get money without producing them. (Linetail where you try to get films from, and if there are any specific films, line tail them below) DC: ???
[]Investing in the Future: You want to Spend some of that money you made into the company and make the whole thing better DC: ??? (Linetail what you want to invest in, and how much money you want to invest in it)
[]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0
[]Networking: Well time to start finding out who might actually be interested in meeting you. (Write-in what you want to try and network with)
Seduction of the Innocents, though nowadays being recognized for the useless drivel, with research so spurious that it would even make a kindergartener look at it and say "this is fake", and made by a man that one can only wonder how could they trust him to be around children at all,
I know this could be taken as just the perspective of the faux-youtuber, but I see stuff like this all the time said about Fredric Wertham by comic fans and it gets to me every time. Yes, Seduction of the Innocent was absurd and his attacks against comics were nonsense, but I hate how much people try and treat Wertham as some sort of quack with no credibility or an evil man or something and I often see people try and kill him off in alternate history's and it bothers me. Fredric Wertham was a massively accomplished medical professional and when he spoke in front of Congress in 1954, he listed off his professional background and it includes: Practicing Psychology and Neurology since 1922, taught Psychiatry and Brain Pathology and worked in clinics at the John Hopkins Medical School from 1922 to 1929, was the first psychiatrist to be awarded a fellowship by the National Research Council to do research on the brain, studied paresis and syphilis affecting the brain, was senior psychiatrist at the New York City Department of Hospitals from 1932 to 1952, was in charge of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Court of General Sessions examining convicted felons and would make reports to the courts, he was appointed Director of the Mental Hygiene Clinic in Bellevue in 1936, was appointed Director of Psychiatric Services at the Mental Hygiene Clinic at Queens General Hospital in 1939, organized and began the first psychiatric clinic in Harlem in 1946 using a volunteer staff, and organized under the Magistrates Court of New York the Quaker Emergency Mental Hygiene Clinic a few years later which was for the treatment of sex offenders. He was also important during Brown vs. Board of Education and numerous other segregation cases, with his work being cited as evidence in favor of striking down numerous segregation statutes. I hate how much vitriol he gets, not because he doesn't deserve criticism, but because so few people take the time to learn anything about him before wishing terrible things on him or saying really nasty things about him. He is, like nearly all people, a complicated man, and I think that should be better recognized.
The second (and more interesting) story, is that Goodman felt slighted since, as his company, he expected his son, Chip Goodman, to be named the next Editor-In-Chief after his retirement... only for the heads to decide that Stan Lee would make for a better head of the company he spent nearly his entire life hyping up and creating stories for them to be able to become a competitor once more (obviously!). Martin was so incensed that he decided to form a new company with the old name, enticed different writers and artists from Marvel, and proceeded to mismanage them so badly that the company had to close its doors just barely a year after into its run.
This is kinda right and kinda not. Mostly just missing context. When Martin Goodman made the contract to sell off Marvel, it included various conditions like him remaining as publisher until his retirement a few years later. While it wasn't part of the contract, they had a handshake deal that his son, Charles "Chip" Goodman, would take up his father's position as publisher. Something important to note is that Chip did actually have the experience as an editor at Marvel and publishing experience and wasn't just some nepo hire and his judgement was actually trusted at Marvel, considering that Timely was pretty much entirely made up of members of the Goodman family, distant or otherwise, which is how Stan Lee got involved since he was related through some marriage or another. Instead, when Martin stepped down from the company, the new owners decided to place Stan Lee as Publisher and President of Marvel Comics Group. Once Stan Lee took up the position, Stan fired Chip. Martin Goodman went on to create Seaboard Periodicals(which is where the comics company gets the name Atlas/Seaboard from comic historians), but part of the contract was that he wasn't allowed to lead any competitor to Marvel, so Chip was publisher of Atlas Comics instead of Martin and both Jeff Rovin and Larry Lieber were hired on as co-Editors-in-Chief, but they were mixed up for some reason and Larry Lieber, whose experience was primarily with superhero color comics, was placed on the black and white magazines while Jeff Rovin, whose experience was primarily with black and whites by that point, was placed on the color comics. (Sidenote, but Martin was also reportedly pretty shitty to Chip, actively belittling him and treating him like shit. He even rewarded someone who made a comic making fun of his son.) They were ordered to copy Marvel because according to Martin Goodman, "Marvel sells." They also conducted Bullpen raids on Marvel, as well as leveraging Jeff Rovin's connections to other comic companies like Warren Publishing and DC, which the Goodman's didn't like. When they created their first comics, they ran into a problem because Jeff Rovin kept having comics produced that challenged the CCA and pushed the edge and he also kept trying to move away from their comics being like Marvel's, which upset the Goodman's because it went against their explicit orders. The Comics Code Authority freaked the fuck out when Rovin submitted their first comics for review and rejected them, setting the launch date back by months, and Rovin continued fighting the CCA. It eventually got so bad that the CCA president actually contacted Chip demanding that he fire Rovin, which Chip promptly ignored and stuck by Rovin, although it did continue to drive a rift between Rovin and the Goodman's. They were eventually released, but behind schedule, costing the company money. Rovin was put on a shorter leash and Chip started interjecting himself into editorial and demanding final approval on everything. This tension between Rovin and Chip kept growing until he eventually quit, but ended up not being able to find work anywhere else because of the Bullpen raids, the stigma that Atlas still had after it's demise, and being blamed for both Atlas' failure and the measures Marvel had to take in order to kill the competition. Atlas was instrumental in advancing creator rights within comics due to their policies and Marvel and DC ended up having to match them just to keep their people. To try and kill Atlas, Marvel and DC gave vendors a higher percentage rate of profits and then reprinted a lot of old material under new titles. It explicitly cost them more money than it was worth and 1975 was the first year that Marvel comics didn't make a profit and they were stuck in the red for the next few years, but they did it to try and kill their competition. Due to them flooding the market with shitties, the vendors weren't making space for other comics and distributors weren't sending out their comics and it ended up killing a lot of other comic companies as well, like Skywald. I really don't like the narrative surrounding Atlas/Seaboard as some revenge fantasy by the spiteful Martin Goodman who was just greedy and upset that nepotism didn't win out over the clear creative genius of Stan Lee and that they were just so shitty at everything, that they failed instantly and they were always awful and useless and clearly Stan Lee built the company all on his lonesome. Truth of the matter is that the situation resulted from miscommunication between Martin Goodman and what would later become Cadence, Stan Lee firing Chip(which I 100% believe was a spite move), some mismanagement on the part of the Goodman's, and a lot of intentional sabotage by Marvel and DC. The fact that they did what they did, working together to kill Atlas, not caring how many other smaller companies they killed along the way, is particularly disgusting to me.

