Seeing as the thread has gone weird places (again), perhaps it's time for a new omake.
Here is the second part of everyone's favorite protagonist, Fan Yu!
What do you mean he is not your favorite protagonist? All of you guys said he was! Multiple times!
You meant
least favorite protagonist.
Well, this is awkward.
Fan Yu, The Peggy Sue Chronicles part 2
'Being surrounded at all times by a bunch of brats is infuriating.' Yu thought grumpily as he couldn't help but be irritated by the discordant cacophony on all sides, created by all the first year students nearby going their own way, laughing and giggling, talking and posturing haughtily the way they imagined their elders did.
There was something simply ridiculous about a bunch of snot-nosed brats behaving as if they were the fully-grown adult cultivators, who had the whole world all figured out and theirs for the taking.
'Especially when the brats in question are -barely- teenager versions of your rivals and erstwhile friends. Not to mention *shudder*
Fan Yu firmly put any thoughts of Xiulan far, far away, at least for this moment, in some distant reaches of his mind ordinarily reserved for all those nasty experiences one sometimes experiences in life, such as drinking a dead camel's blood to prevent death by thirst, or having to explain his future father-in-law what he was doing naked in his winter gardens. The same out of the way part of his brain that only awoke under the influence of strong, mind-addling drugs, or even stronger alcohol.
Gu Xiulan, his childhood fiancée, was hell itself, and best left alone, though he knew he could not do so. She was, at this point of time, still his fiancée, and would not accept his avoiding her forever. However, finding a proper way to deal with her was the future Yu's problem.
Now Han Fang, on the other hand, Yu was somewhat glad to see again, as while their paths had separated a long time ago, they had separated at mostly good terms and the stocky cultivator was always glad when he saw his childhood companion, although he rarely did.
The once-mute boy, had undergone an almost meteoric rise in the Imperial Army. Already a captain, a mid Cyan and late Iron cultivator, almost always on a campaign, the now mountainous man had little time in his life for matters unconnected to warcraft, even for his clan, let alone Fan Yu.
Fang had been one of the few bright spots in Yu's life in that second bitter year, after the Final Tournament of the first year, when Jian and Xiulan had managed, by the skin of their teeth and with no small amount of luck, to advance to the Inner Sect.
That second year... had been desolate. Yu and Fang had been left behind, bereft of most of their allies and denied the various Sect resources and privileges that showed their true value only in their absence.
To make matters worse, the strongest remaining disciple, Kang Zihao, had nursed a grudge against the Golden Fields for his narrow defeat at Jian's hands, and Lu Feng was dutifully carrying on his crimson princess' mandate to cause havoc and ensure the rule of jungle, with Sun Liling's blessings and, more importantly, some of her resources and assets.
The older leaders of the Outer Sect Disciples meanwhile were on the war path, thankfully without Chu Song who had scrapped by to the Inner Sect, finally united in their desire to prevent the events of the last year from repeating and thus stopping some first year upstarts from preventing their advancement in Sect's hierarchy, again.
It had fallen to Han Fang and Fan Yu to help Guangli and that freak Huang to pick up the pieces of the Cai's council. An impossible task, but one they had to attempt in order to acquire allies and infrastructure needed to keep all their enemies from taking their pound of blood.
Just the great effort of keeping himself alive and well, as well as some subsequent unpleasant events, had changed Fan Yu.
Xiulan had used opportunity of her advancement to gleefully wreck beyond any hope of repair their mutual relationship, thereby even endangering the relations between their two clans.
Their betrothal had been in shambles for months at that point due to her unreasonable antagonism and was likely doomed to failure. Yu knew that the most likely outcome was for him to marry some other girl from Xiulan's clan, however, in her impatience and sheer capriciousness, drunk with victory, Xiulan had been entirely too ham-fisted and had pressed too hard and too fast in her attempts to force her father's hands and break their engagement, which had borne unfortunate consequences for both Xiulan and Yu.