That's enough from me and my soapbox for today, lol.
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Full information and Research
Welp, that's what you can expect from a regular YouTuber on both cases though. I try to put the Omakes through the POV's of the character in question (In this case MonkeeSeeMonkeeDoo) instead of the more omniscient one that we have access to.

Needless to say, they don't know the whole story, nor do the full research.
He was also important during Brown vs. Board of Education and numerous other segregation cases, with his work being cited as evidence in favor of striking down numerous segregation statutes.
He was also very progressive as he treated black patients at his Lafargue Clinic at a time of great discrimination, so he also deserves some credit for that.
Okay, so here are the things I'm currently supporting most:

[]Casting Call
[]The Oceans Sailing Extravaganza
[]Preparing for Conan
[]Beverly Hills Cop
[]The House of Ideas
[]An unforeseen surprise
[]The Art of the Siblings
[]The Family Time
[]Hanging out with the Friends

The rest I don't mind, but I think we should be as most prepared for Conan as possible, both in physical shape and as a director. Also, I want to succeed House of Ideas after we failed that option the first time.
I know this could be taken as just the perspective of the faux-youtuber, but I see stuff like this all the time said about Fredric Wertham by comic fans and it gets to me every time. Yes, Seduction of the Innocent was absurd and his attacks against comics were nonsense, but I hate how much people try and treat Wertham as some sort of quack with no credibility or an evil man or something and I often see people try and kill him off in alternate history's and it bothers me. Fredric Wertham was a massively accomplished medical professional and when he spoke in front of Congress in 1954, he listed off his professional background and it includes: Practicing Psychology and Neurology since 1922, taught Psychiatry and Brain Pathology and worked in clinics at the John Hopkins Medical School from 1922 to 1929, was the first psychiatrist to be awarded a fellowship by the National Research Council to do research on the brain, studied paresis and syphilis affecting the brain, was senior psychiatrist at the New York City Department of Hospitals from 1932 to 1952, was in charge of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Court of General Sessions examining convicted felons and would make reports to the courts, he was appointed Director of the Mental Hygiene Clinic in Bellevue in 1936, was appointed Director of Psychiatric Services at the Mental Hygiene Clinic at Queens General Hospital in 1939, organized and began the first psychiatric clinic in Harlem in 1946 using a volunteer staff, and organized under the Magistrates Court of New York the Quaker Emergency Mental Hygiene Clinic a few years later which was for the treatment of sex offenders. He was also important during Brown vs. Board of Education and numerous other segregation cases, with his work being cited as evidence in favor of striking down numerous segregation statutes. I hate how much vitriol he gets, not because he doesn't deserve criticism, but because so few people take the time to learn anything about him before wishing terrible things on him or saying really nasty things about him. He is, like nearly all people, a complicated man, and I think that should be better recognized.