His father and his honorable grandfather the clan head, had not been happy, and they had let their displeasure be known, both to Xiulan's father and himself.
Xiulan's father, not too satisfied himself with Xiulan's conduct and even further incensed by the outcome of the short and abruptly ended negotiations with the leaders of the Fan clan, punished Xiulan harshly for her insolence, which had cost the Gu clan.
Fan Yu scowled, angry at himself, and again banished thoughts of Xiulan the furthest he could. Unbidden, his thoughts went to the other dominant presence in his childhood, Han Jian.
Han Jian, on the other hand, had just grown distant as time passed. No great theatrics and volcanic eruptions of emotions for him.
Rather, the moment of his ascension in the Sect's hierarchy, marked also the moment when Jian had left Yu behind, in body and mind. He rarely returned letters, and seemingly had little time to devote to Fan Yu, always citing some unspecified responsibilities and unspecified obligations as the reason for his unavailability.
It had taken him many years, but the stubborn noble had eventually understood that his 'brother' Jian had likely not been as fond of him as Fan Yu had always been of the taller boy, and had intentionally allowed their relationship to wither away.
The sting of that harsh, but nigh undisputable fact still pained him, even all these years later.
Fan Yu logically understood that he had always possessed certain flaws. He was far from perfect, and one could not expect to be universally liked, even in the case that he was a better man than Yu was.
He was too blunt, frequently overly harsh, almost prone to insensitivity when it came to other people's feelings and not very tactical in certain situations to put it mildly. He had an unfortunate tendency for risk-taking, with a gambling vice he constantly had to keep in a steel grip.
He was also easily roused to anger and often impatient, sometimes even outright unkind.
Fan Yu knew all this.
His emotions burned hotly, and could get away from him at times. While unseemly in a noble and a cultivator, it was just who he was, Fan Yu had long since accepted that part of his being. It was something he had learned to manage with his family's training and simple experience, but not something he felt embarrassed about.
He had always disliked being dishonest, hiding cruel thoughts behind bland smiles, nor did he like behaving like a three-day old dead fish, never showing joy or any other passion, always killing one's emotions in the name of some unnaturally bland "composure".
However, he always thought that his virtues outweighed his frankly noticeable flaws. He was loyal, passionate, generous, honest, cheerful and of a forgiving nature.
Too bad Han Jian apparently had never felt quite the same way.
Which honestly made their current conversation, first real one in almost a week for Jian and the first one in years to Yu, all the more stilting and surreal to the stout man/boy.
"You have been absent quite a bit ever since we arrived at the Sect, Yu. Is everything well?" asked the General's son with a faint air of curiosity, while they walked leisurely on their way to the market. Han Fang was also present, moving entirely too quietly for a person of his size, on the opposite side from Fan Yu, with Han Jian in the centre of their little group.
"Everything's fine, Jian. I was just busy exploring the mountainside and training a bit. The change of surroundings have been a real inspiration!" replied the other boy, trying to project a bit of his (in)famous energy into the answer, hoping to put Jian at ease.
It... didn't entirely succeed.
Fan Yu, while a cheerful and passionate man, still had a mind of an adult with more than a few years of experience under his belt; in war, cultivation and life.
He simply didn't behave like his former self had, and could never hope to closely imitate the rambunctiousness nor the unthinking abrasiveness of the 14-year old Fan Yu.
(Hence, he just simply couldn't cause the same kind of annoyance to the people in his presence. Not that Fan Yu realized any of this).
Han Jian, and even Han Fang looked a bit uncertain at the answer. Nevertheless, the Tiger Scion let out a soft chuckle.
"Is that so? Well, I must say, Fan Yu, the Argent Sect seems to be doing you good. You looked very focused these last several weeks. I can't remember the last time your eyes held such drive, and for such a long time. I am thankful that it was not some trouble causing this.
And I hope you forgive me, old friend, for saying this, but you have also certainly... mellowed out a bit. Honestly, it is a good look on you. Even Xiulan noticed. She approves."