I think this proves that no matter how educated or accredited you are, you can still have a bad take on something. Even though you're right that it's a bit unfair that said bad take overshadowed his entire life's work.
Animated TV Show Pitch: Arcane
Yesterday was my first day of classes for the new Fall Semester (yaaaaaay.....) and today was the drop of the official Season 2 trailer of a show I love quite a bit (Yaaaaaaaaay!), so I thought that I'd celebrate today. It's time for Arcane, baby! Are you excited? I'm excited. Originally, I was saving this pitch for when Season 2 officially dropped in November, but due to paranoia about other people pitching it and my own impatience, I've decided to take the opportunity today presented to post this. Instead, I'll post something else Arcane related when it drops in November. First off, if ya'll couldn't tell by my Powder profile pic, I'm a big fan of Arcane. There's genuinely so much that I could say about this series, but because of that, and because I've already been writing a lot today as well needing to handle some IRL stuff, I'll keep it brief, even if I want to talk about it much more and give my thoughts about the series. I was struggling for a bit trying to think of who should be the writer, seeing as how I didn't want to give it Mavis, but I eventually decided on Joe Mad himself, in large part due to his OTL anime inspired style of art which I think lines up well enough for Arcane and contributing to the OTL art style of Arcane. For the voice actors, I casted with the 90s in mind. I was also trying to maintain the OTL voice actors whenever I could. [Interjectory Note: I'm a lot more tired than I thought right now, so I have to cut my writings short here even though it's less than I intended, sorry.] I also included supplemental videos for your own pleasure. They include reviews, analysis, behind-the-scenes, and more. It's good content all around, and while I don't agree with all the observations made or points raised, some of them being just flat out wrong, I think it's worth checking out. If any of y'all want to talk Arcane or if you have some things you want to ask about the pitch, just shoot me a message. I'll also post a couple videos of songs related to Arcane afterwards, since you can only put 5 videos in one post. I hope you enjoy!

Animated TV Show Pitch:

Written by: Joe Madureira​

GENRE: Action/Fantasy
SUBGENRE: Drama/Science Fiction
FORMAT: Animated TV Show​
SET UP: Known across Runeterra as the "city of progress," many of the most brilliant minds call Piltover home, but not all is well. The city is divided between the affluent and utopian Topside of Piltover, and the seedy and impoverished underbelly of the Undercity, where not everyone even has air to breath. An uneasy status quo exists, but the creation of hextech, a way for any person to control magical energy through technology, and the creation of Shimmer, a new drug that transforms humans into monsters, threatens that balance. Amidst the escalating unrest, sisters Vi and Powder, once inseparable, find themselves embroiled in the developing conflict over their clashing convictions and personal demons in this tale of two cities.
Played by
: Tara Strong
Alternate: Lori Petty
Alternate 2: Arleen Sorkin

Played by
: Melissa Fahn

Played by
: Debbie Mae West

Played by
: Tim Curry
Alternate: Jason Spisak

Played by
: Guy Pearce

Jayce Talis
Played by
: BD Wong
Alternate: Kevin Alejandro

Played by
: Doug Stone

Caitlyn Kiramman
Played by
: Laura Bailey

Cecil B. Heimerdinger
Played by
: Martin Short

Mel Medarda
Played by
: Toks Olagundoye

Played by
: Phil LaMarr

Played by
: Yuri Lowenthal

Played by
: Roger Craig Smith

Played by
: Mary McDonald-Lewis

Ambessa Medarda
Played by
: Elln Thomas

Played by
: Quinton Flynn

Played by
: Shohreh Aghdashloo

Played by
: Brett Tucker





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[X] Plan Hello George O'Brian
-[X]The Oceans Sailing Extravaganza: You are going to have a smooth sailing production… pun only slightly intended. So learn from Steve and make things work.
-[X]Preparing for Conan: You are going to be honest with yourself. You are out of shape to play Conan. That was just the plain honest fact. So you -will become Conan once again. DC: 70
-[X]Beverly Hills Cop: Don Simpson wants to make a cool movie with a new comer, Eddie murphy. And he needs a budget. DC: ???
-[X]Sisu: You are wanting to see how Sam would do in his second film. DC: ???
-[X]Wait Nick What now: Jack Kirby has all but demanded you play Nick Fury in the new animated TV show he's cooking up. Something about… having the Eastwood Astetic, without needing Clint. Alright, you'll go for it. DC: ???
-[X]The House of Ideas: Stan Lee and the boys and girls at Marvel are… Well, they have some ideas and you are just going to be giving a nod and a wave because that was all you want to do. Also a new guy named Akira… wanted to take pictures of you sparring and training as reference photos. DC: ???
-[X]An unforeseen surprise: Carries in labor, and you both thought she had another two weeks. But it seems that God and the baby had other plans. DC:
-[X]The Art of the Siblings: So Mary has proclaimed it was a silly time. And that meant you had to grab your costume. DC: 0
-[X]The Family Time: You need a night out with the family dammit! No more drama, no more work, just you and Carrie and the Kids!
-[X] MASH is finally coming to a conclusion with its series finale. While you haven't been involved in years, it is an important part of your life for jumpstarting your Hollywood career. Host a small watch party with family friends to watch.
-[X] Practice writing: You want to write something, maybe even a script. At least to learn the craft. DC: 20 (You try your hand at screenwriting, and maybe get something that is worth a damn.)
--[X] The Greatest Worst Show Ever Made
-[X] Write In: Have Shoji Kawamori and Noboru Ishiguro begin production on Macross: Do You Remember Love?
-[X] Convince Robert Zemeckis to begin work as a Director, starting with Used Cars

So for Conan, I don't want to rush things right now so we can focus on family, so for now just do the Ocean Sailing to prepare for naval scenes and Preparing for Conan to get buff....even though last turn we got more than 100 on workout and Carrie described Bruce as an Adonis but wahtever.

Make a cool movie with Eddie Murphy. While Beverly Hills Cop isn't the greatest police movie, it's fun and a decent addition. Support Sisu, do another VA role, and see what Marvel wants.

Support Carrie through her birth, but also be there for our current kids with play time and overall family time.

MASH is ending this turn and I feel like it would be a major missed opportunity to not do anything in regards to it when it's such a big part of Bruce's life. We don't have to do anything too crazy, just a watch party along with making that memoir script.

The Macross action is on behalf of Overmind who is really into it. A neat way to spread Macross' popularity and make some nice box office money. Also, Back to the Future is gonna be filmed in two years and Zemeckis really needs to start directing. So encourage him to direct with one of his OTL films.
[X] Plan Hello George O'Brian

Thank you for giving the support for Macross.

Also, Magoose, I'm ready to select my rewards:

PIRATE COMICS! There are not enough of that.

[]I see Booty in the Future (Its sales will be good, I will say that much)
[]A Boom no one saw coming. (So pulp fiction is back? and the people want more than just superheroes?)
[]Wait, people read this? (Yes, people do!)
I liek the idea of Pulp making a comeback, even though it will probably add to the ongoing renaissance of entertainment that we have going on.

[X]A Boom no one saw coming. (So pulp fiction is back? and the people want more than just superheroes?)
[]Great Lord, who the hell listens to this (Import of City Pop from Japan finds lots of listeners)
[]It's spreading (I have no idea what to even say for this. its just going to lead to a roll)
I do like the idea of getting City Pop into America, and this will certainly help with the numbers for Macross.

[X]Great Lord, who the hell listens to this (Import of City Pop from Japan finds lots of listeners)
[]Meanwhile, at Universal (Some on at their Special Effects department faints at the news)
[]Who would even face them? (I know a few people.)
[]The Next Level (Unknown Effect)
I'll go for the thirs option, as I believe that this will help us get the entire movie into production.

[X]The Next Level (Unknown Effect)
Sounds like it would be based on the SCUMM engine.
+15 to SP

[]Rockets at Shipyards you crazy bastards! (Success of the sea Dragon will be set to 100% because it seems some drunk ship builders fixed something that even Mary could see)

Yeah lets not have a sea dragon explode on launch. It would upset Mary.

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker

As someone who loved the original SCUMM engine Point and click Lucasarts games I would absolutely have played this.

[X] Plan Hello George O'Brian
Hey i'm not sure if it has been talked before but do we plan to backstab David Prowse like irl ?,he played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy he was originally told he would be seen and heard (since his voice was sneakily replaced for the i'm your father part) at the end of Return of the Jedi when Vader's mask was removed. Instead, actor Sebastian Shaw was used,his contract for Return of the Jedi included a share of profits on the film, and although it grossed $475 million on a $32 million budget, Prowse explained in an interview in 2009 that he never received residuals for his performance. Due to "Hollywood accounting" (do we do that ?,serious question to wich i would realy like the answer) , the actual profits are sent as "distribution fees" to the studio, leaving nothing to distribute to others.