In the background, Fan Yu could see Fang giving a solemn nod, apparently agreeing with his cousin. Not that surprising. Yu could count on the fingers of his hand the times Fang had disagreed with Jian in all the years he knew them, and still come short.
'And that's the sticking point, isn't it?' thought Fan Yu bitterly.
He had been avoiding his companions, truthfully. He had been busy trying to regain those abilities of his that he could, had been busy rebuilding qi and opening meridians all over again, and had hoped to hasten the process by using all the myriad of cultivating sites and secrets that the Outer Sect held and that were mostly reserved for the first years, hoping to use his 'unfair' knowledge accumulated during his three years spent in the Argent Sect in order to gain an upper hand against the frankly monstrous competition.
First years had no place being that advanced!
Truly, his generation must have had the worst of luck to have been saddled with the likes of Bai Meizhen and Sun Liling as their competition.
However in his haste to secure as much of the resources for himself as he possibly could, no mean goal when his intention was to do this just by himself if possible, especially as weak as he currently was, he seemed to have behaved significantly unlike his younger self.
(Unlike even his older self for that matter, not that Fan Yu realized this at the start. His sheer zeal for forging a new life for himself had made him behave quite oddly for his standards, younger or older.)
And this new Fan Yu seemed to be more to the liking of his compatriots and his fiancée from the Golden Fields.
It was an ugly thing, that realization. That the selfish, ambitious, distant, almost uncaring version of him was the one that Jian, Xiulan and even Fang seemed to prefer, rather than his generous and caring original self.
It opened old wounds, the ones that had never truly healed but rather had just scabbed over, even though his wife-to-be FeiFei had tried her best to help and comfort him.
He was still bitter, and still resentful. Of Jian's long-hidden, traitorous dislike, of Xiulan's scorching disapproval and cruel enmity, and Fang's stoic almost indifference.
Of being left behind, alone, as so many others, worse in character but stronger in talent, passed him in the mud. Of being disliked, or even ignored by people he liked and trusted.
'I need their help' came the unpleasant realization, stuck like a bone in his throat.
'I am not strong enough to access most of the cultivation sites.I will not become strong enough fast enough. Sun Liling, Kang Zihao or somebody else will claim them. To say nothing of the Elders' trials...'
And Fan Yu wanted those Elders' trials, and what they would bring very much. His ignorance of the myriad Argent Arts, with the exception of the humble Argent Soul, gnawed on him fiercely.
He also wanted the attention,
the recognition, that passing the Elders' trial would bring him.
Additionally, the material rewards awaiting those that passed the trials was nothing to sneeze at.
"Yu? Have you started sleepwalking?" asked Jian humorously, interrupting his frenzied thoughts.
Fan Yu watched the other boy carefully, at war with himself. Han Jian. The gallant, noble, compassionate, treacherous, weak, dishonest, flawed Han Jian. Yu felt himself on a precipice, weighing whether to keep his knowledge of the Sect's bounties to himself, or to trust again.
He turned his gaze to the other larger boy walking beside them. The polite, calm and stoic Han Fang, who seemingly preferred the background and whose affable silence hid a veritable storm of ambition and a thirst that could not be denied, a primal desire to step out of the shadow and to make something of himself, to make all his wishes come true, no matter the cost and no matter who got in the way.
Fan Yu licked his suddenly dry lips and let out a hoarse chuckle.
"N-no, I haven't. I've just been thinking. Jian, and you Fang, listen carefully. I think I may have found something interesting on the north side of the mountain a couple of days ago..." started speaking the shortest boy among the three of them quietly, the two other boys unconsciously stepping closer to better hear him, with Fang discreetly making noise not carry over to the other disciples.
Ultimately, Fan Yu was the forgiving sort, and he was ready to roll the dice again.
@yrsillar The more I write, the more I appreciate the effort you put in this quest. Really, hats off.